Pro Intercom BP2, BP2B Operating Instructions Manual

BP2 & BP2B
2-Cir cuit Por ta ble
Head set Sta tions
Op er at ing In struc tions & Con nec tions
The BP2 and BP2B are best un der stood if thought of as two sep a rate ‘belt packs’ in one en clo sure. Each has its own com ­plete set of con trols and its own rear panel XLR for con nec tion to its own cir cuit. The BP2 mixes the two au dio in puts from the two cir cuits to which it is con nected and may be used with ei ther a sin ­gle-muff or a dual-muff head set. The head set con nec tor is 4-pin. The BP2B (bin au ral) main tains the sep a ra tion of the two au dio in puts from the two cir cuits to which it is con nected and feeds each sig nal to one side of a dual-muff head set. The head set con nec tor is 5-pin.
Note: On both the BP2 and the BP2B, cir cuit ‘A’ must be con nected to a pow ered cir cuit in or der for cir cuit ‘B’ to op er ate. Cir cuit ‘A’ may be used alone. Cir cuit ‘B’ may not.
1. Plug a head set into the XLR socket on the rear panel. Head set wir ing stan dards are shown on the next page. In Pro In -
ter com sys tems, the phase of the ear phone(s) is the re verse of that some times used. This was done to re duce the ef fect
that the head set con nec tor and wir ing has on the head set sta tion bridg ing im ped ance and ‘sidetone’ ad just ment sta bil ity. (See #8) Ei ther stan dard of head set wir ing will work with Pro In ter com head set sta tions.
2. Plug a stan dard mi cro phone ca ble from each of two cir cuits on your mas ter sta tion or power sup ply into each of the
3-pin sock ets on the rear panel.
Note: BP2’s and BP2B’s have two 3-pin cir cuit con nec tors and can not be looped-through. To loop-through a Y-ca ble must be used.
3. Press the mic. but tons and partly turn up the ‘lis ten level’ con trols on your unit and oth ers on the same cir cuit(s).
4. You should now be able to com mu ni cate with any of these other sta tions.
5. The thumb op er ated ‘lis ten-level’ con trols reg u late the loud ness of your head set earspeaker(s). It has NO ef fect
on the mi cro phone level or on the level oth ers hear.
6. The mi cro phone am pli fier gain is fac tory ad justed to suit most dy namic or electret head set mi cro phones. It con tains a
lim iter/com pres sor which com pen sates for dif fer ences in mi cro phone out put and voice lev els.
7. The flash (sig nal) push but tons flash a light in all out sta tions con nected to the same cir cuit. It is used to at tract at ten tion
in the event that a user has re moved his/her head set.
8. The screw driver-ad just pre set con trols, ac ces si ble through the front panel, con trol the level of your own voice heard in
your own head set. This ad just ment is called ‘sidetone’. Sidetone is fac tory set at a level suit able to the ma jor ity of us ­ers. It can be al tered for per sonal pref er ence, or for deep can cel la tion al low ing the head set to be re moved and used to mon i tor.
Note: Sidetone con trols have a null-point near the 12 o’clock po si tion where sidetone is most deeply can celed. Ro tat ing the con trol ei ther side of the 12 o’clock po si tion will in crease sidetone lev els.
(Con tin ued on next page)
Phone: +1 (815) 680-5205 Or ders and Tech sup port: (888) 320-5928 Fax: +1 (815) 526-8689
Printed in USA
sup Skype: intercom4pros
Pro In ter com LLC
PO Box 7035 Al gon quin Il li nois 60102-7035
Now you can use head sets with electret mi cro phones!
Rear (Back) Panel Con nec tions
Cir cuit B
4-Pin Head set Pin-outs
1. Mi cro phone shield
2. Mi cro phone +
3. Ear phone com mon
4. Ear phone +
The BP2 & BP2B do not pro vide for loop ing on wards to an other sta tion. To ac com plish this re quires a YC2
Y-ca ble. These are avail able from Pro In ter com or are eas ily made up as shown be low.
Cir cuit A
5-Pin Head set Pin-outs
1. Mi cro phone shield
2. Mi cro phone +
3. Ear phone com mon
4. Ear phone Right +
5. Ear phone Left +
By con ven tion, in or der to avoid any con fu sion with low im ped ance mi cro phone jacks, the fe ­male jack on in ter com equip ment is con sid ered the in put. Re vers ing this or der will not ef fect per for mance, but does make it more prob a ble that a re ver sal of pins 2 and 3 will oc cur. This is
the sin gle most com mon cause of fail ure in both beltpacks and in com plete in ter com sys ­tems. The re ver sal will ap ply 24VDC to the com mu ni ca tions con duc tor which will, at a min i -
mum, cause the sig nal light sys tem to be come er ratic and even tu ally fail, re sult ing in in ter nal dam age to the beltpack(s).