Section 3 Check The System
There are two types of Quality Control tests to
assure that the System is working properly and
testing technique is good.
Standard Strip test uses a hard gray plastic strip
(Standard Strip). The Standard Strip does not
have a lot number or an expiration date, and can
be used with any Meter Code.
Glucose Control test uses a
ddaarrkk bblluue
(Glucose Control) that contains a known amount
of glucose. Glucose Control is available in both
À and High Á levels.
These tests should be performed:
• When using the Meter for the first time
• When using a new vial of Test Strips
• When results do not ‘agree’ with how you feel
• When you suspect that results are incorrect
• To practice using the System
• After cleaning the Meter or replacing the Test
Strip Platform
WAAYYSS ppeerrffoorrmm tthhee
SSttaannddaarrdd SSttrriipp tteesstt)
BBootthh tthhee SSttaannddaarrdd SSttrriipp aannd
GGlluuccoossee CCoonnttrrooll tteessttss mmuusstt ggiivvee ““ccoorrrreecctt”” rreessuulltts
oorr bblloooodd gglluuccoossee rreessuullttss mmaayy nnoott bbee ccoorrrreecctt.
RReeffeerr ttoo SSeecc.. 1100,, TTrroouubblleesshhoooottiinngg GGuuiiddee.