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4.0 Digital Input
ECON can measure / detect three Analog, seven digital and one pulse
input. These inputs are as mentioned below.
1. Fuel Sensor : Resistive sensor can be connected to fuel sensor
terminal(1). Pre Programmed sensor value (Listed in TABLE 5.1) can
be assigned to fuel input [In ECON-F(4C)only]
2. LLOP Sensor : Resistive sensor can be connected to LUBE OI
PRESSURE terminal(2). Pre Programmed sensor value (Listed in
TABLE 5.1) can be assigned to LOP input
3. HWT Sensor : Resistive sensor can be connected to Water
Temperature terminal(3). Pre Programmed sensor value (Listed in
TABLE 5.1) can be assigned to WT input
4. Oil Temp sensor : resistive sensor can be connected to Oil Temp
sensor terminal (4). Pre Programmed sensor value (Listed in TABLE
5.1) can be assigned to Oil Temp input
5. LLOP Switch : Oil pressure switch can be connected to LOP switch
terminal (8) . The input is activated on connection of DC negative at
terminal no. 8. on activation stop command is issued to the engine and
the fault is indicated on front LED.
6. HWT Switch : Water Temperature switch can be connected to HWT
switch terminal (9) . The input is activated on connection of DC negative
at terminal no. 9. on activation stop command is issued to the engine
and the fault is indicated on front LED
7. Oil Temp Switch : Oil Temp level switch can be connected to Oil Temp
level switch terminal (10) . The input is activated on connection of DC
negative at terminal no. 10. on activation stop command is issued to the
engine and the fault is indicated on front LED
8. Emergency Off : The input is activated on connection of DC negative
terminal no. 11. on activation stop command is issued to the engine and
the fault is indicated on front LED
9. Protection Debar : The input is activated on connection of DC negative
at terminal no. 12. on activation ECON disable trip function on all the
10. Remote Start : ECON issues start command to engine on receipt of
DC negative at remote start terminal
11. Remote Stop : ECON issues stop command to engine on receipt of DC
negative at remote stop terminal
5.0 Indication
Listed below are the two LED indication available on front of ECON-F/P
Warning : Blinks in case of sensor open or on low fuel warning
Operating Instructions