2100 Meadowvale Boulevard, Mississauga , Ontar io, Can ada L5N 7J 9
This document and the information it contains is the propert y of Ps ion Teklogix Inc., is
issued in strict confidence , and is not to be reprod uced or copied, in whole or in part, except
for the sole purpose of promot ing t he sale of Psion Teklogix manufactured goods and services. Furthermore, this document is not t o be used as a basis for design, manufact ur e, or
sub-contract, or in any manner detrimental to the interests of Psion Teklogix Inc.
Win dows® and the Wi ndows Logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Microsoft
Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.
The Bluetooth® word mark and logos ar e registered trademarks owned by Bluet ooth SIG,
Inc. and any use of such trademarks by Psi on Teklogix Inc. is und er l ice nse.
All trademarks are the property of their respective holders.
Preliminary Draft
- PX750BT
- PX750BT8
- FCC ID: GM3PX750BT and GM3PX750BT8
Return-To-Factory Warranty
Preliminary Draft
Psion Teklogix Inc. provides a return to factory warranty on this product for a period of
twelve (12) months in accordance with the Statement of Limited Warranty and Limitation of
Liability provided at www.psionteklogix.com/warranty. (I f you are not already a member of
T eknet and you atte mpt to view thi s warranty, you will be asked to register. As a member of
Teknet, you will have access to hel pful information about your Psion Teklogix products at
no charge to you.) In some r egions, this warranty may exceed th is pe ri od. Ple ase cont act
your local Psion Teklogix office for details. The war ra nty on Psio n Teklogix manufactured
equipment does not extend to any pr oduct tha t ha s bee n ta mpe red wi th, a lt ere d, or r epai re d
by any person other than an employee of an authoriz ed Psion Teklogix service organization .
See Psion Teklogix terms and conditions of sale for full det ail s.
Warning: Psion Teklogix warranties take effect on t he dat e of shi pment.
Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Directive 2002/96/EC
This Product, and its accessor ies , compl y wi th the r equi re me nts o f t he Waste Electrical and
Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Directi ve 2002/96/EC. If your end-of-life Ps ion Teklogix
product or accessory carri es a label as shown here, please conta ct yo ur l o cal count ry repr esentative for details on how to a rr ange r ecyc li ng.
For a list of interna tio nal s ubsidiaries, please go to:
Restriction On Hazardous Substances (RoHS) Directive 2002/95/EC
Preliminary Draft
What is RoHS?
The European Union has mandated that hi gh environmental standards be met in t he de sign
and manufacture of elect roni c and electrical products sold in Eur ope, t o reduce hazardous
substances from entering the envi ronment. The “Restriction on Hazardous Subs tan ces Directive (RoHS)” prescribes the maxi mum tra ce levels of lead, cadmium, mercury, hexavalent chromium, and flame retarda nts PBB an d PBDE that ma y be c onta ined in a product.
Only products meeting these high envi ronment al standards may be “placed on the market”
in EU member states after July 1, 2 006.
RoHS Logo
Although there is no legal re quir ement to mar k RoHS-co mpliant products, Psion Teklogix
Inc. indicates its compl ia nce wi th t he di rec ti ve as follows:
The RoHS logo located either o n the back o f t he pr oduct or underneath the battery in the
battery compartment ( or on a rel ated acc esso ry such as t he char ger or do cking sta tion) s ignifies that the product is RoHS-compli ant as per the EU directive. Other than as noted below,
a Psion Teklogix product that does not have an accompanying RoHS logo signifies that it
was placed on the EU market pr ior t o J uly 1, 2006, and is th ere by exempt from the di recti ve.
Note:Not all accessories or peripherals will have a RoHS logo due to phys ical space
limitations or as a result of their exempt status.
Every effort has been made to make this material complete, accurate, and up-to-date. In addition, changes are periodical ly added to the inf ormation herei n; these ch anges will be incor porated into new editions of the p ublication.
Psion Teklogix Inc. reserves the right to make improvements and/o r cha nges in t he pr oduct(s) and/or the program(s) described in this document without notice, and shall not be responsible for any damages, incl uding but not limited to consequenti al da mages, c ause d by
reliance on the material pr ese nte d, inc ludi ng but not limited to typographical errors .
Preliminary Draft
Chapter 1: Approvals & Safety Summary
1.1Declaration Of Conformity ..............................................................3
Declaration of Conformity document s ar e pr ovid ed at :
1.2Safety Summary
When used in a residential, comme rcial or light industrial envir onment, the product and its
approved UK and European peripheral s ful fi l a ll requirements for CE marking.
R&TTE Directive 1999/5/EC
This equipment complies with the e ssen ti al r equi rement s of EU Directive 1999/5/EC (Declaration available: www.psionteklogix.com/DoC).
Cet équipement est conforme aux pri nci pal es c arac tér istiques définies dans la Directive européenne RTTE 1999/5/CE. (Déclaration di sponi bl e sur le s it e:
Die Geräte erfüllen die grundlegenden Anforderungen de r RTTE-Richtlinie (1999/5/EG).
(Den Wortlaut der Richtlinie finden Sie unter: www.psionteklogix.com/DoC).
Questa apparecchiatura è conf orme ai requisiti essenziali della Direttiva Europea R&TTE
1999/5/CE. (Dichiarazione disp onibi le sul sito: www.psionteklogix.com/DoC).
Este equipo cumple los requis itos p rincipa les de la Dir ectiva 1995/5/ CE de la UE, “Eq uipos
de Terminales de Radio y Telecomu-nicaciones”. (Declaración di sponi ble en:
Chapter 1: Approvals & Safety Summary
Declaration Of Conformity
Este equipamento cumpre os req uisi to s ess enci ai s da Di rec tiva 1999/5/CE do Parlamento
Europeu e do Conselho (Directiva RTT). (Declaração disponível no endere ço:
Οεξοπλισμόςαυτόςπληροίτιςβασικέςαπαιτήσειςτηςκοινοτικήςοδηγίας EU R&TTE
1999/5/EΚ. (Η δήλωση συμμόρφωσης διατίθεται στη διεύθυνση:
Deze apparatuur voldoet a an de n oodzak elijke vereisten van EU-richtli jn betreffende radioapparatuur en telecommunicati e-e inda ppa-ratuur 199/5/EG. (verklaring beschikbaar:
Dette udstyr opfylder de Væsentlige krav i EU's di rektiv 1999/5/ EC om Radio- og teleter minaludstyr. (Erklæring findes på: www.ps iont ekl ogi x.com/DoC).
Warrington Hand-Held Computer User Manual3
Chapter 1: Approvals & Safety Summary
PSION TEKLOGIX tímto pro hlašuje , že
tohle mobilní zařízení
je ve shodě se
zákl adní mi požad avk y a dalšími p říslušnými ustanovením i s m
rnice 1995/5/ES
(NV č. 426/2000 Sb. ) a Prohlášení o shod
je k dispozici na
Toto zařízení lze provoz ovat v České republice na základ
generální licence č. GL - 12/R/20 00.
PSION TEKLOGIX týmto vyhlasuje, že
toto m ob iln é zariaden i e
spĺňa zák ladné
požiadavky a všetky pr íslušné us tanovenia Smernice 1995/ 5/ES (NV č . 443/2001 Z.z.)
a Vyhlásenie o zhode je k dispozícii na www. psionteklogix.com/DoC.
Toto zariadeni e je možné prevádzkovať v Slove nskej republike na základe
Všeobe cného povolenia č. VPR-01/2001
Настоящото устройство е в съответствие с осн о вн ит е изисквания на
европейската Директива 199 9/5 / EC
(Декларацията за съответствие може да бъде на мерена
на адрес: www.psionteklogix.com / DoC)
(Declaraţia poate fi gasitã pe site- ul: www.psionteklogix.com/DoC)
(Deklaracija je na voljo: www.psionteklogix.com/DoC)
www.psionteklogix.com/ DoC)
Preliminary Draft
Safety Summary
Dette utstyret er i overe nsst emme ls e me d hove dkra vene i R&TTE-direktivet (1999/5/EC)
fra EU. (Erklæring finnes på: www.psionteklogix.com/DoC).
Utrustningen uppfyller kra ven f ör EU-direktivet 1999/5/EC om ansluten t ele utr ust ning o ch
ömsesidigt erkännande av utrus tni ngens överensstämmelse (R&TTE). (Förklaringen fi nns
att läsa på: www.psionteklogix.com/DoC).
Tämä laite vastaa EU:n radio- ja tele päätelaitedirektii vin (EU R&TTE Directive 1999/5/EC)
vaatimuksia. (Julkilausuma nähtävillä osoitteessa: www.psionteklogix.com/DoC).
Acest echipament satisface cerinţele esenţiale ale Dir ectivei UE 1999/ 5/ E C
Opre ma j e skladna z bis tvenimi zahtevami EU direktive 1999/5/ EC
4Warrington Hand-Held Computer User Manual
Käesolev seade vastab EU Direktiivile 1999/5/EC (selgitus saadaval:
Chapter 1: Approvals & Safety Summary
Az eszköz meg felel az EU 1999/5/EC
fő direktíváinak (a nyilatkozat
megtalálható: www.psionteklogix.com/DoC)
Šī aparatūra nodrošina nepieciešamas ES Direkt īvas prasības
(Deklarācija ir pieejama: www.psionteklog ix.co m/DoC)
(Deklaraciją galima rasti ww w.psionte klogix.com/DoC)
(Din id-dikjar azzjoni tista ssiba fuq is sit www.psionteklogix.com /DoC)
(Deklarację zgodności można zn al eźć pod adresem internetowym
Preliminary Draft
Safety Summary
Įranga atitinka pa grindinius EU dir ektyvos 1999/5/EC reikalavimus
Dan l-apparat huwa konfor mi mal-krit erji tad-direttiva ta' l- EU 1999/5/EC.
To urządzenie sp ełnia wym agania zasadnicze dyrektywy Unii Europejskiej 1999/5/EC
Use of the 802.11 devi ce i n France: Owing to French Government restri ct ions, the
802.11 devic e is li mited to indoor use. It may be used outdoors , on pr ivat e pr operty , o nly
with prior authorization f rom t he Fr ench Mini st ry of Defe nse.
FCC Information To Users
Federal Communication Commission Interference Statement
This equipment has been tested a nd fou nd to c omply with the limits for a Class B digi tal
device, pursuant to Part 15 of t he FCC Rul es. The se l imit s ar e des igne d to provide reasonable protection again st ha rmful int er fer ence in a residential installation. Th is e quipmen t
generates, uses and can ra dia te r adi o fr equen cy ene rgy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instr uct ions , ma y caus e har m ful int erf ere nce t o radio communications.
However, the re i s no g uarantee that interference wil l no t occ ur i n a particular installation .
If this equipment does cause harmfu l interf erence to r adio or te levision r eceptio n, which can
be determined by turning the equ ipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct
the interference by one of t he f oll owing mea sur es:
Reorient or relocate the r ecei vi ng antenna.
•Reorient or relocate the r eceiving antenna.
•Increase the separat ion be twee n the equi pme nt a nd receiver .
Warrington Hand-Held Computer User Manual5
Chapter 1: Approvals & Safety Summary
Preliminary Draft
Safety Summary
•Connect the equipment i nto a n out let on a circuit different from that to which the
receiver is connected.
•Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for hel p.
This device complies with Part 15 of t he FCC Rul es and with RSS-210 of Industry Canada.
Operation is subject to the fol lowi ng t wo conditions:
(1) This device may not cause har mful interferenc e, and (2) this device must
accept any interference r ece ived, including interference tha t may c ause undesired operation.
FCC Caution: Any changes or modificati ons not expressly approved by Psion Teklogix Inc.may
void the FCC authorization to operate this equi pment.
FCC Radiation Exposure Stat ement:
This equipment complies with FCC radi ati on exposure limits set forth for a n unco ntr oll ed
environment under 47 CFR 2.1093 paragraph (d)(2).
End users must follow the specif ic oper ati ng in str uct ions for satisfying RF exposure
This transmitter must not be c o-l ocat ed or oper ati ng i n conj unct ion with any other antenna
or transmitter.
Some equipment in hospitals and ai rcr af t ar e not shi elded from radio frequency ener gy. Do
not use the hand-held onboard ai rcraft, or in hospitals, without first obtaining permission.
Do not use near pacemakers. The Warrington may affect the oper ati on of some medi cally
implanted devices such as pace mak ers , caus ing t hem to malfunction. Avoid placing your
Warrington next to such devices. Keep a minimum distance of 20 cm betwee n the medical
device and the Warrington to reduce the risk of interf er ence. If you have any reason to
suspect that interfere n ce i s t akin g pla ce, t u rn o ff the Warrington and cont act your medical
specialistfor ass ist ance .
Note: To maintain compliance with the FCC RF exposure guidelines, if you wear the device
on your body, use the Psion Teklogix approved c arr ying case.
Use of non-appr o ved ac ces sori es may violate FCC RF exposur e guid eli nes.
Emissions Information For Canada
This Class B digital app ara tus meets all requirements of the Canad ian Interference-Causing
Equipment Regulations (ICES-003). When using the 8 02.11 radio option, to prevent radio interfere nce,
this device is intended to be oper ated indoors and away f rom windows to provide maxi mum
shielding. Equipment (or i ts t ra nsmit ant enna) tha t i s installed outdoors is subject to
6Warrington Hand-Held Computer User Manual
Chapter 1: Approvals & Safety Summary
Preliminary Draft
Safety Summary
Cet appareil numérique de la class e B respecte to utes les exi gences du Règle ment sur le matériel brouilleur du Canad a (ICES-003). En ca s d’u ti lis ation du module radio 802.11, afin d'éviter toute
interférence radio av ec le ser vice auto ris é, l'appa reil doi t être uti lisé à l' intér ieur, tout en tant
éloigné de toute fenêtre a fin de gar ant ir le maxi mum d e pro tec ti on. Si c et é quipement (ou
son antenne émettrice) e st inst al lé à l'extérieur , i l est alors soumis à licence.
Warrington Hand-Held Computer User Manual7
Preliminary Draft
Preliminary Draft
2.1 About This Manual...................................11
2.2 Text Conventions ....................................11
This manual describes how to confi gur e, oper at e and mai nta in t he Warrington hand-held
Chapter 1: Approvals & Safety Summary
provides approval and safety information such as FCC radiation a nd Canad ian
emission details, CE warnings, R&TTE directi ves , and s o one.
Chapter 2: Introduction
provides a basic overvie w of t he Warrington.
Chapter 3: Basic Checkout
describes the steps requ ire d to get the Warrington ready for oper ation, includi ng
setting up the 802.11b/g radio.
Chapter 5: Getting To Know The Warrington
describes Warrington features and outlines how to charge and maintain the battery. This chapter also provides a description of the keyboards , how to na viga te
in Microsoft W i ndows CE 5.0, a nd so on .
Chapter 4: Working With Windows CE 5.0
describes the Microsoft Windows CE 5.0 desktop and how to use it. This
chapter also outlines the basics of moving around a Windows CE 5.0 window,
selecting and opening icons, f il es, f olde rs a nd work ing with a Windows
dialog box.
Chapter 2: Introduction
About This Manual
Chapter 6: Configuration
Chapter 7: Peripheral Devices & Accessories
Chapter 8: Specifications
Appendix A: Port Pinouts
2.2Text Conventions
Note: Notes highlight additional helpful inf ormat ion .
describes the Windows CE 5.0 Control Panel and how to us e it to c onfi gur e the
Warrington, along with the scanners attached to the hand- held , and s o on.
describes the peripheral s and accessories available for your Warrington.
lists hand-held, radio, sca nner, and battery specifications.
describes Warrington pinouts.
Warrington Hand-Held Computer User Manual11
Chapter 2: Introduction
Preliminary Draft
Warrington Hand-Held Computer Features
Important: These statements provi de par ticularly important instruct ions or additional
information that is critical to t he oper ati on of the equipment.
Warning: These statements provide critical information t h at may p reve nt phy sic al
injury, equip ment damage o r data loss.
2.3Warrington Hand-Held Computer Features
Important: For all safety, regulatory and warranty information, ref er Chapter 1:
“Approvals & Safety Summary”.
The Warrington is a compact, ruggedized hand-hel d running t he Microsoft W indows CE 5.0
operating system. It is int ended for use i n commercial and light industrial appl ications. The
Warrington can be ordered with or without a radio. Wi thout a radi o, it opera tes as a bat ch or
unconnected computer. With a radio installed, the Warrington operates as a connected com-
puter, d eli ver ing r eal ti me wire les s dat a t rans act ions. All possible bar code input
methodologies are supported by t he s canne r and imager available with this han d-he ld. Opt imization for specific o p era ti onal envi ron me nts is supported with a wide range of per iphe ral
options and carrying acc essories.
The unique tilted screen des ign o n thi s hand-held makes the display cont ent rea dil y vis ibl e.
It means that the operator c an sc an a ba r code and view the results on th e dis pla y in one
movement – no need to manuall y tilt t he unit to vi ew the r esults af ter ea ch scan. In additi on,
the tilted screen in co njuncti on with the pr otecti ve rib at the base of the keyboa rd allows the
unit to be placed facedown saf ely wi th no dange r of an accidental key press.
Note: For complet e Warrington hand-held computer specifications, refer to “Specifica-
tions” on page 203.
12Warrington Hand-Held Computer User Manual
Warrington Hand-Held Computer Features
Preliminary Draft
Figure 2.1 Wa rrington Hand-Held Computer - Numeric & Alpha-Num eric
Chapter 2: Introduction
Model Variants
Connected Warrington Standard Features:
•2.7 inch colour touchscreen
•CE .Net Pro
•64/128 MB Memory
•Micro SD slot
•3000 mAh Battery
•VoIP (Push-To-Talk)
•WiFi/Bluet oot h Radio
Warrington Hand-Held Computer User Manual13
Chapter 2: Introduction
Preliminary Draft
Warrington Hand-Held Computer Features
Additional Options:
•1D Imager
•1D Laser Scanner
•Keyboard Variants: 48-Key Alpha-Numeric or 26 -Key Numer ic
Batch Warrington Standard Features:
•2.7 inch Colour Touchscreen
•Numeric Keypad
•CE .Net Core
•64/128 MB Memory
•Micro SD Slot
•3000 mAh Battery
Additional Options:
•Bluetooth Radio
•Bluetooth Radio and 1D Imager
•Bluetooth Radio and 1D Laser Sca nner
•Processor: PXA270 Proces sor @ 312 Mhz
- On-board RAM: 128 MB SDRAM
- On-board ROM: 64 MB Flash
Operating System
Windows® CE 5.0
Programming Environment
•Mobile Devices SDK
- Java Visual C++
- Standard protocol API s – Windows
Wireless Communications
•On-board IEEE 802.1 1b/ g (CCX Cert if ie d)
14Warrington Hand-Held Computer User Manual
sockets (W inCE)
•On-board Bluetooth radio (10 meter range)
Preliminary Draft
Application Software
•Internet Explorer
6 for CE
•Open T ekTerm
•TESS terminal emulations
•IBM 3270, IBM 5250, HP 2392
•PCX Connect (Push-To-Talk)
Bar Code Applications
•1D Standard Laser Scanner Option – SE955
•1D Standard Imager Option – EV15
Warrington Hand-Held Computer Features
Chapter 2: Introduction
User Interface
- 1/4 VGA portrait mode
- Tilted screen for clear view of dis play content, even while scanning a bar code
- Sunlight readable with transmissive touc hscr een
- Colour 240 x 320 graphic TFT
- Passive stylus or finger operatio n
- Multicolour LED for scanning
- 48-key alpha-numeric (Not available for Unco nnect ed batch model variants.)
- 26-key numeric
- LED backlit keypad
- Ergonomically enhanced for ambidextrous one-hand operation
Warrington Hand-Held Computer User Manual15
Chapter 2: Introduction
Preliminary Draft
Warrington Hand-Held Computer Features
- Built-in microphone and receiver on al l ‘ Connected’ variants
- 85 dB internal beeper
Class II, Ver 2
Note: Bluetoot h radi os are a standard in all units equi pped with 802.11b/g radios. For
those units operating in bat ch mode (off-line data collection) Blueto oth installation is optional.
•Working Range: 5 m to 10 m (16.4 ft.to 32.81 ft.)
•Supports Enhanced Data Rate (EDR) for up to 3 Mbps dat a ra te
•Supports Advanced Frequency Hopping (AFH) for reduced interference wit h
802.11b/g radio
Note: 802.11b/g and Bluetooth ar e av ail able simul tan eousl y.
Expansion Ports
•RS232 Serial
•USB host
Power Management
•3.7 V @ 3000 mAh Lithium-Ion rechar ge able battery
•8 hour battery operati on
•Smart battery system level 3 compliant
•Built-in gas gauge and per for mance moni tor
•System backup (u to 10 minutes) duri ng battery swap
•3 Day real time clock backup
•Adjustable battery alloca ti on bet w een s yst em backup and r unti m e
User Environment
•Operating Temperature: -10 °C to 50 °C (14 °F to 122 °F)
•Storage Temperature: -20 °C to 60 °C (13 °F to 140 °F)
•Relative Humidity: 5% to 95% RH non-co ndens ing
•Rain and Dust Protection: IP54, IE C 529
•Drop: 1.2 meters (4 feet) – 26 drops to polished concret e
•Shock and Vibe: 5-400 Hz PSD (random) and 30 g (3 axis )
16Warrington Hand-Held Computer User Manual
Warrington Hand-Held Computer Features
Preliminary Draft
Chapter 2: Introduction
•ESD: ±15 k Vdc air discharge, ± 8 k Vdc contacts
Physical Dimensions And Weight
•168 mm x 64 mm x 34 mm
•Weight with battery: 270 g
•Desktop charger
•Quad charger
•Additional miscellaneous adaptors and cable s (a complete l ist of accessor ies is availabl e
at www.psionteklogix.com
Warrington Hand-Held Computer User Manual17
Preliminary Draft
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