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Programmable Timing Generator is a trademark and PI-MAX is a registered trademark of Roper
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Table 8. PCI Driver Files and Locations .......................................................................105
Table 9. I/O Address & Interrupt Assignments Before Installing Serial Card ..............106
Table 10. I/O Address & Interrupt Assignments After Installing Serial Card............... 106
Table 11. USB Driver Files and Locations.................................................................... 109
Manual Overview
Note: The general identifier "ST-133" is used for both the ST-133A Controller and the
ST-133B Controller. Where there is a difference, the specific identifier is used.
Chapter 1, Description provides an overview of the ST-133 Controller and
Chapter 2, Getting Started discusses introductory topics such as unpacking,
equipment inventory, grounding and power requirements. It also includes
detailed descriptions of the controller and camera features, together with
information on mounting the camera and lens.
Chapter 3, First Light provides a step-by-step procedure for placing the system in
operation the first time.
Chapter 4, Temperature Control discusses how to establish and maintain
temperature control. Also provides information on the effects of long-term
vacuum degradation on cooling capability and temperature control.
Chapter 5, Timing Modes discusses the basic Controller timing modes and
related topics, including Fast Mode vs. Safe Mode, Free Run, External Sync,
Continuous Cleans and Frame Transfer.
Chapter 6, Exposure and Readout discusses Exposure and Readout, together
with many peripheral topics, including shuttered and unshuttered exposure,
saturation, dark charge, binning and frame-transfer readout.
Appendix A, Specifications includes complete controller and camera
Appendix B, PTG Module contains a description of the Programmable Timing
Generator™ (PTG) together with the PTG specifications and operating
Appendix C, TTL Control discusses the purpose and operation of the TTL In/Out
Appendix D, Cleaning Instructions discusses how to clean the system
Controller, Camera and optics.
Appendix E, Outline Drawing contains outline drawings of the ST-133A and ST-
133B Controllers.
Appendix F, Plug-In Modules provides a brief overview of the plug-in modules,
including directions for their installation and removal.
Appendix G, Interline CCD Cameras describes operating considerations for
cameras having an Interline CCD.
Appendix H, MicroMAX DIF Camera describes DIF (Dual Image Feature)
camera and its operation.
Appendix I, Installing the Computer-Controller Interface provides detailed
directions for installing either the PCI (TAXI
computer and making connections to the Controller.
) or USB 2.0 interface in the
8 ST-133 Controller Manual Version 3.B
Safety Related Symbols
Used in This Manual
Caution! The use of this symbol on equipment indicates that one or
more nearby items should not be operated without first consulting the
manual. The same symbol appears in the manual adjacent to the text
that discusses the hardware item(s) in question.
Caution! Risk of electric shock! The use of this symbol on
equipment indicates that one or more nearby items pose an electric
shock hazard and should be regarded as potentially dangerous. This
same symbol appears in the manual adjacent to the text that discusses
the hardware item(s) in question.
Chapter 1
Overview: The Model ST-133 is a compact, high performance
CCD Camera Controller for operation with Princeton
performance image acquisition, the controller offers data transfer
at speeds up to 1 megapixel per second, standard video output for
focusing and alignment and a wide selection of A/D converters to
meet a variety of different speed and resolution requirements.
Function: Able to operate with a variety of different cameras and CCD arrays, with
support for several popular computer platforms and application software packages, the
ST-133 Controller makes it possible to assemble an image acquisition system precisely
tailored to your specific needs. In operation, analog data acquired by the camera is routed
to the controller where it is converted to digital data by specially designed, low-noise
electronics supporting a scientific grade Analog-to-Digital (A/D) converter.
cameras. Designed for high speed and high
Two complete analog channels, each with its own A/D converter, are available, with
switching between the two channels under software control for total experiment
Modular Design: In addition to containing the power supply, the controller contains
the analog and digital electronics, scan control and exposure timing hardware, and
controller I/O connectors, all mounted on user-accessible plug-in modules. A
Programmable Timing Generator™ (PTG) module is also available that allows the
controller to be used in conjunction with the PI-MAX
without need for an external timing generator. This highly modularized design gives
flexibility and allows for convenient servicing.
Flexible Readout: There is provision for extremely flexible readout of the CCD.
Readout modes supported include full resolution, simultaneous multiple subimages, and
nonuniform binning. Single or multiple software-defined regions of interest can also be
tested without having to digitize all the pixels of the array. Completely flexible exposure,
set through software, is also fully supported.
The ST-133 controller must be factory configured for operation with an LN-cooled detector.
For this reason, a controller purchased for operation with an LN-cooled detector can only be
used with an LN-cooled detector. Similarly, a controller purchased for operation with a
TE-cooled detector cannot be used with an LN-cooled detector.
Depending on the camera with which the ST-133 is intended to operate, a given ST-133 may
support one or two A/D converters. The converter(s) must be specified at the time of purchase.
camera in gated experiments
10 ST-133 Controller Manual Version 3.B
High Speed Data Transfer: Data is transferred directly to the host computer memory
via a high-speed interface (TAXI or USB 2.0 protocol) link. A frame buffer with standard
composite video, either RS-170 (EIA) or CCIR, whichever was ordered, may also be
provided. The digital data at the output of the A/D converter is then transferred at high
speeds to the host computer.
For the TAXI protocol, a proprietary PCI card places the data from the controller directly
into the host computer RAM using Direct Memory Access (DMA). The DMA transfer
process ensures that the data arrives at sufficiently high speed to prevent data loss from
the controller. Since the data transfer rate is much higher than the output rate from the
A/D, the latter becomes the limiting factor for the data acquisition rate. Once the digital
data is in RAM, the image acquisition program can transfer the image into its own
working RAM for viewing and further processing.
Applications: With its small size, fully integrated design, support for a variety of
cameras, CCD arrays, and computers, temperature control, advanced exposure control
timing, and sophisticated readout capabilities, the ST-133 Controller is well suited to
both general spectroscopy, macro imaging and microscopy applications.
Chapter 2
Getting Started
This chapter will help you get off to a good start with your ST-133 Controller. In addition
to descriptions of such basics as unpacking and grounding safety, the chapter includes
discussions of the requirements that have to be met before the camera can be switched on.
Included are environmental, power, computer, and software requirements. Also provided
are descriptions of the front and rear panels of the components, together with discussions
of mounting, imaging and other topics. Users are advised to read this chapter in its
entirety before powering up the system.
During unpacking, check the controller for possible signs of shipping damage. If there are
any, notify Roper Scientific and file a claim with the carrier. If damage is not apparent
but controller specifications cannot be achieved, internal damage may have occurred in
Equipment and Parts Inventory
The complete system consists of a camera, a controller and other components as follows:
•Camera to Controller cable: DB25 to DB25 cable. Standard length is 10 ft
(6050-0321 for TE-cooled cameras; 6050-0361 for LN-cooled). Also available in 6’,
15’, 20’, and 30’ lengths.
• Controller to Computer Interface (TAXI or USB 2.0):
Note: For convenience, in the following operating-procedure discussions, this
manual refers to a Pentium™ PC equipped with a PCI high-speed interface card and
using WinView/32 software. Nevertheless, the manual does apply as well to
operation with other computers and software. Interface components, as follows,
could be required.
• TAXI interface
High Speed PCI Interface board: High-speed serial interface card installed in
the host computer.
TAXI Interface Control Module: Interface module installed in the ST-133.
Cable: DB9 to DB9 cable. Standard length is 25 ft (6050-0148-CE). Lengths
up to 165 ft (50 m) are available.
12 ST-133 Controller Manual Version 3.B
•USB 2.0 interface (Supported by versions 2.5.14 and higher of WinView/32
and WinSpec/32. PTG and USB 2.0 compatibility supported by versions
2.5.15 and higher.)
USB 2.0 Card: USB 2.0 interface card installed in the host computer.
USB 2.0 Interface Control Module: Interface module installed in the
Cable: USB c ab l e . S t an d a r d l en g t h i s 16.4 feet (5 meters) (6050-0494). Oth e r
lengths may be available. Contact Customer Service for more information
•PTG to PI-MAX cable: (6050-0369 or 6050-0406) if PTG is installed. This cable
interconnects the Timing Gen connector on the PTG module with the Timing Gen
connector on the PI-MAX.
• Computer: Can be purchased from Roper Scientific or provided by user.
• Other Components:
• Intensified cameras would additionally require a high-voltage power supply
and/or gate pulser.
Note: The PI-MAX camera is an exception because its high-voltage pulsing
circuits are internal. It would, however, still require a PTG or DG535 Timing
Grounding and Safety
The apparatus described in this manual is of Class I category as defined in IEC
Publication 348 (Safety Requirements for Electronic Measuring Apparatus). It is
designed for indoor operation only. Before turning on the controller, the ground prong of
the power cord plug must be properly connected to the ground connector of the wall
outlet. The wall outlet must have a third prong, or must be properly connected to an
adapter that complies with these safety requirements.
If the equipment is damaged, the protective grounding could be disconnected. Do not use
damaged equipment until its safety has been verified by authorized personnel.
Disconnecting the protective earth terminal, inside or outside the apparatus, or any
tampering with its operation is also prohibited.
Inspect the supplied power cord. If it is not compatible with the power socket, replace the
cord with one that has suitable connectors on both ends.
Replacement power cords or power plugs must have the same polarity as that of the
original ones to avoid hazard due to electrical shock.
Environmental Requirements
• Storage temperature -20°C to 55°C
• Operating environment 0°C to 30°C
• Operating temperature range over which specifications can be met is 18° C to 23° C
Chapter 2 Getting Started 13
• Relative humidity ≤50% noncondensing.
Power Requirements
The ST-133 Controller can operate from any one of four different nominal line voltages:
100, 120, 220, or 240 VAC. Refer to the Fuse/Voltage label on the back of the ST-133
for fuse, voltage, and power consumption information.
The plug on the line cord supplied with the system should be compatible with the linevoltage outlets in common use in the region to which the system is shipped. If the line
cord plug is incompatible, a compatible plug should be installed, taking care to maintain
the proper polarity to protect the equipment and assure user safety.
The power module contains the voltage selector drum, fuses and the power cord
connector. The appropriate voltage setting is set at the factory and can be seen on the
back of the power module.
Each setting actually defines a range and you should select the setting that is closest to the
actual line voltage. The fuse and power requirements are printed on the panel above the
power module. The Power Module contains two fuses. The two fuses are of different
values and both change according to the value of the selected line voltage as indicated on
the back panel.
installed at the factory.
The correct fuses for the country where the ST-133 is to be shipped are
If you need to replace a fuse or change the voltage selection, refer to Appendix D,
page 80, for instructions.
Be sure to use the proper fuse values and types for the controller and camera to be
properly protected.
Computer Requirements
Host Computer Type
Note: The following information is only intended to give an approximate indication of
the computer requirements. Please contact the factory to determine your specific needs.
TAXI Protocol:
• AT-compatible computer with 200 MHz Pentium
• Windows
2000, or Windows
• High speed PCI serial card (or an unused PCI card slot). Computers purchased
from Roper Scientific are shipped with the PCI card installed if High speed PCI
was ordered.
• Minimum of 32 Mbytes of RAM for CCDs up to 1.4 million pixels. Collecting
multiple spectra at full frame or high speed may require 128 Mbytes or more of
• CD-ROM drive.
• Hard disk with a minimum of 80 Mbytes available. A complete installation of the
program files takes about 17 Mbytes and the remainder is required for data
95, Windows® 98SE, Windows® ME, Windows NT®, Windows®
XP operating system.
II (or better).
14 ST-133 Controller Manual Version 3.B
storage, depending on the number and size of spectra collected. Disk level
compression programs are not recommended.
• Super VGA monitor and graphics card supporting at least 256 colors with at least
1 Mbyte of memory. Memory requirement is dependent on desired display
• Two-button Microsoft compatible serial mouse or Logitech three-button
serial/bus mouse.
USB 2.0 Protocol:
• AT-compatible computer with Pentium 3 or better processor and runs at 1 GHz or
• Windows 2000 (with Service Pack 3), Windows XP (with Service Pack 1) or
later operating system.
• Native USB 2.0 support on the motherboard or USB Interface Card (Orange
Micro 70USB90011 USB2.0 PCI is recommended for desktop computers and the
SIIG, Inc. USB 2.0 PC Card, Model US2246 is recommended for laptop
• Minimum of 256 Mb of RAM.
• CD-ROM drive.
• Hard disk with a minimum of 80 Mbytes available. A complete installation of the
program files takes about 17 Mbytes and the remainder is required for data
storage, depending on the number and size of spectra collected. Disk level
compression programs are not recommended.
• Super VGA monitor and graphics card supporting at least 256 colors with at least
1 Mbyte of memory. Memory requirement is dependent on desired display
• Two-button Microsoft compatible serial mouse or Logitech three-button
serial/bus mouse.
Chapter 2 Getting Started 15
Controller Features
Front Panel
POWER Switch and Indicator: The power switch location and characteristics depend on
the version of ST-133 Controller that was shipped with your system. In some
versions, the power switch is located on the on the front panel and has an integral
indicator LED that lights whenever the ST-133 is powered. In other versions, the
power switch is located on the back of the ST-133 and does not include an indicator
LED. Figure 1 shows the two locations
0.75A - T 100 - 120V
1.25 A - T 220 - 240 V
50-60Hz 420 W MAX
3.50A - T
1.80A - T
Figure 1. Power Switch Location
(ST-133A and ST-133B)
Back Panel
Fan: There is an internal fan located at the back panel behind the exhaust grill. Its
purpose is simply to cool the controller electronics. This fan runs continuously
whenever the controller is powered. Air enters the unit through ventilation slots on
the sides and bottom, flows past the warm electronic components as it rises, and is
drawn out the rear of the controller by the fan. It is important that there be an
adequate airflow for proper functioning. As long as both the controller’s intake
ventilation slots and the fan aren’t obstructed, the controller will remain quite cool.
Shutter Control:
Shutter Setting dial. The Shutter Power connector can be used to drive an
external shutter if the camera isn’t equipped with an internal shutter.
If the camera is equipped with an internal shutter, then the Shutter Power connector
should not be used to drive an external (second) shutter. This configuration will result in
under-powering both shutters and may cause damage to the system. In a system that
requires both an internal and an external shutter, use the TTL SHUTTER signal,
provided as the default output at the connector, to control the external shutter.
Directly below the fan are the Shutter Power connector and the
If an ST-133 is shipped with a camera having an Interline CCD chip, the Shutter Control
Remote connector and Setting dial may not be supplied. If this is the case, the corresponding
panel openings will be plugged.
16 ST-133 Controller Manual Version 3.B
Suitable driver electronics will also be required. See the Note on page 20 for
information on how the signal provided at the connector is selected.
REMOTE: The shutter-drive pulses are provided at the Remote connector.
Dangerous live potentials are present at the Remote Shutter Power
connector. To avoid shock hazard, the Controller power should be OFF when connecting
or disconnecting a remote shutter.
SETTING: The Shutter Setting selector sets the shutter hold
voltage. Each shutter type, whether internal or
external, requires a different setting. Consult the table
below to determine the proper setting for your
shutter. The Shutter Setting dial is correctly set at the
factory for the camera’s internal shutter if one is
Note: With a PI-MAX camera, the setting doesn’t
matter, unless the system includes an external shutter
(typically a slit shutter for spectroscopy) to be powered
Figure 2. ST-133 Rear
Panel with 70 V Shutter
from the ST-133. If this is the case, the correct setting
would be "1".
Shutter Setting* Shutter Type
1 25 mm Roper Scientific supplied External shutter
(typically an Entrance slit shutter)
2 25 mm Roper Scientific Internal shutter
4 35 mm Roper Scientific Internal shutter (requires 70 V
Shutter option)
5 40 mm Roper Scientific Internal shutter (supplied with
LN camera having a 1340 × 1300 or larger CCD)
* Shutter settings 0, 3, and 6-9 are unused and are reserved for future use.
Table 1. Shutter Setting Selection
An incorrect setting may cause the shutter to malfunction or be damaged. Cameras
having a 35 mm shutter, such as an NTE having the 1340 × 1300 CCD, must be used
with an ST-133 having the 70 V shutter option installed (indicated on the back panel as
shown in Figure 2). An ST-133 having this option cannot be used with a camera having
the small (standard) shutter, even by selecting a lower number, because the shutter could
be permanently damaged by the high drive voltage and larger stored energy required to
drive the 70 V shutter.
Chapter 2 Getting Started 17
Power Input Module: This assembly, located at the lower right of the controller back
panel, has three functions:
• Connecting the AC power;
• Selecting the line voltage, and
• Protective Fusing.
Controller Modules: There are three controller board slots. Two are occupied by the
plug-in cards that provide various controller functions in all ST-133s. The
Programmable Timing Generator, if present, is installed in the third slot.
Otherwise the third slot is covered by a blank panel. The left-most plug-in card is
the Analog Control module. Adjacent to it is the Interface Control module.
The modules align with top and bottom tracks and mate with a passive
backplane. For proper operation, the location of the modules should not be
changed. Each board is secured by two screws that additionally serve to ground
each module’s front panel. A detailed discussion of how to remove and insert
modules is provided in Appendix F, which begins on page 83.
To minimize the risk of equipment damage, a module should never be removed or
installed when the system is powered.
If you should remove a module, take care not to overtighten the screws when you
reinstall it. They should be tightened with a screwdriver to where they are snug and no further. Excessive tightening could damage the internal brackets.
Analog/Control Module: This module, which should always be located in the
left-most slot, provides the following functions:
• Pixel A/D conversion,
• CCD scan control,
• Timing and synchronization of readouts,
• Video output control, and
• Temperature control.
In addition to the 25-pin connector provided for the camera cable, there are four
BNC connectors and an LED, as discussed in the following paragraphs.
TEMP LOCK LED: This lights to indicate that the temperature control loop has
locked and that the temperature of the CCD array will be stable to within
± 0.05°C. The actual lower temperature limit that can be achieved will
depend on a number of factors, including the laboratory temperature, and
on whether the optional fan accessory has been installed.
18 ST-133 Controller Manual Version 3.B
Note: There is provision in the hardware for reading out the array
temperature at the computer. This temperature feedback display is very
convenient for monitoring the temperature control status as it progresses
towards temperature lock. To determine when lock occurs, however, use
the Temperature Lock indication (LED or locked message displayed in
the WinView/32 Setup/Detector Temperature dialog box). Note that it
may take another 20 minutes after lock is reported before maximum
stability is achieved.
VIDEO / AUX BNC connector: Depending on the system, this connector may
be labeled Video or Aux.
Aux: Not currently activated. Reserved for future use.
Video: The composite video output is provided at this connector. The
amplitude is 1 V pk-pk and the source impedance is 75 Ω. Either RS-170
(EIA) or CCIR standard video can be provided and must be specified
when the system is ordered. The video should be connected to the
monitor via 75 Ω coaxial cable and it must be terminated into 75 Ω.
Many monitors have a switch to select either terminated or unterminated
Note: If more than one device is connected to the video output, the last
device is the one that should to be terminated in 75 Ω. For example, to
connect the video output to a VCR as well as to a monitor, the cable from
the controller video output should be connected to the video input connector
of the VCR, and another 75 Ω cable should extend from the video output
connector of the VCR to the 75Ω input of the monitor. Do not use a BNC
TEE to connect the controller video output to multiple devices.
One of the limitations of scientific non-video rate cameras has been their
difficulty in focusing and locating fields of view. The ST-133 solves this
problem by its combination of high-speed operation with the
implementation of true video output. This makes focusing and field
location as simple as with a video camera. This video output also makes
possible archiving an experiment on a VCR, producing hardcopy data on
a video printer, or even implementing autofocusing stages.
The video output must be selected by the Application software. In the
case of WinView/32, this is done by selecting Video from the
Acquisition menu. There is also provision in WinView/32 for intensityscaling the video output, that is, selecting the specific gray levels to be
displayed on the 8 bit video output.
In addition to intensity-scaling, you also need to be concerned about how
the array pixels map to the video display. The 756×486 resolution of a
typical video monitor corresponds well with the array size of a Kodak
KAF-0400 (768 x 512) or EEV CCD-37 (512 x 512).
In the case of an EEV CCD47-10 (1024×1024), the number of array
pixels far exceeds the number of monitor pixels and mapping must be
considered more carefully. WinView/32 software’s Video Focus mode
(accessed from the Acquisition Menu) provides a Pan function that
allows any one of nine different subsets of the array image to be selected
Chapter 2 Getting Started 19
for viewing on the video monitor with only a single-frame delay. An
associated zoom function provides 1x, 2x, or 4x viewing. At 1x, the
entire array image is displayed, but at reduced resolution (pixels are
discarded and fine detail could be lost). At 2x, the mapping is 1:1 and the
image portion selected by the Pan function is provided. The regions
overlap, allowing the entire array image to be examined with no loss of
resolution. At 4x, array pixels are enlarged so that a smaller part of the
array image is displayed as selected by the Pan function.
Once proper focus has been achieved, the user can transfer to normal dataacquisition operation. The video output remains operative, but with a more
limited and fixed view because of the resolution limitation of RS-170 video.
Although this view is sufficient to cover the image from a small CCD array
in its entirety, it will not cover all the pixels from a large array. Instead, a
subset from the center of the image will be shown. For example, in the case
of th e Kodak KAF-1400 (1317 x 1035), the m o nitor would d isplay the
756×486 area from the center of the CCD image as shown in Figure 3.
Figure 3. Monitor Display of CCD Image Center Area
In post-acquisition processing the WinView/32 ROI (Region of Interest)
capability allows any portion of an acquired image to be displayed on the
computer monitor.
Again, note that the described video output behavior applies specifically
for the WinView/32 software only. Other application software may
provide different video output capabilities.
EXT SYNC BNC connector: This TTL input, which has a 10 kΩ pullup
resistor, allows data acquisition and readout to be synchronized with
external events. In the External Sync mode, readout is initiated when the
signal (typically a pulser trigger output) applied to the Ext Sync
connector is detected. Through software you can select either positive or
negative edge triggering (default = negative). See Chapter 5, Timing Modes for detailed information.
20 ST-133 Controller Manual Version 3.B
Note: There are three sync modes, Free Run, External Sync and
Internal Sync selectable via software (WinView/32 Experiment Setup
Timing tab page). Internal Sync mode operation, which does not
require a connection to Ext Sync, is only available if a PTG Timing
Generator is installed. If the timing generator is a DG535, the D output of
the DG535’s D output is applied to Ext Sync to initiate readout.
BNC connector: In WinView/32
or WinSpec/32 (ver. 2.4 and
higher) the signal (
provided at this connector is
software-selectable. The default
Note: When the signal at the
connector is softwareselectable, the Logic Out output
on the Controller/Camera tab
page (Figure 4) indicates the
selected signal, either
the selection function isn’t
present in the software, you
may have an older controller
and an internal jumper must be
Figure 4. WinView/32 Controller/Camera
Setup Tab Page
move d to change the selection. Contact the factory (see page 114)
Customer Support Dept. for information on how to change the jumper
setting. Because the default jumper selection is SHUTTER, used to inhibit
the pulser/timing generator, it is unlikely that the selection will require
NOTSCAN reports when the controller is finished reading out the CCD
array. NOTSCAN is high when the CCD array is not being scanned,
then drops low when readout begins, returning to high when the process
is finished.
SHUTTER, the default selection, reports when the shutter is opened and
can be used to synchronize external shutters. SHUTTER is low when the
shutter is closed and goes high when the shutter is activated, dropping
low again after the shutter closes. As shown in Figure 5, except that the
signal includes cleaning activity and t
, the shutter compensation time
(time allowed for the shutter to close), the two signals are similar.
Chapter 2 Getting Started 21
= Exposure Time
= Readout Time
= Shutter Compensation Time
Figure 5. NOTSCAN and SHUTTER Signals
Note: In frame-transfer operation, where the exposure cycle and readout
cycle overlap, the timing changes as discussed in Chapter 5 and the
system would not ordinarily include an operating shutter.
When the ST-133 is controlling a Princeton Instruments intensified camera
SHUTTER has other functions. If shutter-mode operation is selected at the
IIC-100, IIC-200 or MCP-100 and there is no signal applied to the
SHUTTER IN connector of the IIC-100, IIC-200 or MCP-100, the
intensifier is biased on continuously and the camera "sees light" for as long
as the high voltage is applied. If the ST-133’s SHUTTER output is applied
to the SHUTTER IN connector of the IIC-100, IIC-200 or MCP-100, the
intensifier can be turned ON or OFF in much the same way as it is in gated
operation, but at slower speeds, allowing exposures from 50 µs to 2.3 hours
to be set from software.
In gated operation it is desirable that the intensifier be biased off when
the array is being read out to prevent artifacts from being coupled into
the video from the high-voltage switching. The SHUTTER signal
normally provides this function. With an FG-100 Pulser, this signal
would be applied to the pulser’s Enable input. With a PG-200 Pulser, it
would be applied to the pulser’s
input. With a DG535 Timing
Generator, the SHUTTER signal is applied to the DG535’s Inhibit
BNC connector: After a Start Acquisition command, this output
changes state on completion of the array cleaning cycles that precede the
first exposure. Initially high, it goes low to mark the beginning of the
first exposure. In free run operation it remains low until the system in
halted. If a specific number of frames have been programmed, it remains
low until all have been taken, then returns high.
SHUTTER is not required to inhibit the intensifier if using a PI-MAX camera controlled by an
ST-133 equipped with a PTG. With this combination, the inhibit function is accomplished by
selecting the Internal Sync mode (WinView/32 or WinSpec/32; Acquisition| Experiment Setup|Timing|Timing Mode selection).
22 ST-133 Controller Manual Version 3.B
F and S Zero adjustments: These 10-turn potentiometers control the offset
values of the Fast (F) and Slow (S) A/D converters. The offset is a voltage
that is added to the signal to bring the A/D output to a non-zero value,
typically 50-100 counts. This offset value ensures that all the true variation
in the signal can really be seen and not lost below the A/D "0" value. Since
the offset is added to the signal, these counts only minimally reduce the
range of the signal to a value in the range of 50-100 counts lower.
Adjusting a potentiometer clockwise increases the counts while rotating it
counterclockwise decreases the counts. For controllers with only one A/D
converter (F), the second pot (S) will not be activated.
Note that the offset is preadjusted for optimum system performance at
the factory and should not normally need adjusting. However, to
accommodate the widest possible range of measurement conditions,
these adjustments are made user accessible.
If these potentiometers are not present, offset may be software-adjustable.
Do not adjust the offset values to zero, or some low-level data will be missed.
Detector connector: A cable* that interconnects the Controller and the Camera
connects to this 25-pin connector (type DB25). This connector, the cable,
and the corresponding connector on the camera are configured so that the
cable cannot be installed incorrectly. Note that this cable is secured by a
slide-lock mechanism at the end that connects to the controller. The other
end will be secured by screws or by a slide-lock as required by the camera.
To ensure reliable operation, it is essential that both ends of the cable
connector be secured before powering the controller.
Always turn the power off at the Controller before connecting or disconnecting a cable
that interconnects the camera and controller or serious damage to the CCD may result.
This damage is NOT covered by the manufacturer’s warranty.
Interface Control Module: Depending on your system, either the TAXI or the
USB 2.0 Interface Control Module will be installed in the second from the left slot
(as you face the rear of the ST-133). This module provides the following functions:
• TTL In/Out Programmable Interface
• Communications Control (TAXI or USB 2.0 protocol)
Note: USB 2.0 protocol is supported by versions 2.5.14 and higher of
WinView/32 and WinSpec/32. PTG and USB 2.0 compatibility is supported by
versions 2.5.15 and higher.
If using a PI-MAX camera with an ST-133 equipped with a PTG, there w ill be two cables
between the Controller and the Camera. The first goes from the Detector connector of the
Controller to the Power/Signal connector of the PI-MAX. The second cable goes from the
Timing Gen connector of the PTG to the Timing Gen connector of the PI-MAX.
Chapter 2 Getting Started 23
TTL IN/OUT connector: (TAXI and USB 2.0) This 25-pin connector (type
DB25) provides a programmable interface. There are eight input bits and
eight output bits that can be written to or polled to provide additional
control or functionality. For the IN lines, a bit can be set to the buffered
state, resulting in a real-time sample or it can be set to the latched state,
where the signal is maintained once set. See Appendix C for a
description of the pin assignments and refer to your software manual for
calling conventions.
AUX BNC connector:(TAXI and USB 2.0) Not currently activated.
Reserved for future use.
SERIAL COM connector:(TAXI) The cable that goes to the computer
connects to this DB9 connector. Its purpose is to provide two-way serial
communication between the controller and the computer. When
connecting this cable, it is essential that the cable connector locking
screws be tightened securely to ensure reliable operation.
If the application requires use of the optional fiber-optic data link to
increase the maximum allowable distance between the Camera and the
computer, the fiber-optic "pod" would be connected to the Serial Com
connector with a short length of cable. Then the long-distance cable
would be connected to the pod. A similar fiber-optic pod connection would be required at the computer.
See Appendix I, Installing the Computer-Controller Interface, for detailed
information on installing and testing the TAXI serial interface link.
USB 2.0 connector:(USB 2.0) The USB cable that goes to the computer
connects to this connector. Its purpose is to provide two-way
communication between the controller and the computer.
To minimize any possible risk to system equipment, we recommend that the interface
cable (TAXI or USB) not be connected or disconnected when the system is powered.
Programmable Timing Generator Module: This module should always be located
in the third slot. See Appendix B for a detailed description of the PTG and its operation. In brief, the PTG module provides the following functions:
Ext. Trig. In: The PTG can be either internally or externally triggered as
selected in software. If external triggering is selected, the PTG will be
triggered by an externally derived trigger pulse applied to this input. The
threshold (range ±5 V), slope, coupling mode (ac or dc), and input
impedance (High or 50 Ω) are selectable in software.
Pre. Trig. In: TTL level used only to start a bracket pulse.
T0: TTL Trigger output coincident with PI-MAX gate. This output does not need
to be connected to PI-MAX.
Timing Gen: Gate Start/Stop and Bracket signals are provided at this connector.
This output must be cabled to the PI-MAX Timing Gen connector.
24 ST-133 Controller Manual Version 3.B
Aux. Trig. Out: Ac coupled variable delay trigger output for synchronizing
other system components with PTG. The host software sets the Delay
Time of the auxiliary trigger output with respect to the PTG trigger time.
This output does not need to be connected to PI-MAX.
Trig. Indicator: LED trigger indicator. 100 ms flash is produced each time the
PTG triggers. With repetition rates faster than 10 Hz, indicator glows
Power Input Module: This module contains the line-cord socket, the Power On/Off
switch and two fuses. The power and fuse requirements are printed on the panel above
the module. For more detailed information, see "Power Requirements" on page 13.
Software Installation
It is necessary to install the application software before the controller can be operated and
data acquired. The installation procedure will vary according to the computer type,
operating controller, and type of application software. See your software manual for
detailed software installation and software operation information.
Imaging Field of View
When used for two-dimensional imaging applications, Princeton Instruments cameras
closely imitate a standard 35 mm camera. Since the CCD is not the same size as the film
plane of a 35 mm camera, the field of view at a given distance is somewhat different. The
imaging field of view is indicated in Figure 6.
Figure 6. Imaging Field of View
D = distance between the object and the CCD
B = 46.5 mm for F mount; 17.5 mm for C mount
F = focal length of lens
S = CCD horizontal or vertical dimension
O = horizontal or vertical field of view covered at a distance D
M = magnification
The field of view is:
O =
D – B
Chapter 2 Getting Started 25
This completes Getting Started. You should now have a reasonable understanding of how
the controller hardware is used. Other topics, which could be quite important in certain
situations, are discussed in the following chapters. See the appropriate application
software manual for information on using the software to control the controller.
26 ST-133 Controller Manual Version 3.B
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Chapter 3
First Light
Note: The instructions in this chapter are for an ST-133 operated with a TE-cooled
camera. They do not apply to the PI-MAX or LN-cooled cameras. See the PI-MAX
system manual for detailed information regarding that camera. In the case of an LNcooled camera, Dewar and liquid nitrogen considerations make placing the system in
operation more complex. Because these issues are not discussed in this manual, if the
system includes an LN-cooled camera, refer to the system manual for guidance.
Image intensified CCD cameras (ICCDs) can be destroyed if continuously exposed to
light levels higher than twice the A/D saturation level. If you are using an intensified camera, it is critical that you not establish conditions that could result in damage to the
intensifier. High intensity sources such as lasers can even cause spot damage to occur
without the protection circuits detecting the overload at all. For simplicity, the following
checks are done in the shutter mode in which the intensifier sees light continuously. To
prevent damage to the camera, do not turn on the controller power until directed to do so.
Also, it is important that the lab lighting be subdued when working with an intensified
camera. If a sustained alarm indication occurs when the controller is turned on, either
completely cover the intensifier with a black cloth or reduce the laboratory illumination
to reduce the light to a safe level still further until safe operating conditions are
established. See your system manual for additional information!
This section provides step-by-step instructions for making an imaging measurement. A
section on making a spectroscopy measurement is also provided starting on page 32.
At this point a lens should be mounted on the camera or the camera mounted on a
microscope. See your system manual for lens and camera mounting instructions. A
suggested procedure for operating the system and viewing your first images follows.
Note that the intent of this simple procedure is to help you gain basic familiarity with the
operation of your ST-133 based system and to demonstrate that it is functioning properly.
Once basic familiarity has been established, then operation with other operating
configurations, ones with more complex timing modes, can be established as described in
Chapter 5, Timing Modes. An underlying assumption of this procedure is that a video
monitor is available. Although it is possible to dispense with the monitor and simply view
the images on the computer monitor’s screen, operations such as focusing will be much
easier with a video monitor because the displayed data is updated much more quickly and
will be as close to current as possible.
To carry out this procedure, it will be necessary to have a basic grasp of the applications
software. Refer to your software manual for the required information.
28 ST-133 Controller Manual Version 3.B
Before You Start, if your system includes a microscope Xenon or Hg arc lamp, it is
CRITICAL to turn off all electronics adjacent to the arc lamp, especially your digital
camera system and your computer hardware (monitors included) before turning on the
lamp power.
Powering up a microscope Xenon or Hg arc lamp causes a large EMF spike to be
produced that can cause damage to electronics that are running in the vicinity of the lamp.
We advise that you place a clear warning sign on the power button of your arc lamp
reminding all workers to follow this procedure. While Roper Scientific has taken great
care to isolate its sensitive circuitry from EMF sources, we cannot guarantee that this
protection will be sufficient for all EMF bursts. Therefore, in order to fully guarantee the
performance of your system, you must follow this startup procedure.
The following procedure assumes that
1. You have already set up your system in accordance with the instructions in the
system manual.
2. You have read the previous sections of this chapter.
3. You are familiar with the application software.
4. The system is air-cooled. (If your camera is liquid-assisted TE-cooled, liquid-cooled
TE, or LN-cooled be sure to review the appropriate setup information in the system
manual before proceeding.)
5. The system is being operated in imaging mode.
6. The target is a sharp image, text, or a drawing that can be used to verify that the
camera is "seeing" and can be used to maximize focus.
Before You Start, if your system includes a microscope Xenon or Hg arc lamp, it is
CRITICAL to turn off all electronics adjacent to the arc lamp, especially your digital
camera system and your computer hardware (monitors included) before turning on the
lamp power.
Powering up a microscope Xenon or Hg arc lamp causes a large EMF spike to be
produced that can cause damage to electronics that are running in the vicinity of the lamp.
We advise that you place a clear warning sign on the power button of your arc lamp
reminding all workers to follow this procedure. While Roper Scientific has taken great
care to isolate its sensitive circuitry from EMF sources, we cannot guarantee that this
protection will be sufficient for all EMF bursts. Therefore, in order to fully guarantee the
performance of your system, you must follow this startup procedure.
Chapter 3 First Light 29
Getting Started
1. If the system cables haven’t as yet been installed, connect them as follows (system
power off). See Figure 7.
• Connect the 25-pin cable from the DETECTOR connector on the
Analog/Control module panel to the mating connector at the camera. Be sure to
secure the cable at both ends.
• Connect one end of the interface cable to the SERIAL COM or USB 2.0 connector
on the Interface Control module panel. Connect the other end to the computer
interface as described in Appendix I. Be sure to secure both ends of the cable.
• Connect the line cord from the Power Input assembly on the back of the
controller to a suitable source of AC power.
2. Mount a test target in front of the camera.
3. If you haven’t already done so, install a lens on the camera or connect it to your
microscope or other system optics, whichever applies. See the manual for your particular camera. The initial lens settings aren’t important but it may prove
convenient to set the focus to approximately the anticipated distance and to begin
with a small aperture setting.
Figure 7. System Connection Diagram (TE Camera)
Interface cable
(TAXI or USB 2.0)
Serial Com
or USB 2.0
4. If the TE-cooled camera requires coolant, connect a source of liquid coolant. For
purposes of these checks, ordinary tap water will be fine. Liquid cooling may be
necessary with TE cameras (some CCDs, such as the SITe 512x512, don’t operate
correctly unless cooled to approximately -40°C.) With liquid cooling you will be able
to cool TE cameras to -50°C. Without liquid cooling, a TE camera can only lock to
-5°C, unless it is a model having forced air cooling, in which case temperature lock
down to -40°C (-90°C for the XTE) can be achieved.
5. Turn on the controller power.
1. A camera overload alarm may sound briefly and then stop. This is normal and is
not a cause for concern. However, if the alarm sounds continuously, even with no
light entering the camera, something is wrong. Turn off the power and contact
the factory for guidance.
30 ST-133 Controller Manual Version 3.B
2. With USB 2.0, the controller must be turned on before WinView/32 or
WinSpec/32 is opened and WinView/32 or WinSpec/32 must be closed before
the controller is turned off.
6. Turn on the computer power.
7. Start the application software.
Note: If using software other than WinView/32 or WinSpec/32, these instructions
will have to be appropriately adapted.
8. If the camera requires coolant, start the coolant flow or fill the LN Dewar.
9. Block light from the lens.
Setting the Parameters
Note: The following procedure is based on WinView/32: you will need to modify it if
you are using a different application. Basic familiarity with the WinView/32 software is
assumed. If this is not the case, you may want to review the software manual or have it
available while performing this procedure.
Set the software parameters as follows:
Environment dialog (Setup|Environment): Verify that the DMA Buffer size is
8 Mbytes (min.). Large arrays may require a larger buffer size. If you change the
buffer size, you will have to reboot the computer for this memory allocation to
be activated, and then restart WinView.
Controller|Camera tab page (Setup|Hardware): Controller and Detector
parameters should be set automatically to the proper values for your system.
However, you can click on the
tab page to load the default settings.
•Use PVCAM: If you are using the USB 2.0 interface, verify that the box is
• Controller type: ST-133
• Controller version: 3 or higher
• Camera type: Select the array installed in your camera.
• Shutter type: None, Large, or Remote (system dependent).
• Readout mode: Full frame.
Detector Temperature (Setup|Detector Temperature…): -40°C for
air-cooled. When the array temperature reaches the set temperature, the green
Temp Lock LED on the rear of the ST-133 will light and there will be a
locked indication at the computer monitor. Note that some overshoot may
occur. This could cause temperature lock to be briefly lost and then quickly reestablished. If you are reading the actual temperature reported by the application
software, there may be a small difference between the set and reported
temperature when lock is established. This is normal and does not indicate a
system malfunction. Once lock is established, the temperature will be stable to
within ±0.05°C.
Interface tab page (Setup|Hardware): High Speed PCI (or PCI(Timer))
Note: This tab page is not available if you are using the USB 2.0 interface.
Load Defaults From Controller
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