1.2 / 1.4 / 1.9
..For purchasing our latest flying creation. The
new Prism Snapshot series is powerful fun that
packs up small to travel wherever you go. Unlike
most parafoils, the Snapshot is almost as
responsive as a framed kite, giving you precise
corners and smooth flight even in bumpy winds.
The elliptical leading edge profile and carefully
shaped air intakes make the Snapshot easy to
inflate and re-launch.
Read this manual carefully to be sure you set up
your new Snapshot correctly before flying. Pay
careful attention to the safety section; SPORT KITES
IF MISUSED! For loads of information on all aspects
of sport kiting, from kite tuning to the latest tricks,
check out our website at www.prismkites.com.
Remember, flying safely is YOUR responsibility.
These kites can fly faster than 50 mph and pull
hard enough to hurt you, even in moderate
winds. NEVER fly your kite in extreme conditions
or winds that are too strong for your skill or your
equipment. Always learn to fly in lighter winds
before you attempt to fly in stronger winds.
NEVER fly your kite near power lines, in storms,
near airports, roads, railways, people or animals.
If you have any doubts about the safety of your
flying situation, don’t risk it! One slip, or a broken
line, and you or a bystander could be seriously hurt.
Parafoil-style wings like the Snapshot must be
inflated by the wind flowing past them to fly, just
like a parachute or paraglider. Your first launches
will be easiest with a helper, but after a little
experience you can pin down the trailing edge of the
sail with sand, small stones, or anything with a little
weight to keep the kite from blowing away while you
unwind your lines and prepare for flight.
1) If your flying lines are not already attached to the
bridles, free the two bridle ends from the yellow
Velcro keeper in the leading edge. Check to be sure
the bridles aren’t tangled by holding the kite by the
bridle ends and letting it inflate overhead.
2) Now attach the loop end of each flying line to each
bridle end with a simple Lark’s Head noose
(illustration on next page). Connect the loop with the
red flecks to the right-hand bridle so you know to fly
with the red wrist strap in your right hand.
3) Before you launch, check that you have no twists in
the lines and that the area in your flight path is clear of
obstacles, people and animals.
Launching with a friend (recommended for beginners)
Get your friend to hold your kite while you unwind
your lines upwind and check they are clear and
untwisted. Be sure your right hand is connected to
the right-hand bridle with the kite pointed up. Have
your friend hold up the kite to inflate it. Take up the
tension on both lines and signal to your assistant to
release the kite.
Your kite can fly faster than 50 mph
People Airports Power lines Cars Storms
in strong winds. NEVER FLY NEAR:
Solo Launch (for more experienced fliers)
With with the trailing edge facing into the wind,
anchor your kite to the ground on its back using
some sand, small stones, or other small weights.
Take in the tension on both lines, gradually letting
the kite inflate before pulling it gently to free it
from the weights.
C 2007 Prism Designs Inc. All rights reserved
Pull smoothly back on both lines.Assuming there is
enough wind, the kite will fly upwards to the top of
the wind window. Keep both hands together to fly
the kite straight up overhead. For easiest control,
keep your arms straight in front of you and your
hands close together.
To turn, pull gently with one hand. The kite will
turn towards that hand until you stop pulling and
return your hands to the neutral, even position.
Then it will fly straight in whatever direction it’s
pointed. The farther you pull back on one line, the
tighter the kite will turn.
If you turn repeatedly in one direction, your lines will
be twisted around each other. You can still control
the kite because the slippery lines slide easily past
each other. To untwist, make some turns in the
other direction.
If you’re having trouble keeping the kite in the air
and under contol after a bit of practice, it’s most
likely that you need better wind conditions.
Turbulent wind flowing over trees, hills, and
buildings is the #1 cause of kiting frustration. In
turbulent or gusty wind any kite becomes difficult to
control. Even if it takes a bit longer to get there,
pick a flying spot that has smooth wind blowing
across water or a wide open land area. Beaches
with wind flowing off the water are the very best
for your first flights.
Lines can wear and break if you fly regularly in fine
sand or strong winds. Retie the two ends using a
blood knot if it breaks in the middle, or tie a new
loop in the end using a double overhand loop if it
breaks at the end. Then stretch both lines out
together and tie a new end loop in the longer line so
that your two lines are once again equal in
length (within ½")
The Double Overhand Loop- for retying end loops
1. 2. 3.
The Lark’s Head Knot- for attaching lines to wrist straps or bridle:
The Blood Knot- for splicing broken Spectra lines:
Prism will not replace flying lines that have been
improperly used, have become worn through normal
use or have failed due to knots in the line. If kites
are flown on lines of insufficient strength or in
winds higher than the kite’s rated range, the lines
can break. Always follow recommendations to
ensure that lines of an appropriate breaking strain
are used when flying one or more kites. A full range
of ready-to-fly linesets is available from specialty
kite retailers or direct from our website at
At Prism we engineer our parafoils to handle the
rigors of serious flying. However, like most
things light enough to fly they are not indestructible. If
crashed hard enough or dragged over rough ground
they can be damaged, and we cannot provide a
guarantee against tears in the sail.
However, most damage can be easily repaired
without replacing the kite. Small tears are quickly
fixed using our special Tedlar repair tape, available
from your retailer or direct from our website at
www.prismkite.com. For larger or more complicated
repairs, we suggest you send us the kite so we can
get you a quote and take care of it for you. There
are very few mishaps that can't be effectively fixed
by our talented in-house repair team. To send in a
repair, download our repair form from the website
and include it with your sail so we know who you
are and how we can help.
Wing Span: 48”
Sail Area: .6 sq. meters
Sail: Ripstop nylon
Wind Range: 6-25 mph
Recommended Lines: 80’ X 100# Spectra
Wing Span: 56”
Sail Area: 1.0 sq. meters
Sail: Ripstop nylon
Wind Range: 4-25 mph
Recommended Lines: 80’ x 150# Spectra
Wing Span: 76”
Sail Area: 1.5 sq. meters
Sail: Ripstop nylon
Wind Range: 4-25 mph
Recommended Lines: 100’ x 200# Spectra
Feel free to contact us as you discover sport
kiting. We love to hear about your adventures and
we're always happy to help if you need technical
support of any kind.
Smooth winds and happy flying!
Prism Designs Inc.
4214 24th Ave W.
Seattle, WA 98199
206-547-1200 fax