Prime Security Prime AMX 38, AMX 38 Owner's Manual

AMX38 Owner's Manual Rev. A - 0499
AMX38 Owner's Manual Rev. A - 0499
Standard Features of AMX38 System
5- Year War ranty — Prime Security guarantees the operation of the control
unit and remote controls for five full years from the date of purchase (see the enclosed warranty card for details).
easy fingertip control, these 4-button remotes allow you to operate your car’s power door locks as well as optional accessories from up to 100 feet away. Once exposed to light, the AviGlo remote control buttons will glow, making the buttons visible in the dark.
User-Friendly Pro gram ming — With a few flicks of the valet switch, you
can easily customize several features of your system to fit your lifestyle. (See "User-Programmable Features" on page 8.)
Starter Dis able Ca pa bil ity — With the addition of an optional relay, your
AMX38 will electronically disengage your vehicle’s starter motor every time you remotely lock all the doors. If a thief gets into your car, he won’t be able to start the engine even if he breaks open the steering column and forces the ignition switch. In fact, he wouldn’t be able to start the engine if he had a copy of your car keys. This “Starter Disable” feature may also qualify you for a discount on your vehicle insurance.
User- Programmable Pas sive Starter Dis able — If the op tional starter
dis able re lay was added, you can pro gram your sys tem to auto mati cally dis able the starter 30 sec onds af ter the ig ni tion key is turned "OFF."
User- Programmable Pas sive Door Lock — You can program your AMX38
system to automatically lock all the doors if you forget to lock them with your remote control. You must have the "Passive Starter Disable" feature programmed ON to access the Passive Door Lock feature.
LED Sys tem Status In di ca tor — A flashing red light on the dashboard or
console warns away thieves while visually confirming that the doors are locked and the Starter Disable is engaged.
One- Step Re mote Con trol Code Learn ing — You can easily add up to
four Prime remote controls to your system. (See "Programming Table for Remote Controls" on page 9.)
AMX38 Owner's Manual Rev. A - 0499
In stant Re mote Con trol Code De le tion — Removes the code of a lost or
stolen remote so it can no longer control your system. (See "Programming Table for Remote Controls" on page 9.)
Elec tronic Scan Pre ven tion (ESP) — Some thieves use digital code
"scanners" that rapidly transmit one remote control code after another until they hit the one code that activates the unlock function of a keyless entry system. Electronic Scan Prevention recognizes scanners and blocks their codes to prevent unlocking by anyone but you.
Re mote Panic with Safety Locks™ (op tional) — In a threatening
situation, you can activate a siren/horn, flash the parking lights and unlock the doors for immediate entry into your vehicle. (Requires the addition of an optional siren or interfacing with the vehicle horn.)
Audi ble Lock/Un lock Con fir ma tion Capability — This programmable
feature will chirp the siren or beep the horn two times when the LOCK button is pressed and once when the UNLOCK button is pressed. (Requires the addition of an optional siren or interface with the vehicle horn).
Vis ual Confirmations — The AMX38 will flash
to confirm door locking and unlocking.
In te rior Light Il lu mi na tion — Turns on the interior lights for 30 seconds
when you remotely unlock or until the ignition key is turned "ON."
User-Pro gram ma ble Il lu mi nated Exit — The system can be programmed
to turn on the interior lights for 30 seconds after the ignition key has been turned "OFF."
your vehicle’s parking lights
Re mo te -Con trolled Door Lock/Unlock — Allows you to lock and unlock
your doors without using your key.
Two-Stage Un lock Ca pa bil ity — For personal safety, when you press the
remote control UNLOCK button, only the driver’s door will unlock. Simply press the remote button again to unlock the passenger doors (may require an additional relay).
User- Programmable Ignition- Controlled Door Lock/Un lock
Automatically locks your vehicle’s doors when you turn the ignition "ON" and unlocks them when you turn the ignition "OFF."
AMX38 Owner's Manual Rev. A - 0499
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