COMPASS-EI (“WinCeis”) is an emission inventory data management system. It is the
Emission Inventory module of the COMpliance ASsurance System – the COMPASS – which is
distributed by PDC Corp to manage a broad range of compliance data related to air quality. EI
utilizes the user’s current equipment and equipment configuration, and it enables users to prepare
emission inventory information, including emission rates, material usage, equipment parameters,
and operating schedules for reporting to the regulatory agency for a particular emission inventory
year. For Texas EI users, the system also enables the user to revise the data and send it back to
the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) electronically (subject to agency
approval of format and specifications). Paper forms are often required under the agency’s
reporting requirements, such as in New York, which does not accept electronic reports.
Users can insert as many scenarios of emission calculation methods and process data as they
wish in the COMPASS-Calcs module without affecting the data that will actually be seen by the
regulatory agency. Information entered in EI is, for the most part, intended to be seen by the
agency in order to meet a reporting requirement.
To retrieve EI data from industries, state agencies typically distribute an EI Questionnaire. This
manual familiarizes users with both the EI program and agency systems that interface directly
with EI data.
Emission Inventory data is considered proprietary information by many of the companies that
provide it. Data such as fuel usage and feed/product materials could offer competitors insight
into a user's production schedules as well as costs. Therefore, data security was an important
concern during the development of EI. Electronic reports to the agency are automatically
encrypted prior to sending the report, as further described in this manual.
1.2 System Requirements
The following platform is recommended to operate the EI application:
Pentium II PC running at 250 MHz. with 64 megabytes of RAM and 50 megabytes
of free disk space.
The following platform is the minimum required to operate the EI application:
Pentium I PC running at 90 MHz. with 25 megabytes of free disk space and
32megabytes of RAM to obtain reasonable performance.
The following operating systems are supported:
Microsoft Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows XP or Windows
NT Operating Environment, (all Trademarks acknowledged).
The CONFIG.SYS file should have the file handles set to 60 to run certain DOS
extension programs for the EI program.
Certain Windows control panel settings, such as for Date format, must be in the"
standard” or default position. Also, users may need to modify their Display
properties if all windows and command buttons are not visible in the EI screens.
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1.3 Installation Instructions
Directions for the installation are furnished in a separate document entitled “Installation
Instructions”, which is provided with this operations manual. EI should always be loaded onto a
local or network hard disk under the directory structure: <drive>:\…\PDC\ACM\EI. The
installation program creates this structure below the target installation folder chosen by the user.
1.4 Using Help
Help is provided on-line with EI and is as extensive as the printed documentation. The online
help allows you to search by topic or keyword for the area in which you need help, and it
categorizes and defines words and phrases, giving you a clear picture as to what you are doing.
When you click on the Help menu item, a dialog box will appear with selections for using the
help features of the system. Users can search for a specific topic of interest by using the Index or
by reviewing subject areas. Users may also review the version number of EI.
1.5 Technical Support of EI
Technical Support of the System is provided by PDC Corp. Please be aware that support
technicians will be handling many users, so you can help them by doing the following:
Careful reading of printed and on-line documentation of the System. Please carefully read
this documentation to be sure that your question or problem has not been addressed.
Make sure that the Data Sources section in your control panel is configured properly to
run the EI database, which is called ACM.db. If you are not using Oracle, then the drivers
for ODBC will also need to be loaded for proper program operations.
If you are running on a Network, check with your system administrator to make sure your
workstation is configured correctly to run the program and connect to the database, and
make sure that you have the rights to modify a file in the drive and directory where EI is
loaded (namely, the database file ACM.db)
If your issue is not addressed in the documentation, and if you are satisfied that your
system configuration is fine, feel free to call PDC Corp. Please have information
available about your system, including Windows version and type of network.
1.6 Getting Started with EI
The installation routine will automatically create ODBC connections, path adjustments, and a
COMPASS folder with an icon for EI. From the Start menu on the Taskbar, point to Programs…,
COMPASS…, then click on the EI icon to directly access the EI “Command and Control”
COMPASS-EI–Manual – Chapter 1 Page 2
1.7 Importing Emission Inventory Data and Logging Into EI
Users will be asked to enter their User ID and Password after starting up the EI program. (See
Figure 1.1)
Figure 1.1
If you are running EI with an Oracle database, this information must be entered, and it must be
valid, for the program to run. Otherwise, this information may be left blank. When you are
finished, click on OK. Upon logging into EI, the “Command and Control” screen of EI will
Importing data from a spreadsheet is fast and easy, providing that the data supplied to the
program is in the prescribed format, based on Texas (TCEQ) data download standards. From the
Emissions Maintenance menu, simply click on the Import Emissions. In the window that opens
(See Figure 1.2), enter the path and file name to the Emissions Source File, choose an account
number from the drop-down list, select a year to
import, and choose the Import Option at the bottom of the screen.
COMPASS-EI–Manual – Chapter 1 Page 3
Figure 1.2
Please note that the user needs to use the COMPASS Utilities module for importing a TCEQ
download file into COMPASS EI database.
1.8 Importing TCEQ Emissions Download File
Users are required to log into PDC's COMPASS Utilities module in order to import TCEQ's
download file into the database. Users will be asked to enter their User ID and Password after
starting up the Utilities program (See Figure 1.3)
If you are running Utilities with an Oracle database, this information must be entered, and it must
be valid, for the program to run. Otherwise, this information may be left blank. When you are
finished, click on OK. Upon logging into Utilities, the “Command and Control” screen of
Utilities will appear.
COMPASS-EI–Manual – Chapter 1 Page 4
Figure 1.3
To import the TCEQ download file, click on the Acct Import button, and the data import screen
will appear (See Figure 1.4). The Select Import Type is defaulted to the Import EI Download
selection. If EI download file is never been imported before, user needs to select First Time
Import of EI download option.
COMPASS-EI–Manual – Chapter 1 Page 5
Figure 1.4
Steps to Import TCEQ download file:
1. Browse the TCEQ download file (.TXT) file and click on "Open".
2. Click on Populate Database button to start the import process.
3. Let the program run until you see the File successfully Imported message.
4. Optionally print the processing log.
5. Close the Utilities Module and Go to the COMPASS EI module and confirm the
download account is created under Account Type for the desired year.
1.9 Exiting EI
To exit EI, click on the Close button at the bottom of the screen, or X out by clicking the
application Close button. This takes you out of EI, back to Windows.
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2.1 The Command and Control Screen Navigation
The design of EI is unique, in that all operations are launched from a Command and Control
(C&C) screen. (See Figure 2.1) This C&C screen is accessed when the EI program icon is
clicked on from the COMPASS folder. When the C&C screen is accessed, all related database
tables are opened up, which speeds up later retrievals and updates to the database.
The C&C screen provides fast retrievals of lists and data entry screens. Adding or changing a
database element is never more than three mouse clicks away, starting from the C&C screen.
There are two additional levels of EI screen navigation beyond the C&C screen:
1. List screen; and
2. Detail or data entry screen.
When users double-click on an item in the appropriate window on the C&C screen (a technique
commonly referred to as “drill down”) a List screen appears. The List screen includes command
buttons at the bottom of the screen that provide additional functions, such as Add, Delete, Edit,
Return (to the C&C screen), etc. Clicking in the gray area of a window brings up a data entry
COMPASS-EI–Manual – Chapter 2 Page 7
Figure 2.1
screen to add items. If an item on the C&C screen was double-clicked prior to the appearance of
the List screen, that item will be marked using a green arrow on the list. (See Figure 2.2)
Figure 2.2
Clicking on the Edit button from any List screen brings up a Detail, or data entry, screen for the
marked item. (See Figure 2.3) You may also access the Detail screen by double clicking on an
item in the List screen.
COMPASS-EI–Manual – Chapter 2 Page 8
Figure 2.3
Users can enter comments in any Detail screen in the program in by clicking in the Comments
text window, entering the appropriate text of the comment, and selecting the required action from
the command buttons provided at the bottom of the window. Depending on the item that was
selected, a More button may appear at the bottom of the data entry screen. This brings up another
screen to facilitate entering additional information (See Figure 2.4)
Figure 2.4
From both the Detail screen and More screens, users can either return to the C&C screen by
clicking on the Return button or return to the List screen by clicking on the List button. Users
must click on the Save button in each screen in order to commit changes made in that screen to
the database.
Figure 2.5 provides an overview of C&C screen navigation.
COMPASS-EI–Manual – Chapter 2 Page 9
COMPASS-EI Command & Control Screen
ccount Information
Contact Information
Print Setup
Exit Emissions Inventory
Detail and Summary Reports
Compare Emissions for Two Years
Compare Emissions for Two
Compare Emission Paths
Compare Emission Paths With
SARA Reports
Graphical Reports
Emissions With FIN-EPN Status
NOx Profile
VOC Profile
VOC Emissions
Emissions By Facility Type
LIST button
RETURN button
PREV button
Compare FIN Status
Compare Equipment
Global Maintenance
djust Emissions
Import Permit Nos and Allowable Emiss
Import Emissions
Export Emissions For Current Account &
Hourly Emissions
LIST screen
DETAIL screen
MORE screen
Materials Report
Orphan Materials
Delete ALL Materials
DOUBLE click
EDIT button
MORE button
Default Values
Emission Fees
Process Account For
Figure 2.5
The C&C screen was designed to facilitate quality assurance of EI data without the need to
review detail screens. There are three types of review possible from this screen, as explained
1. Emissions rates can be summed up or displayed in the bottom central part of the C&C
screen by clicking on the radio buttons provided at the top of this window. These two
radio buttons displays Total By Chemical, or Total By Category of pollutants, depending
on which button was selected. If only an Account and Inventory Year were highlighted by
the user prior to clicking on a radio button, the Emissions window would show emission
rates summed up for the entire plant. If an Emission Source or Emission Point was
highlighted with a single click prior to clicking on a radio button, the Emissions window
would show emission rates summed up for that source or point. If both a source and point
were highlighted with a single click prior to clicking on a radio button, the Emissions
window would display emission rates for that source-point equipment relationship.
2. When the user single-clicks on an Emission Source (Source ID), the C&C screen displays
several items of information about that source. They include the Source Type, Agency
ID, Operating Status, Process Rate Units, Process Rate and Percent Maximum Capacity
COMPASS-EI–Manual – Chapter 2 Page 10
(all explained in later chapters) in the central portion of the screen. Account Type and
Equipment Status Filter are in the upper right corner of the screen. The top central
portion of the screen has Quick Find. This data, coupled with the appropriate emission
rate sum-up or display in the emissions window, provides an extensive amount of quality
assurance data for users without the need to access other screens in the program.
3. When the user single-clicks on an Emission Source (Source ID), the C&C screen displays
all related Emission Points, Materials, Activities, and Control Devices. (See Figure 2.6)
Figure 2.6
This feature enables fast and convenient editing of these related equipment and materials
as well as “high level” review from the main screen. Block flow diagrams are also
available under the File menu, then Equipment Relationships from the menu provided on
the top. Quality assurance is further supported from the List screen, detailed or data entry
screen by the Save as File and Print command buttons located at the bottom of the
screen. These will produce Excel spreadsheets, word processing files, HTML files, “flat”
files, and other file formats, as well as printed reports.
2.2 Accounts
The Account is the main identifier of EI data. Each Account represents the operating facility
within the COMPASS. The Account simply represents a plant that is reporting EI data to the
regulatory agency.
An Account can be either an actual agency-identified Account Number, or a sample account such
as the accounts that are delivered with the system for instruction purposes. It can also be a
fictitious account created by the user to store information of particular interest, such as a
“second” copy of the agency download data.
Accounts may be renamed during the Import procedure, thereby facilitating the insertion of
Accounts with the same Account Number into the database under a fictitious identifier.
COMPASS-EI–Manual – Chapter 2 Page 11
The Select Account appears in the upper left corner of the C&C screen, adjacent to the inventory
year. If there is more than one Account installed in the database, they will all be visible. The first
account is automatically selected when you begin. If you wish to edit a different account, click
on the desired Year and Select Account to populate other windows.
(To sum up emissions use two radio buttons above the Emissions window to display Total By Chemical, or Total By Category (located at bottom central part of the C&C screen).
2.3 Sources and Emission Points
In the upper portion of the C&C screen, just below the Select Account window, Emission
Sources are listed along with their identification number (Source ID) and description. The Source ID, or FIN, is the top reporting level of EI data within the Account, or plant. If data was
downloaded from a data download disk supplied by the agency, the Source ID is the equipment
identification number that is used by the agency. If the Source ID is later changed by the user,
the C&C screen will continue to show both the Source ID and the Agency ID until such time as
the Agency ID is changed to the equipment identification number selected by the user.
After the user has double clicked on an item in the appropriate window for Sources or Points or
Control Devices or clicked on the appropriate menu item located in the upper portion of the C&C
screen, a List screen appears. The List screen includes buttons at the bottom of the screen that
provide additional functions, such as Add, Delete, Edit, Return to the C&C screen, etc. New
items could be added by clicking on Add button. Clicking on the Edit button brings up a Detail
or data entry screen for the highlighted item. Depending on the Source Type, a More button may
appear at the bottom of the data entry screen to facilitate entering additional information. You
must Save information in order to commit the changes to the database.
On the Source ID Detail screen, users can change the Source Classification Code (SCC) by using
the selection procedure that is activated by clicking on the SCC Code data entry field. Double
clicking on any listed SCC will replace the SCC in the Detail screen, and it will update the
process rate units based on the new SCC selection. The More screen for the source provides
additional data elements that are specific to Combustion Equipment, Cooling Tower, Fugitive,
Tank or Wastewater sources. Those will show up depending upon user selection for the
Equipment Profile.
Adding and editing Emission Points works exactly the same as Sources, except for SCC
selection, which is not required for Points. The More screen for points provides data elements
that are specific to flares, stacks, and fugitive areas.
Emission Points, often referred to as EPN or Emission Point Number, are the points at which
emissions are released. EPNs, along with FINs and Contamination Codes, make up the
equipment relationship structure whereby the emission rate values are “linked” in the agency’s
emission inventory database.
2.4 Control Devices
The Control Devices window is located in the lower right portion of the C&C screen. When the
Account is first highlighted, this window displays all control devices in the plant. To edit control device information, it is necessary to click on a Source ID to which the Control Device is
COMPASS-EI–Manual – Chapter 2 Page 12
associated. Then, click on an item in the Control Devices window to bring up the List screen of
Control Devices, with function buttons displayed at the bottom of the screen, showing those
devices that are associated with the selected Source ID. Double clicking in the gray area of a
window brings up a data entry screen to add items.
Clicking on the Edit button will provide a Detail or data entry screen for the highlighted row of
the Control Device list. Clicking on the Add button will provide a data entry screen to add a new
Control Device for the selected Source and Point.
2.4.1 NY–Control Devices
Because the CALCS module stores information about Sources and the methods for calculating
emissions from them, it is important to ensure that all of the parameters about Control devices in
EI are correct and up-to-date. Custom functions are explained below.
Control devices are edited on a detail screen, like other types of equipment. Each control device
record, referred to as a CIN or Control Identification Number, is a device plus its relationship to
a Source, Point, and (optionally) another device. There are two ways to edit CIN information,
depending on the type of data to be added or changed. To edit control efficiencies for
contaminant categories, such as VOC or TS”, double-click on any CIN in the Control Devices
window on the EI main screen. Then using the vertical scroll bar or up/down arrows, move to the
row that appears on the screen that corresponds to the CIN, Source, and Point that are involved
in the emissions that are controlled. Control efficiencies may be changed or added in this screen.
To edit control efficiencies for contaminant categories and/or other detailed information about a
control device, such as its up time or inspection schedule, single-click on the Source in the
Sources window on the EI main screen, then double-click on the CIN in the Control Devices
window for which data will be changed or added. Users will then be able to modify information
on a Detail screen, as shown inFigure 2.7.
COMPASS-EI–Manual – Chapter 2 Page 13
Figure 2.7
As indicated in the lower-left portion of the CINs Detail screen, shown in Figure 2.7, EI also
stores chemical-specific control efficiencies for Batch Sources. This feature enables users to
specify more precise control efficiency factors in relation to the mixed emission streams that are
commonly found in the emissions from batch reactors.
When the right mouse button is clicked, the user is presented with an add/edit screen, in which
chemical-specific control efficiencies may be specified for both design and operating conditions,
as shown in Figure 2.8.
COMPASS-EI–Manual – Chapter 2 Page 14
Figure 2.8
Equipment relationships involving control devices are entered in the Equipment Relationships
screen, as explained earlier. If a control device “feeds” another device that occurs immediately
“downstream” from it, then two relationship records would be expected in this screen. One
record would describe the relationship between a Source, Point, and the first Control device in
the series. The second record would describe the relationship between the same Source, Point,
and the second Control device in the series. In this record, the first device is included under the
column header called “Feeding CIN”. When the “Feeding CIN” column is blank in a relationship
record that contains a control device, EI assumes that the flow originates at the Source – not
another Control device.
Parallel (as opposed to series) control schemes are easily accommodated by using the percent flow field in the Equipment Relationships screen to explain the allocation of flow to each “leg” in
the network. Control schemes that consist of both series and parallel networks can also be
accommodated in EI. Essentially, each node in the control scheme network is explained in an
equipment relationship record with respect to the Source, Point, and Control Device(s) for that
EI will provide a selection for Control Devices that have previously been entered as a CIN that
references the Source and Point which have been designated by the user. Thus, if an equipment
relationship record is being added by the user, and the control device that should be entered is
not available on the drop-down list, the user should cancel the procedure and make sure that a
CIN has been entered for the desired relationship.
The Equipment Relationships screen (Figure 2.9) allows relationships for a specific Source, Point, or Device to be produced by selecting the entire ID Number or a portion thereof and
clicking on the List icon to retrieve only the items corresponding to your selection.
COMPASS-EI–Manual – Chapter 2 Page 15
2.5 Activities and Materials
Figure 2.9
A list of Activities and Materials that pertains to the highlighted Source ID appears in the lower
left portion of the C&C screen. If the Account has been selected, program will show all the
Materials and Activities related to the Account. Available Materials and Activities information
won’t be displayed for specific Source unless Source ID is highlighted. To add or edit materials,
highlight the appropriate Source ID and then double-click in the Activities and Materials window
(even if it is empty). This action will bring up a list of the existing Materials and Activities. To
edit existing data or to add new materials and activities in this list, various buttons such as Add, Delete, Return, Save etc. are provided at the lower portion of that screen. To perform an
operation on any row, select the required row using the green arrow from the left side.
2.6 Emissions
The Emissions window, located in the lower central part of the C&C screen, serves several
purposes, as explained in this section.
1. The first function is totaling and displaying emissions by criteria pollutant category for
the highlighted Account, and/or Source, and/or Emission Point. For example, when the
user first brings up the C&C screen, clicking on a Year and Account as discussed above,
the emission totals by criteria pollutant category for the entire Account will be calculated
and displayed in the Emissions window. This function can be run at any time by clicking
on the radio button located near the top of the Emissions window labeled Total By Category. If, instead, the user clicks on a specific Source ID on the Source list, then
clicks on the same radio button, total emissions will be calculated and displayed by
criteria pollutant category for the Source ID only. Emissions by category for Emission
Points works the same way.
COMPASS-EI–Manual – Chapter 2 Page 16
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