Princeton 4411-0039-CE User Manual

Version 6.C
April 18, 2006
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Table of Contents

Chapter 1 Introduction........................................................................................ 9
Introduction......................................................................................................................... 9
MicroMAX System Components ....................................................................................... 9
About this Manual ............................................................................................................ 12
Environmental Conditions ................................................................................................ 13
Grounding and Safety ....................................................................................................... 13
Precautions........................................................................................................................ 14
Repairs .............................................................................................................................. 14
Cleaning............................................................................................................................ 14
Princeton Instruments Customer Service.......................................................................... 14
Chapter 2 System Component Descriptions.................................................. 15
MicroMAX Camera.......................................................................................................... 15
ST-133 Controller ............................................................................................................. 18
Cables................................................................................................................................ 23
Interface Card ................................................................................................................... 23
Application Software ........................................................................................................ 23
User Manuals ....................................................................................................................24
Chapter 3 Installation Overview....................................................................... 25
Chapter 4 System Setup................................................................................... 27
Unpacking the System ...................................................................................................... 27
Checking the Equipment and Parts Inventory .................................................................. 27
System Requirements........................................................................................................ 28
Verifying Controller Voltage Setting................................................................................ 29
Installing the Application Software .................................................................................. 30
Setting up the Communication Interface .......................................................................... 30
Mounting the Camera ....................................................................................................... 34
Selecting the Shutter Setting............................................................................................. 39
Connecting the Interface (Controller-Computer) Cable ................................................... 39
Connecting the Detector-Controller Cable ....................................................................... 40
Entering the Default Camera System Parameters into WinX (WinView/32,
WinSpec/32, or WinXTest/32)..................................................................................... 40
Chapter 5 Operation.......................................................................................... 43
Introduction....................................................................................................................... 43
EMF and Xenon or Hg Arc Lamps................................................................................... 44
USB 2.0 System On/Off Sequences.................................................................................. 44
Imaging Field of View...................................................................................................... 45
RS-170 or CCIR Video..................................................................................................... 45
First Light (Imaging) ........................................................................................................ 47
First Light (Spectroscopy) ................................................................................................ 52
Exposure and Signal ......................................................................................................... 55
Readout .............................................................................................................................60
Digitization .......................................................................................................................71
iv MicroMAX System User Manual Version 6.C
Chapter 6 Advanced Topics............................................................................. 73
Introduction....................................................................................................................... 73
Standard Timing Modes.................................................................................................... 74
Frame Transfer Operation................................................................................................. 78
Interline Operation............................................................................................................ 80
Fast and Safe Speed Modes ..............................................................................................83
TTL Control...................................................................................................................... 85
Kinetics Mode...................................................................................................................89
Chapter 7 MicroMAX DIF Camera (Double Image Feature)........................... 93
Introduction....................................................................................................................... 93
Timing Modes................................................................................................................... 94
Tips and Tricks ...............................................................................................................100
Chapter 8 Virtual Chip Mode .......................................................................... 103
Chapter 9 Troubleshooting ............................................................................ 111
Introduction..................................................................................................................... 111
Baseline Signal Suddenly Changes................................................................................. 112
Camera Stops Working................................................................................................... 112
Camera1 (or similar name) in Camera Name field ......................................................... 112
Changing the ST-133's Line Voltage and Fuses............................................................. 113
Controller Is Not Responding ......................................................................................... 114
Cooling Troubleshooting ................................................................................................ 114
Data Loss or Serial Violation.......................................................................................... 115
Data Overrun Due to Hardware Conflict message.......................................................... 116
Data Overrun Has Occurred message ............................................................................. 116
Demo is only Choice on Hardware Wizard:Interface dialog (Versions
and earlier)................................................................................................................ 117
Demo, High Speed PCI, and PCI(Timer) are Choices on Hardware
Wizard:Interface dialog (Versions and earlier) .......................................... 118
Detector Temperature, Acquire, and Focus are Grayed Out (Versions
and earlier)................................................................................................................ 120
Error Creating Controller message ................................................................................. 121
Error Occurs at Computer Powerup................................................................................ 121
No CCD Named in the Hardware Wizard:CCD dialog (Versions and
earlier) ...................................................................................................................... 124
Program Error message................................................................................................... 124
Removing/Installing a Plug-In Module .......................................................................... 125
Securing the Detector-Controller Cable Slide Latch ...................................................... 127
Serial violations have occurred. Check interface cable. ................................................. 128
Shutter Malfunctions....................................................................................................... 128
Appendix A Specifications............................................................................. 129
CCD Arrays .................................................................................................................... 129
Temperature Control....................................................................................................... 130
Cooling ........................................................................................................................... 130
Mounting......................................................................................................................... 130
Shutters ........................................................................................................................... 131
Inputs .............................................................................................................................. 131
Outputs............................................................................................................................ 131
Table of Contents v
Programmable Interface.................................................................................................. 132
A/D Converter................................................................................................................. 132
Computer Requirements ................................................................................................. 132
Miscellaneous ................................................................................................................. 132
Appendix B Outline Drawings........................................................................ 133
Detectors ......................................................................................................................... 133
ST-133B Controller ........................................................................................................139
ST-133A Controller ........................................................................................................ 139
Appendix C Repumping the Vacuum............................................................ 141
Introduction..................................................................................................................... 141
Requirements .................................................................................................................. 141
Vacuum Pumpdown Procedure....................................................................................... 142
Appendix D Spectrometer Adapters ............................................................. 145
Acton (NTE with or without shutter).............................................................................. 146
Chromex 250 IS (NTE with or without shutter) ............................................................. 147
ISA HR 320 (NTE with or without shutter).................................................................... 148
ISA HR 640 (NTE with or without shutter).................................................................... 149
JY TRIAX family (NTE without shutter)....................................................................... 150
SPEX 270M (NTE with or without shutter) ................................................................... 151
SPEX 500M (NTE with or without shutter) ................................................................... 152
SPEX TripleMate (NTE with or without shutter)........................................................... 153
Appendix E USB 2.0 Limitations.................................................................... 155
Declarations of Conformity ............................................................................ 157
Warranty & Service ......................................................................................... 161
Limited Warranty............................................................................................................ 161
Contact Information........................................................................................................ 164
Index ................................................................................................................. 165
vi MicroMAX System User Manual Version 6.C
Figure 1. MicroMAX Cameras and Controller.................................................................. 9
Figure 2. Power Switch Location (ST-133A and ST-133B)........................................... 18
Figure 3. ST-133 Rear Panel Callouts............................................................................. 19
Figure 4. Shutter Compensation Times ........................................................................... 22
Figure 5. Standard System Diagram ................................................................................ 26
Figure 6. Controller Power Input Module........................................................................ 29
Figure 7. WinView Installation: Interface Card Driver Selection ................................... 30
Figure 8. Bottom Clamps................................................................................................. 37
Figure 9. Bottom Clamp secured to Relay Lens .............................................................. 38
Figure 10. Shutter Setting for 25 mm Internal Shutter .................................................... 39
Figure 11. Camera Detection Wizard - Welcome dialog box.......................................... 41
Figure 12. RSConfig dialog box ...................................................................................... 41
Figure 13. Hardware Setup wizard: PVCAM dialog box ................................................ 42
Figure 14. Block Diagram of Light Path in System........................................................ 43
Figure 15. Imaging Field of View.................................................................................... 45
Figure 16. Monitor Display of CCD Image Center Area................................................. 46
Figure 17. Standard System Connection Diagram........................................................... 47
Figure 18. F-mount Focus Adjustment ............................................................................51
Figure 19. CCD Exposure with Shutter Compensation ................................................... 57
Figure 20. WinView/WinSpec Detector Temperature dialog box.................................. 58
Figure 21. Full Frame at Full Resolution......................................................................... 61
Figure 22. Frame Transfer Readout ................................................................................. 63
Figure 23. Overlapped Mode Exposure and Readout...................................................... 65
Figure 24. Non-Overlapped Mode Exposure and Readout.............................................. 66
Figure 25. 2 × 2 Binning for Full Frame CCD ................................................................ 68
Figure 26. 2 × 2 Binning for Interline CCD .................................................................... 69
Figure 27. Timing tab page.............................................................................................. 73
Figure 28. Free Run Timing Chart (part of the chart in Figure 40) ................................. 74
Figure 29. Free Run Timing Diagram.............................................................................. 75
Figure 30. Showing Shutter "Preopen" & "Normal" Modes in External Sync Operation76
Figure 31. External Sync Timing Diagram (- edge trigger)............................................. 76
Figure 32. Continuous Cleans Flowchart......................................................................... 77
Figure 33. Continuous Cleans Timing Diagram .............................................................. 78
Figure 34. Frame Transfer where tw1 + t Figure 35. Frame Transfer where tw1 + t
Figure 36. Frame Transfer where Pulse arrives after Readout......................................... 80
Figure 37. Overlapped Mode where tw1 + t Figure 38. Overlapped Mode where tw1 + t
Figure 39. Overlapped Mode where Pulse arrives after Readout ....................................82
Figure 40. Chart of Safe and Fast Mode Operation ......................................................... 84
Figure 41. TTL In/Out Connector.................................................................................... 87
Figure 42. TTL Diagnostics dialog box........................................................................... 87
Figure 43. Kinetics Readout ............................................................................................ 89
Figure 44. Hardware Setup dialog box ............................................................................ 90
Figure 45. Experiment Setup dialog box ......................................................................... 90
Figure 46. Free Run Timing Diagram.............................................................................. 91
Figure 47. Single Trigger Timing Diagram ..................................................................... 91
Figure 48. Multiple Trigger Timing Diagram.................................................................. 92
+ tc < tR................................................... 79
+ tc > tR................................................... 79
+ tc < tR............................................... 82
+ tc > tR..................................................... 82
Table of Contents vii
Figure 49. Free Run Mode Timing Diagram ................................................................... 95
Figure 50. Setup using to Trigger an Event....................................................... 95
Figure 51. Timing for Experiment Setup shown in Figure 50......................................... 95
Figure 52. Timing Diagram for Typical IEC Measurement ............................................ 97
Figure 53. Setup for IEC Experiment with Two Lasers .................................................. 97
Figure 54. Timing Diagram for IEC Experiment with Two Lasers................................. 97
Figure 55. Another Hardware Setup for an IEC Measurement........................................ 98
Figure 56. EEC Timing Example with Exposure Time in Software Set to t Figure 57. ESABI Timing Example: Image Exposure time = t
Figure 58. Virtual Chip Functional Diagram................................................................. 103
Figure 59. System Diagram ...........................................................................................105
Figure 60. Virtual Chip dialog box................................................................................ 108
Figure 61. Camera1 in Camera Name Field................................................................... 112
Figure 62. Power Input Module..................................................................................... 113
Figure 63. Fuse Holder .................................................................................................. 113
Figure 64. Data Overrun Due to Hardware Conflict dialog box.................................... 116
Figure 65. Hardware Wizard: Interface dialog box ....................................................... 117
Figure 66. RSConfig dialog box .................................................................................... 117
Figure 67. Hardware Wizard: PVCAM dialog box .......................................................118
Figure 68. Hardware Wizard: Interface dialog box ....................................................... 118
Figure 69. RSConfig dialog box: Two Camera Styles .................................................. 119
Figure 70. Hardware Wizard: PVCAM dialog box .......................................................119
Figure 71. RSConfig dialog box: Two Camera Styles .................................................. 120
Figure 72. Error Creating Controller dialog box ........................................................... 121
Figure 73. Hardware Wizard: Detector/Camera/CCD dialog box ................................. 124
Figure 74. Program Error dialog box............................................................................. 124
Figure 75. Module Installation....................................................................................... 125
Figure 76. Serial Violations Have Occurred dialog box................................................ 128
Figure 77. Rectangular Camera Head: C-Mount ........................................................... 133
Figure 78. Rectangular Camera Head: F-Mount............................................................ 134
Figure 79. Rectangular Camera Head: Spectroscopy Mount with Shutter .................... 135
Figure 80. Rectangular Camera Head: Spectroscopy Mount without Shutter ............... 136
Figure 81. 1 MHz and 100kHz/1MHz Round Head Camera: C-Mount Adapter and
Shutter..................................................................................................................... 137
Figure 82. 1 MHz Round Head Camera: F-Mount Adapter .......................................... 138
Figure 83. ST-133B Controller Dimensions.................................................................. 139
Figure 84. ST-133A Controller Dimensions.................................................................. 139
Figure 85. Vacuum Connector Required for Pumping .................................................. 142
Figure 86. Removing the Back Panel ............................................................................ 142
Figure 87. Attaching the Vacuum Connector ................................................................ 143
Figure 88. Opening the Camera to the Vacuum System................................................ 143
set in software ....... 100
............. 99
Table 1. ST-133 Shutter Drive Selection.........................................................................
Table 2. PCI Driver Files and Locations ......................................................................... 31
Table 3. USB Driver Files and Locations........................................................................ 34
Table 4. Bottom Clamps for Different Microscopes........................................................ 37
Table 5. ST-133 Shutter Setting Selection....................................................................... 39
Table 6. Approximate Readout Time for the Full-Frame CCD Array............................. 62
viii MicroMAX System User Manual Version 6.C
Table 7. Approximate Readout Time for the Frame-Transfer CCD Array...................... 63
Table 8. Approximate Readout Time for the Interline CCD Arrays................................ 67
Table 9. Readout Rates for PI 1300 × 1030 Array at 1 MHz .......................................... 67
Table 10. Well Capacity for some CCD Arrays .............................................................. 70
Table 11. Detector Timing Modes ................................................................................... 74
Table 12. Bit Values with Decimal Equivalents: 1 = High 0 = Low .............................. 86
Table 13. TTL In/Out Connector Pinout.......................................................................... 87
Table 14. MicroMAX:512BFT: Virtual Chip Size, Exposure Time, and Frames per
Second..................................................................................................................... 104
Table 15. I/O Address & Interrupt Assignments before Installing Serial Card ............. 122
Table 16. I/O Address & Interrupt Assignments after Installing Serial Card................ 122
Table 17. MicroMAX Model and CCD Types Cross Reference ................................... 129
Table 18. Shutter Compensation Times......................................................................... 131
Table 19. Features Supported under USB 2.0................................................................ 156

Chapter 1 Introduction


The Princeton Instruments MicroMAX system is a high-speed, low-noise CCD camera system designed for demanding imaging applications and is an optimal system for use in fluorescence microscopy applications such as high-resolution immunofluorescence, FISH or GFP imaging. The MicroMAX system incorporates a compact camera head, cooled CCD, advanced exposure-control timing, video output, and sophisticated readout capabilities.
Among the advantages of the MicroMAX concept are the range of CCD arrays available and the built-in video output m interline CCDs to provide true 12-bit images at a readout rate of up to 5 million pixels per second or with a variety of front or back-illuminated CCDs to provide true 16-bit images. The built-in video output mode simplifies setup and focusing on the microscope. The combination of the MicroMAX system with one of a variety of specialty software packages results in a powerful digital imaging system that can meet most experimental needs.
Note: "WinView/32" and "WinView" are used throughout this manual when referring to the application software. Unless otherwise indicated, the information associated with these terms also applies to Princeton Instruments' WinSpec/32 spectroscopy software.
ode. The system can be configured with a variety of

MicroMAX System Components


The MicroMAX imaging system consists of a camera (either a round head or a rectangular head depending on application), controller, digital interface card, a computer, cables, manuals, and application software. Together, these components allow you to acquire quantitative digital data under very low light imaging conditions. Each component is optimized for its specific function. In operation, data acquired by the
camera is routed to the controller and from there to the computer for processing and display. A composite video output allows immediate viewing of the acquired images on a separate monitor. The application software (for example, Princeton Instruments WinView/32) allows the computer to control both the system configuration and data acquisition.
Figure 1. MicroMAX Cameras and
10 MicroMAX System User Manual Version 6.C


Introduction: The function of the camera is to collect very low intensity light and convert the energy into a quantitative, electronic signal (photo-electrons) over a two dimensional space. To do this, light from the subject is focused onto a CCD array, which accumulates photoelectrons for the exposure time. At the end of the exposure time, the image thus formed is read out. The accumulated charge on each cell of the array is transferred out of the CCD array, amplified, and sent to the controller as an analog signal, where it is digitized prior to transfer to the computer.
The camera is highly integrated, containing the shutter (if applicable) and thermoelectric cooler with optional forced-air supplem Surface mount electronic technology is used wherever possible, giving a compact package with uncompromising performance.
Depending on your application, the camera included in your MicroMAX system will be either a com
pact round camera head or a high performance, cooled, rectangular camera head. The round head features interline CCDs; its small size ensures that the camera can be mounted on virtually any microscope port, including those found on inverted microscopes. The rectangular head features back-illuminated CCDs with frame transfer readout.
ental cooling in a single, shielded housing.
At the heart of the camera is the CCD array centered on the optic axis. Available form
include the:
EEV CCD57-10, 512×512, 13×13µm pixels for the MicroMAX:512BFT
EEV CCD47-10, 1024×1024, 13×13µm pixels for the MicroMAX:1024B
Sony ICX075, 782×582, 8.3× 8.3µm pixels for the MicroMAX:782Yand the
MicroMAX:782YHS systems
Sony ICX061,1300×1030, 6.7× 6.7µm pixels for the MicroMAX:1300Y, the
MicroMAX:1300YHS, and MicroMAX:1300YHS-DIF systems
A special clocking mode to minimize background signal is supported. See the Princeton Instruments brochures and data sheets for detailed specifications.
Cooling System: MicroMAX cam
eras have a multi-stage Peltier type cooler that is thermally coupled to the CCD surface. Heat is sequentially transferred through the Peltier stages and from there to the outer shell of the camera via a heat transfer block. This cooling system allows the camera to maintain CCD temperature of typically -15°C for
round cameras head and -45°C for rectangular camera heads. Cameras equipped with a
fan assembly can reach lower CCD temperatures for reduced thermal noise and extended exposure times.
Low Noise Readout: In order to achieve a low-noise readout of the CCD, several design features have been im
plemented. These include cooling the preamplifier on the CCD, isolating circuits to prevent electronic crosstalk and minimizing the path lengths of critical electronic circuits. The net result of these design features is the lowest available readout noise at the highest speed possible for these CCDs.


Data Conversion: The controller accepts the analog data and converts it to digital data using specially designed, low-noise electronics supporting scientific grade 12- or 16-bit Analog to Digital (A/D) converters.
Chapter 1 Introduction 11
The standard MicroMAX Controller enables both high-speed and high-precision readout capabilities. It can collect 16-bit images at a readout rate of up to 1 million pixels per second (1 MHz) in the high-speed mode or at 100 thousand pixels per second (100 kHz) in the optional precision mode (16-bit). Switching between the two modes is under software control for total experiment automation.
Modular Design: In addition to containing the power supplies, the controller contains the analog and digital electronics, scan contro I/O connectors, all mounted on user-accessible plug-in modules. The design is highly modularized for flexibility and convenient servicing.
l and exposure timing hardware, and system
Flexible Readout: There is provision for extrem Readout modes supported include full resolution, simultaneous multiple subimages, and nonuniform binning. Single or multiple software-defined regions of interest can also be tested without having to digitize all the pixels of the array
High Speed Data Transfer: Data is transferred directly to the host computer memory via a high-speed serial link. A proprietary controller directly into the host computer RAM using Direct Memory Access (DMA). The DMA transfer process ensures that the data arrives at sufficiently high speed to prevent data loss from the controller. Since the data transfer rate is much higher than the output rate from the A/D, the latter becomes the data acquisition rate-limiting factor. Once the digital data is in RAM, the image acquisition program can transfer the image into its own working RAM for viewing and further processing.
Note: A frame buffer with standard composite video, either RS-170 (EIA) or CCIR, whichever was ordered, is also provided.
Interface card places the data from the
ely flexible readout of the CCD.


With its small size, fully integrated design, cooled CCD and temperature control, advanced exposure control timing, and sophisticated readout capabilities, the MicroMAX system is well suited to both general macro imaging and microscopy applications.
12 MicroMAX System User Manual Version 6.C

About this Manual

Manual Organization

This manual provides the user with all the information needed to install a MicroMAX camera and place it in operation. Topics covered include a detailed description of the camera, installation, cleaning, specifications and more.
1. The general identifier "ST-133" is used for both the ST-133A Controller and the
ST-133B Controller. Where there is a difference, the specific identifier is used.
2. "WinX" is a generic term for WinView, WinSpec, and WinXTest application
Chapter 1,
details the structure of this manual; and documents environmental, storage, and cleaning requirements.
Chapter 2, System Component Descriptions provides descriptions of each
Chapter 1, Installation Overview cross-references sy
relevant manuals and/or manual pages. It also contains system layout diagrams.
Chapter 4, System Setup provides detailed directions for interconnecting the
Chapter 5, Operation discusses num
vacuum degradation, and sensitivity to damage from EMF spikes generated by Xenon or Hg arc lamps. Includes step-by-step directions for verifying system operation.
Chapter 6, Advanced Topics discusses standard tim
External Sync, and Continuous Cleans), frame transfer operation, interline operation, Fast and Safe speed modes, TTL control, and Kinetics mode.
Chapter 7, MicroMAX DIF Camera (Double Image Feature) describes DIF
(Dual Im
Chapter 8, Virtual Chip Mode describes how to set up and use the Virtual Chip
option, a special fast-acquisition technique.
Introduction briefly describes the MicroMAX family of cameras;
stem component.
stem setup actions with
stem components.
ber of topics, including temperature control,
ing modes (Free Run,
age Feature) camera and its operation.
Chapter 9, Troubleshooting provides courses of action to take if y
have problems with your system.
Appendix A, Specifications includes controller and camera specifications.
Appendix B, Outline Drawings includes outline drawings of the MicroMAX
eras and the ST-133A and ST-133B Controllers.
Appendix C, Repumping the Vacuum explains how to restore the 1 MHz or
100kHz/1MHz round head cam time.
Appendix D, Spectrometer Adapters provides m
spectrometer adapters available for MicroMAX rectangular head (NTE) cameras.
era's vacuum if that vacuum has deteriorated over
ounting instructions for the
ou should
Chapter 1 Introduction 13
Appendix E, USB 2.0 Limitations covers the currently known limitations
associated with operating under the USB 2.0 interface.
Declarations of Conformity contains the Declaration of Conform
(includes 100 kHz/1MHz) MicroMAX systems.
Warranty and Service provides warranty and customer support contact

Safety Related Symbols Used in This Manual

Caution! The use of this symbol on equipment indicates that one or more nearby
items should not be operated without first consulting the manual. The same symbol appears in the manual adjacent to the text that discusses the hardware item(s) in question.
Caution! Risk of electric shock! The use of this sy indicates that one or more nearby items pose an electric shock hazard and should be regarded as potentially dangerous. This same symbol appears in the manual adjacent to the text that discusses the hardware item(s) in question.

Environmental Conditions

Storage temperature: < 55°C
Operating environm
Relative hum
ent: 0°C to 30°C
idity: 50%, non-condensing.
ity for 1 MHz
mbol on equipment

Grounding and Safety

The apparatus described in this manual is of the Class I category as defined in IEC Publication 348 (Safety Requirements for Electronic Measuring Apparatus). It is designed for indoor operation only. Before turning on the controller, the ground prong of the power cord plug must be properly connected to the ground connector of the wall outlet. The wall outlet must have a third prong, or must be properly connected to an adapter that complies with these safety requirements.
If the equipment is damaged, the protective grounding could be disconnected. Do not use
damaged equipment until its safety has been verified by authorized personnel. Disconnecting the protective earth terminal, inside or outside the apparatus, or any tampering with its operation is also prohibited.
Inspect the supplied power cord. If it is not compatible with the power socket, replace the cord with one that has suitable connectors on both ends.
Replacement power cords or power plugs must have the same polarity as that of the original ones to avoid hazard due to electrical shock.
14 MicroMAX System User Manual Version 6.C


To prevent permanently damaging the system, please observe the following precautions:
Always switch off and unplug the ST-133 Controller before changing your system
configuration in any way.
Never remove the camera’s front window, as it is necessary to maintain vacuum (or
to maintain a dry nitrogen environment).
The CCD array is very sensitive to static electricity. Touching the CCD can destroy
it. Operations requiring contact with the device can only be performed at the factory.
Never operate the camera cooled without proper evacuation or backfill. This could
damage the CCD!
Never connect or disconnect any cable while the MicroMAX system is powered on.
Reconnecting a charged cable may damage the CCD.
Never prevent the free flow of air through the equipment by blocking the air vents.



Repairs must be done by Princeton Instruments. If your system hardware needs repair, contact Princeton Instruments Customer Service. Please save the original packing material so you can safely ship the system to another location or return it for repairs.
Turn off all power to the equipment and secure all covers before cleaning the units. Otherwise, damage to the equipment or personal injury could occur.

Camera and Controller

Although there is no periodic maintenance that must be performed on the camera or the
ST-133 Controller, you may clean these components from time to time by wiping them down with a clean damp cloth. This operation should only be done on the external surfaces and with all covers secured. In dampening the cloth, use clean water only. No soap, solvents or abrasives should be used. Not only are they not required, but they could damage the finish of the surfaces on which they are used.

Optical Surfaces

Optical surfaces may need to be cleaned due to the accumulation of atmospheric dust. We
advise that the drag-wipe technique be used. This involves dragging a clean cellulose
lens tissue dampened with clean anhydrous methanol over the optical surface to be cleaned. Do not allow any other material to touch the optical surfaces.

Princeton Instruments Customer Service

Refer to the contact information located on page 164 of this manual.

Chapter 2 System Component Descriptions

MicroMAX Camera

CCD Array: MicroMAX offers a choice of CCD technologies to improve quantum
efficiency (QE) and blue/green sensitivity. Arrays are available in full-frame, interline, and frame-transfer formats. Thinned, back-illuminated devices have a higher QE across the entire visible spectrum and far superior sensitivity in the blue/ green region than front-illuminated CCDs. The MicroMAX combines back-illumination technology with frame-transfer readout to provide high sensitivity with nonshuttered operation. Interline­transfer CCDs contain alternate columns of imaging and storage cells.
Because the charge on each image pixel never has to transfer m transfer can be made very quickly without smearing. By attaching microlenses to an interline-transfer CCD, incident light is directed to the photosensitive areas of the sensor. As a result, lens-on-chip formats dramatically improve the QE in the blue/green region of the spectrum while still allowing fast imaging. Since no shutter is required, high-speed gating and faster focus are possible.
CCD Chamber: The vacuum contamination as well as insulates it from the warmer air in the camera body. The inherent low humidity prevents condensation on the cooled surface of the array. The thermal barrier provided by the vacuum isolates the window from the cooled CCD, keeps the window from cooling below the dewpoint, and thereby prevents condensation on the outside of the window.
MicroMAX cameras are normally shipped with a vacuum level of ~10 mTorr or better. Because this vacuum components, round head MicroMAX cameras are designed with a built-in vacuum port that can be used to restore the vacuum to its original level. Instructions for repumping the
vacuum are provided in Appendix C.
Window: The cam quartz window is integral to the vacuum chamber. By having only one window, the MicroMAX camera reduces the chance of image degradation due to multiple reflections, stray light, and interference patterns that may occur with a multiple-window design.
may deteriorate over time due to outgassing of electrical
era has one window in the optical path. The high-quality optical
-sealed CCD chamber protects the CCD from
ore than one row, the
Thermoelectric Cooler: While the CCD accum electrons, generating dark current. Cooling the CCD enhances the low-light sensitivity by reducing thermally generated charge. With forced-air assistance the MicroMAX camera’s thermoelectric cooler is capable of cooling the CCD to -35°C with ±0.04°C stability at temperature lock.
Cooling is accomplished by mounting the CCD on a cold finger, which in turn is seated on a therm stages to the camera body where the heat is then radiated via a fins and removed by
oelectric (Peltier-effect) cooler, and then transferring heat through the Peltier
ulates charge, thermal activity releases
16 MicroMAX System User Manual Version 6.C
forced air. CCD temperature is controlled and monitored by via the host computer and the ST-133 Controller.
Shutter: Rectangular head cam
A shutter drive signal is available at the Remote shutter connector on the rear of the ST-133 Controller or on the rear of the cam
Electronics: The camera electronics enclosure contains the preamplifier and array driver board. This design keeps all signal leads to the pream and also provides complete RF shielding.
Speed of data acquisition and dynamic range is determ converter used (binning on the array is also a factor). MicroMAX cameras are available with 100 kHz (16-bit A/D), 100 kHz /1 MHz (16-bit A/D), 1 MHz (12-bit A/D), or 1 MHz (16-bit A/D). The dual 16-bit digitizers give you the choice of the 100 kHz A/D for the better signal-to-noise ratio or the 1 MHz, 16-bit A/D for increased data acquisition speed.
Connectors: Power, control signals, and data are transm MicroMAX camera via the 25-pin D connector located on the rear of the 1 MHz or 100kHz/1 MHz camera. The cables and connectors are keyed so that they cannot be connected incorrectly.
Lens Mount Housing: At the front of the cam mount or F-mount. The C-mount employs a standard size thread to make the connection while an F-mount uses a tongue and groove type mechanism to secure the lens or microscope adapter to the camera. The details of the housing will vary depending on the type of mount.
eras are available with an internal 25 mm shutter.
plifier as short as possible
ined primarily by the A/D
itted between the ST-133 and the
era is the lens mount housing, either C-
Note: C-mount cameras are shipped with a dust cover lens installed. Although this lens
is capable of providing surprisingly good images, its throughput is low and the image quality is not as good as can be obtained with a high-quality camera lens. Users should replace the dust-cover lens with their own high-quality laboratory lens before making measurements.
If you have a camera with a UV scintillator coated CCD, protect it from excessive exposure to UV radiation. This radiation slowly bleaches the scintillator, reducing sensitivity.
Mounting Holes: The round head camera has four ¼ x 20 UNC threaded holes on the camera body at 90° intervals. These holes are provided for flexibility in mounting the camera to your system optics. The rectangular head camera can be ordered with an optional tripod mount kit.
Fan: Depending on the cam camera's back panel. Its purpose is:
to rem
to cool the electronics.
An internal Peltier device directly cools the cold finger on which the CCD is m The heat produced by the Peltier device is then removed by the air drawn into the camera by the internal fan and exhausted through the back panel. The fan is always in operation and air cooling of both the Peltier and the internal electronics takes place continuously.
ove heat from the Peltier device that cools the CCD array
era, there may be an internal fan located inside or on the
Chapter 2 System Component Descriptions 17
The fan is designed for low-vibration and does not adversely affect the image. For the fan to function properly, free circulation must be maintained between the rear of the camera and the laboratory atmosphere.
Shutter: In imaging applications an adapter is m
either C-mount or F-mount, is mounted to the adapter. An F-mount adapter and a C-mount adapter differ not only in their lens-mounting provisions, but also in depth because the focal plane of F-mount lenses is deeper than that of C-mount lenses. Nevertheless, rectangular head cameras can be ordered with an internal 25 mm shutter and the appropriate lens mount adapter already installed.
Shutter Life: Note that shutters are m on the order of a million cycles, although some individual shutters may last a good deal longer. How long a shutter lasts in terms of experimental time will, of course, be strongly dependent on the operating parameters. High repetition rates and short exposure times will rapidly increase the number of shutter cycles and decrease the time when the shutter will have to be replaced. Possible shutter problems include complete failure, in which the shutter no longer operates at all, or the shutter may stick open or closed causing overexposed or smeared images. It may even happen that one leaf of the shutter will break and no longer actuate.
Shutter replacement is usually done at the factory. If you find that the shutter on your cam
era is malfunctioning, contact the factory to arrange for a shutter-replacement repair.
Disconnecting or connecting the shutter cable to the camera while the controller is on can
destroy the shutter or the shutter drive circuitry. Always power off the controller before adjusting the shutter cable.
echanical devices with a finite lifetime, typically
ounted to the camera and then the lens,
18 MicroMAX System User Manual Version 6.C

ST-133 Controller

Electronics: The Model ST-133 is a compact, high performance CCD Camera
Controller for operation with Princeton Instruments cameras. Designed for high speed and high performance image acquisition, the ST-133 offers data transfer at speeds up to 5 Megapixel per second, standard video output for focusing and alignment. A variety of A/D converters are available to meet different speed and resolution requirements.
In addition to containing the power supply, the controller contains the analog and digital electronics, scan control and exposure timing hardware, and controller I/O connectors, all mounted on user-accessible plug-in modules. This highly modularized design gives flexibility and allows for convenient servicing.
POWER Switch and Indicator: The power s
witch location (see Figure 2) and characteristics depend on the version of ST-133 Controller that was shipped with y system. In some versions, the power switch is on the front and has an integral indicator LED that lights whenever the ST-133 is powered. In other versions, the power switch is located on the back of the ST-133 and does not include an indicator LED.
0.75A - T 100 - 120V
1.25 A - T 220 - 240 V 50-60Hz 420 W MAX
Rear Panel Connectors: There are three controller board slots. Two are occupied by
the plug-in cards that
provide various controller functions. The third,
Figure 2. Power Switch Location
(ST-133A and ST-133B)
covered with a blank panel, is reserved for future development. The left-most plug-in card is the Analog/Control module. Adjacent to it is the Interface Control module. Both modules align with top and bottom tracks and mate with a passive back-plane via a 64­pin DIN connector. For proper operation, the location of the modules should not be changed. Each board is secured by two screws that also ground each module’s front panel. Removing and inserting boards is described in Chapter 9, pages
To minimize the risk of equipment damage, a module should never be removed or
installed when the system is powered.
The Analog/Control Module, which should always be located in the left-most slot, provides the following functions.
Pixel A/D conversion Tim
CCD scan control Tem
ing and synchronization of readouts
perature control
Exposure control Video output control
3.50A - T
1.80A - T
The Interface Control Module, which should alway provides the following functions.
TTL In/Out Program
munications Control (TAXI or USB 2.0 protocol)
mable Interface
s be located in the center slot,
Chapter 2 System Component Descriptions 19
Always turn the power off at the Controller before connecting or disconnecting any cable that interconnects the camera and controller or serious damage to the CCD may result.
This damage is NOT covered by the manufacturer’s warranty.
USB 2.0
USB 2.0
Interface Control Module
Figure 3. ST-133 Rear Panel Callouts
0.75A - T 100 - 120V
1.25 A - T 220 - 240 V 50-60Hz 420 W MAX
3.50A - T
1.80A - T
20 MicroMAX System User Manual Version 6.C
The descriptions of the rear panel connectors are keyed to the accompanying figure. Depending on your system, either the TAXI or the USB 2.0 Interface Control Module will be installed in the second from the left slot (as you face the rear of the ST-133). In TAXI m
odule is shown in that position.
Figure 3, the
# Feature
1. Temperature Lock LED: Indicates that the temperature control loop has locked and that
the temperature of the CCD array will be stable to within ± 0.05°C.
2. Video/Aux Output: Composite video output is provided at this connector; if labeled Aux,
this output is reserved for future use. The Video output amplitude is 1 V pk-pk and the source impedance is 75 Ω. Either RS-170 (EIA) or CCIR standard video can be provided and must be specified when the system is ordered. The video should be connected to the monitor via 75 Ω coaxial cable and it must be terminated into 75 Ω.
Note that video output is not currently supported under USB 2.0.
3. External Sync Input: TTL input that has a 10 kΩ pullup resistor. Allows data acquisition
and readout to be synchronized with external events. Through software, positive or negative (default) triggering can be selected.
4. Output WinX/32 (ver. 2.4 and higher) software-selectable NOT SCAN or
SHUTTER signal. Default is SHUTTER. NOT SCAN reports when the controller is finished reading out the CCD array. NOT SCAN is high when the CCD array is not being scanned, then drops low when readout begins, returning to high when the process is finished. The second signal, SHUTTER, reports when the shutter is opened and can be used to synchronize external shutters. SHUTTER is low when the shutter is closed and goes high when the shutter is activated, dropping low again after the shutter closes. See Figure 4 for timing diagram.
5. Output: Initially HIGH. After a Start Acquisition command, this output changes
state on completion of the array cleaning cycles that precede the first exposure. Initially high, it goes low to mark the beginning of the first exposure. In free run operation it
remains low until the system is halted. If a specific number of frames have been programmed, it remains low until all have been taken, then returns high.
6. Zero Adjustment: (1 MHz and 100kHz/1 MHz systems) Control the offset values of the
Fast (F) and Slow (S) A/D converters; if potentiometers are not present, bias may be software-settable. Preadjusted at factory. The offset is a voltage that is added to the signal to bring the A/D output to a non-zero value, typically 50-100 counts. This offset value ensures that all the true variation in the signal can really be seen and not lost below the A/D “0” value. Since the offset is added to the signal, these counts only minimally reduce the range of the signal from 4095 to a value in the range of 50-100 counts lower. Adjusting a potentiometer clockwise increases the counts while rotating it counterclockwise decreases the counts. If potentiometers are not present, bias may be software-settable.
CAUTION: Do not adjust the offset values to zero, or some low-level data will be missed.
7. Detector Connector: (1MHz and 1 MHz/100kHz systems) Transmits control information
to the camera and receives data back from the camera via the Detector-Controller cable.
8. TTL In/Out: User-programmable interface with eight input bits and eight output bits that
can be written to or polled for additional control or functionality. Output is not currently supported under USB 2.0. See Chapter 6.
9. AUX Output: Reserved for future use.
Chapter 2 System Component Descriptions 21
# Feature
10. Serial COM Connector: Provides two-way serial communication between the controller and
the host computer. Uses TAXI protocol. Contact the factory if an application requires use of the optional fiber-optic data link to increase the maximum allowable distance between the camera and the computer.
11. Fan: Cools the controller electronics. Runs continuously when the controller is turned on. Do
not block the side vents or the fan exhaust port.
12. Shutter Setting Selector: Sets the shutter hold voltage. Dial is correctly set at the factory
for the camera’s internal shutter if one is present. Refer to Table 1 for setting selection.
13. Remote Shutter Connector: Provides shutter-hold pulses for a 25 mm Princeton
Instruments-supplied external shutter (typically an entrance slit shutter).
connector. To avoid shock hazard, the Controller power should be OFF when connecting or disconnecting a remote shutter.
Dangerous live potentials are present at the Remote Shutter Power
not be used to drive a second external shutter. This configuration will result in under- powering both shutters and may cause damage to the system In a system which requires
both an internal and an external shutter, use the Shutter signal (provided at the connector when selected by an internal jumper or by software parameter selection) to control the external shutter. Suitable driver electronics will additionally be required. Contact the factory Technical Support Dept. for information.
14. Power Input Module: Contains the powercord socket and two fuses. Depending on the
ST-133 version, the power switch may be located directly above the power module.
15. Fuse/Voltage Label: Displays the controller’s power and fuse requirements. This label
may appear above the power module.
16. USB 2.0 Connector: Provides two-way serial communication between the controller and the
host computer. Uses USB 2.0 protocol.
he camera has an internal shutter, then the Shutter Power connector should
: Dangerous live potentials are present at the Remote Shutter Power
connector. To avoid shock hazard, the Controller power should be OFF when connecting or disconnecting a remote shutter.
Shutter Setting* Shutter Type
1 25 mm Princeton Instruments supplied External shutter
(typically an Entrance slit shutter)
2 25 mm Princeton Instruments Internal shutter
4 35 mm Princeton Instruments Internal shutter (requires
70 V Shutter option), supplied with rectangular head camera having 1300 × 1340 CCD
5 40 mm Princeton Instruments Internal shutter
* Shutter settings 0, 3, and 6-9 are unused and are reserved for future use.
Table 1. ST-133 Shutter Drive Selection
22 MicroMAX System User Manual Version 6.C
Selecting the wrong shutter setting will result in improper functioning of the shutter and may cause premature shutter failure.
= Exposure Time
= Readout Time
= Shutter Compensation Time
Shutter Type Compensation Time
NONE 200 nsec
Electronic 6.0 msec
Remote (Roper Scientific 23 mm, External, 8.0 msec typically a slit shutter)
Small (Roper Scientific 25 mm, Internal) 8.0 msec
Large (Roper Scientific 35/40 mm, External) 28.0 msec
Figure 4. Shutter Compensation Times
Chapter 2 System Component Descriptions 23


Detector-Controller: 1 MHz or 100kHz/1MHz systems. The standard 10' cable
(6050-0321) has DB-25 Male connectors with cable interconnects the Detector connector on the rear of the ST-133 with the Detector connector on the back of the MicroMAX camera. The Detector-Controller
cable is also available in 6', 15', 20', and 30' lengths.
Interface Cable: Depending on the system configuration, either a TAXI or a USB cable will be shipped.
slide-latch locking hardware. This

Interface Card

PCI Card: This interface card is required when the system interface uses the TAXI protocol rather than USB 2.0. The PCI card plugs-into the host computer's motherboard and provides the serial communication interface between the host computer and the ST-133. Through WinView/32, the card can be used in either
Speed PCI
interrupt-driven and can give higher performance in some situations. allows data transfer to be controlled by a polling timer.
USB 2.0 Card: This interface card is required when the system interface uses the USB 2.0 protocol rather the TAXI protocol and the computer does not have native USB 2.0 support. The USB 2.0 card plugs-into the host computer's motherboard and provides the communication interface between the host computer and the ST-133. The USB 2.0 PCI card (70USB90011) by Orange Micro is recommended for desktop computers; the SIIG, Inc. USB 2.0 PC Card, Model US2246 is recommended for laptop computers. See more information.
TAXI: The standard 25' (7.6 m) cable (6050-0148-CE) has DB-9 Male connectors with screw-down locking hardware. The TAXI (Serial
munication) cable interconnects the "Serial Com" connector on the rear of
com the ST-133 with the PCI card installed in the host computer. In addition to the standard length, this cable is available in 10', 50', 100', and 165' lengths. Also available are fiber optic adapters with fiber optic cables in 100, 300, and 1000 meter lengths.
USB 2.0: The standard 16.4' that interconnect the "USB 2.0" connector on the rear of the ST-133 with a USB card installed in the host computer.
or PCI(Timer) mode. High Speed PCI allows data transfer to be
(5 m) cable (6050-0494) has USB connectors
or, respectively, for

Application Software

The Princeton Instruments WinView/32 software package provides comprehensive image acquisition, display, processing, and archiving functions so you can perform complete data acquisition and analysis without having to rely upon third-party software. WinView/32 provides reliable control over all Roper Scientific detectors, regardless of array format and architecture, via an exclusive universal programming interface (PVCAM WinView/32 also features snap-ins and macro record functions to permit easy user customization of any function or sequence.
24 MicroMAX System User Manual Version 6.C
PVCAM is the standard software interface for cooled CCD cameras from Roper Scientific. It is a library of functions that can be used to control and acquire data from the camera when a custom application is being written. For example, in the case of Windows, PVCAM is a dynamic link library (DLL). Also, it should be understood that PVCAM is solely for camera control and image acquisition, not for image processing. PVCAM places acquired images into a buffer, where they can then be manipulated using either custom written code or by extensions to other commercially available image processing packages.

User Manuals

MicroMAX System User Manual: This manual describes how to install and use the
MicroMAX system components.
WinView/32 User Manual: This manual describes how to install and use the WinView/32 application program. A PDF version of this manual is provided on the installation CD. Additional information is available in the program's on-line help.

Chapter 3 Installation Overview

The list and diagrams below briefly describe the sequence of actions required to hookup your system and prepare to gather data. Refer to the indicated references for more detailed information. This list assumes that the application software is Princeton Instruments WinView/32.
Action Reference
1. If the system components have not already been unpacked, unpack
them and inspect their carton(s) and the system components for in­transit damage. Store the packing materials.
2. Verify that all system components have been received. Chapter 4 System Setup,
3. If the components show no signs of damage, verify that the
appropriate voltage settings have been selected for the Controller.
4. If WinView/32 software is not already installed in the host
computer, install it. In addition to installing the WinView/32 software, this operation will load all of the interface card drivers.
5. If the appropriate interface card is not already installed in the host
computer, shut down the computer and install the interface card.
6. Depending on the application, attach a lens to the camera, mount the
camera to a microscope, or mount the camera to a spectrometer.
7. With the Controller and computer power turned OFF, connect the
interface cable (TAXI or USB) to the Controller and the interface card in the host computer. Then tighten down the locking hardware.
8. With the Controller power turned OFF, make the camera-to-
controller connections to the back of the Controller. Secure the latch(es) to lock the cable connection(s).
Chapter 4 System Setup,
Chapter 4 System Setup,
Chapter 4 System Setup,
WinView/32 manual
Chapter 4 System Setup,
30 or page 32
Chapter 4 System Setup,
34, 35, or 38
Chapter 4 System Setup,
Chapter 4 System Setup,
9. With the Controller power turned OFF, make the camera-to-
controller connections to the back of the Camera. Secure the latch(es) to lock the cable connection(s).
10. With the Controller power turned OFF, connect the Controller
power cable to the rear of the controller and to the power source.
11. If using a microscope Xenon or an Hg arc lamp, turn it on before
turning on the controller and host computer.
12. Turn the Controller ON.
Chapter 4 System Setup,
Chapter 5 Operation,
26 MicroMAX System User Manual Version 6.C
Action Reference
13. Turn on the computer and begin running the WinX application. WinView/32 manual
14. Run the Camera Detection wizard or load the defaults from the
Chapter 5 Operation,
40, 48, or 53
WinView/32 or WinSpec/32 m
15. Set the target array temperature. Chapter 5 Operation,
48, 53, or 58
16. When the system reaches temperature lock, begin acquiring data in
focus mode.
Chapter 5 Operation,
50 or page 54
17. Adjust the focus for the image. Chapter 5 Operation,
50 or page 54
Interface cable
(TAXI or USB 2.0)
Serial Com or USB 2.0
Figure 5. Standard System Diagram

Chapter 4 System Setup

Unpacking the System

During the unpacking, check the system components for possible signs of shipping damage. If there are any, notify Princeton Instruments and file a claim with the carrier. If damage is not apparent but camera or controller specifications cannot be achieved, internal damage may have occurred in shipment. Please save the original packing materials so you can safely ship the camera system to another location or return it to Princeton Instruments for repairs if necessary.

Checking the Equipment and Parts Inventory

Confirm that you have all of the equipment and parts required to set up the system. A complete MicroMAX system consists of a camera, a controller, a computer and other components as follows.
Camera to Controller cable: D
this cable are available, one having an external shield and the other not. The shielded version offers superior noise performance and is required by regulation in some countries.
Computer Interface Dependent Components:
Controller-Computer Interface cable:
USB cable: Five (5) m
Interface Card:
USB 2.0: Native on m
necessary to refresh the vacuum for round camera heads. Contact the factory Technical Support Dept. for information on refreshing the vacuum. See page contact information.
I cable: 25 ft DB9 to DB9 cable (6050-0148-CE) is standard. Lengths
up to 165 ft (50 m) are available. Optional fiber-optic transducers can be used to extend this distance to as much as 1000 meters or
High Speed PCI Interface board or
(Orange Micro 70USB90011 USB2.0 PCI is recommended for desktop computers and the SIIG, Inc. USB 2.0 PC Card, Model US2246 is recommended for laptop computers).
Pumpdown connector (2550-0181): This item is required if it becomes
B25 to DB25, 10 ft (6050-0321). Two versions of
eter cable (6050-0494) is standard.
otherboard or user-provided USB 2.0 Interface Card
164 for
WinView/32 CD-ROM
User Manual
28 MicroMAX System User Manual Version 6.C

System Requirements


Detector: The MicroMAX detector receives its power from the controller, which in turn
plugs into a source of AC power.
ST-133: The ST-133 Controller can operate from
any one of four different nominal line voltages: 100, 120, 220, or 240 V AC. Refer to the Fuse/Voltage label on the back of the ST-133 for fuse, voltage, and power consumption information.
The plug on the line cord supplied with the system
should be compatible with the line­voltage outlets in common use in the region to which the system is shipped. If the line cord plug is incompatible, a compatible plug should be installed, taking care to maintain the proper polarity to protect the equipment and assure user safety.

Host Computer

Note: Computers and operating systems all undergo frequent revision. The following information is only intended to give an approximate indication of the computer requirements. Please contact the factory to determine your specific needs.
Requirements for the host computer depend on the type of interface, TAXI or USB 2.0, that will be used for com requirements are a listed below according to protocol.
TAXI Protocol:
patible computer with 200 MHz Pentium
2000, or Windows
munication between the ST-133 and the host computer. Those
II (or better).
95, Windows® 98SE, Windows® ME, Windows NT®, Windows®
XP operating system.
High speed PCI serial card (or an unused PCI card slot). Com
puters purchased from Princeton Instruments are shipped with the PCI card installed if High speed PCI was ordered.
um of 32 Mbytes of RAM for CCDs up to 1.4 million pixels. Collecting multiple spectra at full frame or high speed may require 128 Mbytes or more of RAM.
CD-ROM drive.
Hard disk with a m
inimum of 80 Mbytes available. A complete installation of the program files takes about 17 Mbytes and the remainder is required for data storage, depending on the number and size of images or spectra collected. Disk level compression programs are not recommended.
Super VGA m
onitor and graphics card supporting at least 256 colors with at least 1 Mbyte of memory. Memory requirement is dependent on desired display resolution.
IEEE-488 GPIB port (required by
DG535 Timing Generator, if present). May
also be required by Spectrograph.
Two-button Microsoft com
patible serial mouse or Logitech three-button
serial/bus mouse.
Chapter 4 System Setup 29
USB 2.0 Protocol:
Windows 2000 (with Service Pack 4), Windows XP (with Service Pack 1) or
later operating sy
Native USB 2.0 support on the m
Micro 70USB90011 USB2.0 PCI is recommended for desktop; SIIG, Inc. USB
2.0 PC Card, Model US2246 for laptop)
CD-ROM drive.
Hard disk with a m
program files takes about 17 Mbytes and the remainder is required for data storage, depending on the number and size of images or spectra collected. Disk level compression programs are not recommended.
Super VGA m
1 Mbyte of memory. Memory requirement is dependent on desired display resolution.
IEEE-488 GPIB port (required by
also be required by Spectrograph.
Two-button Microsoft com
serial/bus mouse.
patible computer with Pentium 3 or better processor and runs at 1 GHz or
other board or USB Interface Card (Orange
um of 256 Mb of RAM.
inimum of 80 Mbytes available. A complete installation of the
onitor and graphics card supporting at least 256 colors with at least
DG535 Timing Generator, if present). May
patible serial mouse or Logitech three-button

Verifying Controller Voltage Setting

The Power Module on the rear of the Controller contains the voltage selector drum, fuses and the powercord connector. The appropriate voltage setting is set at the factory and can be seen on the back of the power module.
Each setting actually defines a range and the setting that is closest to the actual line voltage should have been selected. The fuse and
power requirem module. The correct fuses for the country where the ST-133 is to be shipped are installed at the factory.
Note: On ST-133s, the voltage ranges and fuse ratings may be printed above or below the power module (Figure 6).

To Check the Controller's Voltage Setting:

1. Look at the lower righthand corner on the rear of the Controller. The current voltage
setting (100, 120, 220, or 240 VAC) is display
2. If the setting is correct, continue with the installation. If it is not correct, follow the
instructions on page
ents are printed on the panel above the power
113 for changing the voltage setting and fuses.
Figure 6. Controller
Power Input Module
ed on the Power Module.
30 MicroMAX System User Manual Version 6.C

Installing the Application Software

Installation is performed via the WinView/32 installation process. If you are installing WinView or WinSpec for the first time, you should run the installation before installing the Princeton Instruments (RSPI) PCI or USB2.0 card in the host computer. On the
dialog box (see Figure 7), click on the button to install the interface card drivers (the Princeton Instruments (RSPI) PCI and the USB drivers) and the most commonly installed program files. Select the
button if you would like to choose among the available program files.
Note: WinView/32 (versions 2.6.0 and higher) do not support the ISA interface.
Figure 7. WinView Installation: Interface Card
Driver Selection

Setting up the Communication Interface

MicroMAX camera systems require either an installed Princeton Instruments (RSPI) PCI card or an installed USB2.0 interface card in the host computer. The type of interface card is dictated by the Interface Control Module installed in the ST-133 controller.

Setting up a PCI Interface

Administrator privileges are required under Windows NT®, Windows® 2000, and Windows® XP to install software and hardware.
A Princeton Instruments (RSPI) PCI card must be installed in the host computer if the communication between computer and controller uses the TAXI protocol (i.e.,
Interface Control Module installed in the ST-133 has a 9-pin SERIAL COM
the connector as shown in the figure at right). With TAXI protocol, the standard cable provided with an ST-133 is 7.6 meters (25 feet). Cable lengths up to 50 meters (164 feet) are available and the digitization rate may be as high as 2 MHz.
A computer purchased from Princeton Instruments will be shipped with the PCI card already will have to install it in the host computer at your location.
Note: The PCI card can be installed and operated in any Macintosh having a
PCI bus, allowing the ST-133 to be controlled from the Macintosh via IPLab™ software and the PI Extension.
installed. Otherwise, a PCI card will be shipped with the system and you
If using WinX software, Select either
High Speed PCI or PCI(Timer) as the Interface
type. This selection is accessed on the Hardware Setup|Interface tab page. High Speed
PCI allows data transfer to be interrupt-driven and gives the highest performance in some
situations. PCI(Timer) allows data transfer to be controlled by a polling timer. This selection is recommended when there are multiple devices sharing the same interrupt.
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