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It is a matter of cours e, that an optimum equipm ent is essential for every paraglider pilot. You should
always wear high ankle support boots, helmet and gloves. Pay attention to warm clothing (even in
summer it can get very cold at high altitudes). In case of extreme atmosphere conditions, mid-air
collision or any material damage, a reserve system can safe your life. W e strongly recommend to fly
with a reserve system under all circumstances!
ATTENTION! - In case of uncertainty whether you should fly or not, never take any risk simply because
you fly with a safety system (i.e. do not take off!). No s afety system can guarantee 100% protection
under all conditions. At worst, releasing the safety system can caus e entanglement of the lines or other
complications, possibly both systems could fail by inappropriate interaction.
1. Check the canopy for tears or damage, especially the seams, where the ribs j oin the upper and
lower wing surface. Check the line- and brake line connections as well.
2. Check the lines for damage, especially the condition of the stitching. It is important to check the lines
and brake lines to clear entanglem ents. The line lengths should be r echecked after every 25 hours of
airtime or if anything unusual should occur in the reactions of your JAZZ.
3. Check the risers and rapid links for perfect condition.
4. Check the knots which connect the br ake handles with the brake lines. They brake lines must not
get caught anywhere.
5. Check your harness for wear or other damages. In case of a hard landing, check your harness
outside as well as inside carefully, especially the seams and webbing’s.
6. Check if the reserve system is correctly attached or integrated to the harness. Chec k the proper
operation of the releasing mechanism.
7. Check the carabiners. They must be hooked in correctly and locked before take off!
Use only suitable launch sites which allow a saf e abort if necessary. After the thorough pre-flight check
of the canopy according to the check lis t above, position your JAZZ in an arch layout and make sure,
that all the cells are open. In case of a stronger wind we recommend not to unfold too m uch, so you
are not overpowered during inflation.
- forward launch
To be carried out under all wind conditions except strong winds. Inflate the canopy by pulling on the
A-risers, keeping B-, C- and D-risers in the arm bow, pull up the canopy dynamically.
CAUTION! - On the A-r isers there are additional lines m ounted which are connected to the outermost
A-lines. W hen grabbing the A-risers, take these lines into your hands too in order to avoid possible
entanglements (further comments please see chapter Big Earing).
The stronger the wind the less of a run you will need to launch. As soon as the canopy is above you, let
go off the A-risers. Now a quick visual inspection of the canopy is very important to check if it has
inflated properly, otherwise do not launch (abort and try again!).Then run for a perfect take off. In case
of light wind you will take off more easily if you slightly pull the brake lines. After tak e off let go brak e
lines again to reach full flying speed.
- reverse launch
This is the method f or stronger winds. Please note, that in strong wind conditions you may need an
experienced person to assist and that you can easily lose control in a gust. If you feel, that the wind is
too strong, pull one or both brake lines to decr ease the pressure on the canopy; or pull on the back
risers to avoid drag back.