WARNING: Toreducethe ofbur.s, re,sie=dcshock,orinjurytopersons,readthe
following important precautions and information before operating the treadmill.
1. It is the responsibility of the owner to ensure
that all users of this treadmill are adequately
informed of all warnings and precautions.
2. Use the treadmill only as described in this
11. Failure to use a properly functioning surge
suppressor could result in damage to the con-
trol system of the treadmill. If the control sys-
tem is damaged, the walking belt may change
speed or stop unexpectedly, which may result
in a fall and serious injury.
3. Place the treadmill on a level surface, with at
least eight feet of clearance behind it and two
feet on each side. DO not place the treadmill
on any surface that blocks air openings. To'
protect the floor or _arpet from damage, ph_ce
a mat under the treadmill.
4. Keep the treadmlU indoors away from mois_
turn and dust. Do n0t:put the treadmill in a
garage or covered patio, or near water.
5. Do not operatethe treadmill where aerosol
produc_tsare used ot oxvgenls administered.
6. Keep chilnren underthe age of 12 and pets k
away from the treadmll at all times.
7. The treadmill should not be uSed by pers0n_
weighing more-tha_250 poLlnd_;.Ne_/era!!o_
more than one_10erSOnon the _madmi!| eta time
8. Wear appropnam e_ercme cremes when
using the treadmill_L_o'_n_twear loose cloth_
that colJId be_(_bme_.a--ugllt in,he ti;eadr_lill.i
Athleti_ SuppOrt _es ;rg=te_com_end_d
for both men:and _sn_l_aJ/s _a t/_.
feet, _i_aHn_nly _i_ldn'gs, _'o_in' _and'ai_
S. When €onnecting the pOw_ercord (_ pa{]e_0),
plug the powe_'_cordJntb a'sutge suppreasor k
(not included_ and p)'ugthe sdrge S_ippm_sbr
into a groun_l ci_O_ capable of _h'y!_g" t 5 '
or more ampS'_-Noo_er appliance should_b_ _1_
the same cireb_it. Dq_o_useanex_nslon_.
10. Use orily a ei.ngie-Outlet _sui-g_oSUp_ol'ass0rthat
meets all of the sl_ec[fl_atiolls'_dsec_fbed on
page t0. To purcha_e'a _urge-sul_pi'eseor, sea
your local Sears or'_ll 1-800_366.17._7garid
order part number t_;_6148,'
12. Keap the power cord and the surge suppres-
son;away from heated surfaces.
13. Never move the walking belt while the power
is.turned off. Do not operate the treadmill if
thepower cord or plug is damaged, or if the
treadmill is not working propedy. (See
BEFORE YOU BEGIN on page 5 if the tread-
mill is not working propedy.)
14. Nb'ver start the treadmill whi!e you are stand-
in.'g',onthe walking belt. Always hold the
hao€lrail$ while using the treadmill.
_=_"J'h_eadmill is capable of high speeds.
A_U_t _6speed in small inci_ments to avoid
s_ddert ]umos in sl0eed.
i6.Th,e_pt_lse sensor is not a medical device.
VaHc)us_act0rs, including the user's move-
ment, may effect the accuracy of heart rate
r_adings. The pulse sensor is intended only
as'a_rci_e a d n determining heart rate
_rbnds In general.
17:Ne._er nave the treadmill unattended while it
•J_._nnlng. Always remove the key, unplug
th_0_r:cord, a_ndmove the reset/off circuit
I:Jre_kert_ the off_l)ositlon when the treadmill
is n(_tIn use. (Sea the drawing on page 5 for
the)[_c_tion o_the circuit breaker.)
18, Do;nOt_ttempt to raise, lower, or move the
_ ___:.t_elidd(! un_t_._ltis properly assembled. (See
_SEI_BLY on p_ge 6, and HQW TO FOLD
AI_D_MO_/E"I_HE_TREADMILL on page 24.)
You must be able to safely lift 45 pounds (20
I_g}_o r_lse, lower, or move the treadmill.
19.when folding or moving the treadmill, make
sure that the _torage latch is fully closed.