Your ProScan television is more than state-of-the-art
technology. It's technology tailored to you, Features
des gned to deliver viewing and listening enjoyment
beyond expectations. Innovation and simplicity of
operation become one-ProScan.
Improving Your Image
• A Brighter Picture: The advanced Invar steel alloy maintains
excellent color purity under the brightest power conditions to allow
fi>r more light output than conventional tubes
• No Glare _v Picture: Anti-Glare Lithium Silicate Faceplate
reduces glare while enhancing contrast,
• A Cleaner Picture: The Digital Comb Filter reduces distortion
and extends resolution.
• Greater Contrast: Dynamic Gamma Correction automatically
_xtends the dynamic range of the lmninance signal producing
blacker blacks and whiter whites.
• Increased Clarity: Scan Velocity Modulation and a wide band
video amplifier enhance inaage edges, and with Dynamic Beam
Focus, provide crisp clean details-with up to 700 lines of
horizontal resolutitm, surpassing the capabilities of all available
consumer signal sources
• A Cleaner Picture Tube: The Anti-Static Faceplate reduces the
static that attracts dust.
• Dolhy* Surround Sound t_crcates the audio experience of a
movie theater by decoding the surround sound signal on most
prerecorded VHS/hi-fi tapes (with optional speakers). For details,
see pages 16-17.
• Acoustic Suspension Speaker System sealed enclosures and high
compliance speakers provide higher fidelity and extended bass
• On-Screen Graphic Equalizer permits precise adjustment of
seven frequency bands to complement your room's acoustics.
For details, see pagt s 12.13.
* Il! Watts Per Channel **
• dbx*** Noise Reduction
• Second Audio Program (SAP) f))r details, see page 14.
* Dolby is a registered Irademark of Dolby Laboratories Licensing Corp.
*" RMS rating into 8 ohms, 50 to 20,000 ttz ±3db, with less than
I+i_ THD.
**_'dbx is a registered trademark of Carilhm Elecmmics Corp.
• Advanced Color Picture-in-Picture lets you watch two programs
at once (with VCRL
SWAP, MOVE, FREEZE-- lor viewing convenience.
CHANNEL GUIDE +displays a still picture of 12 channels at one time
for a quick review of available programs.
plx ZOOM - enla+ges any desired vide() image for a closer look.
PIX PAN lets you move across the enlarged video image to select
any portion tbr viewing+
For derails, see pages 8 and 28-29.
• Channel Captioning lets you label channel numbers with 4+letter
names (NBC+ VH 1+ESPN). For details, see page 22.
• 181 Channels in U.S.A. - (?able Compatible* For derails,
see page 45.
• Commercial Skip Far details, see page 6.
• Sleep Timer l,'or details, see page 19,
• Alarm Timer For derails, see page 20.
• Parental Control For details+ see page 23.
• Previous Channel Control For details, see page Z
*Check you+"cable company's compatibility requirements+
Channels 95, 96+ and 97 are not applicable in Canada, so the total
channel count fl_r Canada is 178.
OneMinute Manual
• On-Screen Menus for simple operation of picture+ sound, and
set+up functions by remote control. For details, see pages 10, I l,
and 18.
.• AutoProgramming automatically searches li)r and stores all
active channels. Eliminates the need for manual set-up. Far
details, see page 24.
• Frequency Synthesis Tuning automatically and accurately tunes
each channel.
• Automatic VCR Setup with the push of a button, your TV is
ready for VCR play: both TV and VCR turn on and TV tunes to
correct channel!input. For details, seepage26.
• Automatic (';able Box Setup offers convenience when cable
company requires you to use cable box. Far details, see page 27.
• On-Screen Clock/Channel Display I;)_r details+ see page 3.
• Picture Reset l+'or&_tails, seepage 10.
• Auto Demo lV)_r details, see page 18.
(;old Plated Phonn Jacks for Superior Perf_wmance:
• Two SeN of Audio/Viden Inputs fi)r VCR, Laser Disc.
Camcorder etc. IQ_r detail_, :_ee pages 46+4&
• One Set of Audio/video Outputs for video dubbing, For &,mils+
see pages 47 and 49.
• One Set of Volume-Cnntrolled Audio Outputs (Hi Fi) to retain
rernote volume when connected to an external amplifier. For
derails, see page 50.
• One Set of Volume-Contrnlled SURR Audio Outputs to connect
the surround sound to an external amplifier. /:_n+details, see
page 51.
Other Connections to Expand Your System:
• S-Video input connector for direct Y/C input to your S-VtIS
VCR+ Camcorder. etc. For details, ,_ee pages 47 and 48,
• Four Speaker Jacks to allow hook up of optional external or
surround sound speakers. For &?tails, see pages 52-53.
• Dual RF Inputs to allow direct connection of up to two basic
cable, cable I-a)x, or other RF s()urces. For details, see pages
21 and 41-43.
• Frnnt-Mounted Stereo Headphone ,lack liar private listening
with optional headphones. Far details, see page 4.
At Your Command
"four ProScan television includes two remote controls.
• The ProScan Universal Remote is preprogrammed so therc's no
need to teach additional or new codes. Operation is as easy as
entering a channel. It operates all major ProScan TV and VCR
functions. Operates the basic functions of 60 dift_zrent VCR
brands and 28 different brands of cable boxes_ eliminating the need
for additional remotes.
• The ProScan Simple Remote-6 buttons control everyday TV
functions for the ultimate in simplicity_
Our Human Touch policy offers all these valuable
• 1-800-ProSean: Call at any time our 24-hour-a-day. 7-day-at
week information service.
• Nationwide Service Centers
• ProScan Owners Club/_)n +details, see the page insMe the [?ont
• ProScan Limited Warranty for U,S.A.: In-home service of all
parts and labor fi_r one year, picture tube ff)r two years. For
details, see page 55. A separate warranty for Canada is enclosed
with all televisions sold in Canada.