Protek Two-Step User Instruction

Two Step SC
Reg. No.: L9401Act /Wet No. 36 of/van 1947
A suspension concentrate systemical and residual herbicide for pre- and post-emergence control of a wide spectrum of annual and perennial broadleaf weeds and grasses in urban areas and other industrial sites.
Glyphosate isopropylamine salt………...............167 g/ℓ
Glyphosate acid…………………………………...125 g/ℓ
REGISTRATION HOLDER: Volcano Agroscience (Pty) Ltd trading as ARYSTA LifeScience South Africa (Pty) Ltd
Co. Reg. No.: 2000/004551/07 7 Sunbury Ofce Park, off Douglas Saunders Drive, La Lucia Ridge, South Africa, 4019
UN No.: 3082
• Handle with care.
• Poisonous if swallowed.
• Avoid contact with eyes since product may cause eye irritation.
• Store unused TWO-STEP SC tightly closed in this container in a cool, well-ventilated place away from food, feed, fertilizers and other chemicals.
• Keep behind lock and key and out of reach of children, uninformed persons and animals.
Although this remedy has been extensively tested under a large variety of conditions, the registration holder does not warrant that it will be efficacious under all conditions because the action and effect thereof may be affected by factors such as abnormal soil, climatic and storage conditions; quality of dilution water, compatibility with other substances not indicated on the label and the occurrence of resistance of the weeds against the remedy concerned, as well as by the method, time and accuracy of application. The registration holder furthermore does not accept responsibility for damage to crops, vegetation, the environment, or harm to man or animal or for lack of performance of the remedy concerned due to failure of the user to follow the label instructions or to the occurrence of conditions which could not have been foreseen in terms of the registration. Consult the supplier in the event of any uncertainty.
• Avoid contact with skin and eyes and do not inhale fumes or spray mist.
• Wear protective clothing when handling the concentrate, preparing the spray mixture and when applying the prepared spray mixture.
• Wash and change protective clothing daily.
• Wash with soap and water after handling and application or after accidental contact with the skin.
• In the event of accidental eye contact, flush the eyes immediately with clean running water for at least 15 minutes and seek medical attention if necessary.
• Do not eat, drink or smoke whilst mixing or applying the remedy but wash hands and face thoroughly before doing so.
• Prevent contamination of food, feed, eating utensils and drinking water.
• Do not allow spray to drift onto susceptible crops, grazing, rivers, dams and areas not to be treated.
• Clean all measuring utensils and application equipment thoroughly after use. Dispose of such wash water responsibly to prevent contamination of the environment and water sources.
Container disposal:
Invert the empty container over the spray tank and allow to drain for at least 30 seconds after the flow has slowed down to a drip. Thereafter, rinse the empty container three times with a volume of water equal to at least 10 % of that of the container. Add this rinsing water to the contents of the spray tank before destroying the container in the prescribed manner.
• Destroy the rinsed empty container by perforating and flattening it.
• Dispose of the empty rinsed container at an approved landfill or preferably in a pesticide incinerator.
• Never re-use the empty container for any other purpose.
For resistance management, TWO-STEP SC is a group code G+C1 herbicide. Any weed population may contain individual weeds naturally resistant to TWO-STEP SC and other group code G+C1 herbicides. The resistant individuals can eventually dominate the weed population if these herbicides are used repeatedly. These resistant weeds may not be controlled by TWO-STEP SC or any other group code G+C1 herbicide.
In order to delay herbicide resistance:
• Avoid the exclusive and repeated use of herbicides from the same herbicide group code.
• Alternate or tank mix with products from different herbicide group codes.
• Integrate chemical and cultural control methods into weed control programmes.
For more information on resistance management, contact the registration holder
DIRECTIONS FOR USE Use only as directed
It is a violation of Government Notices R.1716 of 26 July 1991 and R.181 of 7 February 2003 issued in terms of the Fertilizers, Farm Feeds, Agricultural Remedies and Stock Remedies Act, 1947 (Act No. 36 of 1947), to use this product in a manner inconsistent with its labelling, or to decant this product into another container.
TWO-STEP SC is relatively safe around trees and shrubs, provided that foliage (green shoots and leaves) does not come into contact with the spray. TWO-STEP SC is therefore
particularly useful in urban and other areas where a certain degree of selectivity is essential.
TWO-STEP SC can be used for industrial vegetation management (IVM) and controlled species substitution (CSS) on non-crop land and industrial sites where it will control established grasses and broadleaf weeds, while providing limited (seasonal) soil action. TWO-STEP SC can be used on sidewalks and along kerbs, on road shoulders, railway lines, at intersections and crossings, under power lines and security fences and on storage yards.
• Once diluted with water as prescribed, TWO-STEP SC can be applied by means of suitably calibrated spray equipment such as knapsack sprayers or boom sprayers.
• An evenly applied spray, covering the complete target area, including all weeds as well as any bare ground, is essential.
• Effective agitation of the spray mix, throughout the application process, is essential.
• When mixing, ensure that the concentration of TWO-STEP SC in the spray mixture is always equal to or higher than 2,5 % (12,5 ℓ TWO-STEP SC per 500 ℓ water = 2,5 %).
• Optimum results and effective knock-down can be expected when TWO-STEP SC is applied during a period when target weeds are growing actively – free of environmental stress factors such as drought, unusual temperature fluctuations or any other factor which may impair weed metabolism.
• Avoid applying TWO-STEP SC either too early (target weeds not sufficiently developed to ensure adequate absorption) or too late (metabolic processes within mature plants slow down towards the end of the growing season, causing systemic herbicides to become less effective as weeds approach dormancy) in season.
• Do not spray TWO-STEP SC on weeds that are wet with dew or recent rain. Wait for the target to dry off before application. If weeds are covered by silt residues or dust, delay application till after rain has washed away the offending matter.
• Do not apply TWO-STEP SC if rain is expected within 6 hours of application.
• During application, taller weeds may act as a canopy by intercepting a large portion of the spray. In such cases, the control of smaller or flat growing weeds may be less than optimal. Mowing weeds and removing the debris before application, is recommended in such cases.
• The soil action of TWO-STEP SC is affected by rainfall and soil factors such as soil clay, organic matter (OM), or ash content. Rain within 10 to 14 days after application, to leach the product
Simazine (Triazine)…………………………...................175 g/ℓ
Terbuthylazine (triazine)……........................................175 g/ℓ
PROTEK, ‘n division of PE-BEE Agri (PTY) LTD
Tel: (011) 812 9800 of 0861 PROTEK (0861 77 68 35)
Co. Reg. No.: 2005/036308/07 P.O. Box 72, Heidelberg, 1438
into the topsoil where germination usually occurs, is beneficial. If the soil clay, ash or OM content of the soil is known to be high, add additional Volcano Simazine or Volcano Terbuthylazine to the spray mixture prior to application (refer to the respective labels for particulars).
• Adding a suitable colourant to the spray mixture can enhance control over the application process.
• For mixing purposes, use only water from a reliable source, free of visible impurities.
• The addition of an ammonium sulphate based additive helps to modify spray water, but adding a volume equal to 2 % of the spray volume (2 ℓ / 100 ℓ water) may enhance results even further.
• Use 2 - 6 ℓ of water / 100m², adapting the volume of water to the situation – dense, tall weeds (bunch grasses, etc.) require larger water volumes to ensure sufficient wetting.
• Calibrate the spay equipment accurately prior to application
Problem TWO-STEP SC Dosage Rate (mℓ/100 m²) Comments
Annual weeds
(broadleaf weeds and grasses)
Perennial grasses:
(Pennisetum clandestinum)
Love grass
(Eragrostis curvula)
Common buffalo grass
(Panicum maximum)
Natal Red Top
(Rhynchelytrum repens)
Perennial grasses:
Thatch grass
(Hyparrhenia hirta)
Red grass
(Themeda triandra)
Common paspalum
(Paspalum dilatatum)
Kweek grass
(Cynodon dactylon)
Controlled species substitution (CSS) 100 - 150 mℓ
Partial list of weeds normally controlled by TWO-STEP SC:
Scientific name Common name Broadleaf weeds:
Acanthospermum australe Acanthospermum glabratum Amaranthus hybridus Amaranthus thunbergii Anagallis arvensis Arctotheca calendula Bidens bipinnata Bidens pilosa Chenopodium album Chenopodium carinatum Commelina benghalensis Conyza sumatrensis Echium lycopsis Erodium moschatum Galinsoga parviflora Gisekia pharnaceoides Hibiscus trionum Hypohboelis radicata Ipomoea purpurea Lactuca serinola Medicago pollymorpha Nicandra physaloides Oenothera spp Physalis angulata Picris echioides Plantago lanceolata Portulaca oleracea Raphanus raphanistrum Schkuhria pinnata Senecio consanguineus Sonchus oleraceus Tagetes minuta Triumfetta spp
Briza maxima Bromus diandrus Bromus unioloides Cynodon dactylon Digitaria sanguinalis Eleusine indica Eragrostis chloromelas Hyparrhenia hirta Lolium temulentum Panicum maximum Paspalum dilatatum Poa annua Themeda triandra
50 – 100 mℓ
100 - 150 mℓ
150 – 200 mℓ
200 - 250 mℓ
Eight-seeded prostrate starbur Five-seeded prostrate starbur Common pigweed Red pigweed Pimpernel Cape marigold Spanish blackjack Blackjack White goosefoot Green goosefoot Benghal wandering Jew Tall fleabane Patterson’s curse Musk heron’s bill Gallant soldier Gisekia Bladderweed Hairy wild lettuce Common morning glory Wild lettuce Bur clover Apple of Peru Evening Primrose Wild gooseberry Bristly ox-tongue Narrow-leaved ribwort Purslane Wild radish Dwarf marigold Starvation senecio Sowthistle Khaki weed Klitsbossie
Big quaking grass Ripgut brome Rescue grass Couch grass Crabfinger-grass Goose grass Blue love grass Thatching grass Rye grass Common buffalo grass Common Paspalum Annual blue grass Redgrass
Apply during a period of active growth when a sufficient amount foliage to enable proper absorption, has developed. Use the higher rate when target weeds are already well established.
Apply during a period of active growth when a sufficient amount foliage to enable proper absorption, has developed. Use the higher rate when target weeds are already well established. In some cases, an additional treatment may be needed to provide acceptable control of hardy perennial grasses. Depending on the development stage of re-growth, re-treat weeds during the same season or if too late, wait for the following season before re-treating.
Hardy perennial grasses like Thatch grass (H. hirta), Redgrass (Themeda triandra), Love grass (E. curvula), etc. should be treated with the higher rate. The weeds should be mowed to an average height of 200 - 300 mm. Remove all cuttings and debris before applying TWO-STEP SC. Even if C. dactylon comprises 25 % or more of the weed population, complete specie substitution (replacement of tall bunch grasses with C. dactylon) is unlikely to be affected within one growing season and the process must be repeated over several seasons, until the desired effect is achieved.
297(H) X 420(W)
Two Step SC
Reg. No.: L9401Act /Wet No. 36 of/van 1947
‘n Suspensiekonsentraat sistemiese onkruiddoder met nawerking, vir die voor- en na-opkoms beheer van ‘n wye reeks eenjaar- en meerjarige breëblaaronkruide en grasse in stedelike gebiede asook ander industriële gebiede.
Glifosaat isopropielamin sout (glisien)…….........167 g/ℓ
Glifosaatsuur …………………………..........…....125 g/ℓ
REGISTRASIEHOUER: Volcano Agroscience (Pty) Ltd trading as ARYSTA LifeScience South Africa (Pty) Ltd
Co. Reg. No.: 2000/004551/07 7 Sunbury Ofce Park, off Douglas Saunders Drive, La Lucia Ridge, South Africa, 4019
UN No.: 3082
• Hanteer versigtig.
• Giftig indien ingesluk.
• Vermy kontak met die oë aangesien die produk ernstige irritasie kan veroorsaak.
• Produk mag lei tot vel irritasie.
• Berg ongebruikte TWO-STEP SC dig toegemaak in hierdie houer in ‘n koel, goedgeventileerde plek weg van voedsel, voer, saad en ander landbouchemikalieë.
• Bêre agter slot en grendel en buite bereik van kinders, oningeligte persone en diere.
Alhoewel hierdie middel omvattend onder ‘n groot verskeidenheid toestande getoets is, waarborg die registrasiehouer nie dat dit onder alle toestande doeltreffend sal wees nie, aangesien die werking en effek daarvan beïnvloed kan word deur faktore soos abnormale grond-, klimaats- en bergingstoestande, kwaliteit van verdunningswater, verenigbaarheid met ander stowwe wat nie op die etiket aangedui is nie en die voorkoms van weerstand van onkruid teen die betrokke middel sowel as die metode, tyd en akkuraatheid van toediening. Verder aanvaar die registrasiehouer nie verantwoordelikheid vir skade aan die omgewing of nadelige effek op mens of dier of vir ‘n gebrek aan prestasie as gevolg van die versuim van die gebruiker om etiketaanwysings na te kom of as gevolg van die ontstaan van toestande wat nie kragtens die registrasie voorsien kon word nie. Raadpleeg die verskaffer of registrasiehouer in geval van enige onsekerheid.
• Vermy kontak met die vel en oë en moenie dampe of spuitnewel inasem nie.
• Dra beskermende oorklere wanneer die konstentraat gehanteer word of wanneer die spuitmengsel voorberei en toegedien word.
• Was en vervang besoedelde klere daagliks.
• Was deeglik met seep en water na gebruik en toediening of in geval van toevallige kontak met die vel.
• Indien produk in die oë kom, moet die oë onmiddellik met skoon lopende water vir ten minste 15 minute lank uitgespoel word. Verkry mediese hulp indien nodig.
• Moenie eet, drink of rook terwyl die spuitmengsel aangemaak of toegedien word, alvorens die hande en gesig nie eers deeglik gewas is nie.
• Voorkom besoedeling van voedsel, voer, eetgerei en drinkwater.
• Voorkom dat spuitnewel oorwaai na ander gevoelige gewasse, weiding, riviere en damme asook enige ander gebiede wat nie onder behandeling nie.
• Alle meet- en toedienings apparaat moet deeglik skoongemaak word ná gebruik. Doen weg met die waswater op ‘n verantwoordelike wyse sodat die omgewing en waterbronne nie besoedel sal word nie.
Wegdoen van leë houer: Keer die leë houer om oor die spuittenk en laat dit toe om vir minstens 30 sekondes leeg te drup. Spoel die leë houer dan driemaal uit met ‘n volume water gelyk aan minstens 10 % van die inhoudsmaat van die houer. Gooi hierdie spoelwater by die inhoud van die spuittenk voordat die houer op die voorgeskrewe manier vernietig word.
• Nadat die houer behoorlik uitgespoel is, moet dit vol gate gekap en plat gedruk word.
• Gooi die uitgespoelde houer weg in ‘n goedgekeurde stortingsterrein of venietig dit in ‘n plaagdoder verasser.
• Moet dit nie vir enige ander doel hergebruik nie.
WEERSTANDSWAARSKUWING Vir doeleindes van weerstandbestuur, is TWO-STEP SC ‘n groepkode G+C1 onkruiddoder. Enige bevolking onkruide kan sommige onkruide bevat wat natuurlik weerstandbiedend is teen TWO-STEP SC en ander groepkode G+C1 onkruiddoders. Indien hierdie groepkode onkruiddoders herhaaldelik toegedien word, kan die weerstandbiedende individue uiteindelik die bevolking
oorheers. Hierdie weerstandbiedende onkruide sal waarskynlik nie deur TWO-STEP SC of enige ander groepkode G+C1 onkruiddoder beheer word nie.
Ten einde weerstand teen onkruiddoders te vertraag:
• Vermy die uitsluitlike en herhaaldelike gebruik van onkruiddoders behorende tot dieselfde groepkode.
• Wissel af met, of gebruik tenkmengsels van middels van verskillende onkruiddoder groepkodes.
• Integreer chemiese middels en verbouingspraktyke in onkruidbeheerprogramme.
Vir meer inligting oor weerstandsbestuur raadpleeg die registrasiehouer
GEBRUIKSAANWYSINGS: Gebruik slegs soos aangedui
Dit is ‘n oortreding van Goewermentskennisgewings R.1716 van 26 Julie 1991 en R.181 van 7 Februarie 2003 uitgereik kragtens die Wet op Misstowwe, Veevoedsel, Landboumiddels en Veemiddels, 1947 (Wet No 36 van 1947), om hierdie middel te gebruik op ‘n wyse wat strydig is met die etikettering daarvan.
• TWO-STEP SC is relatief veilig t.o.v. bome en struike solank die loof (groen blare en lote) nie in aanraking kom met die sproei nie. TWO-STEP SC is dus by uitstek geskik vir gebruik in stedelike- en ander gebiede waar ‘n sekere mate van selektiwiteit vereis word.
• TWO-STEP SC kan gebruik word vir industriële onkruidbeheer en beheerde spesie-vervanging (BSV) in nie-gewas gebiede en nywerheidsareas waar dit gevestigde grasse en breëblaaronkruide
sal beheer, terwyl dit terselfdertyd beperkte (seisoenale) nawerking verskaf. TWO-STEP SC is geskik vir gebruik op sypaadjies en randstene, padskouers, spoorlyne, interseksies, oorgange, onder kraglyne en sekuriteitsheinings en bergingswerwe.
• Wanneer volgens voorskrif verdun met water, kan TWO-STEP SC toegedien word d.m.v. akkuraat gekalibreerde spuittoerusting soos rugsakspuite of balkspuite.
• ‘n Egalige spuitpatroon, waardeur die hele teikengebied, onkruid sowel as kaal grond, bedek word, is noodsaaklik.
• Dit is noodsaaklik dat die spuitmengsel voortdurend geroer word ten tye van die spuitproses.
• Tydens aanmaak van die spuitmengsel, moet verseker word dat die konsentrasie TWO-STEP SC in die spuitmengsel altyd minstens 3 % of hoër is (15 ℓ TWO-STEP SC per 500 ℓ water = 3 %).
• Optimum resultate en effektiewe uitklop van gevestigde onkruid kan verwag word wanneer TWO-STEP SC toegedien word tydens ‘n periode van aktiewe groei en waar onkruid vry is van omgewingstres soos droogte, buitengewone temperatuurskommelings, of enige ander faktor wat onkruidmetabolisme vertraag.
• Gedurende die seisoen moet TWO-STEP SC nie te vroeg, terwyl onkruid nog nie voldoende ontwikkel het om voldoende absorpsie te verseker, of te laat, wanneer die lewensprosesse van volwasse plante reeds so afgeneem het dat die effektiewiteit van sistemiese onkruiddoders opgehef word, toegedien word nie.
TWO-STEP SC moet nie op nat onkruid (vanweë dou of reën) toegedien word nie. Wag liewer tot die teikenplante voldoende afgedroog het voor toediening ‘n aanvang neem. Waar onkruid bedek is met stof of slik, moet daar met behandeling gewag word totdat reën die blare skoongewas het.
• Moenie TWO-STEP SC toedien indien reën binne 6 uur na toediening verwag word nie.
• Tydens toediening mag digstaande, hooggroeiende onkruid ‘n groot persentasie van die toegediende spuitmengsel onderskep. In sulke gevalle mag die beheer van kleiner en/of laaggroeiende
Simasien (Triasien)……………………...................175 g/ℓ
Terbutielasien (triasien)……..................................175 g/ℓ
PROTEK, ‘n divisie van PE-BEE Agri (EDMS) BPK
Tel: (011) 812 9800 of 0861 PROTEK (0861 77 68 35)
Mpy. Reg. Nr.: 2005/036308/07
Posbus 72, Heidelberg, 1438
onkruid dus swakker wees as wat verwag word. Dit mag voordelig wees om die onkruid eers te sny en die snysels te verwyder voordat toediening geskied.
• Die nawerking van TWO-STEP SC is afhanklik van reënval en grondfaktore soos klei-, organiese materiaal- (OM) of asinhoud. Reën binne 10 tot 14 dae na toediening is voordelig deurdat die produk in die bolaag van die grond, waar saad normaalweg ontkiem, ingewas word. As die klei-, OM- of asinhoud van grond hoog is, voeg addisionele Volcano Simazine of Volcano Terbuthylazine by die spuitmengsel voordat toediening begin (bestudeer die betrokke produkte se etikette vir besonderhede).
• Die byvoeging van ‘n geskikte kleurstof kan die bestuur van die toedieningsproses aansienlik vergemaklik.
• Gebruik alleenlik spuitwater afkomstig van ‘n betroubare bron wat vry is van sigbare onsuiwerhede.
• Die byvoeging ‘n ammoniumsulfaat gebaseerde produk help om die spuitwater te modifiseer. Die byvoeging van ‘n volume gelykstaande aan 2 % van die spuitvolume (2 ℓ / 100 ℓ water) mag resultate selfs verder verbeter.
• Gebruik 2 – 6 ℓ of water / 100m². Pas die watervolume aan by die situasie – digte, hooggroeiende onkruid (polgrasse, ens.) vereis groter watervolumes om effektiewe benatting te verseker.
• Kalibreer die spuitapparaat deeglik voor bespuiting ‘n aanvang neem.
Probleem TWO-STEP SC Dosis (mℓ/100 m²) Kommentaar
(breëblaaronkruide en grasse)
Perennial grasses:
(Pennisetum clandestinum)
(Eragrostis curvula)
Gewone buffelsgras
(Panicum maximum)
Natalse Rooipluim
(Rhynchelytrum repens)
Perennial grasses:
(Hyparrhenia hirta)
(Themeda triandra)
(Paspalum dilatatum)
(Cynodon dactylon)
Beheerde spesie vervanging (BSV) 100 - 150 mℓ
Gedeeltelike lys van onkruide wat normaalweg deur TWO-STEP SC beheer word:
Wetenskaplike naam Gewone naam Breëblaaronkruid:
Acanthospermum australe Acanthospermum glabratum Amaranthus hybridus Amaranthus thunbergii Anagallis arvensis Arctotheca calendula Bidens bipinnata Bidens pilosa Chenopodium album Chenopodium carinatum Commelina benghalensis Conyza sumatrensis Echium lycopsis Erodium moschatum Galinsoga parviflora Gisekia pharnaceoides Hibiscus trionum Hypohboelis radicata Ipomoea purpurea Lactuca serinola Medicago pollymorpha Nicandra physaloides Oenothera spp Physalis angulata Picris echioides Plantago lanceolata Portulaca oleracea Raphanus raphanistrum Schkuhria pinnata Senecio consanguineus Sonchus oleraceus Tagetes minuta Triumfetta spp
Briza maxima Bromus diandrus Bromus unioloides Cynodon dactylon Digitaria sanguinalis Eleusine indica Eragrostis chloromelas Hyparrhenia hirta Lolium temulentum Panicum maximum Paspalum dilatatum Poa annua Themeda triandra
50 – 100 mℓ
100 - 150 mℓ
150 – 200 mℓ
200 - 250 mℓ
Agtsadige kruipsterklits Vyfsadige kruipsterklits Gewone misbredie Rooimisbredie Pimpernef Soetgousblom Spaanse knapsekêrel Knapsekêrel Withondebossie Groenhondebossie Bengaalse wandelende Jood Vaalskraalhans Pers echium Turknael Knopkruid Gisekia Terblansbossie Harige skaapslaai Purperwinde Wildeslaai Klitsklawer Basterappelliefie Nagblom Wilde-appelliefie Stekel Picris Smalweeblaar Porslein Ramenas Kleinkakiebos Hongerbos-senecio Gewone sydissef Kakiebos Klitsbossie
Grootklokkiegras Predikantsluis Reddingsgras Kweek Kruisvingergras Osgras Blouvleigras Dekgras Raaigras Gewone buffelsgras Gewone Paspalum Eenjarige Blougras Rooigras
Dien toe ten tye van ‘n periode van aktiewe groei, wanneer plante voldoende ontwikkel is om behoorlike opname te verseker. Gebruik die hoër dosis waar onkruid reeds deeglik gevestig is.
Dien toe wanneer onkruid aktief groei en wanneer plante voldoende ontwikkel is om behoorlike onkruiddoderopname te verseker. Gebruik die hoër dosis waar onkruid reeds deeglik gevestig is. In sekere gevalle mag ‘n addisionele behandeling nodig wees ten einde aanvaarbare beheer van geharde meerjarige grasse te verkry. Afhangende van die ontwikkelingstadium van hergroei, kan onkruid gedurende dieselfde, of indien te laat, gedurende die daaropvolgende seisoen behandel word.
Behandel geharde meerjarige grasse soos Dekgras (H. hirta), Rooigras (Themeda triandra), Oulandsgras (E. curvula), ens. teen die hoër dosis. Sny onkruid tot ‘n gemiddelde hoogte van 200 - 300 mm. Verwyder alle snysels voor toediening van
Selfs as C. dactylon 25 % of meer van die onkruidspektrum uitmaak, sal algehele spesie vervanging (vervanging van hooggroeiende polgrasse deur C. dactylon) waarskynlik nie binne een groeiseisoen vermag word nie en moet die proses oor ‘n paar seisoene herhaal word totat die verlangde resultaat behaal is.
297(H) X 420(W)