ProScan PS61670, PS50670, PS56670 User Manual

To reduce the riskof fire or shock hazard, do not exposethis TV to
rain or moisture.
cover (or back). No user serviceable parts inside. Refer
servicing to qualified service personnel.
,_ This symbol indicates ,_ This symbol indicates
"dangerous voltage" insidethe important instructions
product that presents a risk of accompanying the product. electric shock or personal injury.
Caution: To reduce the riskof electric shock, match wide blade of plug to wide slot, fully insert.
Attention: Pour_viter les chocs _lectriques, introduire la lame la plus large de la
fiche dans la borne correspondantede la priseet pousser jusq6 au fond. Refer to the identification/rating label located on the back panel of your product for
its proper operating voltage. FCCRegulations statethat unauthorized changesor modifications to this equipment
may void the user's authority to operate it. If fixed (non-moving) imagesare left on the screenfor long periods, they may be
permanently imprinted on the screen. Such images include network Iogos, phone numbers, and video games. This damage is not covered by your warranty. Extended viewing of channels displaying these images should be avoided.
Cable "IV Installer: This reminder is provided to call your attention to Article 820-40 of the National Electrical Code (Section 54 of the Canadian Electrical Code, Part 1) which provides guidelines for proper grounding and, in particular, specifiesthat the
cable ground shall be connected to the groundingsystem of the building as closeto
the point of cable entry as practical.
VCR Plus+, PlusCode and GUIDE Plus+ aretrademarks of Gemstar Development Corporation. TV GUIDE isa trademark of TV Guide Financial,
Inc. The VCR Plus+ and TV GUIDE Plus+ systems are manufactured under license from Gemstar Development Corporation and VCR Index Systems B.V., respectively.
FIRST THINGS FIRST .......................... 3
Connecting your TV ......................................................... 4
TV Only ..................................................................... 4
TV with other Components ......................................... 4
TV GUIDE Plus+ Controller ........................................ 5
USING THE MENU SYSTEM .................. 7
The Menu Rule: Point and Select ..................................... 8
What is Point and Select? ........................................... 8
Menus and Control Panels ............................................. 10
Menus ...................................................................... 10
Control Panels ........................................................... 11
Sliders ....................................................................... 11
Choice Lists .............................................................. 12
Numeric Entry .......................................................... 13
TV GUIDE Plus+ Menus ........................................... 14
INTERACTIVE SETUP ......................... 1 5
Entering Setup ................................................................ 16
Select a Language .......................................................... 16
Auto Channel Search ..................................................... 16
TV GUIDE Plus+ System ................................................ 17
Set the Time ................................................................... 23
Set the VCR1 Channel ................................................... 24
Set the DVDiVCR2 Channel .......................................... 25
Set the SAT/CABLE Channel ........................................... 26
Label the Channels ........................................................ 27
Prograr_ming the Remote ................................... _.......... 30
To Control a VCR ..................................................... 30
To Control a DVD Player or Laserdisc Player ............ 32
To Control an RCA Audio Device: ............................ 32
To Control a Satellite Receiver or Cable Box ............. 33
Using the Remote to Control a Device ........................... 33
TOUR OF THE TV ............................. 35
Remote Buttons ............................................................. 36
Back Panel ..................................................................... 38
Front Panel .................................................................... 40
Channel Marker ............................................................. 41
QUICK REFERENCE .......................... 43
Audio Menu .................................................................. 44
Picture Quality Menu .................................................... 45
Screen Menu ................................................................. 46
Channel Menu ............................................................... 47
Time Menu .................................................................... 49
Parental Controls Menu ................................................. 50
TV GUIDE Plus+ Menu .................................................. 51
Setup Menu ................................................................... 52
ADVANCED FEATURES ...................... 53
TV GUIDE Plus+ Operation ........................................... 54
Surf Menu ................................................................ 54
Next Menu ............................................................... 55
Scan Menu ............................................................... 55
Sort Menu ................................................................ 56
One Touch Recording .............................................. 57
PIP (Picture-in-Picture) Operation .................................. 58
Two Tips for Using PIP Buttons ................................. 59
Fetch Menu ................................................................... 60
Choosing an Audio Processor ........................................ 61
Choosing an audio processor from the remote .......... 61
Closed Captioning ......................................................... 62
To display Closed Captioning ................................... 62
Closed Captioning Modes ........................................ 63
On-screen Program Details ............................................ 64
ACCESSORIES .................................. 82
INDEX ............................................. 85
I wrote this manual to help you get the most from yourTV. I know you expect a lot from your TV, so I designed this user manual to give you the information
you need.., when you need it.
The manual is designed to get you started quickly... and let you catch up on the details when you get a chance.The first four sections of the manual will get yourTV up and running.You'll learn how to use the
menu system, run the interactive setup routine and program the remote.
The rest of the manual gives you the specifics: a tour of the TV, a quick reference guide, details on the TV GUIDE Plus+ system, advanced features and appendices.
Well... if yourTV's out of the box, let's get started. First things first.
Unpack the "IV.Make sureto locate the remote control and
Connections Foldout.
Ifyou're only going to connect the TV to your home antenna or cable
system,use the "TV Only" connection. Ifyou're going to connect the
TV to a VCR, satellite receiver, DVD player or other component, look at the Connections Foldout. The Connections Foldout details
recommended connection schemesfor hooking up the TV to a cable box or antenna, one or two VCRs, a laserdisc player, and a satellite receiver.
This is a basic connection from an antenna or cable systemto your TV.
Connect the cable as shown. If you have a VCR or other components to connect to the TV, skip to the next section.
TVOnly Connection
Use the Connections Foldout to connect your TV to a VCR, DVD player, and/or satellite receiver.After connecting your "iV and other components, proceed to the next step.See AppendixA for detailed information about usingeach of these connections.
If your components don't match those shown on the foldout, or if you prefer a different connection, seeyour dealer or specific component
user manuals.
The TV GUIDE Plus+* controller allows direct control of a cable box
and VCR using a pair of IR (infrared) controllers.
• Plug the TV GUIDE Plus+ controller into the VCR CONTROL jack on the back of the TV.
• Affix the IR controllers directly over the IR remote sensors on your cable box and VCR.
Backof "IV
Connect IR controllers to the infrared remote
sensors on your cable box and VCR
Plug in the TV. Plug the end into the wall outlet, matching the wide blade of the plug
with the wide slot in the outlet. Be sure to insert the plug completely.
* GUIDE Plus+ is a trademark of Gemstar Development Corporation.
TV GUIDE is a trademark of TV Guide Financial, Inc.
Locating the IR (infrared) Remote Control Sensor on Your Cable
Box or VCR
The IR controllers must be affixed directly over the IR remote sensors on
your cable box or VCR. Some cable boxes and VCRs label the IR sensors; others do not. If the sensors are
labeled, affix the IR controllers directly over them.
IRRemote Sensor
For those that do not label the IR sensor,
you need to use the cable box or VCR's
remote to locate the sensor before
affixing the IR controllers.
1. Hold the remote control so that it is touching the front of the cable box
or VCR.
2. Slowly move the remote over the front of the cable box or VCR while
pressing the remote's POWER button
on and off
3. When the cable box or VCR turns off or on, you've located the sensor.
You should test the IR controllers after setting up the TV GUIDE Plus+ system.
Temporarily attach the IR controllers with clear tape to the spots where you think
the sensors are located. After determining
that the controllers are working correctly, affix them permanently•
Put batteries in the remote.
• Remove the battery compartment cover from the back of
the remote.
• Insertbatteries asshown, matching the + and - endsof each battery in the compartment.
• Replace the cover.
Turn on the TV.
Press"IVon the remote, or pressPOWER on the TV itself.
Read the next section, Using the Menu System,which is a brief
overview of_e basic rulesfor getting around in the menus.
Proceedto sectionthree, Interactive Setup. The interactive setup routine walks you through the stepsneededto fully configure the TV.
The first stepsask you to selectyour preferred language for the menu
systemand to begin the auto channel search,which putsavailable
cable TV or antenna signalsintothe TV's memory. You can skip any of
the stepsand return to them later.
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I If the picture appears to have a double or
triple image, you may have to adjust the
color convergence. Details can befound under the Screen menu heading in the
Quick Reference section.
You control and customize theTY by making changes to various control panels in the menu system.The great thing is,you only need to know one rule: point and select.
You only need to know one rule to use the on-screen menus and control panels: point and select.
The point and select method has two steps.
1. Point to a menu item usingthe MOVE arrows on the remote. To point up or down, pressthe up or down arrows. To point leftor
right, pressthe leftor right arrows.
2. Select a menu item by pressingMENU.SELECT. Selecting an item tells the TV's menu systemto go ahead and
make the change or go to a place you have indicated.
Forexample, to select the Channel menu from the Main menu:
1. PressMENU to bring up the Main menu.
2. Pojqt to Channel by pressing the down arrow until the word Channel is highlighted.
Tip: You can also select a menu item by entering the item number with the
number buttons on the remote. "
PressCLEAR at any time to remove all displays from the screen and return to TV viewing.
Many VCR user manuals refer to a
button on this remote works asa
PROGRAM button in VCR mode. The rest
of this manual refers to this button only as
3. Press MENU to select Channel. The Channel menu comes up.
Point to Exit and press MENU to return to the Main menu. Point to Exitand pressMENU to leave the menu systemand return
to TV viewing.
If you ever want to leave the menu system, press CLEAR.
Once you know how to point and selectyour way through the menus, you can apply this rule in the control panels,which do the real work
in the menu system.
There are three parts to the menu system: menus, control panels, and
TV GUIDE Plus+ menus. But before you can use control panels or the
TV GUIDE Plus+ system, you first have to move through at leastone
menu--the Main menu.
The first menu is called the Main menu. To bring up the Main menu:
1. PressMENU on the remote or front panel:
Menus take you to another menu or a control panel. There are two ways to make a choice in a menu:
• Point and select with the MOVE arrows and MENU.
• Pressa number button on the remote. For example, in the Main menu press 3 to go straight to the Screen menu.
Exiting a menu
There are three ways to exit a menu:
• Point to Exitand press MENU.
• Press0 on the remote.
• PressCLEAR. The on-screen displays are cleared from the screen and you are returned to TV viewing.
Feelfree to explore the menu system. If
you're ever unsure where you are in the
menu system, or you're just plain tired of
exploring, press CLEAR to remove the
menus from the screen and start over
Control Panels do the work in the menu system: it's where you choose a setting, enter a number, or adjust a level such as tint or brightness. There are three kinds of control panels: sliders, choice lists, and
numeric entry.
Slidersare used to make adjustmentsto a particular control. For example, to adjustthe TV's contrast:
1. PressMENU to bring up the Main menu.
2. Point to Picture Quality and press MENU. The Picture Quality menu comes up.
3. PressMENU to select Basic Picture Controls.
4. Pressthe right or left arrow to adjust the indicator line. Notice that the pictur_l, changes asyou adjust the contrast.
Now that you know how the Contrast slider works, you know how all
sliders work.
You don't need to remember the names of the control panel types. Once you've
learned how each type works, you'll be
able to use any part of the menu system.
Choice lists are used to choose a particular setting from a list of settings. The current setting in a choice list is always the highlighted
For example, to indicate whether you're currently using a home
antenna or a cable TV signals:
1. PressMENU to bring up the Main menu.
2. Point to Channeland pressMENU. The Channel menu comes up.
3. Point to Signal Type and press MENU. The Signal Type choice list comes up with the currentsettinghighlighted. For example:
Point to the correct setting for your connection and press MENU.
As soon asyou select a choice, the TV saves your change, and
you are returned to the previous menu. Point to Exitand press MENU to return to the Main menu.
Point to Exitand press MENU to return to TV viewing.
A numeric entry control panel isusedto enter numbers or letters.
For example, to set the current time:
1. PressMENU to bring up the Main menu.
2. Point to Time and press MENU.
3. Point to Set Time and press MENU. The Set "rime numeric entry control panel comes up. Notice the pointer underneath the first
Pre_sthe up arrow to enter a number in that column. Pressthe right arrow to move to the next column, then press the
up or down arrow to enter a number. Repeat Step 5 until you have entered the hour and minute for the
current time. Notice that when you reach the last column, pressing the up or down arrow changes whether the time reads
AM or PM.
7. When you have entered the correct time, press MENU. You are returned to the _me menu.
8. Point to Exit and press MENU to return to the Main menu.
9. Point to Exit and press MENU to return to TV viewing.
If the control panel is not set at the current time, use the left arrow to go back over the columns and the up arrow to
make changes. You can also enter numbers directly by
using the number buttons.
The TV GUIDE Plus+ systemisan interactive on-screen program guide that listsTV schedulesfor your area, and allows your "IV direct control
of a cable box and VCR. Use of the system'smenusdiffers slightlyfrom
the point and select method describedearlier.
1. PressGUIDE to bring up the TV GUIDE Plus+ menu.
WABC 5 Cosby WGN 9 Baseball-Cubs vs Braves
_TBC 4 Simple Pleasures WCBS ii Jerry Springer
WTRW 17 Weaving Today WJAX 34 The Ublquitious G-Men WIMT 42 YOU Bet: Your Life
-- Menus or Options
Channel Listin 8
There are three sections to a TV GUIDE Plus+ menu:
• A row of menus or options across the top of the screen
• Program information
• Channel listing Unlike your TV's other menus, TV GUIDE Plus+ menus use two
methods of pointing and selecting on the same screen---one for menus or options, and one for program information.
To select menus or options:
• Pressthe right or left arrow to highlight your choice.
• RressMENU to select the highlighted item. MENU is used only
when selecting menus or options.
To make selections in the program listing:
• Pressthe up or down arrow to select a channel.
• PressGUIDE to exit the TV GUIDE Plus+ system. The TV will change to the channel you selected.
See Interactive Setup and Advanced Features for more information on
using the TV GUIDE Plus+ system.
TV GUIDE Plus+ screensillustratedin this book are representationsof what
you are likely to see. Not all channels,
programs, and TV GUIDE Plus+ infor- mation depicted will be available in
your area. Currently, program information can
include title, brief description, time program starts, length, and the
availability of closed captioning, stereo and additional program information.
New features and options can be
downloaded to the TV GUIDE Plus+
system, so these too are subject to
Your'iV has soft'waro that tells it what to do, just like a computer.The interactive setup routine takes you through the steps needed to configure theTV:
Select a menu language
• Search for available channels
• Set up theTV GUIDE Plus+ System
• Set the time
• Set theVCRI channel
• Set the DVD/VCR2 channel
Set the SAT/CABLE channel
Make the c_annel list and labels
Setup is accessed through the Main menu:
1. PressMENU to bring up the Main menu.
2. Point to Setup and press MENU. The first Setup screen comes up, asking you to confirm that you want to begin.
3. PressMENU to begin the Setup routine.
The first part of the setup routine asks you to select your preferred
language for the menuing system.
1. Point to your preferred language for the menuing system.
2. PressMENU to select that language for the menuing system.
The next part of the setup routine asks you if you want the TV to
search automatically for all channels available through your antenna or cable TV system. This issometimes called "autoprogramming."
Press MENU to tell the TV to begin searching for channels. The display gives you a progress report and tells you when it has
2. PressMENU to continue.
• }
If you skip Auto Channel Search now, you can access it later through the Channel menu. You can also put channels in memory manually using List
& Labels. See Quick Reference for more details.
The next step lets you set up the TV GUIDE Plus+ system to display your local program listings, and control your cable box and VCR.
• I. PressMENU to bring up the TV GUIDE Plus+ initial menu.
Select Channels Exit
2. Press MENU to begin setup.
• }
To complete TV GUIDE Plus+ setup, you
must have already connected the TV
GUIDE Plus+ controllers to your cable
box and VCR. Refer to First Things First
for more details.
The first two screens ask for information about where you live.
Where do you live?
3. Select your country.
Enter your zipcode
4. Enter your ZIP code (PostalCode in Canada) using the numeric keypad. If you make a mistake, pressMENU to back up a number.
The next series of screens asksyou about your cable TV setup. If you
have a cable box, you will want to setthe TV GUIDE Plus+ system to control it. Otherwise, it may not be able to locate and download program information.
4- •
DO you have cable?
5. Select YESif you have cable, or NO if you do not.
Since the program information provided
by the TV GUIDE Plus+ system is based on your locale, you will need to run
setup again if you move.
DO you have a cable box?
6. Select YESif you have a cable box, or NO if you do not.
Turn On cable box Enter cable box brand # from
brand table in your manual
7. Enter the code for your cable box's brand from the table on the following pages.
When the TV GUIDE Plus+ system correctly identifies the brand and model of your cable box, the cable box changes to channel 9.
Testing code 1 2 - 0 1
Has your cable box
switched to channel 9?
8. Select YESif the cable box changed to channel 9, or NO if it did not. If you select NO, the system will try another code.
Once the correct model of cable box has been identified, you will
need to set the cable box's output channel.
When the TV GUIDE Plus+ system cannot recognize either your cable box or VCR after several tries, a screen
reading, "Cable Box (VCR) test failed... Please consult manual and try again"
appears. If this happens, you should:
• Double check the codes listed in the tables. Try entering another if one is
• Check to make sure the IR controllers are positioned correctly.
Select Cable Box Output Channel
Enter the channel you normally use to view channels through your
cable box--usually 3 or 4. Consult your cable box's instruction
book or your cable company if you are not sure. Choose 0 to use VIDEO INPUT 1,
The last series of screens asksabout your VCR setup.
Do you have a VCR?
10. Select YESif you have a VCR, or NO if you do not. Answering NO automatically skips forward to the end of TV GUIDE
Plus+ setup.
Tune VCR to 2 and turn it o£f
Enter VCR brand # from brand table in your manual
11. Tune your VCR to channel 2 and turn itoff.
12. Enter the code for your VCR's brand from the table on the following pages.
Channels 0-7 can be used for the cable box's output channel. "0" is
used for VIDEO INPUT 1 (INPUT 2
cannot be used); 1-7 are regular TV channels.
SeeAdvanced Featuresfor more details on using the TV GUIDE Plus+ system to
control a cable box and VCR,
When the "IV GUIDE Plus+ system correctly identifies the brand and model of your VCR, the VCR's tuner changes to channel 9.
Testing code 1 2 - 0 1
Has your VCR switched to channel 9?
13. Select YESif the VCR automatically changed to channel 9,or NO if it did not. If you select NO, the system will try another code.
Thisscreen comes up when you've successfullyfinished TVGUIDE
Plus+ setup.
Your TVGuide Plus+ will be ready for use within 24 hours.
Always leave your cable box ON and your VCR OFF.
14. Select EXITto continue with the remainder of the interactive
The TV GUIDE Plus+ system will be unavailable until it completes its first download of program information.
When the power is turned off, the "iV locates a "host channel" that carries TV GUIDE Plus+ data containing program schedule and
channel mapping information. A channel map is the list of stations and their respective channels, SeeAdvanced Featuresfor more details.
Downloads may be scheduled several times a day. The TV must be
turned off for TV GUIDE Plus+ data to download.
If more than one cable company services your area, the TV GUIDE Plus+ system may download a channel map for each company.
After the TV completes its first down-
load, you will be prompted to
manually select the channel map. See Advanced Featuresfor complete
W GUIDE Plus+ VCRCodes
Admiral ................................. 19
Akai ...................................... t 5
Audio Dynamics ................... 11
Belcor ................................... 16
Bell&Howell ......................... 04
Broksonic .............................. 26
Candle .................................. 27
Canon ................................... 03
Capehart ............................... 16
Craig ..................................... 17
Curtis .................................... 23
Daewoo ................................ 16
DBX ...................................... 11
Electrohome .......................... 08
Electron ................................ 01
Emerson ................................ 05
Fisher .................................... 04
Funai .................................... 14
GE ........................................ 01
Go Video .............................. 02
Goldstar ................................ 22
Grundig ................................ 03
Harman Kardon .................... 08
Hitachi .................................. 21
Images .................................. 02
JC Penney ............................. 25
Jenson................................... 31
JVC ....................................... 12
Kenwood .............................. 12
KLH ...................................... 17
Magnavox ............................. 07
Magnin ................................. 23
Marantz ................................ 11
Maria .................................... 22
Memorex .............................. 29
MGA ..................................... 08
Minolta .m.............................. 21
Mitsubishi ............................. 08
Montgomery Ward ................ 14
Movie Walker ....................... 14
MTC ..................................... 14
Multitech .............................. 14
NEC ...................................... 11
Nikko ............................... 16,22
Olympus ............................... 03
Optimus ................................ 27
Optonica .............................. 19
Orion .................................... 24
Panasonic ............................. 03
Pentax ................................... 21
Philco ................................... 28
Philips ................................... 28
Pilot ...................................... 22
Pioneer ................................. 21
ProScan ................................ 01
Quasar .................................. 03
Radio Shack/Realistic ............ 30
Randix .................................. 22
RCA ...................................... 01
Samsung ............................... 23
Sansui ................................... 20
Sanyo.................................... 04
Scott ..................................... 05
Sears..................................... 06
Sharp .................................... 19
Shintom ................................ 17
Shogun ................................. 23
Signature ............................... 19
Sony ..................................... 13
Sylvania ................................ 28
Symphonic ............................ 14
Tatung ................................... 31
Teac ...................................... 31
Teknika ................................. 18
Telefunken ............................ 05
TMK ...................................... 05
Toshiba ................................. I 0
Totevision ............................. 23
Vector Research .................... 11
Zenith ................................... 09
I he TV GUIDE Plus+ system may not operate all models of the |
brands listed in the tables on this page.
TV GUIDE Plus+ Cable Box Codes
Archer ................................... 14
Cable Cinema ....................... 31
Cabletenna ........................... 31
Cableview ............................. 31
Century ................................. 27
Citizen .................................. 29
Curtis .................................... 04
Diamond'. ............................. 31
Eagle..................................... 09
Eastern .................................. 13
GC Electronics ...................... 26
Gemini ................................. I 5
General Electric .................... 19
General Instrument ............... 01
Gerrard ................................. 27
Hamlin ............................ 06,13
Hitachi .................................. 16
Jasco ..................................... I 5
Jerrold ................................... 01
Macom ................................. 16
Magnavox ............................. 11
Matsushita ............................ 07
Movietime ............................ 17
NEC ...................................... 22
Novavision ........................... 04
NSC ...................................... 22
Oak ...................................... 05
Oak Sigma ............................ 05
Panasonic ............................. 07
Philips ................................... 10
Pioneer ................................. 02
Pulser.................................... 24
Quest .................................... 02
RCA ...................................... 07
Realistic ................................ 27
Recoton ................................ 27
Regal .................................... 06
Regency ................................ 13
Rembrant .............................. 26
L.L Marx .............................. 23
Samsung ............................... 23
Scientific Atlanta ................... 04
Sheritech ............................... 12
Signal .................................... 11
Sprucer ................................. 07
Standard Components ........... 17
Stargate ................................. 24
Sylvania ............................... "08
Teknika ................................. 20
Telecaption ........................... 21
Teleview ............................... 22
Texscan ................................. 08
Tocom ................................... 18
Toshiba ................................. 30
Unika .................................... 26
Universal .............................. 25
Videoway .............................. 03
Vidtek ................................... 28
Viewstar ................................ 09
Zenith ................................... 03
The next step letsyou setthe time of day.
1. PressMENU to bring up the Set Time control panel.
Use the left and right arrows to point to the hour and minutes spaces. Use the up and down arrows to scroll through the numbersand
change from AM to PM.
3. PressMENI_ to continue.
The next step lets you setthe VCR1 channel. When you setthe VCR1 channel, you're telling the TV what channel to tune to when you press
the VCR1 button on the remote. For example, if you have aVCR connected to the Video 1 input jacks
on the back of the TV, you want the TV to tune to the Video I input channel when you pressthe VCR1 button. If you don't have a VCRI component connected to the TV, skip this step or select Not
Connected from the VCR1 Channel choice list. (For more, see Auto Tuning in the Quick Reference section.)
1. PressMENU to bring up the VCR1 choice list.
Point to the choice that matches the way you have your VCR connected to the TV.
If you used the Connections Foldout to hook up your TV, use the
table shown at the right to select the VCR1 channel.
3. PressMENU to continue.
If you used
Connection A Connection B Connection C
Connection D Connection E
Connection F Connection G Connection H
Connection I
Video I Input Video I Input
Video I. Input Video I Input
Not Connected Not Connected
Video 2 Input Channel 3*
Video 2 Input
* Or Channel 4, depending on
how your VCR's 3/4 switch is set.
The next step lets you set the DVDNCR2 channel. When you set the
DVD/VCR2 channel, you're telling the TV what channel to tune to
when you press the DVD,,VCR2 button on the remote.
For example, if you have a DVD player connected to the Video 2 input
jacks on the back of the TV, you want the TV to tune to the Video 2
input channel when you press DVD*VCR2. If you don't have a DVDoVCR2 component connected to the TV, skip this step or select Not Connected from the DVDNCR2 Channel choice list. (For more, seeAuto Tuning in the Quick Reference section.)
1. PressMENU to bring up the DVDiVCR2 choice list.
Point to the choice that matches the way you have your DVD player or second VCR connected to the TV.
If you used the Connections Foldout to hook up your TV, use the
table at right to select the DVDiVCR2 channel.
3. PressMENU to continue.
If you used Connection A
Connection B Connection C Connection D
Connection E Connection F Connection G
Connection H Connection I
Not Connected Not Connected
Video 2 Inl_ut Channel 3*
Video 1 Input Not Connected
Not Connected Video 2 Input
Channel 3*
* Or Channel 4, depending on how
your VCR's 3/4 switch is set.
+ 61 hidden pages