Proform DR852040 Owner’s Manual

IMPORTANT SAFETYPRECAUTIONS ........................................................... 1
BEFOREYOU BEGIN ...................................................................... 2
ASSEMBLY.................................... .......................................... 3
ADJUSTING THECROSS TRAINERe .......................................................... 8
OPERATING THE STEPPERCONSOLE ......................................................... 10
Calories ............................................................................ 12
EXERCISEGUIDE........................................................................ 16
ORDERING REPLACEMENTPARTS..................................................... BackCover
UMITEDWARRANTY ............................................................... BackCover
WARNING: To reducethe risk of seriousinjury, read thefollowing important safety precautionsbefore using the CROSSTRAINERe. Before beginning any exercise prngram, consultyour physician. This isespecially important for
personsoverthe age of 35 or personswith pre-existingbeal_ problems.PROFORMassumesno responsibilityfor personal injury or property damage sustainedby or through the useof this product.
1. Read this owner's manual and the accompanying FI1NESSJOURNALcarefully before usingthe CROSSTRAINERe. Use the CROSSTRAINERe only asdescribed.
2. Inspectand tighten all ports each time you usethe CROSSTRAINERe. Replaceany worn ports immediately.
3. Do not use _ transformer if it is damaged. Keep the power cord away from walkways and heated surfaces.
4. Keep your hands away from moving parts. Always wear athletic shoesfor foot protection.
5. Keep small children away from the CROSSTRAINER at all times.
6. To preventdamage ta the weight system,do not put any pressureon the leg developer, arms or cableswhile the weight selfingischanging. Ifthe lot bar or rower bar is attachedta the high pulley station,restit in the racknear the high pulley station.(SeeOPERATINGTHEPERSONAL11UUNERCOMPUTERon page 11 of this owner's manual).
7. Always stand on the foot plate when performing any exercise that could cause the CROSSTRAINERe to lip.
8. Make sure that the cables remain in the grooves in the pulleys as you usethe CROSSTRAINERe.
9. The resistancecylinders becomevery hot during use. Allow the resistancecylinders to cool before touching
them. Cover the floor beneath the stepper for protection;o small amount of oil leakage isnormal for hydraulic cylinders.When using the stepper,keep your feet onthe pedalsat all times. If you lift yonr feet off the pedals,
the pedals may become seporatecl from the resistancecylinders;resulting in injury.
10. If you feel pain or dizzinessat any timewhile exercising, stop immediately and begin coolingdown. Find out
what iswrong before continuing.
Congratulationsfor purchasing the revolutionary PROF<:::)RMe CROSSTRAINERe. The CROSSTRAINER combinesa multi-stotionweight syslemwith a full-sizestepperto let you enjoy Irue crosstraining workoutsin theconvenienceof
your own home. And to help you get themosthorn everyworkout, the CROSSTRAINER fealures the advanced PER-
SONAL TRAINERTM weight iralning computer.Whether your goal is improved cardiovascular illness,a shapely,toned bodyor dmmatlc musclesize and strength, the CROSSTRAINERe will help you toachieve the specificresult_you want.
Foryour safety and benefit, mad Ibisowner's manual and the accompanylng FITNESSJOURNALcarefully beforeusing the CROSSTRAINERe. Ifyou have additional questions,please callour CustomerServiceDeporlment tol_-freeat
1-800-999-3756, Monday through Friday, 6 a.m. until6 p.m. Mountain Time (excludingholidays). To help usassist
you quickly, please notethe modelnumber and serial numberof your CROSSTRAINER before calling. The model
numberis DR852040. The serial number can be found on a decal attached to theCROSS TRAINERe. The locationof
He decal is shown in the drawing below. Write the serial numbe-" in the following spacefor reference:
Beforereadingfurther, pleasereviewthe drawingbelowandfamiliarizeyourselfwiththepartsthatare labeled.
High PulleyStation. Cable Clip
ResistanceCylinder_ LegDevelopu,
Selector Knob
Serial No. Decal
Low PulleyStation
Assemblyrequirestwo persons.To assemblethe CROSS TRAINER e, usethe includedvideacassettoor follow the
instructionsbelow. Due to the weight of the CROSSTRAINERe, it shouldbe assembledin the location where itwill be used. Placeall partsin a clearedarea and remove the packing materials. Do not disposeof the Packing materialsuntil
assemblyiscompleted.Make sure to lower the resistancecylindersand pedals before beginning assembly;,if the resistancecylindersfall, Ihey may damage Ihe side shields. Read each assemblystepand examine each drawing
carefully. Make sure that all parts are oriented as shown in the drawings.
The following tooJs (not included)ore required for assembly:, two 8' Adjustob.leWrenches _ and a
Rubber Mallet _. A small amountof soapywater isalso requered.
1. Set the FrontBose(7) and the Rear Base(8) onthe floor as shown.Tum the RearBose so the indented
holes are toward the floor.
Insertseven3/8" x 2 1/2" CarriageBolls(1) up throughtheindicatedholesin theFrontand Rear
Bases(7, g}.
With the help of a secondperson, settheTower
Frame (1O) near the indicatedendsof theFrontand Rear Bases(7, 8). The Tower Frame mustbe turned so the Pedals(75, 76) are on the some sideas the
extensionon the FrontBose. Raisethe Tower Frame and lower it onto the two indicated 3/8" x 2 1/2"
Carriage Bolls (1) in the Rear Bose.
3. Raisethe front of theTower Frame (10) and lower it onto the two indicated 3/8" x 2 1/2" Carriage Bolls
(1) in the FrontBase(7).
Adjust the positionof the Tower Frame (1O)so the
four indicated 3/8" x 2 1/2" Carriage Bolts(1) are
centeredin the slottedhobs in the Tower Frame.
Thread a 3/8" Nut (2) with a 3/8" Lockwosher(3)
onto each Carriage Bolt.Do not tightenthe Nuts
1 7
Extension 3
Slide the Brace (29) onto the threaded bolt protrud-
4. 4
ing from the Tower Frame (10). Thread a 3/8" N/lock Nut (6} onto the threaded bolt. Do not fight-
en the Nylock Nut yet.
Placeyour foot on the extensionand slightlyraise
the _ont of the Tower Frame (10). Align the lower
end of the Brace (29) with the indicated 3/8" x
2 1/2" Carriage Bolt(1). Lowerthe Tower Frame so the Brace slidesontothe Carriage Bolt.Thread a
3/8" Nut (2) with a 3/8" Lockwasher(3) onto the
Carriage Bolt. Do not tighten the Nut yet.
With the helpof a second person, lift the Upright (9)
and lower it onto the two indicated 3/8" x 2 1/2" Carriage Bolts (1) in the Rear Bose(8). Thread a
3/8" Nut'(2) and 3/8" Lockwasher(3) onto each Carriage Bolt. Do not tighten the Nuts yet.
Attach the FrontBose (7) to the Upright (9) with two 3/8" x 3/4" Bolts (31).
Tighten the 3/8" Nylock Nut (6) attached in assem- bly step 4, and the seven3/8" Nuts (2) attached in assembly steps 3 through 5.
6. Attach the Foot Plate (102) to the Upright (9) with two 3/8" x 3/4" Bolts (31) and 3/8" N/lock Nuts
With the help of a secondperson, lift the FrontBase (7). Peelthe backing off three Rubber Pods (48).
Presstwo onto the underside of the Front Base in the
indicated locations, and one onto the underside of
the Upright (9). Lower the Front Bose.
Presstwo Rubber Pads(48} onto the Rear Base(8) in the some manner.
48 7
7. Insertthe lower end of the LeftArm (15) intothe left side of the Moment Arm (74). Make sure that the
bracket on the end of the Left Arm is positionedas shown in Iho inset drawing. If the bracket is not
positioned as shown, the Left Arm will not function
Align the hale in the end of theLeftArm (15) with
the holes in the Moment Arm (74). Insertthe 3/4" x
4" Axle (54) intothe Moment Arm and the LeftArm. Tap a 3/4' PlasticCap (57) onto the Axle.
Attach the RightArm (16) in the same manner.
8. Wrap the Weight Cable (52) under a 3 1/2" Pulley (5). Attach the Cable Trap (67) and Pulleyto the back of the Upright (9) with a 3/8" x 1 3/4" Bolt
(40) and 3/8" Nylock Nut (6). Make surethat the Cable Trap isin the "7 o'clock_ position.
Lay the Weight Cable (52) aver a 3 1/2" Pulley(5). Attach a Cable Trap (67) and the Pulleyto the [eft side of the Upright (9) with a 3/8" x 1 3/4" Bolt
(40) and 3/8" Nylock Nut (6). Make surethat the
Cable Trap is in the "12 o'clock"position.
(_'_rrect position oFArms ' against Moment Arm
Wrap the Weight Cable (52) around a 2" Pulley(4).
Attach the Pulleyto the LeftArm (15) with a 3/8" x
1 3/4" Bolt(40) and 3/8" N/lock Nut (6).
Wrap the Weight Cable (52) around a 2 3/4"
Pulley(13). Attach the Pulleyto the indicated bracket an the Upright (9) with a 3/8 =x 1 3/4" Bolt (40) and 3/8" Nylock Nut (6).
5 5
10. Wrap theWeight Cable (52) around a 2" Pulley(4).
Attach the Pulley to the RightArm (16) with a 3/8", x
1 3/4" Bolt(40) and 3/8" Nylock Nut (6).
Laythe Weight Cable (52) over a 3 1/2" Pulley(5). Attach a CableTrap (67) and thePulleytotheside
of the Upright (9) with a 3/8" x i 3/4" Bolt(40) and 3/8" N/lock Nut (6). Make surethat the Cable
Trap isin the "12 o'clock" position.
11. Wrap the Weight Cable (52) under a 2" Pulley(4).
Attach the Pulleyto the bracket on the sideof the Moment Arm (74) with a 3/8" x 1 3/4" Bolt(40)
and 3/8' Nylock Nut (6). Make surethat the Weight Cable isbetween the Pulleyand the indicatedpin.
Attach the end of the Weight Cable (52) to the right side of the LegDeveloper(23) with a 3/8" x 2 1/4", Bolt(45) and 3/8" Nylock Nut (6). Do not overtight- en the Nylock Nut, the Cable mustbe able to swiv- el freely or it will be damaged.
] 2. Insertthe threaded bolt on the end of the Weight
Cable (52) into the AdjustmentBracket(53). Thread the 5/16" Nut (82) exadty two completeturnsonto
the threaded bah.
13. Wet the upper ends of the Leftand RightArms(15,
16) and the insidesof the two Large Pads (17) with
soapy water. Slide the Large PadsontotheArms.
Attach the Backrest (19) to theUpright (9) with two
1/4", x 2 1/2, Bolls (46).
:" _"_46
14. Attach the Seat (28) ta the Uprlght (9) wlth the two 14 1/4" x 3/4" Bolts(20) and a 1/4" x 2" Bolt(118).
15. CenteronePadTube (22) intheUpright(9), andthe
otherPadTubeinthe LegDeveloper(23). Slide
fourSmall Pads (171 onto the _ds of the PadTubes.
16. Restthe LeftandRightPedals(75, 76] on thehooks
at thelower endsofthe ResistanceCylinders(84). Make sumthatthe hooksam fullyinsertedinlothe
Plugthe Transformer (39) intothe jack located near the _oottomof the RightSide Shield (12).
17. Make surethat all parts are properly tightened.The useo_call remaining parts will be explained in ADJUSTING THE CROSS TRAINER e, beginning on page 8 of this owneds manual.
18. Before usingthe CROSS TRAINERe, testthecables and the pulleys.Make sure that the cables are in the grooves
in the pulleys.If the cablesdonot move smoothly over the pulleys, locate and correctthe problem before using the CROSSTRAINERe. If the cables are not properly muted, they will be damaged when used.
The CROSS TRAINER e isdesigned tobe changed ham stationto stationquicklyand easily. The instructionsbelow
describe how each port of theCROSS TRAINER e can be adjusted. Pleaseread these instructionscarefully before using the CROSS TRAINER e. Refer to poges 17 through 24 of this owner's manual to seehow the CROSS TRAINERe should
be setup foreach individual exercise.
IMPORTANT: Foreffective exercise, the CROSSTRAINER must be set up correctly for each exercise. When attach-
ing the lat bar, rower bar or strap, attach them direclly to the CROSSTRAINER or usethe chain to attach them;
make sure that the lat bar, rower bar or strap is in the correctstarting position for each exercise. If there is any slack in the cable or chain as you perform an exercise, the effectivenessof the exercise will be reduced.
To change the resistanceof the Pedals{75, 76), first lift the Pedalsoff the hooksat the lower endsof the "
ResistanceCylinders (84}. Move the hooks to differ- ent slotsunder the Pedals.Make sure that the hooks
are fully inserted into the same slotsunder both
Pedals.The farther the hooks are from the Tower
Frame (10), the greater the resistancewill be. WARNING: The ResistanceCylinders become very hot during use. Allow the ResistanceCylindersto
cool before touching them.
The Arms (15, 16) can be changed to eitherthe but-
terfly mode or the pressmode. To perform the BUT-
TERFLYexercise, change the Arms to the butterfly
mode by turning the Selector Knob (55) clockwiseas shownby the decal. To perform the BENCH PRESS exercise, change the Arms to the pressmode by
turning the SelectorKnob counterclockwise.
Attach the LotBar (36) to the Main Cable (51) with a
Cable Clip (33). For some exercises,the Chain (38)
shouldbe attached between the LatBar and the
Main Cable with two Cable Clips. Adjust the length
of the Chain between the batBar ond I_ Main
Cable sothe tat Bar is in the correct starting posi-
tion fortheexercisetobeperformed.
The Rower Bor (34) or the Strap (35) can be
attached in the some manner.
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