pro bel V6402 HD, V6404 HD, V6406 HD, V6408 HD, V6418 HD User Manual

V6402, V6404, V6406,V6408
and V6418 HD converters
2 Issue 6
1 DESCRIPTION...........................................................................................................5
1.1 General............................................................................................................5
1.2 Block Diagram................................................................................................7
1.3 Supported Video Standards..........................................................................8
1.3.1 V6402 HD Frame Synchroniser.............................................................8
1.3.2 V6404 HD Down Converter.................................................................10
1.3.3 V6406 HD Up Converter......................................................................11
1.3.4 V6408 HD Cross Converter.................................................................12
1.3.5 V6418 HD Converter...........................................................................13
2 INSTALLATION.......................................................................................................15
2.1 Rear Panels...................................................................................................15
2.2 Connections..................................................................................................16
2.3 Module and Environmental Specifications................................................17
2.4 Signal Specifications...................................................................................17
2.5 Timing Adjustment Ranges.........................................................................18
2.5.1 Synchroniser Mode..............................................................................18
2.5.2 Delay Mode.........................................................................................19
2.5.3 Minimum Delay (Intrinsic Delay)..........................................................20
2.6 Hardware.......................................................................................................21
2.6.1 The PCB..............................................................................................21
2.6.2 Links and Switches..............................................................................21
2.6.3 Fuse....................................................................................................22
2.6.4 Flash Memory Card.............................................................................22
2.7 Front Panel....................................................................................................23
2.7.1 Direct Indications.................................................................................23
2.7.2 Display and Switches..........................................................................24
2.7.3 Remote/Local Control..........................................................................24
3 SYSTEM OPERATION.............................................................................................25
3.1 Local Control................................................................................................25
3.1.1 Start up................................................................................................25
3.1.2 Option Abbreviations...........................................................................25
3.1.3 Menu Control.......................................................................................26
3.1.4 Menu Examples...................................................................................27
3.1.5 Sleep...................................................................................................27
V6402, V6404, V6406, V6408 and V6418 HD converters
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3.2 Common Features to all Units.....................................................................28
3.2.1 SDI Inputs............................................................................................28
3.2.2 SDI Reclocked & Buffered Output.......................................................28
3.2.3 SDI Main Outputs................................................................................28
3.2.4 Video Reference..................................................................................28
3.2.5 Standard Detection..............................................................................28
3.2.6 TRS Signals........................................................................................29
3.2.7 EDH (SD operation only).....................................................................29
3.2.8 Illegal Codes.......................................................................................29
3.2.9 Horizontal and Vertical Blanking Interval Data (HANC and VANC)....29
3.2.10 SDI Input Fail......................................................................................30
3.2.11 Video Reference Fail...........................................................................30
3.2.12 GPI Configuration................................................................................30
3.2.13 Video Reference Mismatch.................................................................31
3.2.14 Delay Signal........................................................................................31
3.2.15 VCO Centre Frequency.......................................................................32
3.2.16 Version Numbers.................................................................................32
3.2.17 Memory Size........................................................................................32
3.2.18 Display Sleep......................................................................................32
3.2.19 Display Brightness..............................................................................32
3.3 Module Specific Functions...........................................................................33
3.3.1 Manual Freeze....................................................................................33
3.3.2 Timing & Delay Control.......................................................................33
3.3.3 Test Pattern Generator (TPG).............................................................38
3.3.4 Conversion Modes..............................................................................41
3.3.5 Down Converter Aspect Ratios...........................................................42
3.3.6 Up/Cross Converter Aspect Ratios.....................................................43
3.3.7 Cross- & Up-Converter Output Standard Selection.............................43
3.3.8 V6418 Short Delay Mode....................................................................44
3.4 Video Processing Amplifier..........................................................................45
3.4.1 Video Gain..........................................................................................45
3.4.2 Chroma Gain.......................................................................................45
3.4.3 Black Level..........................................................................................45
3.4.4 Hue Shift..............................................................................................45
3.4.5 Dynamic Rounding..............................................................................45
3.4.6 Limiting................................................................................................46
3.4.7 Fade to Black......................................................................................46
3.5 Audio Handling..............................................................................................47
3.5.1 Audio Group Selection........................................................................47
3.5.2 Audio Group Status.............................................................................47
3.6 Audio Processing..........................................................................................48
3.6.1 Audio Insertion Delay..........................................................................48
3.6.2 Tracking Delay....................................................................................48
V6402, V6404, V6406,V6408
and V6418 HD converters
4 Issue 6
3.7 Closed Captions...........................................................................................49
3.7.1 SD Captions........................................................................................49
3.7.2 HD Captions........................................................................................49
3.7.3 Output line selection on the V6418.....................................................50
3.7.4 Caption Status.....................................................................................50
4 CALIBRATION.........................................................................................................51
4.1 Set-Up............................................................................................................51
4.2 Free-Run Frequency.....................................................................................51
5 CONTROLS.............................................................................................................52
5.1 Video Processing – VIDEO..........................................................................53
5.2 Operating Conditions – STATUS................................................................56
5.3 Engineering – ENG’ING................................................................................58
5.4 Calibration – CALIB......................................................................................59
5.5 Configuration – CONFIG..............................................................................60
5.6 Video Proc Amp – PROC AMP.....................................................................63
5.7 Audio Handling – AUDIO.............................................................................64
5.8 Closed Captioning – CCAPTION.................................................................65
6 APPENDIX A............................................................................................................66
6.1 Trouble Shooting Guide (Frequently Asked Questions)..........................66
6.2 Initialization, Power On-Selftest & Error Messages..................................68
6.2.1 Board Initialization Sequence..............................................................68
6.2.2 SDRAM Test........................................................................................69
6.3 Menu Structures...........................................................................................69
6.3.1 V6402 HD Frame Synchroniser Menu Structure.................................70
6.3.2 V6404 HD Down Converter Menu Structure........................................71
6.3.3 V6406 HD Up Converter Menu Structure............................................72
6.3.4 V6408 HD Cross Converter Menu Structure.......................................73
6.3.5 V6418 HD Converter Menu Structure..................................................74
V6402, V6404, V6406, V6408 and V6418 HD converters
HU-V6402&4&6&8&18 5
The modules described in this manual form part of the Vistek 1600 range of interface products. Although they process High Definition (HD) video signals, they are fully compatible with all other products in the range in terms of their form factor, power supply requirements and control interface. Each is a 3U high card that can be fitted into a V1606 rack or a V6011 '1-Box', from which it obtains its power and control. A passive rear module is required for all signal interconnections.
This manual covers the following modules:
V6402 HD Frame Synchroniser V6404 HD Down Converter V6406 HD Up Converter V6408 HD Cross Converter V6418 HD Converter
These modules are based on a common platform, with a variety of Add-Ons available: VP: Video Proc Amp
SY: Frame Synchroniser (inherent for V6402) FD: Field/Frame Delay (requires the SY option to be enabled) CP: Closed Captioning AH: Audio Handling
1.1 General
The V6402 HD Frame Synchroniser re-times an HD or SD SDI signal to an external reference signal and allows the operator to offset the output from the reference by a set amount both horizontally and vertically. The horizontal adjustment is in single clock steps over a whole line and the vertical adjustment is in lines with a range of ±255 lines. The Frame Synchroniser will occasionally repeat a frame or drop a frame in order to keep pace with the external reference applied. Ancillary data in the horizontal and vertical blanking intervals - such as embedded Audio - remain unaltered, but can be also forced to be blanked. A built-in Test Pattern Generator (TPG) offers a choice of commonly used test patterns for system integrity tests. Without an external reference, the unit can operate as an adjustable delay module, allowing the operator to set the input to output delay pixel accurate from a minimum delay of roughly one video line up to an arbitrary number of fields/frames, provided that the Field/Frame Delay option is enabled. The unit automatically detects the input signal standard and operates accordingly. Available options for the V6402 are: VP and FD.
The V6404 HD Down Converter takes an HD input signal and converts it to a Standard Definition (SD) output at the same frame rate as the input. While the unit handles all the interlacing, filtering and scaling required, it does not change the frame rate. Therefore, both the input and output standards must have the same frame rate. The unit automatically detects the input signal standard and sets the output standard, i.e. 525 lines @ 59.94Hz or 625 lines @ 50Hz, accordingly. The operator can select between different aspect ratios (e.g. anamorphic, letterbox, centre-cutout). If the detected input standard is SD, the unit switches automatically into a bypass mode where it maintains the same processing delay that is normally introduced by the down-conversion process. If the module comes with the Audio Handling (AH) option fitted, embedded Audio information will be retained by de-embedding it in the HD domain and re­embedding it in the SD domain. Available options for the V6404 are: VP, SY, FD, CP and AH.
V6402, V6404, V6406,V6408
and V6418 HD converters
6 Issue 6
The V6406 HD Up Converter takes an SD input signal and converts it to a High Definition (HD) output at the same frame rate as the input. The V6406’s 3 dimensional, motion adaptive filtering offers far superior conversion compared with the V6408’s 2 dimensional algorithm. While the unit handles all the interlacing, filtering and scaling required, it does not change the frame rate. Therefore, both the input and output standards must have the same frame rate. The operator can select between different aspect ratios (e.g. anamorphic, pillarbox, centre-cutout). If the module comes with the Audio Handling (AH) option fitted, embedded Audio information will be retained by de-embedding it in the SD domain, and re-embedding it in the HD domain. Available options for the V6406 are: VP, SY, FD, CP and AH.
The V6408 HD Cross Converter operates within the High Definition domain and in general converts between the interlaced and progressively scanned formats (720p 1080i). The unit automatically detects the input signal standard, but the operator must select the output standard from a list of supported standards. Furthermore, the V6408 can perform good quality up-conversions from SD to HD, with a choice of aspect ratios (e.g. anamorphic, pillarbox, centre-cutout). For superior performance, broadcast quality up-conversions, please consider using Vistek's V6406 HD Up Converter. For all up- and cross­conversions, embedded Audio information will be retained if the module comes with the Audio Handling (AH) option fitted. Available options for the V6408 are: VP, SY, FD, CP and AH.
The V6418 HD Converter integrates the functionality of the V6404 Down Converter and the V6408 Cross/Up Converter modules, with an additional Short Delay (< 1 ms) Down Conversion mode for monitoring purposes. The unit automatically detects the input signal standard, but the operator must select the output standard from a list of supported standards, or select the up/down operation mode. The V6418 performs the required up-, down- or cross-conversion according to the input/output standards combination. If the module comes with the Audio Handling (AH) option fitted, embedded Audio information will be retained by de-embedding it in the input domain, and re-embedding it in the output domain. Available options for the V6418 are: VP, SY, FD, CP and AH. When using Short Delay Down Conversion mode, only the VP, CP and AH options are available. Also the V6302/AP Advanced Audio Processor can not be utilised in Short Delay Down Conversion mode.
All units have two independent inputs, which can be selected either on the front panel or remotely via Vistek's control interface 'DART'. They also have a fully re-clocked and buffered output, which is after the input signal selection. Generally it is recommended to terminate unused input BNCs in order to improve the unit’s noise susceptibility.
The reference input has two BNCs, so a passive loop-through is available. The reference can be either a conventional Black & Burst signal (sometimes known as bi-level sync) or a tri-level sync, which is a newer signal specifically for synchronising HD signals. The Frame Synchroniser (or any other module with the 'SY' option enabled) will automatically detect which type is being used and adapt accordingly. A 75Ω reference termination can be selected using a switch on the I/O Daughter Board.
Modules with a Frame Synchroniser, i.e. the V6402 or V6404/06/08/18 with the SY option fitted, come with a tracking delay output on a BNC which can be used in connection with a 3rd party Audio Processor. If a V64xx is used in combination with Vistek's V6302 Advanced Audio Processor and a dedicated double­width rear panel, the tracking delay information will be passed internally from the Frame Synchroniser to the Audio Processor.
Common for all modules are two (identical) Output BNCs, capable of driving either SD or HD SDI. There is a versatile front panel with an alphanumeric display, which lets the operator set up a large
number of parameters and read the internal status of the unit. The front panel operates in the same way as many of the more complex units in the range.
V6402, V6404, V6406, V6408 and V6418 HD converters
HU-V6402&4&6&8&18 7
1.2 Block Diagram
Ext. Flash
LVDS Video In (3 pairs Data + 1 pair Clock)
Tri-Level Sync or Black & Burst
HD SDI Input2
3.3V, 1.8V, 1.5V
Ref F
I/O Daughter Card
SD SDI Output2
I/O Daughter Card
2M x 32
2D Scaler
Cable EQ
Cable Driver
to/from V6302
LVDS Misc I/O (Clk, F, RxD, TxD, etc.)
Ref V
Ref H
DLY Pulse Output
Ref Data EEProm
System Control Interface (DART)
20-Bit YUV
V6402 / V6404 / V6408 / V6418
Sync Separator
I2C Interface
Reference Input
Power Supplies
Cable Driver
SD SDI Output1
Cable EQ
HD SDI Input1
Reclocked HD Output
2M x 32
2M x 32
2M x 32
Audio De-Embedding
Loop Through Ref.
Ref CLK27
Internal I2C
LVDS Video Out (3 pairs Data + 1 pair Clock)
via Rear Panel
Serial Control Bus
'41 Style Front Panel Control & Status Indication
Input CLK
Ref CLK74
Scaler Output CLK
Output CLK
Ref CLK74
20-Bit YUV
20-Bit YUV
30-Bit RGB or 10-Bit YUV (muxed)
21-Bit LVDS Rx 21-Bit LVDS Tx
Ref CLK74
Down- & Cross­Converter Option
2M x 32
Serial Control
Serial Control
Ref CLK27
Ref CLK74
(not fitted on V6402)
(Audio Processor)
Ref CLK27
Ref CLK74
Ref CLK74
Ref CLK27
Clock Distribution
between H8's on V640x and V6302
Asynchronous Serial Comms Port
27/74MHz Clock
74/27MHz Clock
Frame Store Options:
(84-Bit wide optional)
96MByte Max (3x 8Mx32)
16MByte Min (2x 2Mx32)
Audio Re-Embedding
V6402, V6404, V6406,V6408
and V6418 HD converters
8 Issue 6
1.3 Supported Video Standards
These units have been designed to operate using all the current Standard Definition and High Definition Standards based on field and frame rates of 23.98Hz, 24Hz, 25Hz, 29.97Hz, 30Hz, 50Hz, 59.94Hz and 60Hz. The Bit Serial Interface for all listed HD modes is in accordance with SMPTE specification 292M. For all SD modes, the Serial Digital Interface is in accordance with ANSI/SMPTE 259M.
1.3.1 V6402 HD Frame Synchroniser
Supported Video I/O Standards at the time of printing (FPGA Firmware Version V05.04)
Tektronix Definition SMPTE Colloquial 1920x1080/60/2:1 274M - 4 1080i60
1920x1080/59.94/2:1 274M - 5 1080i59 1920x1080/50/2:1 274M - 6 1080i50 1920x1080/30/1:1 274M - 7 1080p30 1920x1080/29.97/1:1 274M - 8 1080p29
1920x1080/25/1:1 274M - 9 1080p25 1920x1080/24/1:1 274M - 10 1080p24 1920x1080/23.98/1:1 274M - 11 1080p23
1920x1080/24/1:1SF RP211 - 15 1080sf24 1920x1080/23.98/1:1SF RP211 - 16 1080sf23
1280x720/60/1:1 296M 720p60 1280x720/59.94/1:1 296M 720p59
1280x720/50/1:1 296M 720p50 1280x720/30/1:1 296M 720p30 1280x720/29.97/1:1 296M 720p29 1280x720/25/1:1 296M 720p25 1280x720/24/1:1 296M 720p24 1280x720/23.98/1:1 296M 720p23
1920x1035/60/2:1 260M 1035i60 1920x1035/59.94/2:1 260M 1035i59
625/50/2:1 125/259M 625i50 525/59.94/2:1 125/259M 525i59
Note: The ‘colloquial’ label is how they are referred to in this manual.
V6402, V6404, V6406, V6408 and V6418 HD converters
HU-V6402&4&6&8&18 9
Supported Reference Standards
Standard Sync Type Compatible Video Input
Frame- or Field Rates
1080i60 Tri-Level 30Hz, 60Hz 1080i59 Tri-Level 29.97Hz, 59.94Hz 1080i50 Tri-Level 25Hz, 50Hz 1080p30 Tri-Level 30Hz, 60Hz 1080p29 Tri-Level 29.97Hz, 59.94Hz 1080p25 Tri-Level 25Hz, 50Hz 1080p24 Tri-Level 24Hz 1080p23 Tri-Level 23.98Hz
1080sf24 Tri-Level 24Hz 1080sf23 Tri-Level 23.98Hz
720p60 Tri-Level 30Hz, 60Hz 720p59 Tri-Level 29.97Hz, 59.94Hz 720p50 Tri-Level 25Hz, 50Hz 720p30 Tri-Level 30Hz, 60Hz 720p29 Tri-Level 29.97Hz, 59.94Hz 720p25 Tri-Level 25Hz, 50Hz 720p24 Tri-Level 24Hz 720p23 Tri-Level 23.98Hz
1035i60 Tri-Level 30Hz, 60Hz 1035i59 Tri-Level 29.97Hz, 59.94Hz
625i50 Black & Burst 25Hz, 50Hz 525i59 Black & Burst 29.97Hz, 59.94Hz
The grey shaded rows highlight the most commonly used Reference Standards in today's Studio or Transmission environments.
It should be noted that the external Reference Input and the Video Input do not have to be of the same standard! It is however important that there is a match between the field- or frame-rates, since none of the V64xx modules performs field- or frame-rate conversions (e.g. 50Hz 59.94Hz conversion is not supported).
V6402, V6404, V6406,V6408
and V6418 HD converters
10 Issue 6
1.3.2 V6404 HD Down Converter
Supported conversion modes at the time of printing (FPGA Firmware Version V05.04)
Input Standard Output Standard Aspect Ratios 1080i59 525i59
1035i59 525i59 720p59 525i59
1080i50 625i50 720p50 625i50
4:3 Anamorphic 16:9 Letterbox 14:9 Letterbox 4:3 Centre-Cutout
525i59 525i59 n.a. 625i50 625i50 n.a.
Furthermore, the V6404 HD Down Converter performs the colourspace conversion between the HD and the SD domain in accordance with the following standards:
ITU-R BT.709-5 (HD) ITU-R BT.601-5 (SD)
Things to remember:
The V6404 cannot perform field- or frame-rate conversions! When used in connection with the 'SY' option, the Reference's frame rate must either match the Video Input's field- or frame-rate or must be an integer fraction there from.
V6402, V6404, V6406, V6408 and V6418 HD converters
HU-V6402&4&6&8&18 11
1.3.3 V6406 HD Up Converter
Supported conversion modes at the time of printing
Input Standard Output Standard Aspect Ratios 525i59 720p59
1080i59 625i50 720p50
16:9 Anamorphic 4:3 Pillarbox 14:9 Centre-Cutout 16:9 Centre-Cutout
Furthermore, the V6406 HD Up Converter performs the colourspace conversion between the SD and the HD domain in accordance with the following standards:
ITU-R BT.601-5 (SD) ITU-R BT.709-5 (HD)
Things to remember:
The V6406 cannot perform field- or frame-rate conversions! When used in connection with the 'SY' option, the Reference's frame rate must either match the Video Input's field- or frame-rate or must be an integer fraction there from.
V6402, V6404, V6406,V6408
and V6418 HD converters
12 Issue 6
1.3.4 V6408 HD Cross Converter
Supported conversion modes at the time of printing (FPGA Firmware Version V05.04)
Input Standard Output Standard Aspect Ratios 1080i59 720p59
1035i59 720p59 720p59 720p59
1080i60 720p60 1035i60 720p60 720p60 720p60
1080i59 1080i59 1035i59 1080i59 720p59 1080i59
1080i60 1080i60 1035i60 1080i60 720p60 1080i60 all 16:9 1080i59 1035i59 1035i59 1035i59 720p59 1035i59
1080i60 1035i60 1035i60 1035i60 720p60 1035i60
1080i50 720p50 720p50 1080i50
1080i50 576p50
(on a 720p50 transport)
720p50 576p50
(on a 720p50 transport)
525i59 1080i59 525i59 1035i59 525i59 720p59 16:9 Anamorphic 4:3 Pillarbox 625i50 1080i50 14:9 Pillarbox 625i50 720p50 16:9 Centre-Cutout 625i50 576p50
(on a 720p50 transport)
Furthermore, the V6408 HD Cross Converter performs the colourspace conversion between the SD and the HD domain when up-converting in accordance with the following standards:
ITU-R BT.709-5 (HD) ITU-R BT.601-5 (SD)
Things to remember:
The V6408 cannot perform field- or frame-rate conversions! When used in connection with the 'SY' option, the Reference's frame rate must either match the Video Input's field- or frame-rate or must be an integer fraction there from.
V6402, V6404, V6406, V6408 and V6418 HD converters
HU-V6402&4&6&8&18 13
1.3.5 V6418 HD Converter
Supported conversion modes at the time of printing (FPGA Firmware Version V05.04)
Input Standard Output Standard Aspect Ratios 1080i59 720p59
1035i59 720p59 720p59 720p59
1080i60 720p60 1035i60 720p60 720p60 720p60
1080i59 1080i59 1035i59 1080i59 720p59 1080i59
1080i60 1080i60 1035i60 1080i60 720p60 1080i60 all 16:9 1080i59 1035i59 1035i59 1035i59 720p59 1035i59
1080i60 1035i60 1035i60 1035i60 720p60 1035i60
1080i50 720p50 720p50 1080i50
1080i50 576p50
(on a 720p50 transport)
720p50 576p50
(on a 720p50 transport)
525i59 1080i59 525i59 1035i59 525i59 720p59 16:9 Anamorphic 4:3 Pillarbox 625i50 1080i50 14:9 Pillarbox 625i50 720p50 16:9 Centre-Cutout 625i50 576p50
(on a 720p50 transport)
1080i59 525i59 1035i591 525i59 4:3 Anamorphic 720p59 525i59 16:9 Letterbox2 14:9 Letterbox2 1080i50 625i50 4:3 Centre-Cutout 720p50 625i50
525i59 525i59 n.a. 625i50 625i50 n.a.
V6402, V6404, V6406,V6408
and V6418 HD converters
14 Issue 6
1. 1035i59 Input Standard not supported in Short Delay Down Conversion mode.
2. 16:9 and 14:9 Letterbox Aspect Ratios not supported in Short Delay Down Conversion mode. Furthermore, the V6418 HD Converter performs the colourspace conversion between the SD and the HD
domains when up- or down-converting in accordance with the following standards: ITU-R BT.709-5 (HD)
ITU-R BT.601-5 (SD)
Things to remember:
The V6418 cannot perform field- or frame-rate conversions! When used in connection with the 'SY' option, the Reference's frame rate must either match the Video Input's field- or frame-rate or must be an integer fraction there from.
V6402, V6404, V6406, V6408 and V6418 HD converters
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2.1 Rear Panels
For more details on the V6302 see the V6302 User Guide.
V6402, V6404, V6406,V6408
and V6418 HD converters
16 Issue 6
2.2 Connections
The following table shows the function of the rear panel BNCs:
Connector Type Function
► HD/SDI 1 BNC HD/SDI Video Input 1 ► HD/SDI 2 BNC HD/SDI Video Input 2 ◄ HD/SDI LOOP BNC HD/SDI Reclocked and Buffered Loop-through Output ◄ HD/SDI 1 BNC HD/SDI Main Output 1 ◄ HD/SDI 2 BNC HD/SDI Main Output 2 ► ◄ GPIO BNC General Purpose Input or Output (bi-directional)
DELAY PULSE BNC Delay Pulse Output. REF. LOOP BNC Reference Loop Output REF. BNC Reference Input. Switch selectable termination on board.
V6402, V6404, V6406, V6408 and V6418 HD converters
HU-V6402&4&6&8&18 17
2.3 Module and Environmental Specifications
Parameter Environmental Specification
Module Size Standard V1600 range form factor; fits in V1606 3U rack or V6011 '1-Box' Rear Panels V16HR3C Single width rear
V16HR3D Double width rear (for V6302 combo) V16HR3E Triple width rear (for V6302 combo)
Operating Voltage +9..+18V Power Consumption
V6402 V6404 V6406 V6408 V6418
+15V/0.35A (5.3W typ.) +15V/0.50A (7.5W typ.) +15V/1.10A (16.5W typ.) +15V/0.58A (8.7W typ.) +15V/0.58A (8.7W typ.)
Operating Temperature 0 to +60°C Storage Temperature -40°C to +85°C Relative Humidity 95% non-condensing
2.4 Signal Specifications
Signal Type Comments
Video Inputs 75Ω BNC Input Format: SMPTE259M or SMPTE292M
Input Impedance: 75 Ohm Return Loss: > 15dB, 5MHz – 1.5GHz Equal. Cable Length: 0-250m @ 270Mbps 0-100m @ 1.5Gbps
Video Outputs 75Ω BNC Output Format: SMPTE259M or SMPTE292M
Output Impedance: 75 Ohm Return Loss: > 15dB, 5MHz – 1.5GHz Jitter Performance: < 0.2UI p-p (Timing @ 270Mbps) < 0.2UI p-p (Alignment @ 270Mbps) < 1UI p-p (Timing @ 1.485Gbps) < 0.2UI p-p (Alignment @ 1.485Gbps)
Amplitude: 800mV p-p (terminated) Drive Capability: > 250m @ 270Mbps (Belden 8281) > 100m @ 1.5Gbps (Belden 1694A)
Video Reference Input Bi-Level
or Tri-Level
1V Composite video, but Black & Burst is recommended. Tri-Level sync as per SMPTE274M or 296M.
Tracking Delay Pulse LVTTL with
+/- 24mA drive capability
Positive pulse represents the video insertion delay. Repetition rate is 2 frames.
GP Input 0V to 5.5V with
Schmitt­Trigger characteristic
Positive-going input threshold voltage: 1.75V typ. Negative-going input threshold voltage: 1.0V typ. Hysteresis Voltage: 0.77V typ.
GP Output LVTTL with
+/- 24mA drive capability
Short-circuit protected.
V6402, V6404, V6406,V6408
and V6418 HD converters
18 Issue 6
2.5 Timing Adjustment Ranges
The following tables apply to the V6402 and all other modules with the 'SY' option enabled. The tables show the range of the timing adjustments possible relative to the external reference signal (Synchroniser mode) or the range of adjustable input-to-output delay (also known as insertion delay) if a module is being operated without an external reference, i.e. the incoming video signal itself is used as a 'reference' (Delay mode). Note that overall insertion delay results from adding these timing adjustments to an intrinsic delay, which depends on the module (V6402, V6404, V6406, V6408 or V6418), the mode of operation and the type of conversion (progressive interlace, video mode film mode).
2.5.1 Synchroniser Mode
Standard Horizontal Vertical Field/Frame Delay
('FD' option required)
24MB 96MB 1080i60
0 to 29.63µs in 13.46ns steps
-256 to +255 lines 4 fields 24 fields
0 to 29.66µs in 13.48ns steps
-256 to +255 lines 4 fields 24 fields
0 to 35.56µs in 13.46ns steps
-256 to +255 lines 2 fields 20 fields
0 to 29.63µs in 13.46ns steps
-256 to +255 lines 2 frames 12 frames
0 to 29.66µs in 13.48ns steps
-256 to +255 lines 2 frames 12 frames
0 to 35.56µs in 13.46ns steps
-256 to +255 lines 1 frame 10 frames
0 to 37.04µs in 13.46ns steps
-256 to +255 lines 1 frame 9 frames
0 to 37.07µs in 13.48ns steps
-256 to +255 lines 1 frame 9 frames
0 to 37.04µs in 13.46ns steps
-256 to +255 lines 2 fields 18 fields
0 to 37.07µs in 13.48ns steps
-256 to +255 lines 2 fields 18 fields
0 to 22.22µs in 13.46ns steps
-256 to +255 lines 5 frames 25 frames
0 to 22.24µs in 13.48ns steps
-256 to +255 lines 5 frames 25 frames
0 to 26.67µs in 13.46ns steps
-256 to +255 lines 4 frames 21 frames
0 to 44.44µs in 13.46ns steps
-256 to +255 lines 2 frames 12 frames
0 to 44.49µs in 13.48ns steps
-256 to +255 lines 2 frames 12 frames
0 to 53.22µs in 13.46ns steps
-256 to +255 lines 1 frame 10 frames
0 to 55.56µs in 13.46ns steps
-256 to +255 lines 1 frame 9 frames
0 to 55.61µs in 13.48ns steps
-256 to +255 lines 1 frame 9 frames
0 to 29.63µs in 13.46ns steps
-256 to +255 lines 4 fields 24 fields
0 to 29.66µs in 13.48ns steps
-256 to +255 lines 4 fields 24 fields
0 to 64.00µs in 37ns steps
-256 to +255 lines 28 fields 58 fields
0 to 63.56µs in 37ns steps
-256 to +255 lines 34 fields 62 fields
1. If the 'FD' option is not installed, the extra 'Field/Frame Delay' on top of any horizontal and/or vertical timing adjustments is automatically set to zero.
2. If a V6404, V6406, V6408 or V6418 is fitted with the Frame Synchroniser option ('SY') enabled, the hor. and vert. timing adjustments apply to the output video format. The Field/Frame Delay applies to the input video format. This means for the V6404 HD Down Converter for example that a maximum extra delay of just 24 Fields (and not 50!) can be imposed on top of the intrinsic delay when down-converting from 1080i59 to 525i59.
V6402, V6404, V6406, V6408 and V6418 HD converters
HU-V6402&4&6&8&18 19
2.5.2 Delay Mode
In the 'Delay Mode', i.e. if the reference is taken from the Input Video signal rather than an external reference, timing adjustments can be accomplished in three levels of accuracy: pixels, lines and fields (interlaced modes) or frames (progressive modes).
Standard Horizontal Vertical Field/Frame Delay
('FD' option required)
24MB 96MB 1080i60
0 to 29.63µs in 13.46ns steps
0 to 562 lines 4 fields 24 fields
0 to 29.66µs in 13.48ns steps
0 to 562 lines 4 fields 24 fields
0 to 35.56µs in 13.46ns steps
0 to 562 lines 2 fields 20 fields
0 to 29.63µs in 13.46ns steps
0 to 1124 lines 2 frames 12 frames
0 to 29.66µs in 13.48ns steps
0 to 1124 lines 2 frames 12 frames
0 to 35.56µs in 13.46ns steps
0 to 1124 lines 1 frame 10 frames
0 to 37.04µs in 13.46ns steps
0 to 1124 lines 1 frame 9 frames
0 to 37.07µs in 13.48ns steps
0 to 1124 lines 1 frame 9 frames
0 to 37.04µs in 13.46ns steps
0 to 562 lines 2 fields 18 fields
0 to 37.07µs in 13.48ns steps
0 to 562 lines 2 fields 18 fields
0 to 22.22µs in 13.46ns steps
0 to 749 lines 5 frames 25 frames
0 to 22.24µs in 13.48ns steps
0 to 749 lines 5 frames 25 frames
0 to 26.67µs in 13.46ns steps
0 to 749 lines 4 frames 21 frames
0 to 44.44µs in 13.46ns steps
0 to 749 lines 2 frames 12 frames
0 to 44.49µs in 13.48ns steps
0 to 749 lines 2 frames 12 frames
0 to 53.22µs in 13.46ns steps
0 to 749 lines 1 frame 10 frames
0 to 55.56µs in 13.46ns steps
0 to 749 lines 1 frame 9 frames
0 to 55.61µs in 13.48ns steps
0 to 749 lines 1 frame 9 frames
0 to 29.63µs in 13.46ns steps
0 to 562 lines 4 fields 24 fields
0 to 29.66µs in 13.48ns steps
0 to 562 lines 4 fields 24 fields
0 to 64.00µs in 37ns steps
0 to 311 lines 28 fields 58 fields
0 to 63.56µs in 37ns steps
0 to 261 lines 34 fields 62 fields
If the 'FD' option is not installed, the extra 'Field/Frame Delay' on top of any horizontal and/or vertical timing adjustments is automatically set to zero.
If a V6404, V6406, V6408 or V6418 is fitted with the Frame Synchroniser option ('SY') enabled, the hor. and vert. timing adjustments apply to the output video format. The Field/Frame Delay applies to the input video format. This means for the V6404 HD Down Converter for example that a maximum extra delay of just 24 Fields (and not 50!) can be imposed on top of the intrinsic delay when down-converting from 1080i59 to 525i59.
V6402, V6404, V6406,V6408
and V6418 HD converters
20 Issue 6
2.5.3 Minimum Delay (Intrinsic Delay)
Module Standard/Conversion Min. Delay
Frame Sync mode
Min. Delay F-Delay mode
V6402 All modes
9.1µs (min)
24.4µs (max) Hysteresis: 15.3µs
1 line + 38 pixels1
(see Delay Mode table for mode dependent line lengths and pixel timing)
V6404 1080i59 to 525i59 (Down Conv.)
1035i59 to 525i59 (Down Conv.) 1080i50 to 625i50 (Down Conv.)
2 Input Fields + Hysteresis
2 Input Fields + 1 line + 38 pixels1
720p59 to 525i59 (Down Conv.)
720p50 to 625i50 (Down Conv.)
2 Input Frames + Hysteresis
2 Input Frames + 1 line + 38 pixels1
525i59 to 525i59 (Bypass)
625i50 to 625i50 (Bypass)
2 Input Fields + Hysteresis
2 Input Fields + 1 line + 38 pixels1
V6406 525i59 to 1080i59 (Up Conv.)
525i59 to 720p59 (Up Conv.) 625i50 to 1080i50 (Up Conv.) 625i50 to 720p50 (Up Conv.)
6 Input Fields + Hysteresis
6 Input Fields + 1 line + 38 pixels1
V6408 1080i59 to 720p59 (Cross Conv.)
1080i50 to 720p50 (Cross Conv.) 1035i59 to 720p59 (Cross Conv.)
2 Input Fields + Hysteresis
2 Input Fields + 1 line + 38 pixels1
720p59 to 1080i59 (Cross Conv.)
720p50 to 1080i50 (Cross Conv.) 720p59 to 1035i59 (Cross Conv.)
2 Input Frames + Hysteresis
2 Input Frames + 1 line + 38 pixels1
525i59 to 1080i59 (Up Conv.)
525i59 to 1035i59 (Up Conv.) 525i59 to 720p59 (Up Conv.) 625i50 to 1080i50 (Up Conv.) 625i50 to 720p50 (Up Conv.)
2 Input Fields + Hysteresis
2 Input Fields + 1 line + 38 pixels1
V64182 1080i59 to 525i59 (Down Conv.)2
1035i59 to 525i59 (Down Conv.) 1080i50 to 625i50 (Down Conv.)2
2 Input Fields + Hysteresis
2 Input Fields + 1 line + 38 pixels1
720p59 to 525i59 (Down Conv.)2
720p50 to 625i50 (Down Conv.)2
2 Input Frames + Hysteresis
2 Input Frames + 1 line + 38 pixels1
525i59 to 525i59 (Bypass)2
625i50 to 625i50 (Bypass)2
2 Input Fields + Hysteresis
2 Input Fields + 1 line + 38 pixels1
1080i59 to 720p59 (Cross Conv.)
1080i50 to 720p50 (Cross Conv.) 1035i59 to 720p59 (Cross Conv.)
2 Input Fields + Hysteresis
2 Input Fields + 1 line + 38 pixels1
720p59 to 1080i59 (Cross Conv.)
720p50 to 1080i50 (Cross Conv.) 720p59 to 1035i59 (Cross Conv.)
2 Input Frames + Hysteresis
2 Input Frames + 1 line + 38 pixels1
525i59 to 1080i59 (Up Conv.)
525i59 to 1035i59 (Up Conv.) 525i59 to 720p59 (Up Conv.) 625i50 to 1080i50 (Up Conv.) 625i50 to 720p50 (Up Conv.)
2 Input Fields + Hysteresis
2 Input Fields + 1 line + 38 pixels1
V6402, V6404, V6406, V6408 and V6418 HD converters
HU-V6402&4&6&8&18 21
1. In this case, a pixel is a luminance sample.
2. When in Short Delay Down Conversion mode, these conversions have a maximum insertion delay of 1 ms.
2.6 Hardware
2.6.1 The PCB
This figure shows the construction of the PCB, along with some components of interest. Note that the main I/O connector is in fact mounted on a daughter board, which is held down by two screws. The Down and Cross Converters also have a large sub-board mounted on the centre of the board.
The main connector is a 220-way 2mm press-fit connector. When new there may be a substantial insertion force when mating with a rear module; this is normal. However, it is important that the module is not plugged into one of Vistek’s conventional units with significant force. If so then it is possible to break off one of the locating lugs.
2.6.2 Links and Switches
The purposes of the links and switches are shown in the following table. Details of their operation are described in later sections.
ITEM Title Comments
SW1 RESET Used to reset the internal microcontroller. JP1 Debug For development and test use only. (May not be
JP2 H8 Program For development and test use only. (May not be
fitted) PL1 JTAG Port Never used in operation. (May not be fitted) JP3 JTAG Enable For Test. Fit in 2-3 position. SW Video REF Term Slider up – Terminated with 75
Slider down – Hi-Z (un-terminated)
Flash Memory Card
Front Panel
I/O Daughter Board
Rear Connector
Video Processing Daughter Board
(V6404, V6406, V6408, V6418)
V6402, V6404, V6406,V6408
and V6418 HD converters
22 Issue 6
2.6.3 Fuse
There is only one fuse on these modules, which is in series with the main DC input.
FS1 Fuse 2 Amp Wire
In series with the +15V input to the module on the I/O daughter board.
2.6.4 Flash Memory Card
The Flash Memory Card stores the firmware for the Microcontroller and the FPGA and is essential for the operation of the module. If this card is missing, the front panel display will come up with an error message (ERROR 10). The Flash Memory Card sits in a socket with a location peg to the right. In case of a firmware upgrade, one has to make sure that the replaced card sits firmly and straight in the socket with the location peg mating with the positioning hole on the baseboard.
The Flash Memory Card is re-programmable. Customers are kindly asked not to throw it away after having upgraded a module with a newer firmware version. A Vistek service technician will collect it on his/her next visit or it can be put in an envelope and sent back to the postal address shown on the cover of this manual.
Flash Memory Card
(Side view)
Socket (Top view)
Location peg
Positioning hole
V6402, V6404, V6406, V6408 and V6418 HD converters
HU-V6402&4&6&8&18 23
2.7 Front Panel
The front panels are similar to other complex V1600 types. They provide the user with total control and monitoring of the unit without the need to consult manuals and read unlabelled indicators.
At first use the menu system may seem cumbersome but with only a small amount of practice it will become very easy to use.
2.7.1 Direct Indications
The four LEDs at the top of the panel provide these direct indications of the unit: REM
Short blinks to indicate access by the DART controller, if fitted. It does not directly indicate that the unit is in remote control mode. If the rack frame does not have a Rack Controller fitted then this LED will not blink.
+V Indicates that the main +3.3V is present on the board. This is derived from the
+15V distributed through the rack. The modules do have many power rails, but only the main +3.3V is indicated here. It will, of course, be off if the fuse, FS1, were to
have been blown. HD/SD Indicates that a valid SDI signal (either HD or SD) is being received. REF Indicates that a video reference signal is being present – either bi-level or tri-level.
HD Conv.
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