Presti gi o PF P1 18 0D UO
Unboxing G etting s tarted B as ic s Telephone
Network Bluetooth
Trouble Shooting
Mes sage
Presti gi o PF P1 18 0D UO
Inside your package
Your phone at a glance
Multi ph on es
More details about your product, please visit:
Inside your package
Battery Quick start guide
package before use.
Charger with line
Warranty card
Your Phone
www .p restigio.com

Prestigi o PF P1 18 0D UO
Home screen
List menu
Follow the steps below to prepare your
for using.
remove the batt ery
Presti gi o PF P1 18 0D UO
remove the b ack c over
insert SIM card
SIM c ard
Mic ro SIM ca rd
Nan o SIM car d
www .p restigio.com
Home screen
List menu
insert the b att ery
put on the back cov er
Please insert available Subscriber I dentity
Module (SIM) card into your phone before
using it. SIM card is supplied by your network
carrier. All the information
related to network connection is recorded
on the SIM card,so are the contact information
such as names, phone numbers and SMS
that you set to store on the
SIM. You can take out the SIM card from the
phone and insert it into another GSM phone
to use it. Most new phones will recognize the
SIM card automatically.
www .p restigio.com

Prestigi o PF P1 18 0D UO
Home screen
List menu
Home screen
The menu, home and back keys help you
navigate your phone.
Tap to open the list menu.
Tap to return to the Home screen.
Tap to return to the previous screen .
www .p restigio.com
Presti gi o PF P1 18 0D UO
Charge the battery
Power on your phone
Connect your PC
lock and unlock the screen
Charging t he bat t ery
A new battery ispartiallycharged. The battery
icon at the upper-right corner showsthe level of
charging status.
Plug the small end of the charger into t he micro
USBport of the device, and plugthe largeend
of thecharger into an electric socket.
After being fully charged,disconnect the device
from the charger. First unplug the charger from
the device, and then unplug it from the electric
Always useaut hentic accessoriesto
optimise your battery performance.
authentic accessories(eg. chargers)
can damage your battery and even your
Optimise your battery performance
Here are some tipsto help you optimiseyour
- Alwaysensure t hat your phoneprofile is
appropriately set to meet your actual usage.
- If you are not using Bluetooth, Wi-Fi,GPSor
other applications, turn them off.
- Adjust the intensity of your display screen?s
backlight to low or medium level and for the
shortest duration.
- Avoid using
magnetic objects (eg. a radio or television)
or on metalsurfaces,whichwill impact the
network connection and ultimately drain power
from your batt ery.
or placingyour phone near
www .p restigio.com