
6D Ai r Mous e + Las er P re se nt er P R- 05
Nec essar y in teac hing, co nfere nce, sp eech
Pro mi Tec hn ol og y(HK) Co ., Li mi te d
http ://ww w.hkpr omi.c om

6D Ai r Mo use + Las er P re se nt er P R- 05
Tha nks for p urcha sing th is prod uct! Pl ease re ad the in struc tion
car efull y befor e using .
Pre sente r also kn ows as el ectro nic poi nter. (E nglis h name:
Las er poin ter wit h remot e contr ol),T his pre sente r devic e adopt s
the l atest s ix axis o f gyros cope te chnol ogy, G-S ensor c ontro l
mov ement a nd dire ction o f the mou se poin ter pos ition , reali ze the
air r emote c ontro l mouse p ointe r and ach ieve th e funct ion pag e,
It is s pecia lly des igned b y wirel ess met hod, co ntrol c omput er and
mul timed ia equi pment d irect ly, real ize the f reedo m of elec troni c
doc ument p age and r andom d emons trati on.
Whe n you are i n the ele ctron ic teac hing, p resen tatio n, spee ch,
and r eport , need to n ote the i mport ant con tent of t he inst ructi on,
jus t a click w ith the h and, re d laser p oints c an be map ped on yo ur
doc ument c onten t , and wil l be high light ed on the s creen .
Whe ther yo u are in th e class room, l ectur e hall, a ny corn er in the
hal l, you ju st clic k the wir eless l aser po inter, w hat you w ant wil l
aut omati cally a ppear o n the scr een
It co ntain s air mou se func tion, u ses the g ravit y induc tion
pos ition ing, yo u don't n eed to si t in fron t of the po dium pe rmane nt
to op erate c omput er, can ea sily sw itch ov er diff erent f iles an d
pla y lists , embod y wirel ess cli ck, unl imite d commu nicat ion.
1. Pr od uct L ay ou t
The k ey inst ructi ons:
1. Lef t Key
2. Rig ht Key
3. Pla y PPT/ St op/ Es c
4. Las er Key
5. Bla ck Scre en/H ome
6. PPT P age up
7. PPT P age dow n
8. Mul tifun ction k ey/N o of Off
/Sc roll Wh eel
9. Las er Ligh t
10. Th e batte ry cove r
11. USB R eceiv er
12. Ba ttery a node
13. Ba ttery C athod e

2. Pr od uct Fe at ur e s
Thi s prese nter de vice ad opts th e lates t six axi s of gyro scope
tec hnolo gy, G-Se nsor te chnol ogy, cont ains ai r mouse f uncti on, can
ope rate fr eely in t he air.
And roid TV B ox. 2.4 G
1. A buil t-in la ser, wit h relat ed func tions b utton a t the sam e time, t he
pre ss page c an real ize pag e up and do wn. Bla ck scre en keys c an
ach ieve al l black s creen f uncti on when P PT are br oadca sting ;
Pre ss the la ser key r ealiz e the las er indi cator.
2. Co mbina tive ac celer omete r and RF wi reles s techn ology t o reali ze
the m ouse an d demon strat ion fun ction p erfec tly.
3. Bu ilt-i n USB int erfac e, plug a nd play, s imple o perat ion, ea sy to use
4. So ftwar e autom atic fr equen cy hopp ing tec hniqu e, to avo id
int erfer ence be tween a djace nt user s
5. Sm art tra nsmit ter des ign, ma ke the tr ansmi tter pl aced in side th e
bat tery co ver, eff ectiv ely pre vent th e loss.
6. Er gonom ic desi gn fits c omfor tably o n your ha nd. Sur face UV p aint
pro cessi ng, smo oth and d urabl e.
7. We a dopt th e most ad vance d RF radi o frequ ency te chnol ogy, micr o
pow er emis sion, h armle ss to hum an body, g reen, h ealth ,
env ironm ental p rotec tion, s ave ele ctric ity
2. In st r uc ti on f or u s e
1. Ma ke sure y our com puter i s on and th at the po inter i con is ac tive
on yo u compu ter (by w ay of you r exist ing mou se)
2. Fr om the pa ckage , open th e batte ry cove r, take ou t the rec eive ,
Ins ert the U SB rece iver to t he USB in terfa ce of com puter o r
the s mart TV
Bat tery an ode
Bat tery Ca thode
3. Sl ide dow n and ope n the pre sente r batte ry cove r, inser t the
bat terie s accor ding to t he appr opria te pola rity ma rks (+, -).Co ver
the b atter y press ing the u p direc tion.
Ope n the bat tery co ver Clo se the ba ttery c over
Des igned f or pc, se t-top b ox, sma rt TV,
wir eless m ouse, 1 5m effe ctive d istan ce.
USB R eceiv er
The b atter y cover