Procom ECON-F Installation Manual

Operating Instructions
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1. Introduction
3. Digital Output
4. Digital Input
5. Indication
6. Front Panel Switch
7. Setting Procedure
8. Technical Specification
9. Analog Channel Data
10. Wiring Diagram
11. Dimensional Drawing
1.0 Introduction
lECON- F(GC)/F(4C) is an Engine Control / Protection Unit for engines
used for NON DG applications.
lThe controller can measure signals from either MPU or charging
alternator to calculate RPM.
lECON provide choice of Varity of sensor selection from predefined
selection chart
lIn critical operation it is possible to disable or debar tripping of engine via
an external digital input.
l128x64 pixel graphical display enhance convenience in configuration of
2.0 Protection, Supervision Salient Features Protection
Low Lube Oil Pressure(LLOP)l High Water Temp. (HWT)l Fuel Level l [In ECON-F(4C)only] Emergency off l Oil Temperature .l Charging Alternator Fail/V-Belt failurel
Display and Measurement
Battery Voltagel Engine Run Hourl RPMl Oil Pressure in KG/cm2l Water Temp in degree centigradel Oil Temp in degree centigradel Fuel Level in % l [In ECON-F(4C)only] Service Hourl
3.0 Digital Output
Seven digital output (Six negative and one positive) are available, four output contacts programmable . Start/Crank (Battery Negative)l Charging Alternator (Battery positive)l Solenoid (Battery Negative)l Annunciation 1 (Battery Negative)l Annunciation 2 (Battery Negative)l Annunciation 3 (Battery Negative)l Annunciation 4 (Battery Negative)l Hooter (Battery Negative)l
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Operating Instructions
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4.0 Digital Input
ECON can measure / detect three Analog, seven digital and one pulse input. These inputs are as mentioned below.
1. Fuel Sensor : Resistive sensor can be connected to fuel sensor
terminal(1). Pre Programmed sensor value (Listed in TABLE 5.1) can be assigned to fuel input [In ECON-F(4C)only]
2. LLOP Sensor : Resistive sensor can be connected to LUBE OI PRESSURE terminal(2). Pre Programmed sensor value (Listed in
TABLE 5.1) can be assigned to LOP input
3. HWT Sensor : Resistive sensor can be connected to Water
Temperature terminal(3). Pre Programmed sensor value (Listed in TABLE 5.1) can be assigned to WT input
4. Oil Temp sensor : resistive sensor can be connected to Oil Temp
sensor terminal (4). Pre Programmed sensor value (Listed in TABLE
5.1) can be assigned to Oil Temp input
5. LLOP Switch : Oil pressure switch can be connected to LOP switch
terminal (8) . The input is activated on connection of DC negative at terminal no. 8. on activation stop command is issued to the engine and the fault is indicated on front LED.
6. HWT Switch : Water Temperature switch can be connected to HWT
switch terminal (9) . The input is activated on connection of DC negative at terminal no. 9. on activation stop command is issued to the engine and the fault is indicated on front LED
7. Oil Temp Switch : Oil Temp level switch can be connected to Oil Temp
level switch terminal (10) . The input is activated on connection of DC negative at terminal no. 10. on activation stop command is issued to the engine and the fault is indicated on front LED
8. Emergency Off : The input is activated on connection of DC negative
terminal no. 11. on activation stop command is issued to the engine and
the fault is indicated on front LED
9. Protection Debar : The input is activated on connection of DC negative
at terminal no. 12. on activation ECON disable trip function on all the faults.
10. Remote Start : ECON issues start command to engine on receipt of
DC negative at remote start terminal
11. Remote Stop : ECON issues stop command to engine on receipt of DC
negative at remote stop terminal
5.0 Indication
Listed below are the two LED indication available on front of ECON-F/P Warning : Blinks in case of sensor open or on low fuel warning
Operating Instructions
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6.0 Front Panel Switch
ECON – F/4C has four switch provided on its front panel. Switch can h more than one functions assigned to them. The table below describes the operation of these
7.0 Setting Procedure / Menu
ECON is user/site configurable. User can view all parameters, fault history, events no. of start/stop and can also edit, system parameter (password protected), engine / generator parameter, annunciation setting,RS485 parameter clock and password. Following is the sequential procedure to edit. view all the menu and submenus Press “R” & “Enter“ switch simultaneously. The LCD shall display, “System Parameter”
1. System Parameter
lSystem parameter are password protected. lTo enter “system parameter” press “Enter”. lECON will request for password, LCD will display “ Enter Password” lSystem parameter can be edited by entering correct password or else
can be viewed by entering “0” as password.
2. Engine / Generator Parameter
lTo go to next menu after system parameter, press “Increment”. lThe LCD shall display “Generator Parameter”. lGenerator parameter can modified / viewed by pressing “Enter”.
(for setting details pls refer table 5.1)
Programming Mode: It is used to increment the value of the parameters under
programming. & it is used to issue the crank/ start command to DG
Programming mode: It is used to decrement the value of the parameter under programming &. It is used to issue the stop command to DG
Normal operation mode: In this mode, it is
used to change the parameters being displayed on LCD.
Programming Mode: Next key is used to
select the next parameter to be programmed.
Either to reset the fault / Or press enter and
reset together to select programming mode.
Operating Instructions
3. Annunciation Setting
l To go to next menu after generator parameter, press “Increment”. l The LCD shall display “annunciation setting”. l Annunciation settings can modified / viewed by pressing “Enter”.
(for setting details pls refer table 5.1) 4 RS-485 Parameter In ECON F (4C) only
l To go to next menu after Annunciation Setting, press “Increment”. l The LCD shall display “ ”.RS-485 parameter l can modified / viewed by pressing “Enter”.RS-485 parameter
(for setting details pls refer table 5.1)
5. Display History
l To go to next menu after annunciation press “Increment”. l The LCD shall display “Display History”. l Trip record / history can be viewed by pressing “Enter”. l ECON keep a record of last 32 tripping with date and time stamp. l Tripping records are updated on first in first out basis
6. Display Event
l To go to next menu after history press “Increment”. l The LCD shall display “Display Event”. l Display Event can be viewed by pressing “Enter”. l ECON keep a record of last 32 event with date and time stamp. l Event record is updated on first in first out basis.
7. Display Start Stop
l To go to next menu after event press “Increment”. l The LCD shall display “Display Start / Stop”. l Start Stop can viewed by pressing “Enter”. l ECON keep a record of last 100 start and stop event with date and time
l Start/ stop record is updated on first in first out basis.
8. Reset Service Alarm
l To go to next menu after Start-Stop press “Increment”. l The LCD shall display “Reset Service Alarm”. l Service due hour can be reset by pressing start button after entering in
to this menu.
9. Adjust Clock
l To go to next menu after Service Alarm press “Increment”. l The LCD shall display “Adjust Clock”. l Time can be modified / viewed by pressing “Enter”.
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Operating Instructions
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