~- ==-~
10 Meter Amateur
Mobile Transceiver
Welcome. . . . . . . . . . ..... . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. . 2
Controls and Functions 3, 4, 5
Front Panel Connector. .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. 6
Rear Panel Connectors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " 7, 8
Installation. .. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. 9
Operation. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. . .. 10, ", 12, '3, 14
Specifications. .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. 15
Troubleshooting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 16
Amateur Radio Operation. . . .. .. . . .. .. . . .. . .. .. .. . . .. .. . . .. . .. .. . .. . ... 17, 18
'Welcome! - .
To the world of 10 Meter amateur radio communications! You have purchased
what we feelto bethe finest 10Metermobiletransceiveravailable.YourHR2510
has been designed using the latest state of the art electronics to give you years of
trouble freeseNice. Toget the most fromyour HR2510, please read this operating
guide thoroughly.
WARNING: You must have a 0.0. T.C.Amateur Radio Opera-
tor's License to legally transmit using your transceiver. Trans-
mitting without a license carries heavy penalties.
YourHR2510 issupplied with the following items. Ifany items are missing or ap-
pear damaged, DO NOT return the unittothe place ofpurchase. Instead, contact
Uniden Australia Pty. Ltd. at your nearest dealer as shown on the back cover.
. HR2510 10 Meter Transceiver
. Dynamic Microphone with Channel Up/Down control
. Transceiver & Microphone Mounting Brackets & Hardware
. Power Cord with In-Line fuse holder
. Accessory Plug (Jumpered for internal speaker use)
. Accessory Plug (With wires for connecting accessories)
. This operating guide
We also recommend that you retain the original box and packing, as it makes a
convenient way to transport the unit.
1. Mode Switch -This control is used to select the desired transmit mode. The
modes available are: CW, LSB,USB,AM, and FM.
2. SWRjCAL Control -This control is used to adjust the calibration of the SWR
meter while in SWRCALmode.
3. RITControl- TheReceiver Incremental Tuning control isused to fine tune the
received signal. This isused in USBand LSBmodes to obtain maximum clarityof
reception, and in CW mode to control the pitch of the beat note. The R/Tcon-
trol can tune the receive frequency about :t 3 KHz. This control will not aff~ct
the transmit frequency, or the frequency display, but will change the receive
4. RFGain Control- Thisisused to vary the RFinput to the receiver. This control
is used to help eliminate strong, adjacent signals.
5. Mic Gain Switch -Pressingthis switch activates the built-in microphone at-
tenuator. This feature isdesigned to be used when operating the HR2510 in
high ambient noise environments.
6. TX Switch -The TXswitch is used to lock the transmitter on for tuning pur-
poses, except in CW mode. In CW mode the external key must be locked
down. The rT)icrophone is disconnected unless the PTT switch is also de-
7. Meter Switch - Thisswitch isused to select the operating mode"forthe multi-
funcion meter. The meter modes are: S/RF, Modulation, SWRCalibration sett-
ing, and SWR.Each time the Meter switch ispushed, the next mode isselected.
See the operation section formore information on meter usage. The currently
selected mode is displayed above the meter.
8. PA Switch -Pressing this switch enables the PAMode, ifan external PAspeak-
er isinstalled. When in PAmode, the normal transmit functions ofthe radioare
disabled, but the receive audio is routed through the PAspeaker.
9. NB Switch -Pressing this switch enables the built in noise blanker. The noise
blanker in your HR2510 isvery effective in eliminating interference generated
by vehicle ignition systems.
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Controls and',Functions -'continued
10. Dim Switch -Pressing the Dimswitch dims the display backlighting. Press
again to return- backlighting to its normal (high) level.
11. Scan Switch -The Scan control is used to scan up to 50 channels in each
band segment. See the section on operation for more information on using
the Scan Control.
12. Span Switch -This control is used to select either 10KHz, 1 KHz, or 100 Hz
steps forthe VFO. The currently selected step is indicated bya line under the
relevant digit on the Frequency Display.
13. Channel /\ and V - Pressing these controls will step up or down to
the next 10KHzchannel in the currently selected band segment. The current-
lyselected channel is displayed next to the frequency display.
14. Band Switch -Pressing this control will select one of the four band seg-
ments. Band segments are: a:28.0000 - 28.4999, b:28.5000-28.9999,
c:29.0000-29.4999, and d:29.5000-29.6999 MHz. The currently sel,ected
band segment is displayed above the channel display.
15. F. Lock Switch - Pressing the Frequency Lockbutton willdisable allfrequen-
cydetermining controls on the front panel, to prevent accidental changes of
16. VFO Control -The Variable Frequency Oscillator-control is used to select
the desired transmit and receive frequency. Tuning iscontinous throughout
the entire range of the HR 2510, with no need to select band segments.
17. Squelch Control -The Squelch control is used to adjust the squelch func-
tion, which eliminates the "rushing" sound between transmissions. Turning
the squelch control CCW until it clicksenables the auto squelch, eliminating
the need to manually adjust the squelch.
18. On/Off/Volume Control -This control is used to turn the unit on or off
and to adjust the volume.
19. Beep Switch -Pressing this control will cause a short beep tone to be trans-
mitted whenever you release the PTTswitch on the microphone.
Contro;! and functions - continued
20. Multifuction Meter -Thismeter can display S/RF, Modulation, SWRCal, or
SWR.See item (7), Meter Switch and the operation section for more informa-
21. Frequency Display -The Frequency Display displays the currently selected
transmit and receive frequency.
22. Meter Mode Display - Displays the currently selected meter operating
23. Band Segment Display -Shows the currently selected band segment.
24. Channel Display - Gives the selected channel number.
25. TX Indicator -Illuminates when PTTor TXSwitch is pressed, or CW key is
26. VFO Step Indicator -Displaysthe currently selected VFO step. (Thephoto
shows 100Hz step selected).
27. Remote Control Channel 1\ and V switches -You can step up or
down by one 10KHz channel within the current band segment using these
controls. See the section on operation for more information.
28. PTTSwitch -The Push to Talkswitch isused to control the transmit and re-
ceive of your HR 2510. Press to transmit, and release to receive.
- .
. Front Panel Connector
4-- Transmit (PHI
Microphone Connector
The microphone included with the HR2510 isa 500Q dynamic microphone, with
channel up and down switches. The view of the connector isfacing the HR2510
front panel. The pin connections are as follows:
Pin Connection
Channel Up Switch
5&2 Channel Down Switch
2 Common Ground