The symbols below are used throughout this owner's manual and on the product
to identify warnings and important information. It is very important for you to read
them and understand them completely.
WARNING! Indicates a potentially hazardous condition/situation that
can cause either personal injury , component damage, or malfunction
(black symbol on yellow triangle with black border).
MANDA TORY! These actions should be performed as specified. Failure
to perform mandatory actions can cause personal injury to personnel
and/or equipment damage (white symbol on blue dot).
PROHIBITED! These actions should not be taken or should be stopped.
Performing a prohibited action can cause personal injury and/or
equipment damage (black symbol with red circle and red slash).
NOTE: Supplemental information that may be helpful to operate the
Read and follow the information in the owner’s manual.
Pinch Point.
Copyright © 2003
Pride Mobility Products Corporation
Cantilever Lift System www.quantumrehab.com RevA/Nov03

SAFETY......................................................................................... 4
CANTILEVER LIFT SYSTEM ....................................................... 6
CANTILEVER LIFT OPERATION - VSI ......................................... 9
CANTILEVER LIFT OPERATION - EUROPA.............................11
SEAT DUMP ADJUSTMENT ...................................................... 12
SEAT POSITION ADJUSTMENT ................................................14
WARRANTY................................................................................ 15
Cantilever Lift System www.quantumrehab.com RevA/Nov03

4 Basic Operation Instructions
WELCOME to Quantum Rehab, a division of Pride Mobility Products Corporation
(Pride). The product you have purchased combines state of the art components
with safety, comfort and styling in mind. We are confident that the design features
will provide you with the conveniences you expect during your daily activities.
Understanding how to safely operate and care for this product should bring you
years of trouble free operations and service.
Read and follow all instructions, warnings, and notes in this manual and all other
accompanying literature before attempting to operate this product for the first
time. In addition, your safety depends upon you, as well as your provider, caretaker,
or healthcare professional in using good judgement.
This manual is to be used in addition to the power base owners manual that came
with your power chair. If there is any information in this manual which you do not
understand, or if you require additional assistance for setup or operation, please
contact your Quantum Rehab Specialist. Failure to follow the instructions,
warnings, and notes in this manual and those located on your Pride product can
result in personal injury or product damage and will void Prides product warranty.
The contents of this manual are based on the expectation that a mobility device
expert has properly fit the product to meet your needs and has assisted the
prescribing healthcare professional and/or the Quantum Rehab Specialist in the
instruction process for the use of the product.
If you purchased this product over the internet or from a previous owner and you
have any questions about the safe use and/or maintenance of the product, please
visit the Pride web site or contact your Quantum Rehab Specialist.
By accepting delivery of this product, you promise that you will not change, alter
or modify this product or remove or render inoperable or unsafe any guards,
shields, or other safety features of this product; fail, refuse or neglect to install any
retrofits kits from time to time provided by Pride to enhance or preserve the safe
use of this product.
Cantilever Lift System www.quantumrehab.com RevA/Nov03

Basic Operation Instructions 5
We want to hear your questions, comments, and suggestions about this manual.
We would also like to hear about the safety and reliability of your new lift system,
and about the service you received from your Quantum Rehab Specialist.
Please notify us of any change of address, so we can keep you apprised of important
information about safety, new products, and new options that can increase your
ability to use and enjoy your Pride product. Please feel free to contact us at the
address below:
Pride Mobility Products Corporation
Attn: Customer Care Department
182 Susquehanna Avenue
Exeter, PA 18643-2694
800-800-8586 (Quantum - US)
888-570-1113 (Quantum - CAN)
NOTE: If you ever lose or misplace your product registration card or
your copy of this manual, contact us and we will be glad to send you a
new one immediately.
As an owner of a Pride product, you are encouraged to enroll in the Pride Owners
Club. Complete and return your enclosed product registration card or visit Pride's
web site at www.pridemobility.com.
From our home page, select "Owners Club" to enter a page dedicated to current
and potential Pride product owners. You will gain access to interviews, stories,
recreation ideas, daily living tips, product and funding information, and interactive
message boards. These message boards invite you to communicate with other
Pride customers as well as Pride representatives who are available to assist you
with any questions or concerns you may have.
Cantilever Lift System www.quantumrehab.com RevA/Nov03