PRO-DESIGN JAZZ Owner's Manual

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- Technical Information
- Trimming and Adjustments
- Safety System
- Pre-Flight Checklist
- Launch
- Flight
- Flight with Speed-System
- Making Turns
- Landings
- Tow Launching/Motorized Flight
a) Tucks and Recovery
- Asymmetric Tucks
- Big-Earing
- Frontal Tucks
- Central Tucks b) Stalls
- Deep Stall
- B-Riser Stall
- C/D-Riser Stall
- Full Stall
- Spins
- Notes
- Usability
- Test Flight Certificate
- Line plans
(according DHV Feb. 24
, 2003)
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INTRODUCTION Congratulations, you are now a proud owner of a state-of -the-art glider. We ar e pleased to welcome
you among the number of discerning PRO-DESIGN pilots. Extensive development work using the most modern methods and thorough tests make the JAZZ a user-friendly and safe paraglider without neglecting performance and f un of f lying. To facilitate mor e speed the JAZZ is equipped with a special Speed-System. For flying more com fortably we recommend the use of a harness out of the current PRO-DESIGN range. Of course, you can fly the JAZZ with other kinds of certified paragliding harnesses as well. But in such cases take notice of the suitability (see chapter Technical Information).
Please read this manual caref ully before flying your JAZZ. Besides the choice of optimum equipment, paragliding demands caution, sense of judgment and theoretical knowledge, which you can only acquire and develop in recognized paragliding training programs. Paragliding can be a dangerous sport and lead to injury, disability or death. Do not fly in strong turbulence and winds as these could cause uncontrolled and critical flying situations and lead to crashes. If you have any doubts about weather, wind or terrain, do not launch!
During production and before delivery we check each paraglider pr ecisely and your dealer test flies it too. A note on the technic al data label on the glider as well as the filled test flight certific ate in this manual confirm s this. Mak e s ure your canopy was test flown before your first launch, otherwise please contact your dealer!
If you still have any questions when reading this manual, call us, we'll be pleased to help you. We wish you many pleasant flights on your JAZZ! PRO-DESIGN
TECHNICAL INFORMATION The JAZZ has been developed for s elf-launc hing, but not for tandem flying. The JAZZ
has been tested by the DHV (German Hanggliding Association) and has successfully passed all load- and flight tes ts. The test results c onfirm that in a broad field of normal and abnor m al flying conditions the JAZZ
proves to be stable and airworthy. Please always consider the fact, that in turbulent conditions any paraglider can tuck partly or completely. So never fly in these conditions!
CAUTION! - T he Speed-System provides more speed by reduction of the angle of attack. Therefore the canopy tucks more easily. Do not fly accelerated near the ground but ensure that you have a good safety margin of altitude when using the system!
The use of harnesses: Only use certified harnesses with DHV category GH! In case of uncertainty please contact PRO-DESIGN.
TRIMMING AND ADJUSTMENTS Factory standard line adjustment allows a trim speed of approximately 37 km/h (depending on the
pilot's weight and mainly on your speedometer). T he adj us tment of the brake lines is corr ec t if the lines come tight when the brake handles are pulled down approx. 10 cm from the block. In this state of tuning the JAZZ has been tested by the DHV. In extreme situations other tunings could c ause dif ferent reactions of the paraglider. Always keep the brake handles in your hands so you can react at any moment to changing conditions (possibly you may take even both handles in one hand). If you fly the JAZZ with a PRO-DESIGN harness you should keep the adjustment of the br ake lines unchanged. In case you fly with another harness refit the brake handles if necessary by adjusting the line length accordingly.
CAUTION ! - If you have any doubts concerning the brake lines it is best to adjust them rather too long since you can always shorten them by winding the line around your wrist. SAFETY SYSTEM
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It is a matter of cours e, that an optimum equipm ent is essential for every paraglider pilot. You should always wear high ankle support boots, helmet and gloves. Pay attention to warm clothing (even in summer it can get very cold at high altitudes). In case of extreme atmosphere conditions, mid-air collision or any material damage, a reserve system can safe your life. W e strongly recommend to fly with a reserve system under all circumstances!
ATTENTION! - In case of uncertainty whether you should fly or not, never take any risk simply because you fly with a safety system (i.e. do not take off!). No s afety system can guarantee 100% protection under all conditions. At worst, releasing the safety system can caus e entanglement of the lines or other complications, possibly both systems could fail by inappropriate interaction.
1. Check the canopy for tears or damage, especially the seams, where the ribs j oin the upper and lower wing surface. Check the line- and brake line connections as well.
2. Check the lines for damage, especially the condition of the stitching. It is important to check the lines and brake lines to clear entanglem ents. The line lengths should be r echecked after every 25 hours of airtime or if anything unusual should occur in the reactions of your JAZZ.
3. Check the risers and rapid links for perfect condition.
4. Check the knots which connect the br ake handles with the brake lines. They brake lines must not get caught anywhere.
5. Check your harness for wear or other damages. In case of a hard landing, check your harness outside as well as inside carefully, especially the seams and webbing’s.
6. Check if the reserve system is correctly attached or integrated to the harness. Chec k the proper operation of the releasing mechanism.
7. Check the carabiners. They must be hooked in correctly and locked before take off!
LAUNCH Use only suitable launch sites which allow a saf e abort if necessary. After the thorough pre-flight check
of the canopy according to the check lis t above, position your JAZZ in an arch layout and make sure, that all the cells are open. In case of a stronger wind we recommend not to unfold too m uch, so you are not overpowered during inflation.
- forward launch To be carried out under all wind conditions except strong winds. Inflate the canopy by pulling on the
A-risers, keeping B-, C- and D-risers in the arm bow, pull up the canopy dynamically. CAUTION! - On the A-r isers there are additional lines m ounted which are connected to the outermost
A-lines. W hen grabbing the A-risers, take these lines into your hands too in order to avoid possible entanglements (further comments please see chapter Big Earing).
The stronger the wind the less of a run you will need to launch. As soon as the canopy is above you, let go off the A-risers. Now a quick visual inspection of the canopy is very important to check if it has inflated properly, otherwise do not launch (abort and try again!).Then run for a perfect take off. In case of light wind you will take off more easily if you slightly pull the brake lines. After tak e off let go brak e lines again to reach full flying speed.
- reverse launch This is the method f or stronger winds. Please note, that in strong wind conditions you may need an
experienced person to assist and that you can easily lose control in a gust. If you feel, that the wind is too strong, pull one or both brake lines to decr ease the pressure on the canopy; or pull on the back risers to avoid drag back.
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FLIGHT Basic advice: Always fly at safe altitude! The JAZZ has its best glide ratio with brakes up. Minimum
sink rate is achieved with brakes slightly pulled. In turbulence you can prevent tucks by braking slightly. Forward pendulum movements of the canopy can be countered by braking, backward pendulum by letting the brakes go.
FLIGHT WITH SPEED-SYSTEM The JAZZ Speed-System consists of:
a) adjustable 4-riser-system b) pulleys (do not come with the glider; they are part of the PRO-DESIGN harness) c) foot stirrup
Adjust the Speed-System that you reach full acceleration with straight legs. Never use the Speed­System in turbulent air or near the ground, because reduction of the angle of attack decreases the stability of the canopy despite its higher speed.
ATTENTION! - At any disturbances of the canopy (any kind of tucks) the Speed-System has to be released immediately (releasing the stirrup) so that the canopy can recover properly.
The JAZZ Speed-System accelerates for approx. 14 k m/h at full range. The system shor tens the A­risers relative to the B-risers which adds speed at the cost of stability. Due to the mechanic of the Speed-System the A-riser reduction is concentrated near full range, allowing the pilot to carefully adjust the speed versus stability in this area a lot.
MAKING TURNS Pull down brake on the side towards which you want to turn. To reduce sinkrate, also pull outside brake
slightly. You can also make turns by weight shifting in your harness. The looser the chest strap (cros s-braces)
of your harness the more effective is your weight shifting. BEWARE! - In extrem e situations (e.g. strong and lar ge asymmetric tucks ) a too loose setting of the
chest strap could delay reinflation of the canopy. You have best setting if the distance between carabiners is not more than 35cm.
An optimum technique for making turns is the combination of pulling the brake lines and weight­shifting. An em ergency method for m ak ing turns (e.g. dam aged brak e lines) is by either pulling one A­riser slightly (beware of tuc ks) or pulling on a back riser ( beware of stall). W e recomm end not to use these methods under normal conditions.
LANDINGS Whenever possible walk your landing field first to assess hazards and wind! Plan for landing with
sufficient height! That way you avoid stress situations and have time to check wind direc tion and watch other gliders approaching. The final approac h should always be against the wind and with open brakes to keep the paraglider steerable. In case of turbulence you should fly with slightly pulled brakes to avoid tucks. To land feet f irst, move to an upr ight position in your harness in time (lates t 5 m above ground) for the final approach, otherwise you could land on your back and get hurt. Approx. 2 m before touching the ground, pull both brakes totally to reduce speed for a sof t landing. In case of head wind you need not pull the brakes very much for a soft landing ( top landing especially). If there is no wind or wind from the back you have to pull the brakes more strongly.
ATTENTION! - If you pull too much on the brakes at an too high altitude your glider could stall and cause you to fall backwards (especially with strong head wind)!
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In case of strong winds on the ground, take wind and pressure out of the canopy by pulling in the brake lines totally or pulling on both back risers. Never use the Speed-System when landing!
TOW LAUNCHING/ MOTORIZED FLIGHT The JAZZ is suitable for tow launching and flight with rucksack motor. Please m ake sure about the
particular law situations in your country! ATTENTION! - The JAZZ
is not suitable for skydiving!
In this section we des cribe flying situations which you may cause either intentionally (for training) or which are caused by piloting error or turbulence. Every pilot who flies in turbulence once will be confronted with these flying situations. So prepare yourself and ask your paragliding school for instruction. Special safety-courses above water are available. Acquainting yourself with critical flight situations increases your safety considerably. Enough altitude and a safety system are imperative! ATTENTION! - All described critical flying situations are dangerous when exercised without adequate knowledge and sufficient altitude above the ground. T he description of the maneuvers is according to the DHV. You cannot expect any paraglider to always behave according to the DHV rating. Even little differences in pilot input and dif ferent weather conditions can lead to a much wors er behavior of the paraglider and even result in a crash. Do not forget, that all disturbances of the canopy result in increased sinkrate. Aerobatics are not allowed!
a) Tucks and recovery We recommend that you always keep firm hold of the brake handles, or even fly with your hands
through the handles, so you can react to critical situations immediately. CAUTION! - If you fly with your hands through the brake handles you could lose important time in
releasing the rescue system.
- ASYMMETRIC TUCKS These tuck situations happen most and are caused by turbulence, strong thermals and rotor. ENTRY INTO THIS SITUATION Intentional entry into this situation: Let go of the brake on the side you want to tuck and keep the other
brake in your hand. Pull slowly down the most outside A-line until the side par t of the canopy tucks. The canopy tucks at most if you pull the A-riser quickly. In consequence the major part of the front tucks and the glider turns very fast toward the tucked side and enters a spiral dive. If you have a harness without cross braces or if they are adj usted loose you fall toward the tuck ed side and intensif y rotation of the glider.
RECOVERY Generally the JAZZ
will quickly reinflate itself. If the pilot reacts correctly, recovery will be faster and the loss of altitude is less. Pull the brak e line of the opposite side of the tuc ked canopy to stop rotation and regain stability. Turn away from the terrain to gain height above ground. IMPORTANT! - Always stop rotation first before reinflating the tuck ed part of the canopy. Once the glider is stabilized, reinflate by pulling the brake line of the tucked side, if necessary (f.e. in case of entanglement) several times firmly (pumping).
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