Prism Medical UK Comfort Recline User Manual

PL5 - Prism Comfort Recline User Guide - Doc 005 Rev 06/2011
© Prism Medical UK 2011
User Manual
Prism Comfort Recline Sling Range
PL5 - Prism Comfort Recline User Guide - Doc 005 Rev 06/2011
© Prism Medical UK 2011
Prism Comfort Recline Sling
The Comfort Recline Sling is designed for ease of fitting and general purpose transfer. It can be used to transfer from the seated to recumbent position or from recumbent to seated. This sling is designed to remain in position on the chair underneath the person and is Ideal when introduction of a sling is difficult (for example, when hoisting a person who uses a tight fitting chair). It’s space saver fabric is breathable and stretches to mould into the shape of the chair, ensuring comfort for the person. Use of this sling is subject to risk assessment and monitoring of pressure risks. The person must be assessed by a competent person who must be fully trained in the suitability, application and fitting of the sling. Carers should always be trained in the use of hoists and slings.
Sling Inspection
All Prism Slings are manufactured to meet and exceed the requirements of BS EN 10535:2006 ’Hoists for the transfer of disabled persons – Requirements and test methods’. Slings should be inspected prior to use and after washing. Damaged or badly worn slings should be discarded… The label on the sling contains vital information to identify the sling - if any part of the label becomes illegible, then it must be removed from service and replaced.
The sling should be visually inspected with regard to the following items:-
Any signs of damage (i.e. Cuts, frays, tears, burns) to the sling straps
Any signs of stitching becoming undone on any part of the sling
Any signs of the fabric being stretched, tearing or undue wear
Any signs of discolouring or bleaching on the material
Is the sling complete? i.e. all straps present, stiffeners in place - where
applicable, etc
Label clearly legible
The issue of sling compatibility with various manufacturers’ hoists has been a concern for specifiers for a number of years, an issue that is compounded by the increased number of companies supplying hoists and slings.
Some hoist/sling manufacturers will state that only slings manufactured by them can be used on their hoists and vice versa. This is their policy only and is NOT a legal requirement. A risk assessment must still be completed even if the same manufacturer of hoist and sling are to be used, and the specifier simply has to state that the carry bar is of a similar design and that the sling manufacturer has authorised its use on it.
A comprehensive list is available separately and your local agent will be able to provide assistance with compatibility issues.
Maximum Load (Safe Working Load - SWL)
The maximum load for the sling is clearly marked on the label of the sling. The maximum load will also be displayed on the hoist and any detachable elements of the hoisting system.
DO NOT exceed the maximum load stated on any of the equipment.
PL5 - Prism Comfort Recline User Guide - Doc 005 Rev 06/2011
© Prism Medical UK 2011
A B C D Child
650 690 290 400
700 760 305 455
780 960 430 530
880 1070 490 580
1060 1210 570 640
X Large
1180 1310 620 690
Sling Dimensions
All dimensions have a tolerance of +/- 20mm
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