Proform 831159940 Owner’s Manual

ModelNo.PFCG2224.0 SerialNo.
WritetheseriaUnumberinthe spaceaboveforfuturereference.
Asamanufacturer,wearecom- mittedto providingcomplete customersatisfaction,if you
Mon.=Fri., ¢ a.m.=6 p.m. MST ON THE WEB:
Read aH precautions and instruc- tions in this manua_ before using this equipment. Save this manual
for future reference.
our ,ebs teat--
new products, prizes,
fitness tips, and much meter.
WARNING DECAL PLACEMENT ............................................................. 2
iMPORTANT PRECAUTIONS ................................................................ 3
BEFORE YOU BEGIN ...................................................................... 4
ASSEMBLY .............................................................................. 5
ADJUSTMENTS ........................................................................... 8
WEIGHT RESISTANCE CHART .............................................................. 12
EXERCISE GUiDELiNES .................................................................. 13
ORDERING REPLACEMENT PARTS .................................................. Back Cover
LiMiTED WARRANTY .............................................................. Back Cover
Note: A PART iDENTiFiCATiON CHART and a PART LIST/EXPLODED DRAWING is attached in the center of this manual, Remove the PART iDENTiFiCATiON CHART and PART LIST/EXPLODED DRAWING before begin- ning assembly,
The decal shown here has been placed on the exercise bench. If the decaJ is missing or illegibJe, please call the toll-free telephone
number on the front cover of this manuaJ and order a free replacement decal Apply the
decal in the tocation shown.
Misuse of this machine may result in serious injury. Read user's manuaB prior to use and follow aHwarnings
and instructions. Do not allow children on or around machine.
Keep body, clothing, and hair free and clear of aH moving parts.
_ble, o_emoved.
PROFORM is a registered trademark of ICON IP, Inc,
AWARNING: Toreducethedekofeedous_njury,readthefo,ow_ng_mportantpreeaut_ons
before using the exercise bench.
Read all instructions in this manual and all 7. Keep hands and feet away from moving parts. warnings on the exercise bench before using the exercise bench. Use the exercise bench 8. Always wear atHetic shoes for foot protec- only as described in this manual, tion while exercising.
It is the responsibility of the owner to ensure 9. that all users of the exercise bench are ade-
quateJy informed of aH precautions.
3. The exereiee bench is intended for home use only. Do not use the exercise bench in any
commercial, rental, or institutional setting.
Keep the exercise bench indoors, away from moisture and duet. Place the exercise bench
an a level surface, with a mat beneath it to protect the fJoor or carpet. Make sure that there is enough clearance around the exer=
cise bench to mount and dismount the exer- cise bench and to perform the intended exer- exercising, stop immediately and make sure
cises° that the rope is on the puHeyso Replace the
Make sure aH parts are properly tightened each time the e_erciee bench is used°
Replace any worn parts immediately.
Keep children under 12 and pets away from the exercise bench at aJl times.
The exercise bench is designed to support a maximum user weight of 250 pounds.
10. The exercise bench is designed to use the user's weight as the resistance. Do not use the exercise bench with dumbbells or any other type of weight to increase the resist-
11. Always make sure the backrest frame is fully engaged before using the backrest.
12. Make sure that the rope remains on the pul° leye at aH times, if the rope binds as you are
rope at least every two years.
13. if you feel pain or dizziness at any time while
exercising, stop immediateJy and begin cool= ing down.
"_ WAR NING: Beforebeginniogtheeoranyexerciseprogram,consultyourp.yeieJan.Thee
is especially important for persons over the age of 35 or pereone with pre-existing health problemso
Fiead aH instructions before using, iCON assumes no responsibility for personal injury or property damage sustained by or through the use of this product.
Thank you for selecting the versatile PROFORM _ CAR° DIO GLIDE PLUS exercise bench, The exercise bench
is designed to develop every major muscie group of the body, Whether your goal is to tone your body, build dra- matic muscle size and strength, or improve your cardio° vascular system, the exercise bench wHi heip you to achieve the specific resuits you want,
For your benefit, read this manuaJ carefully before using the exercise bench, if you have questions after reading this manual see the front cover of this manu- aL To heip us assist you, piease note the product modei number and seriaHnumber before caiHng, The
Seat Rail
model number isPFCG2224,0, The serialnumber can be foundon a detailattachedto theexercisebench
(seethefrontcoverofthismanual forthe locationof
the decai),
To avoid a registration fee for any service needed under warranty, you must register the exercise bench at
Before reading further, please review the drawing below and familiarize yourself with the parts that are
Foot Rest
Resistance Knob
Resistance Leg
ASSEMBLED DiMENSiONS: Height: 25 in, / 64cm
Width: 63 in, / 160cm Depth: 56 in, / 142cm
Weight: 105 Ibs,/ 48 kg
Make Things Easier for Yourself
Everything in this manual is designed to ensure that the weight bench can be assemoled suc- cessfully by anyone. Most people find that by setting aside plenty of time, assembly will go
To hire an authorized service technician to assemble the exercise bench, call toll-free
Before beginning assembJy, carefully read the following information and instructions:
As you assemble the weight bench, make sure all parts are oriented as shown in the drawings,
, For help identifyinq srnaH parts, use the PART
The included hex key(s} -@ , and the following tools (not included) may be required for assembly:
Two adjustable wrenches
One rubber mallet
One standard screwdriver L-__}
Assembly requires two people,
Tighten all parts as you assemble them, unless instructed to do otherwise,
Place all parts in a cleared area and remove the packing materials, Do not dispose of the packing materials until assembly is completed,
Before beginningassembly,makesureyou
understand the information in the box
above. For heJp identifying small parts, use
the PART mDENTmFmCATmONCHART in the center of this manual
Attach the Front Stabilizer (3) to the Base (1) with two MIO x 78mm Carriage Bolts (50) and two
MIO Nylon Locknuts (64), Do not tighten the Locknuts yet.
Attach the Rear Stabilizer (2) to the Base (1) with two MIO x 78ram Carriage Bolts (50) and two MIO Nylon Locknuts (64),
One Philtips screwdriver _====_LX_
Clear tape or masking tape, and soapy water. Assembly wiii be more convenient if you have a
socket set, a set of open-end or closed-end wrenches, or a set of ratchet wrenches,
Tighten the M!O Nyton Locknuts (64) used in steps 1 and 2.
3, 3
theSeatCarriage(13)withfourM6x16mm Screws(55),
PulltheSeatPin(18)outof theSeatCarriage (13)andturnit90degrees(seeinsetdrawingB), SettheSeatCarriageontheRail(4)sothatthe SeatPinisonthesamesideastheadjustment hoUesandthepreassemMedSmallSeatWheeU (notshown)isundertheRail,
UnsertthebarreUofanMIOx22mmBoUtSet(66) intotheSmallSeatWheeU(40)asshownininset drawingA,
HaveasecondpersonpressdownontheSeat (14),HoUdtheSmallSeatWheeU(40)againstthe bottomoftheRail(4),Makesurethatthewide sideoftheWheeJis heldflatagainsttheRail (seeinsetdrawingB).AttachtheWheeUtothe SeatCarriage(13)withtheMIOx22mmBoUtSet (66),Repeatthisprocesswiththe preassem-
bledSrnaHSeatWheel PulltheSeatPin(18)outandrotateit90
degrees,EngagetheSeatPinintoanadjustment holeintheRail(4),
AttachtheHandlebar(10)totheendoftheRail (4),insidetheSideShields(16,17),withfourM6
x38mmButtonScrews(53),AttachtheShield Cover(43)to theHandlebarwithanM4x25mm
13 I IIh 40
+ 13 hidden pages