The Defpom AR144,PC122,Pro810E,TRC453,Cobra146 GTL Mods Page
Cobra 146 GTL
Realistic TRC
Uniden PC-122 & AR
Uniden Pro -810e Base
Clarifier modification: Cobra 146 & AR-144
1) Lift anode of D-30 and connect a 5.6 uH choke in series.
2) Cut D-32.
3) Cut both traces on the PCB going to the clarifier .
4) Solder one wire to PCB ground.
5) Solder a wire from the other cut trace to an 8 VDC source
(note: 8 volts can be found on the cathode of D-50)
6)This should give you 5 kc of slide.If more slide is wanted then change D-30
to a super slide doide.
Clarifier modification: TRC-453 and Uniden PC-122
1) Disconnect the clarifiers terminal from the RX only supply and connect it
to a constant supply that is found at pin 3 of IC4 (the main 8V regulator,
usually marked as HA17808 or similar).
2) Replace D24 with a jumper wire (this will increase the control voltage).
Remove D25 and R119 (6.8K) to disable RX only voltages.
Clarifier modification: Uniden Pro-810e

1) Replace C72 (47pF) with a 0.001
The Defpom AR144,PC122,Pro810E,TRC453,Cobra146 GTL Mods Page
2) Cut D-32.
3) Cut both traces on the PCB going to the clarifier .
4) Solder one wire to PCB ground.
5) Solder a wire from the other cut trace to an 8 VDC source
(note: 8 volts can be found on the trace that connects R-107 & R-106
6)This should give you 3 kc of slide.If more slide is wanted then jump D-24
with a piece of wire.
1)Unsolder the PLL chip.UPD2824 or D2824.
2)Throw it away.Its can't be modified.
here )
3)Solder in a new PLL UPD2816.
4)Connect pin #20 to pin #21 GROUND.
5)Solder a wire from pin #9 to one side of a SPST switch.
6)Solder a wire from PCB GROUND to the other side of the switch.
7)If all goes well this should give you 27.420 - 27.860 Mhz.
, i know 27.420 in between the channel SO use the clarifier for the 5 kc
8)If you can't get all the frequency coverage then adjust L-14 the VCO coil.
(Sometimes it works)
Channel Expansion
(or send it to me for spare parts! E-mail me
Peaks and Tweaks
VR 10 is AM power
VR 6 is ALC
VR 5 is AM Modulation
VR 7 is RF Power meter
VR 1 is S-meter adjust
TX coils- L34, L35, L36 and L26
RX coils- L3 - L8, L10 and L11
VCO Broadband modification: TRC-453 and Uniden PC-122