Successful application of this module requires a reasonable working knowledge of the AllenBradley CompactLogix hardware and the application in which the combination is to be used.
For this reason, it is important that those responsible for implementation, satisfy themselves that
the combination will meet the needs of the application without exposing personnel or equipment
to unsafe or inappropriate working conditions.
This manual is provided to assist the user. Every attempt has been made to assure that the
information provided is accurate and a true reflection of the product’s installation requirements. In
order to assure a complete understanding of the operation of the product, the user should read all
applicable Allen-Bradley documentation on the operation of the A-B hardware.
Under no circumstances will ProSoft Technology, Inc. be responsible or liable for indirect or
consequential damages resulting from the use or application of the product.
Reproduction of the contents of this manual, in whole or in part, without written permission from
ProSoft Technology, Inc. is prohibited.
Information in this manual is subject to change without notice and does not represent a
commitment on the part of ProSoft Technology, Inc. Improvements and/or changes in this
manual or the product may be made at any time. These changes will be made periodically to
correct technical inaccuracies or typographical errors.
InRAx is a trademark of ProSoft Technology, Inc.
CompactLogix is a trademark of Allen-Bradley Company, Inc.
All other trademarks in the document are the properties of their respective owners/companies.
Copyright 2004 ProSoft Technology, Inc. All rights reserved.
MVI69-DFCM User Manual
June 24, 2004
OWNLOAD A CONFIGURATION FILE TO YOUR PC........................................................ 87
PLOADING THE CONFIGURATION FILE TO THE MODULE .............................................. 92
APPENDIX G – COMMAND FUNCTION CODES .................................................. 97
Table of Contents
SUPPORT, SERVICE, AND WARRANTY .............................................................. 107
Product Specifications
1 Product Specifications
The MVI69-DFCM (“DF1 Communication Module”) product allows Allen-Bradley
CompactLogix I/O compatible processors to easily interface with other DF1 protocol
compatible devices. Compatible devices include not only Allen-Bradley PLC's (which all
support the DF1 protocol) but also a wide assortment of end devices.
1.1 General Specifications
The MVI69-DFCM module acts as a gateway between the DF1 network and the AllenBradley backplane. The data transfer from the CompactLogix processor is
asynchronous from the actions on the DF1 network. A 5000-word register space in the
module is used to exchange data between the processor and the DF1 network.
Some of the general specifications include:
• Support for the storage and transfer of up to 5000 registers to/from the
CompactLogix processor's controller tags
• Module memory usage that is completely user definable
• Two ports to emulate any combination of DF1 master or slave device
• Configurable parameters include:
Protocol : Full- or half-duplex
Termination Type BCC or CRC
Local Station ID 0 to 254
Baud Rate : 110 to 115,200
Parity : None, Odd and Even
Stop Bits : 1 or 2
RTS On and Off Timing : 0 to 65535 milliseconds
Minimum Response Delay : 0 to 65535 milliseconds
Use of CTS Modem Line : Yes or No
ENQ Delay 0 to 65535 milliseconds
Response Timeout 0 to 65535 milliseconds
Retry Count 0 to 10
• Address 255 is used for broadcast messages.
1.1.1 Slave Functional Specifications
The MVI69-DFCM module accepts DF1 commands from an attached DF1 master unit. A
port configured as a virtual DF1 slave permits a remote master to interact with all data
contained in the module. This data can be derived from other DF1 slave devices on the
network through a master port or from the CompactLogix processor.
1.1.2 Master Functional Specifications
A port configured as a virtual DF1 master device on the MVI69-DFCM module will
actively issue DF1 commands to other nodes on the DF1 network. One hundred
commands are supported on each port. Additionally, the master ports have an optimized
polling characteristic that will poll slaves with communication problems less frequently.
The CompactLogix processor can be programmed to control the activity on the port by
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Product Specifications
actively selecting commands from the command list to execute or issuing commands
directly from the ladder logic. The CompactLogix processor also has the ability to control
the scanning of slaves on the port.
1.1.3 Physical
This module is designed by ProSoft Technology and incorporates licensed technology
from Allen-Bradley (CompactLogix backplane technology).
• CompactLogix Form Factor - Single Slot
• Connections :
o RJ45 connectors for DF1 support of RS-232, RS-422 or RS-485
o 1 – RJ45 RS-232 Configuration Tool Connector
1.1.4 CompactLogix Interface
• Operation via simple ladder logic
• Complete monitoring of module through RSLogix 5000 software
• CompactLogix backplane interface via I/O access
• All data related to the module is contained in a single controller tag with defined
objects to ease in the monitoring and interfacing with the module
1.2 Hardware Specifications
The MVI69-DFCM module is designed by ProSoft Technology and incorporates licensed
technology from Allen-Bradley (CompactLogix backplane technology).
Current Loads 800 mA @ 5V (from backplane)
Operating Temperature
Storage Temperature
Relative Humidity 5 – 95% (w/o condensation)
DF1 Port Connector Two RJ45 connectors (RJ45 to DB9 cable
Configuration Connector RJ45 RS-232 Connector (RJ45 to DB9
0 to 60° C
32 to 140° F
-40 to 85°C
-40 to 185° F
shipped with unit (supporting RS-232, RS422 and RS-485 interfaces (RJ45 to DB9
cables shipped with unit.
cable shipped with unit.
2ProSoft Technology, Inc. MVI69-DFCM User Manual
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Functional Overview
2 Functional Overview
This section provides a functional overview of the MVI69-DFCM module. A thorough
understanding of the information contained in this document is required for successful
implementation of the module in a user application. If you are not familiar with the data
transfer and DF1 protocol operations, read this document before setting up the module.
2.1 General Concepts
The following discussion covers several concepts that are key to understanding the
operation of the MVI69-DFCM module.
2.1.1 Module Power Up
• On power up the module begins performing the following logical functions:
• Initialize hardware components
o Initialize CompactLogix backplane driver
o Test and Clear all RAM
o Initialize the serial communication ports
• Read module configuration from the Compact Flash
• Initialize Module Register space
• Enable Slave Driver on selected ports
• Enable Master Driver on selected ports
Once this initialization procedure is complete, the module will begin communicating with
other nodes on the network, depending on the configuration.
2.1.2 Main Logic Loop
Upon completing the power up configuration process, the module enters an infinite loop
that performs the following functions:
From P o wer Up Logic
From P o wer Up Logic
Call I/O Handler
Call I/O Handler
Call Cfg/ Dbg P o rt
Call Cfg/ Dbg P o rt
Call Cfg/ Dbg P o rt
Call DF 1
Call DF 1
Call DF 1
Call I/O Handler
Call I/O Handler
- Trans fers dat a betw een mo dule and p rocess or
- Trans fers dat a betw een mo dule and p rocess or
(user, status, configuratio n, et c. )
(user, status, configuratio n, et c. )
Call Serial Port Driver (Configuration/Debug Port)
Call Serial Port Driver (Configuration/Debug Port)
- Rx and Tx buffer rout ines are interr upt driven
- Rx and Tx buffer rout ines are interr upt driven
- Call to serial port routines chec ks to see if there is any data
- Call to serial port routines chec ks to see if there is any data
in the buffer, and de pen ding o n the value will ei th er servic e
in the buffer, and de pen ding o n the value will ei th er servic e
the buffer or wait for more c har act ers
the buffer or wait for more c har act ers
Cal l DF1 Dri ve r
Cal l DF1 Dri ve r
- If DF1 Mas ter P ort, poll s la ves using c omm and lis t
- If DF1 Mas ter P ort, poll s la ves using c omm and lis t
- If DF1 Slave P ort, respo nd to comman ds rec ei ved
- If DF1 Slave P ort, respo nd to comman ds rec ei ved
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Functional Overview
2.1.3 Backplane Data Transfer
The MVI69-DFCM module is unique in the way that the CompactLogix backplane is
utilized. Data is paged between the module and the CompactLogix processor across the
backplane using the module's input and output images. The update frequency of the
images is determined by the scheduled scan rate defined by the user for the module and
the communication load on the module. Typical updates are in the range of 2 to 10
The data is paged between the processor and the module using input and output image
blocks. You can configure the size of the blocks using the Block Transfer Size parameter
in the configuration file. You can configure blocks of 60, 120, or 240 words of data
depending on the number of words allowed for your own application.
This bi-directional transference of data is accomplished by the module filling in data in the
module's input image to send to the processor. Data in the input image is placed in the
Controller Tags in the processor by the ladder logic. The input image for the module may
be set to 62, 122, or 242 words depending on the block transfer size parameter set in the
configuration file.
The processor inserts data to the module's output image to be transferred to the module.
The module's program extracts the data and places it in the module's internal database.
The output image for the module may be set to 61, 121, or 241 words depending on the
block transfer size parameter set in the configuration file.
The following diagram displays the data transfer method used to move data between the
CompactLogix processor, the MVI69-DFCM module and the DF1 network.
MVI69-DFCM Module
MVI69-DFCM Module
Controller Tags
Controller Tags
Or User Files
Or User Files
Read Data
Read Data
Write Data
Write Data
Special Control
Special Control
Data from
Data from
module’s input
module’s input
image to data
image to data
areas inthe
areas in the
Data from
Data from
data areas
data areas
to output image
to output image
Backplane Driver
Backplane Driver
Input Image
Input Image
Output Image
Output Image
As shown in the diagram above, all data transferred between the module and the
processor over the backplane is through the input and output images. Ladder logic must
be written in the CompactLogix processor to interface the input and output image data
To DF1
To DF1
4ProSoft Technology, Inc. MVI69-DFCM User Manual
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Functional Overview
with data defined in the Controller Tags. All data used by the module is stored in its
internal database. The diagram below displays the layout of the database:
Module’s Internal Database Structure
5000 registers for us e r data
3000 words of configu ration
and status data
Regist er
Data contained in this database is paged through the input and output images by
coordination of the CompactLogix ladder logic and the MVI69-DFCM module's program.
Up to 242 words of data can be transferred from the module to the processor at once.
Up to 241 words of data can be transferred from the processor to the module. The read
and write block identification codes in each data block determine the function to be
performed or the content of the data block. The block identification codes used by the
module are listed below:
Block Range Descriptions
-1 Status Block
0 Status Block
1 to 999 Read or write data
1000 Event Port 1
2000 Event Port 2
3000 to 3001 Port 1 slave polling control
3002 to 3006 Port 1 slave status
3100 to 3101 Port 2 slave polling control
3102 to 3106 Port 2 slave status
5000 to 5006 Port 1 command control
5100 to 5106 Port 2 command control
9972 Set module time using received time
9973 Pass module time to processor
9998 Warm-boot control block
9999 Cold-boot control block
Each image has a defined structure depending on the data content and the function of
the data transfer as defined in the sections below:
2.2 Normal Data Transfer
Normal data transfer includes the paging of the user data found in the module's internal
database in registers 0 to 4999 and the status data. These data are transferred through
read (input image) and write (output image) blocks. The structure and function of each
block is discussed in the following sections:
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Functional Overview
2.2.1 Read Block
These blocks of data are used to transfer information from the module to the
CompactLogix processor. The structure of the input image used to transfer this data is
shown below:
2 to (n+1) Read Data n
n = 60, 120, or 240 depending on the Block Transfer Size parameter (refer to the
configuration file).
The Read Block ID is an index value used to determine the location of where the data will
be placed in the CompactLogix processor controller tag array of module read data. The
number of data words per transfer depends on the configured Block Transfer Size
parameter in the configuration file (possible values are 60, 120, or 240).
The Write Block ID associated with the block is used to request data from the
CompactLogix processor. Under normal, program operation, the module sequentially
sends read blocks and requests write blocks. For example, if three read and two write
blocks are used with the application, the sequence will be as follows:
This sequence will continue until interrupted by other write block numbers sent by the
controller or by a command request from a node on the DF1 network or operator control
through the module's Configuration/Debug port.
The following example shows a typical backplane communication application.
Assume that the backplane parameters are configured as follows:
The backplane communication would be configured as follows:
Offset Description Length
0 Read Block ID 1
1 Write Block ID 1
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Functional Overview
Database address 0 to 479 will be continuously transferred from the module to the
processor. Database address 480 to 959 will continuously be transferred from the
processor to the module.
The Block Transfer Size parameter basically configures how the Read Data and Write
Data areas are broken down into data blocks (60, 120, or 240).
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Functional Overview
If Block Transfer Size = 60:
If Block Transfer Size = 120:
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Functional Overview
If Block Transfer Size = 240:
2.2.2 Write Block
These blocks of data are used to transfer information from the CompactLogix processor
to the module. The structure of the output image used to transfer this data is shown
Offset Description Length
0 Write Block ID 1
1 to n Write Data n
where n = 60, 120, or 240 depending on the Block Transfer Size parameter (refer to the
configuration file).
The Write Block ID is an index value used to determine the location in the module's
database where the data will be placed. Each transfer can move up to 200 words (block
offsets 1 to 200) of data.
2.3 Special Blocks
2.3.1 Slave Status Blocks
Slave status blocks are used to send status information of each slave device on a master
port. Slaves attached to the master port can have one of the following states:
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Functional Overview
State Description
0 The slave is inactive and not defined in the command list
1 The slave is actively being polled or controlled by the
2 The master port has failed to communicate with the slave
3 Communications with the slave has been disabled by the
Slaves are defined to the system when the module initializes the master command list.
Each slave defined will be set to a state of one in this initial step. If the master port fails
to communicate with a slave device (retry count expired on a command), the master will
set the state of the slave to a value of 2 in the status table. This suspends
communication with the slave device for a user specified scan count (Error Delay Count
parameter in the configuration file). Each time a command in the list is scanned that has
the address of a suspended slave, the delay counter value will be decremented. When
the value reaches zero, the slave state will be set to one.
In order to read the slave status table, you should refer to the sample ladder logic. The
ladder logic must send a special block to the module to request the data. Each port has
a specific set of blocks to request the data as follows:
3002 Request status for slaves 0 to 59 for Port 1
3003 Request status for slaves 60 to 119 for Port 1
3004 Request status for slaves 120 to 179 for Port 1
3005 Request status for slaves 180 to 239 for Port 1
3006 Request status for slaves 240 to 255 for Port 1
3102 Request status for slaves 0 to 59 for Port 2
3103 Request status for slaves 60 to 119 for Port 2
3104 Request status for slaves 120 to 179 for Port 2
3105 Request status for slaves 180 to 239 for Port 2
3106 Request status for slaves 240 to 255 for Port 2
The format of these blocks is as shown below:
Write Block – Request Slave Status
Offset Description Length
0 3002 – 3006 or 3102 – 3106 1
1 to n Spare n
n=60, 120, or 240 depending on what is entered in the Block Transfer Size parameter
(see the configuration file).
for the master port.
master port and communications is successful.
device. Communications with the slave is suspended for
a user defined period based on the scanning of the
command list.
ladder logic. No communication will occur with the slave
until this state is cleared by the ladder logic.
10ProSoft Technology, Inc. MVI69-DFCM User Manual
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Functional Overview
The module will recognize the request by receiving the special write block code and
respond with a read block with the following format:
Read Block – Read Slave Status
Offset Description Length
0 3002-3006 or 3102-3106 1
1 Write Block ID 1
2-61 Slave Poll Status Data 60
62 to n Spare (if present)
The sample ladder logic shows how to override the value in the slave status table to
disable slaves (state value of 3) by sending a special block of data from the processor to
the slave. Port 1 slaves are disabled using block 3000, and Port 2 slaves are disabled
using block 3100. Each block contains the slave node addresses to disable. The
structure of the block is displayed below:
Write Block – Disable Slaves
Offset Description Length
0 3000 or 3100 1
1 Number of slaves in block 1
2 to 61 Slave indexes 60
62 to (n+1) Spare
n=120, or 240 (if configured)
The module will respond with a block with the same identification code received and
indicate the number of slaves acted on with the block. The format of this response block
is displayed below:
Read Block – Disable Slaves
Offset Description Length
0 3000 or 3100 1
1 Write Block ID 1
2 Number of slaves processed 1
3 to (n+1) Spare
n=60, 120, or 240 (if configured)
The sample ladder logic explains how to override the value in the slave status table to
enable the slave (state value of 1) by sending a special block. Port 1 slaves are enabled
using block 3001, and Port 2 slaves are enabled using block 3101. Each block contains
the slave node addresses to enable. The format of the block is displayed below:
Write Block – Enable Slaves
Offset Description Length
0 3001 or 3101 1
1 Number of slaves in block 1
2 Slave indexes 1
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Functional Overview
3 to n Spare
n=60, 120, or 240 depending on what is entered in the Block Transfer Size parameter
(see the configuration file).
The module will respond with a block with the same identification code received and
indicate the number of slaves acted on with the block. The format of this response block
is displayed below:
Read Block – Enable Slaves
Offset Description Length
0 3001 or 3101 1
1 Write Block ID 1
2 Number of slaves processed 1
3-n Spare
n=60, 120, or 240 depending on what is entered in the Block Transfer Size parameter
(see the configuration file).
Important: The slaves are enabled by default. Therefore, this block should only be used
after Block 3000 or 3001 to re-enable the slaves.
2.4 Command Control Blocks
Command control blocks are special blocks used to control the module or request special
data from the module. The current version of the software supports five command
control blocks: event command control, command control, transfer time, warm boot and
cold boot.
2.4.1 Event Command
Event command control blocks are used to send DF1 commands directly from the ladder
logic to one of the master ports. The format for these blocks is displayed below:
n=60, 120, or 240 depending on what is entered in the Block Transfer Size parameter
(see the configuration file).
12ProSoft Technology, Inc. MVI69-DFCM User Manual
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Functional Overview
The block number defines the DF1 port to be considered. Block 1000 commands are
directed to Port 1, and block 2000 commands are directed to Port 2. The parameters
passed with the block are used to construct the command. The Internal DB Address
parameter specifies the module's database location to associate with the command. The
Point Count parameter defines the number of registers for the command. The Swap
Code is used to change the word or byte order. The Node Address parameter is used
to define the device on the DF1 network to consider. The Function Code parameter is
one of those defined in the ProSoft DF1 Command Set documentation. The parameter
fields in the block should be completed as required by the selected function code. Each
command has its own set of parameters. When the block is received, the module will
process it and place the command in the command queue. The module will respond to
each event command block with a read block with the following format:
Read Block – Event Command
Offset Description Length
0 1000 or 2000 1
1 Write Block ID 1
2 0=Fail, 1=Success 1
3 to n Spare
n=60, 120, or 240 depending on what is entered in the Block Transfer Size parameter
(see the configuration file).
Word two of the block can be used by the ladder logic to determine if the command was
added to the command queue of the module. The command will only fail if the command
queue for the port is full (100 commands for each queue) or the command requested is
2.4.2 Command Control
Command control blocks are used to place commands in the command list into the
command queue. Each port has a command queue of up to 100 commands. The
module services commands in the queue before the master command list. This gives
high priority to commands in the queue. Commands placed in the queue through this
mechanism must be defined in the master command list. Under normal command list
execution, the module will only execute commands with the Enable parameter set to one
or two. If the value is set to zero, the command is skipped. Commands may be placed in
the command list with an Enable parameter set to zero. These commands can then be
executed using the command control blocks.
One to six commands can be placed in the command queue with a single request. The
format of the block is displayed in the following table:
Write Block – Command Control
Offset Description Length
0 5001-5006 or 5101-5106 1
1 Command index 1
2 Command index 1
3 Command index 1
4 Command index 1
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Functional Overview
n=60, 120, or 240 depending on what is entered in the Block Transfer Size parameter
(see the configuration file).
Blocks in the range of 5001 to 5006 are used for Port 1, and blocks in the range of 5101
to 5106 are used for Port 2. The last digit in the block code defines the number of
commands to process in the block. For example, a block code of 5003 contains 3
command indexes that are to be used with Port 1. The Command index parameters in
the block have a range of 0 to 99 and correspond to the master command list entries.
The module responds to a command control block with a block containing the number of
commands added to the command queue for the port. The format of the block is
displayed below:
Read Block – Command Control
5 Command index 1
6 Command index 1
7 to n Spare
Offset Description Length
0 5000-5006 or 5100-5106 1
1 Write Block ID 1
2 Number of commands added to
command queue
3 to (n+1) Spare
n=60, 120, or 240 depending on what is entered in the Block Transfer Size parameter
(see the configuration file).
2.4.3 Set Module Time Using Processor Time
This block can be used to update the module’s internal clock (date and time).
n=60, 120, or 240 depending on what is entered in the Block Transfer Size parameter
(see the configuration file).
2.4.4 Warm Boot
This block is sent from the CompactLogix processor to the module (output image) when
the module is required to perform a warm-boot (software reset) operation. The structure
of the control block is shown below:
Offset Description Length
0 9998 1
1 to n Spare 247
n=60, 120, or 240 depending on what is entered in the Block Transfer Size parameter
(see the configuration file).
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Functional Overview
Cold Boot
This block is sent from the CompactLogix processor to the module (output image) when
the module is required to perform the cold boot (hardware reset) operation. This block is
sent to the module when a hardware problem is detected by the ladder logic that requires
a hardware reset. The structure of the control block is shown below:
n=60, 120, or 240 depending on what is entered in the Block Transfer Size parameter
(see the configuration file).
Offset Description Length
0 9999 1
1 to n Spare 247
16ProSoft Technology, Inc. MVI69-DFCM User Manual
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Functional Overview
2.5 Data Flow between MVI69-DFCM Module and CompactLogix
The following discussion details the flow of data between the two pieces of hardware
(CompactLogix processor and MVI69-DFCM module) and other nodes on the DF1
network under the module’s different operating modes. Each port on the module is
configured to emulate a DF1 master device or a DF1 slave device. The operation of
each port is dependent on this configuration. The sections below discuss the operation
of each mode.
2.5.1 Slave Driver Mode
The Slave Driver Mode allows the MVI69-DFCM module to respond to data read and
write commands issued by a master on the DF1 network. The following flow chart and
associated table detail the flow of data into and out of the module.
Processor MemoryDFCM ModuleBackplane Interface
Processor MemoryDFCM ModuleBackplane Interface
User Files Or
User Files Or
Controller Tags
Controller Tags
from Module
from Module
Step Description
1 The DF1 slave port driver receives the configuration information from the
internal Compact Flash disk. This information is used to configure the
serial port and define the slave node characteristics. The module
simulates N-files to permit remote access of the database. Each file has a
configurable length of 60, 120, or 240-word registers.
2 A Host device, such as an Allen-Bradley PLC or an MMI package issues a
read or write command to the module’s node address. The port driver
qualifies the message before accepting it into the module.
3 Once the module accepts the command, the data is immediately
transferred to or from the internal database in the module. If the command
is a read command, the data is read out of the database and a response
message is built. If the command is a write command, the data is written
directly into the database and a response message is built.
4 Once the data processing has been completed in Step 3, the response is
issued to the originating master node.
5 Counters are available in the Status Block that permit the ladder logic
program to determine the level of activity of the Slave Driver.
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Functional Overview
Review the Module Set Up section for a complete list of the parameters that must be
defined for a slave port. The slave driver supports the following DF1 command set:
Basic Command Set Functions
Command Function Definition
0x00 N/A Protected Write X
0x01 N/A Unprotected Read X
0x02 N/A Protected Bit Write X
0x05 N/A Unprotected Bit Write X
0x06 0x00 Echo Request X
0x06 0x03 Status Request X
0x08 N/A Unprotected Write X
PLC-5 Command Set Functions
Command Function Definition
Supported in
Supported in
0x0F 0x00 Word Range Write (Binary
0x0F 0x01 Word Range Read (Binary
0x0F 0x26 Read-Modify-Write (Binary
0x0F 0x00 Word Range Write (ASCII
0x0F 0x01 Word Range Read (ASCII
0x0F 0x26 Read-Modify-Write (ASCII
18ProSoft Technology, Inc. MVI69-DFCM User Manual
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Functional Overview
SLC-500 Command Set Functions
Command Function Definition
0x0F 0xA1 Protected Typed Logical Read
With Two Address Fields
0x0F 0XA2 Protected Typed Logical Read
With Three Address Fields
0x0F 0XA9 Protected Typed Logical Write
With Two Address Fields
0x0F 0XAA Protected Typed Logical Write
With Three Address Fields
0x0F 0XAB Protected Typed Logical Write
With Mask (Three Address
The PLC-5 and SLC-500 command set require the use of files. These files are emulated
in the module. The module defines these files depending on the following parameters in
the configuration file:
• First File
• File Size
• File Offset
For example, if these parameters are configured as:
First File: 7
File Size: 200
File Offset: 0
The database would be emulated as shown in the following table:
Supported in
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Functional Overview
In order to retrieve data from the modules database register 200, the remote master
would issue a command using the address N8:0. In order to interface with database
base register 405, the remote master would use the address N9:5. The following table
outlines the complete file emulation for the module:
Register Range Content Size
0 – 4999 User Data 5000
5000 – 5099 Backplane Configuration 10
5010 – 5039 Port 1 Setup 30
5040 – 5069 Port 2 Setup 30
5070 – 5199 Reserved 130
5200 – 6399 Port 1 Commands 1200
6400 – 7599 Port 2 Commands 1200
7600 – 7700 Misc. Status Data 200
7800 – 7999 Command Control 200
8000 – 9999 Reserved 2000
All the data in the module is available to a remote host. This permits the host device to
remotely configure the module and view the status data.
In the Master Mode of operation, the MVI69-DFCM module is responsible for issuing read
or write commands to slave devices on the DF1 network. These commands are user
configured in the module via the Master Command List received from the CompactLogix
processor or issued directly from the CompactLogix processor (event command control).
Command status is returned to the processor for each individual command in the
command list status block. The location of this status block in the module's internal
database is user defined. The following flow chart and associated table detail the flow of
data into and out of the module.
20ProSoft Technology, Inc. MVI69-DFCM User Manual
June 24, 2004
Functional Overview
Processor MemoryBackplane Interface
Processor MemoryBackplane Interface
User Files Or
User Files Or
Controller Tags
Controller Tags
from Module
from Module
Event Cmd
Event Cmd
Event Cmd
Event Cmd
Event Cmd
Event Cmd
DFCM Memory
DFCM Memory
Command List
Command List
Step Description
1 The Master driver obtains configuration data from the internal Compact
Flash disk. The configuration data obtained includes the number of
commands and the Master Command List. These values are used by the
Master driver to determine the type of commands to be issued to the other
nodes on the DF1 network.
2 Once configured, the Master driver begins transmitting read and/or write
commands to the other nodes on the network. If writing data to another
node, the data for the write command is obtained from the module's
internal database to build the command.
3 Presuming successful processing by the node specified in the command, a
response message is received into the Master driver for processing.
4 Data received from the node on the network is passed into the module's
internal database, assuming a read command.
5 Status is returned to the CompactLogix processor for each command in the
Master Command List.
Refer to the appendix for a complete discussion of the structure and content of each
command. Care must be taken in constructing each command in the list for predictable
operation of the module. If two commands write to the same internal database address
of the module, the results will not be as desired. All commands containing invalid data
will be ignored by the module. The following table displays the functions supported by
the module and the format of each command:
ProSoft Technology, Inc. 21
MVI69-DFCM User Manual
June 24, 2004
Functional Overview
Column #1234567891011
Function EnableInternalPoll IntervalSwapNodeFunction
CodeCodeAddressTim eCountCode
FC 1CodeRegisterSecondsCountCodeNode1W ord Address
FC 2CodeRegisterSecondsCountCodeNode2W ord Address
FC 3CodeRegisterSecondsCount0Node3W ord Address
FC 4CodeRegisterSecondsCount0Node4W ord Address
FC 5CodeRegisterSecondsCountCodeNode5W ord Address
FC 100CodeRegisterSecondsCountCodeNode100File NumberElementSub-Element
FC 101CodeRegisterSecondsCountCodeNode101File NumberElementSub-Element
FC 102CodeRegisterSecondsCount0Node102File NumberElementSub-Element
FC 150CodeRegisterSecondsCountCodeNode150File String
FC 151CodeRegisterSecondsCountCodeNode151File String
FC 152CodeRegisterSecondsCount0Node152File String
FC 501CodeRegisterSecondsCountCodeNode501File TypeFile Number Element
FC 502CodeRegisterSecondsCountCodeNode502File TypeFile Number ElementSub-Element
FC 509CodeRegisterSecondsCountCodeNode509File TypeFile Number Element
FC 510CodeRegisterSecondsCountCodeNode510File TypeFile Number ElementSub-Element
FC 511CodeRegisterSecondsCount0Node511File TypeFile Number ElementSub-Element
Node Address = Destination Address for Message
Module Information DataDevice Information Data
ddressCodeFunction Parameters
22ProSoft Technology, Inc. MVI69-DFCM User Manual
June 24, 2004
Module Configuration
3 Module Configuration
3.1 Power Up
On power up, the module enters into a logical loop waiting to receive configuration data
from the processor. Upon receipt, the module will begin execution of the command list if
it is present.
3.2 Configuration File
In order for the module to operate, a configuration file (DFCM.CFG) is required. This
configuration file contains information to set the data transfer characteristics between the
module and the processor, to configure the communication information, to establish the
DF1 protocol parameters, and to define the databases required to hold the protocol data
sets. Each parameter in the file must be set carefully in order for the application to be
implemented successfully.
The following provides an example of a DFCM configuration file. Please refer to
Appendix F for information on how to transfer the configuration file between the module
and the PC.
# DFCM69_120.CFG
# This file contains the configuration for the MVI69-DFCM communication
# module.
# LOCATION : Test Bench
# DATE : 02/19/2004
# This section is used to define the configuration for the Module level
# data.
Module Name : Test Example of MVI69-DFCM Communication Module
Backplane Fail Count : 0 #
Error/Status Pointer : 2000 #Location for module status data (-1=ignore)
Block Transfer Size : 120 #Data size for BTR/BTW 60, 120 or 240
Read Register Start : 0 #Starting DB location where data read by processor
Read Register Count : 360 #Number of words transferred to processor (BT size * n)
Write Register Start : 1000 #Starting DB location where data placed by processor
Write Register Count : 240 #Number of words transferred from processor (BT size * n)
ProSoft Technology, Inc. 23
MVI69-DFCM User Manual
June 24, 2004
Module Configuration
# This section is used to define the configuration for the DF1 master device
# simulated on Port 1.
[DF1 Port 1]
Enabled : Yes #Y=Use port, N=Do not use port
Type : Master #M=Master, S=Slave
Local Station ID : 0 #DF1 node address
Protocol : Full #F=Full-Duplex, H=Half-Duplex
Termination Type : CRC #B=BCC, C=CRC
Baud Rate : 19200 #Baud rate for port 110-115K
Parity : None #N=None,O=Odd,E=Even,M=Mark,S=Space
Data Bits : 8 #5, 6, 7 or 8
Stop Bits : 1 #1 or 2
Minimum Response Delay : 0 #0-65535 mSec before sending response msg
RTS On : 0 #0-65536 mSec before message
RTS Off : 1 #0-65536 mSec after message
Use CTS Line : No #Use CTS modem control line (Y/N)
Response Timeout : 15000 #Response messgage timeout (0-65535 mSec)
Retry Count : 2 #Response failure retry count
ENQ Delay : 0 #0-65535 mSec before DLE-ENQ sent
Minimum Command Delay : 10 #Minimum number of msec's between commands
Error Delay Count : 100 #0-65535 Command cycle count if error
Command Error Pointer : 3000 #Cmd Error list data (-1=ignore)
Slave List Pointer : 3100 #Slave status list data (-1=ignore)
First File : 7 #First file number for SLC simulation
File Size : 200 #Number of elements in each file
File Offset : 0 #Database offset for first file element
[DF1 Port 1 Commands]
# The file contains examples for a SLC 5/03 processor.
# DATE : 06/24/99
# 07/23/99 -- Set to read more data file types.
# 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
# Internal Poll Swap Node Func File File Elm Sub
# Enable Address Interval Count Code Address Code Type # # Elm
24ProSoft Technology, Inc. MVI69-DFCM User Manual
June 24, 2004
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