OpenEdge Architect Videos: Using Visual
Designer and GUI for .NET in OpenEdge
This series of short video presentations covers a variety of topics related to using the
Visual Designer tool in OpenEdge Architect and the support for OpenEdge GUI for .NET in
OpenEdge Release 10.2.
If you are using OpenEdge Architect for the first time you should watch the videos in the
series OpenEdge Architect Videos: Getting Started Collection.
The videos listed below are organized under general topic categories. For a
complete introduction to the product’s capabilities in this area you can view
them in order from top to bottom. In some cases, several videos comprise a
sequence to be viewed together, but most are intended to be fairly independent
of one another. Many of the videos have an accompanying document that
provides a written version of the material covered in the video, allowing you to
examine the steps shown in the videos and any code samples in more detail.
Topic Video Title Video Description
Introducing Visual
Designer and GUI
for .NET
This series provides
material on using
Visual Designer and
the basic features
of OpenEdge GUI
for .NET support,
Creating a Form and
a ProBinding Source
Creating a Form and
a ProBinding Source
This video shows
how to create a
new ABL form and
examine the ABL
code that Visual
Designer generates
for the form. It
also illustrates
how to drop a
onto the form,
building the
schema directly
Generated by Clearspace on 2010-12-27-05:00

OpenEdge Architect Videos: Using Visual Designer and GUI for .NET in OpenEdge Architect
and using a
Attaching a
to a .NET grid
Building an
Inherited Control
and a User
Control as
specializations of
built-in controls.
Creating your
own Custom
Controls group
for use in Visual
to .NET events.
This series uses
some of the
Microsoft .NET
controls that are
included with
the product. The
Infragistics Ultra
Controls that are
optionally available
with OpenEdge 10.2
are shown in other
Adding a Microsoft
Grid Control to a
Form (video)
Adding a Microsoft
Grid Control to a
Form (document)
from a database
table. The
ProBindingSource is
the OpenEdge .NET
control that serves
as an intermediary
between an ABL
query, temp-table,
or ProDataSet,
and the .NET user
This video, which
continues the
example shown in
Creating a Form and
a ProBinding Source
, adds a Microsoft
DataGridView control
to the form, examines
the additional
generated ABL code,
adds hand-written
code to define a
dynamic query for
a database table,
and associates that
with the binding
source to display
data in the grid.
When the form is run,
the video examines
the temporary ABL
procedure that acts
as a wrapper for the
form class when it
is run from Visual
Creating a Databound
TreeView as an Inherited
Control, Part 1 (video)
Generated by Clearspace on 2010-12-27-05:00
This video, the
first of two parts,
shows how to
create an Inherited
Control based

OpenEdge Architect Videos: Using Visual Designer and GUI for .NET in OpenEdge Architect
on the Microsoft
TreeView. An
Inherited Control
is a custom ABL
class that inherits
and extends a
basic .NET control
class. The video
shows how to
define two new
properties for
the extended
control and create
a “scratch pad”
form to run and
test the control's
Creating a
Databound TreeView
as an Inherited
Control, Part 2
Creating a
TreeeView as an
Inherited Control
This video continues
the extended
TreeView example
by adding properties
and behaviors
which allow it to
be populated with
data from a data
source when it is
instantiated. The
video also shows
how to run the
control in a test form,
illustrating how it
populates itself with
data from any data
source, a feature
not supported by the
Microsoft TreeView
control itself.
Adding Field-Level
Controls to a Form
Generated by Clearspace on 2010-12-27-05:00
In this video we take a
sample form with a grid
and binding source, add
several field-level controls
designed to display
individual field values of