Hewlett-Packard makes no representations or warranties of any kind
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be held responsible for errors contained herein or any omissions from this
material or for any damages, whether direct, indirect, incidental or
consequential, in connection with the furnishing, distribution, performance or
use of this material. The information in this manual is subject to change
without notice.
This document contains proprietary information protected by copyright. No
part of this document may be reproduced, copied, translated or incorporated
in any other material in any form or by any means, whether manual, graphic,
electronic, mechanical or otherwise, without the prior written consent of
All rights reserved.
T rademark Acknowledgements
IBM is a registered trademark of the International Business Machines Corp.
IGP, LinePrinter Plus, PGL and Printronix are registered trademarks of
Printronix, Inc.
Code V is a trademark of Quality Micro Systems, Inc.
Hewlett-Packard and HP are registered trademarks, and LineJet is a
trademark of Hewlett-Packard Company.
This product uses Intellifont Scalable typefaces and Intellifont technology.
Intellifont is a registered trademark of Agfa Division, Miles Incorporated
CG, Garth Graphic, Intellifont, and Type Director are registered trademarks,
and Shannon and CG Triumvirate are trademarks of Agfa Division, Miles
Incorporated (Agfa). CG Bodoni, CG Century Schoolbook, CG Goudy Old
Style, CG Melliza, Microstyle, CG Omega, and CG Palacio are products of
Agfa Corporation. CG Times, based on Times New Roman under license
from The Monotype Corporation Plc is a product of Agfa.
Univers is a registered trademark of Linotype AG and/or its subsidiaries.
Letraset is a registered trademark, and Aachen, Revue and University Roman
are trademarks of Esselte Pendaflex Corporation.
Futura is a registered trademark of Fundición Tipográfica Neufville, S.A.
ITC Avant Garde Gothic, ITC Benguiat, ITC Bookman, ITC Century, ITC
Cheltenham, ITC Clearface, ITC Galliard, ITC Korinna, ITC Lubalin Graph,
ITC Souvenir, ITC Tiepolo, ITC Zapf Chancery, and ITC Zapf Dingbats are
registered trademarks of International Typeface Corporation.
Albertus, Gill Sans, and Times New Roman are registered trademarks, and
Monotype Baskerville is a trademark of The Monotype Corporation Plc,
registered in the U.S. Pat. and TM office and elsewhere.
Hiroshige and Marigold are trademarks of AlphaOmega Typography, Inc.
This manual explains how to use the IGP/PGL (Intelligent Graphics
manual and your printer
Graphics Language) on line matrix printers. Use this
User’s Guide
for complete printer-IGP compatibility.
Warnings and Special Information
Information requiring special attention is indicated under special headings.
Always read and comply with this information. The heading reveals the nature
of the information:
WarningWarning messages call attention to situations that
could hurt you or damage the equipment.
CautionConditions that could damage the printer or related
NoteA note gives you helpful hints about printer operation and
The IGP/PGL Emulation
The IGP/PGL emulation is the software-based Intelligent Graphics Processor
(IGP) for the line matrix printers. It is based on, and is compatible with, the
Printronix IGP-100/200/400 board using the Printronix Graphics Language
On-Line Form and Label Generation makes it easy to creat e forms o r label s
with a “preprinted” look for each application. IGP programs control all graphic
functions, dramatically reducing host computer programming and processing
Chapter1The IGP/PGL Emulation
Graphic capabilities include boxes, vertical and horizontal lines with userselectable thickness, logos, and special alphanumeric print features. Forms
and graphic designs can be duplicated horizontally and vertically.
Alphanumeric data can appear as prepositioned “fixed” information (entered
when the form is created), can be overlayed onto the form (positioned in a
specific location after the form is created), or may be dynamically merged with
the form.
Selectable Bar Codes provide appropriate bar codes for your application,
using standard wide-to-narrow ratios. A wide selection of bar codes are
available: Codabar; Code 39; Code 93; Interleaved 2 of 5; German I-2/5; ITF14; FIM; Matrix; MSI A through D; Code 128 Subset A, B, and C; UCC/EAN128; EAN 8; EAN 13; PDF417; POSTNET; PostBar; Royal Mail; Telepen;
UPC-A; UPC-E and UPC-E0; UPCSHIP and UPS 11. UPC and EAN bar
codes can also specify add-on data.
Expanded and Compressed Character Print attract attention where
needed. Alphanumeric height and width are controlled independently for a
wide range of character sizes up to 113 times the standard character size (up
to 11.3 inches wide and tall). Compressed print sizes of 12, 13, 15, and 17
characters per inch (cpi) are available.
Rotated Alphanumerics permit new concepts in form design. Normal,
expanded, and compressed character strings can be rotated 90 degrees
clockwise or counterclockwise, or they can be printed upside down.
Logos are easily created using alphanumeric commands and add a variety of
print and shading features for a “customized” appearance to forms, reports,
and labels.
Reversed Print permits highlighting and contrasting by printing a dark
background around white characters.
Automatic Increment/Decrement Capability allows batch form processing.
You can identify individual numeric and bar code data fields, which include
automatic increment or decrement functions.
Scaling Capability permits graphic elements, such as corners or boxes, to
retain their physical shapes and sizes when printed in a horizontal and vertical
density other than the base density of 60 x 72 dpi.
Multinational Character Sets provide 32 international character sets, each
96 characters in length. This feature also allows you to create your own
character sets using characters defined and stored in memory.
Extended Character Sets provide 33 extended character sets, these also
having 96 characters. These are also stored in memory.
How the IGP Operates
IGP is an emulation that allows printing of sophisticated graphics and bar
The printer performs commands based on the current mode. These modes
are discussed in more detail beginning on page 15.
When the printer is receiving or printing text, it is in Normal Mode. Any time
the printer is on and is not processing IGP commands, it is in Normal Mode.
Modes of Operation
When a Create Form command is issued, the printer moves from the Normal
Mode to the Create Form Mode.
When in the Create Form Mode, the user sends text, images, and bar code
data to the IGP. All of this data is stored in memory. An End statement
terminates the IGP data string. The printer returns to Normal Mode.
You can create as many forms as you wish and store them on your host.
These forms can then be downloaded from your host to the printer.
When you execute a form, you can print it as many times as you wish. This
saves you time downloading the form each time you want to print it.
Printer Operating ModeWhat It Means
Normal Mode
Create Form Mode
Execute Form Mode
Normal Mode
Figure 1
. IGP Modes
Printer receives data
and prints text/graphics.
You send IGP commands
to the printer.
Printer prints the form designed
in Create Form Mode.
Printer returns
to Normal Mode.
Modes of Operation
The IGP has five modes of operation that use specific command sequences
to control the IGP.
•In the Normal Mode, the printer waits for an SFCC in order to perform IGP
•In Quiet Mode, all IGP commands are ignored except the LISTEN
•In the Create Logo Mode the printer produces graphics such as forms,
logos, bar codes, and alphanumeric data.
•The Execute Mode is the IGP printing mode, which controls when the
actual printing of the bar codes and graphics will occur.
•In Create Form Mode, the printer produces graphics such as forms,
logos, bar codes, and alphanumeric data.
Chapter1The IGP/PGL Emulation
Normal Mode
Normal Mode commands print data in a line printer format until a Special
Function Control Code (SFCC) is detected.
Commands accessible in the Normal Mode are summarized in Table 1 and
fully described on the referenced page. Some Normal Mode commands can
also be used in other modes: Compressed Print, Expand, Ignore, Select
Format, and Vertical Line Spacing, which are Normal Mode commands, can
also be used in the Execute Form Mode; the Multinational Character Set
command can be used in the Normal or Create Modes. Carriage Return,
Form Feed, Line Feed, EVFU commands, and Paper Slew commands also
operate in the Normal Mode.
NoteAll IGP commands must be entered in UPPERCASE, and
each command line must be followed immediately by a line
feed (or carriage return with line feed terminator) or a paper
motion command.
Quiet Mode
In this mode, the host processes all data as ASCII characters without any IGP
interpretation — the IGP is disabled and all IGP commands are ignored. The
IGP looks only for the (cc)LISTEN command.
Modes of Operation
Table 1. Normal Mode Commands
CommandMnemonicDescriptionPage #
Compressed PrintDENSITYDefines the horizontal print density in characters per inch (cpi).45
ConfigurationCONFIGReconfigures IGP/PGL parameters46
CreateCREATEPlaces the IGP in the Create Form Mode where all the Create
Form Mode commands are available to design form elements.
Create LogoLOGOPlaces the IGP in the Create Logo Mode, where logos can be
defined using the appropriate dot placements.
Delete FormDELETE
DirectoryDIRECTORYProvides a li st of all d efined for ms and lo gos, log o assign ments
Emulation SwitchEMULATIONSwitch emulation from IGP/PGL to IGP/VGL (if VGL is present)57
ExecuteEXECUTEExecutes a previously created form.58
Expanded PrintEXPANDExpands fonts vertically and horizontally.68
FontFONTSelects a specific typeface: bold, slant (italic) factor, and
Ignore Sequence
Line Spacing,
ListenLISTENRemoves IGP from the quiet state and enables IGP operation.74
LPIDefines the lines per inch (lpi) printing format.71
Deletes a selected form name from the directory and IGP
to forms, and memory usage and availability.
symbol set.
Enables the IGP to ignore all characters after the Ignore
Sequence On command is sent until the Ignore Sequence Off
command is sent. See note on page 20.
Character Set
Normal ModeNORMALPlaces the IGP in the Normal Mode, where it does not change
Paper Instruction
Paper Instruction
On/Off for Data Bit 8
Print FilePRINTPrints a file from the flash memory.80
QuietQUIETIGP operation is disabled until a Listen command is received.
RecallRECALLRecalls forms or logos from memory stored in “setup.ptx”.81
ResetRESETDeletes all forms and logos from the IGP memory.82
Use a character set.
Create a custom user-defined character set.
the data stream but awaits the SFCC followed by an IGP
Enables or disables use of the PI line with a parallel interface.80
Enables or dis ables Da ta Bit 8 as the paper i nstruc tion sig nal in
a serial interface.
Any data sent to the line matrix printer emulation is unaffected
by IGP commands.
Chap. 5
Chapter1The IGP/PGL Emulation
Table 1. Normal Mode Commands (continued)
CommandMnemonicDescriptionPage #
Special Fu nction
Control Code
Select Format
Set UpSETUPAutomatically executes and loads the IGP/PGL commands into
SFCCChanges the current Special Function Control Code (SFCC).86
Ignores all host-generated paper movement commands. See
note on page 20.
the printer at power-up or after a RESET command is sent.
Create Form Mode
Create Form Mode commands design forms, all form components, and bar
codes. The forms are not printed in the Create Form Mode; forms are printed
in the Execute Form Mode after all form design is completed. To begin form
design, access the Create Form Mode using the Create command. The
Create command is always used to enter the Create Form Mode to begin form
NoteThe CREATE command must be entered in UPPERCASE.
Each element has its own specific set of commands and parameters that
determine size, location, and content. Listed in alphabetical order, Create
Form Mode commands are summarized in Table 2 and fully described on the
referenced pages.
Print Boundaries
Print area boundaries exist for the paper size selected. All Create Form Mode
commands require you to identify the location for the components in your
form. Boundary checking for form elements is performed only when the form
length is specified. This ensures that forms can be created regardless of the
type of paper you have loaded or margins you have set.
The IGP checks the boundaries before the form is executed to ensure that it
will fit on the loaded paper size. If the debug option is used in the create
statement, the boundaries are checked against the current paper size. Refer
to Appendix C for more information regarding page boundary guidelines.
Create Logo Mode
The Create Logo Mode is used in the Create Form Mode. The Create Logo
Mode creates a logo design; this predefined logo is then “called” into a form in
the Create Form Mode. (The logo must be defined before it is “called”.)
Modes of Operation
Table 2. Create Form Mode Commands
CommandMnemonicDescriptionPage #
AlphanumericsALPHADefines si ze, lo cation, and content of alphanumeric cha rac ters
and dynamic alphanumeric data fields.
Alpha, IncrementalALPHADefines starting data and increment amount for fixed auto-
increment fields.
Bar CodesBARCODEEach bar code type has its own command to define size,
location, orientation, and data as described in the “Bar Codes”
BoxesBOXDefines size, location, and thickness of boxes.43
CornersCORNERDefines vertical and horizontal length, location, and thickness
of a set of four corners.
EndENDTerminates the Create Form Mode.57
Form LengthLFORMSpecifies the form length by total number of lines at 6 or 8 lpi.70
Ignore Sequence
Lines, HorizontalHORZDefines the location, size, and thickness of horizontal lines.72
Lines, VerticalVERTDefines the location, size, and thickness of vertical lines.73
HDUPDefines the number of horizontal duplications of an element
and the spacing between duplications.
Enables the IGP to ignore all characters after the Ignore
Sequence On command is sent until the Ignore Sequence Off
command is sent. See Note on page 20.
Chap. 3
Logo CallLOGOSpecifies the location of a previously defined logo.74
Character Set
Page NumberPAGEDefines the location for automatically incremented page
Reverse PrintREVERSEDefines the location for white-on-black printing and selec ts the
ScaleSCALEDefines the vertical spacing and horizontal pitch for data
Select Format
ISETSelects one of the mul tinational or international character sets.Chap. 5
background shade.
positioning in character or dot columns and rows.
Ignores all host-generated paper movement commands. See
note on page 20.
Chapter1The IGP/PGL Emulation
Execute Form Mode
The Execute Form Mode prints forms created in the Create Form Mode.
Execute Form Mode commands are summarized in Table 3 and fully
described on the referenced pages. Carriage Return, Form Feed, and Line
Feed commands also operate in the Execute Form Mode. The EXECUTE
Form command
or a line containing overlay data must separate an EXECUTE command from
a NORMAL command.
NoteSome systems pad the data stream with characters and
be entered in UPPERCASE, and a single line spacing
spaces. If the IGP file on your system contains padded
characters or spaces before the SFCC, this data must be
ignored before the IGP can operate. The Ignore Sequence
(IGON/IGOFF) command, discussed on page 71, is
provided for this purpose. At times you may also need the
IGP to ignore host-originated paper movement commands
(carriage return, line feed, form feed, etc.) in lengthy data
streams. Select Format (SFON/SFOFF) discussed on page
84 is provided for this purpose. In addition, the Quiet
command, page 81, can be used to pass data unchanged to
the printer.
Modes of Operation
Table 3. Execute Form Mode Commands
CommandMnemonicDescriptionPage #
Compressed PrintDENSITYDefines the horizontal print density in characters per inch (cpi).45
Alphanumeric Data
Dynamic Bar Code
Expanded PrintEXPANDExpands fonts vertically and horizontally.6 8
FontFONTSelects a specific typeface: bold, slant (italic) factor, and
Ignore Sequence
Dynamic Data
Increment al Bar
Code Dynamic Data
Line Spacing,
Character Set
Normal ModeNORMALPlaces the IGP in the Normal Mode, where it does not change
LPIDefines the lines per inch (lpi) printing format.71
ISETSelects one of the mul tinational or international character sets.Chap. 5
Executes the dynamic alphanumeric data provided after the
(cc) EXECUTE command.
Executes the dynamic bar code data provided after the (cc)
EXECUTE command.
symbol set.
Enables the IGP to ignore all characters after the Ignore
Sequence On command is sent until the Ignore Sequence Off
command is sent.
Executes the increm ental dyna mic alphan umeric data provided
after the (cc) EXECUTE command.
Executes the incremental dynamic bar code data provided
after the (cc) EXECUTE command.
the data stream but awaits the SFCC followed by an IGP
ResetRESETDeletes all forms and logos from the IGP memory.82
Select Format
SFCCSFCCChanges the current Special Function Control Code (SFCC).86
Ignores all host-generated paper movement commands. See
note on page 20.
Chapter1The IGP/PGL Emulation
Alphanumeric Data
Based on the requirements of a specific application, you can use one of three
methods to print alphanumeric data on a form: Fixed data, Overlay data, and
Dynamic data. These methods are described in more detail in Chapter 2.
•Fixed data prints on each form in the same “prepositioned” location,
unless the location changes in the form definition. Company name,
address, logo, and phone number are typical examples of alphanumeric
data that can be “fixed” onto the form.
•Overlay data is variable alphanumeric data positioned on the page with
line feeds and spaces to fit into exact locations. For example, specific
data can be “overlayed” onto a blank form as if you were typing data into
the appropriate blanks on a preprinted form. Customer names,
addresses, and order numbers are examples of data overlayed onto a
•Dynamic data is variable data entered into specific locations on each
form. Each time the form prints, a command enters new data in those
locations. Customer names, addresses, or any type of variable
alphanumeric or bar code data can be provided dynamically.
Incremental Data
The incremental data feature allows you to update alphanumeric and bar
code data fields in an alphabetical or numeric manner automatically with just
one set of data sent from the host computer.
Alphanumeric and bar code incremental fields can be used with fixed (static)
data input as part of the Create Form Mode or with dynamic data supplied in
the Execute Form Mode.
The incremental fields can be increased or decreased, repeated at specified
intervals before updating, and reset to the starting value after a specified
number of increments.
IGP Command Standards
IGP commands have many options and a specific format that you must follow
to obtain the desired results. Certain elements are standard for all IGP
commands. These command standards are described in the following
sections. Familiarize yourself with the meaning and use of these standards
before operating the IGP.
Special Function Control Code (SFCC)
The SFCC identifies a command directed to the IGP to enable a specific IGP
function. Based on the host computer interface requirements, various
characters can be selected as the SFCC, such as the caret (^) or a tilde (~).
Do not use a nonprintable character as your SFCC.
It is appropriate to place the SFCC command at the beginning of a new line. If
the SFCC command is placed anywhere else on the line, at the user’s
discretion, the data preceding the command will either print or be ignored,
depending on how the Skip Command Prefix parameter is set.
The examples in this manual use the tilde as the SFCC; always substitute the
actual SFCC required by your system where the tilde is shown. In the general
command formats, the SFCC is represented by (cc).
Semicolon (;)
Each parameter (alpha data, options, etc) on the command line is separated
by a semicolon. Blank spaces between the semicolon and the next parameter
are not allowed. A missing or misplaced semicolon causes an error message.
The IGP/PGL is “case sensitive.” ALL commands must be entered in
Inline Commands
The SFCC, usually a tilde, is suggested to be the first character on a new line.
It may appear anywhere on the command line. There is a configuration option
that determines whether any data preceding a command is printed or is
Chapter2IGP Command Standards
All IGP commands begin with the Special Function Control Code (SFCC) and
must end with a line terminator.
Line Terminator
Each command line must be terminated by a line feed (or a carriage return
with a line feed), or a paper motion command. The command line will not be
accepted if not properly terminated. Refer to the system controls for your
system keyboard and printer configuration codes to determine which key(s)
(such as ENTER, LINE FEED, FORM FEED, etc.) perform a line feed,
carriage return with line feed, or form feed function.
Printable Character
To print, alphanumeric and bar code data must be enclosed by a printable
character (a delimiter). This delimiter is represented by
format. In this manual, an asterisk (*) is used in most examples as the
printable character. (The parentheses are
character can be used as this delimiter except a slash (/) or the SFCC. The
same printable character must be used at both the beginning and end of the
text to be printed and can not be used within the text.
in the command
entered.) Any printab le
Spaces are used in the general command formats to visually separate
individual command parameters. Supply the appropriate information for the
command parameter, but do not enter the spaces in the command sequence;
they are shown simply as a visual aid to illustrate where one command
parameter ends and another begins.
Command Parameters
Most commands include a number of parameters. Some are optional, and
some are required. Each parameter must be separated by a semicolon (;)
unless noted otherwise. Throughout this manual, actual commands required
for input are shown exactly as they must be entered and all parameters
associated with that command are shown in italics. Optional parameters are
enclosed in brackets [ ], but do not enter the brackets.
Parentheses indicate variable data. You have a choice of what to enter, but
you must enter something. Do not enter the parentheses by themselves.
Form Name
You must use alphanumeric characters to identify the document (form or logo)
you are creating (a maximum of 15 alphanumeric characters). The Form
Name is also used to identify the form during the Execute Form Mode. The
valid Form Name characters are listed in Table 4 and also apply to Logo
Name. The SFCC can also be used in the Form Name. No spaces are
allowed between any of the Form Name characters.
Table 4. Valid Form Name Characters
A through Z (upper and lowercase)Left and right parenthesis ( )
0 through 9Tilde ~
Dollar sign $Single quotes ‘ ’
Percent sign %Exclamation point !
Dash —Pound sign #
At sign @Ampersand &
Left and right braces { }
The prompt is the symbol (e.g., a dollar sign, period, or greater than symbol)
used to indicate that the host computer is ready for data input. In this manual,
the prompt is shown as a period (.).
Numeric Values
In this manual, a lowercase n in the command represents a numeric value. If
a command parameter includes a lowercase
appropriate numeric value. If the lowercase
and the option is not selected, a value for
, it must be substituted with an
is part of an optional parameter
is not required.
Comments in Command Lines
To aid in preparation or maintenance of a form or logo, comments can be
added to many command lines. Comments must be preceded by a slash (/).
However, do not use the /comment feature on lines containing an SFCC (i.e.,
CREATE, NORMAL, EXECUTE, etc.). Throughout this manual, comments
are provided in parentheses beside most command lines for better
understanding of IGP operation but should not be included in your IGP files.
Storing Data
To send data to the IGP, use a system command, such as PRINT. (Entering
data through the keyboard does not store data in memory.) Once stored in
memory, the data remains until deleted, the IGP is reset with RESET
command, or until the printer is turned off.
IGP/PGL files can be permanently stored to, deleted from, and retrieved from
the printer’s flash memory by ending CREATE, CREATE LOGO, DELETE
For example, the following command creates a form named ORDER and
stores it on the flash memory:
Executing a form or calling a logo will access the default flash automatically if
the object is not found in memory.
Chapter2IGP Command Standards
Character Position.Dot Position (CP.DP) Format
The CP.DP format is a special parameter available with the IGP commands.
CP.DP format allows two elements plotted at nearly the same character
location to be offset to eliminate overlapping. Specifying starting and ending
rows and columns is its most frequent use.
Each character location is a cell. Each cell is a grid 12 dot rows high by 6 dot
columns wide (printing at 6 lpi and 10 cpi). The CP.DP format allows a
character cell position (CP) and a specific dot position (DP) within the cell to
be identified as shown in Figure 2. The DP portion of the CP.DP format
specifies a location down (in reference to rows) and to the right (in reference
to columns) within the character cell position.
For example, refer to Figure 2. Suppose a line runs along character position
column 13 (CP = 13). At the same time, an alphanumeric string must begin in
column 13. With CP.DP format, the alphanumeric string can be offset 2 dot
positions (DP = 2) in column 13 to avoid overlap. Specify 13.2 (CP = 13, DP=
.2) for the starting column of the alphanumeric string. Similarly, to place a
horizontal line 8 dot rows beneath another horizontal line in character row
position 11, specify row 11 for one line and row 11.8 for the other line.
11.0 12.0
15.013.0 14.0
Figure 2
. CP.DP Format Example
Command Codes
Data Fields for Alphanumeric and Incremental Data
Based on the requirements of a specific application, three methods are used
to print alphanumeric data on the form: fixed (or prepositioned) data, overlay
data, and dynamic data.
Fixed Data
Fixed data is entered during the Create Form mode as part of the form
definition. It appears as prepositioned information similar to other form
elements. The fixed data is printed on each form in the same location and can
only be changed by changing the form definition. Your company name,
address, logo, or phone number are typical examples of alphanumeric data
that can be fixed onto the form.
Overlay Data
Data Fields for Alphanumeric and Inc remental Data
Overlay data is variable alphanumeric data entered during the Execute Form
mode by positioning the information with line feeds and spaces into an exact
location. In general, a page of data is overlayed onto a form similar to typing
data in the appropriate blanks of a preprinted form. Each page of overlay data
is separated by form feeds to correspond to each form printed. Customer
names, addresses, and order numbers are examples of variable data that can
be overlayed onto the form.
Dynamic Data
Dynamic data is variable data entered by command during the Execute Form
mode. The dynamic data is entered into a location previously defined in the
Create Form mode. Any number of locations can be identified during the
Create Form mode as part of the form definition. A command during the
Execute Form mode enters new data in the identified location(s) each time
the form prints. Dynamic data is the most efficient method of supplying
variable data to the form. Again, customer names, addresses, or any type of
variable alphanumeric or bar code data can be provided dynamically.
Incremental Data Fields
The incremental data fields feature allows alphanumeric (and bar code) data
fields to automatically update numerically or alphabetically with just one set of
data sent from the host computer. A maximum of 65,535 forms can print with
incremental fields automatically updated. Alphanumeric incremental fields can
be used with fixed (static) data input as part of the Create Form mode or with
dynamic data supplied in the Execute Form mode. Incremental data fields
cannot be used with Overlay data.
Chapter2Command Codes
Dark Printing
A DARK parameter, available in the Alpha, Reverse, and Bar Code
commands, is a double-strike feature which produces bolder, darker text,
denser black backgrounds for reverse print, and extra-dark, more readable
bar codes.
A DARK parameter used with alphanumeric text in the ALPHA command will
print using a bold font.
The extra darkness provided by the DARK parameter improves the Print
Contrast Ratio (PCR) and effectively extends the life of the ribbon. For bar
codes, the PCR describes the difference in light reflection between the bars
and spaces as a measurement of light/dark contrast in order to judge when a
printed bar code will not be dark enough to be read with accuracy by a
scanner. The extra dots used to produce the darker bar code do not change
the overall width of the wide bars. Figure 3 illustrates how the DARK
parameter adds two extra dot columns to wide bar code bars without
increasing bar width.
Due to the second hammer bank stroke required to plot the extra columns of
dots, print speed may be reduced up to half when the DARK parameter is
used with Bar Code commands. However, this decreased print speed should
be weighed against the significant increase in bar code PCR and extended
ribbon life.
Figure 3
. Dark Printing
PurposeDefines and positions alphanumeric data on a form as a
“preprinted” static data field or as a dynamic data field.
;] [AF
] [
[R;] [E;] [C
or HSDn;]
ALPHAThe Alphanumeric command; enter ALPHA.
RThe optional reverse printing (white on black)
SR; SC; VE; HE; (D)text(D)
parameter. Enter R to specify a black background.
;] [UC;] [DARK;] [POINT;]
ignored. In addition, the L parameter, also used in earlier
IGP/PGL versions to specify a long reverse field for
descending characters in dynamic alphanumeric data, is
provided automatically. The IGP/PGL will ignore these
parameters if found in a command line.
EThe optional elongated character parameter. Enter
D parameter, used in earlier IGP/PGL versions, is
E to specify elongated character printing.
Elongated characters are double height and single
width. If used, the VE and HE parameters must be
7set to 0, or an error message will result. Elongated
character printing is also available with rotated
The optional horizontal compres s ion param ete r.
Enter C and replace
to specify the number of horizontal characters per
inch (cpi). 10 cpi is the default value. 10A = 10 cpi
OCR-A. 10B = 10 cpi OCR-B. If used, the
parameters must be set to 0, or an error
message will result.
The optional dynamic data field parameters for
identifying the alphanumeric string location on a
form and for designating the length of the
alphanumeric string. If these parameters are used,
the actual text can not be entered during the Create
Form mode; it must be entered dynamically during
the Execute Form mode. Dynamically entering data
during the Execute Form mode permits changes to
the alphanumeric text without redefining or recreating the form. To use this field, perform the
following steps:
with 10, 12, 13, 15, 17 or 20
a.Enter AF.
through 512 to identify the alphanumeric string
with a number ranging from 1
Chapter2Command Codes
location on the form. The
parameters specify the exact location of the
alphanumeric field identified by
of characters in the dynamic alphanumeric
string ranging from 1 through 512.
d.Dynamically enter the alphanumeric string
itself in the Execute Form mode. The length of
the alphanumeric string must be equal to or
less than the value assigned to the length (
parameter. Refer to “Execute Form: Dynamic
Alphanumeric Data” on page 62.
e.If the dynamic data field is used, do
the ASCII TEXT parameter.
Optional parameter for rotating a character string.
Use the following codes to indicate the direction of
character rotation:
a.Enter CW for 90 degree clockwise rotation.
with a number equal to the number
and SC
b.Enter CCW for 90 degree counterclockwise
c.Enter INV for inverted characters (180 degree
The default orientation prints character strings in
the standard horizontal format.
UCEnter UC to specify uppercase-only characters.
When uppercase-only is specified, all lowercase
alpha character codes are converted automatically
to uppercase. Consequently, do not specify
uppercase-only characters if lowercase characters
are required.
DARKOptional parameter to produce bolder text. Enter
DARK or D. (D is also allowed in the ALPHA
command only.) More information about dark
printing is provided on page 28.
Defines the starting row of the alphanumeric data.
Enter a value ranging from row 1 through one less
than the length of the form. Character row or dot
row is specified based on the Scale command
(page 83), or use the CP.DP format (page 26).
Defines the starting column of the alphanumeric
data. Enter a value ranging from column 1 through
one less than the width of the form. Character
column or dot column is specified based on the
Scale command (page 83), or use the CP.DP
format (page 26).
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