_ ,_ So Advanced. Yet So Simple
Your ProScan television is more than state-of-the-art
technology. It's technology tailored to you. Features
designed to deliver viewing and listening enjoyment
beyond expectations. Innovation and simplicity of
operation become one-ProScan.
Improving Your Image
• A Cleaner Picture: The Digital Comb Filter extends resolution
and minimizes color interference patterns for greater detail.
• No Glare TM Picture: Anti-Glare Lithium Silicate Faceplate
virtually eliminates glare while enhancing contrast.
• Increased Clarity: Up to 560 lines of horizontal resolution,*
surpassing the capabilities of all available signal sources.
* through S-VIDEO connector.
• 5 Watts Per Channel *
• Second Audio Program (SAP) For details, see page 13.
• RMS rating, into 8 ohms, 50 to 20,000 Hz _+3db,with less than
1% THD.
• Advanced Color Picture-in-Picture lets you watch two programs
at once (with VCR).
• Channel Labeling lets you label channel numbers with up to
4-letter names (eg. NBC, VH-1, ESPN). For details, seepage 19.
OneMinute Manual
• On-Screen Menus for simple operation of picture, sound, and
set-up functions by remote control. For details, see pages 11-14.
• AutoProgramming automatically searches for and stores all
active channels. Eliminates the need for manual set-up. For
details, see page 21.
• Frequency Synthesis Tuning automatically and accurately tunes
each channel.
• Automatic VCR Setup with the push of a button, your TV is ready
for VCR play: both TV and VCR turn on and TV tunes to correct
channel/input. For details, seepage 23.
• Automatic Cable Box Setup offers convenience when cable
company requires you to use cable box. For details, seepage 25.
• On-Screen Clock/Channel Display For details, seepage 3.
• Picture Reset For details, seepage 11.
Gold Plated Phono for Superior Performance:
• Two Sets of Audio/Video Inputs for VCR, Laser Disc player,
Camcorder etc. For details, see pages 43-45.
• One Set of Audio/Video Outputs for video dubbing. For details,
see pages 42-44.
• One Set of Volume-Controlled Audio Outputs (HI-Pl) to retain
remote volume when connected to an external amplifier. For
details, see page 44.
Other Connections to Expand Your System:
• S-Video input connector for direct input from your S-VHS VCR,
Camcorder, etc. For details, see pages 42 and 43.
• Four Speaker Jacks to allow hook up of optional external
speakers. For details, seepages 46-47.
• Dual RF Inputs to allow direct connection of up to two basic
cable, cable box, or other RF sources. For details, seepages
• Front-Mounted Stereo Headphone Jack for private listening with
optional headphones. For details, seepage 10.
At Your Command
• The PROSCANUniversal Remote is preprogrammed so there's no
need to teach additional or new codes. Operation is as easy as
entering a channel. It operates all major ProScan TV and VCR
functions. Operates the basic functions of 81 different VCR
brands and 39 different brands of cable boxes, eliminating the need
for additional remotes.
• The PROSCANSimple Remote-6 buttons control everyday TV
functions for the ultimate in simplicity.
AtYour Service
Our Human Touch policy offers all these valuable
• 1-800-PROSCAN Call our information service any time
Monday - Friday, 9:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. EST.
• Nationwide Independent Authorized Service Centers
• PRoSCAN Limited Warranty for U.S.A. In-home service of all
parts and labor for one year, picture tube for two years. For
details', see page 50.