Prentice hall WORLD EXPLORER User Manual

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Welcome to the Prentice Hall Resource pro@ User's Guide for Microsoft Windows@ and the Apple@ Macintosh@. The Resource Pro CD-ROM contains tools that help you plan, teach..and
assess your classes. This User's Guide describes the contents of the Resource Pro CD-ROM, explains the installation process, and provides an overview of how to work with the Teaching
Resources Library, Planning Express@, and the Local Objectives Editor. The User's Guide for
the Computer Test Bank appears in electronic format on the CD-ROM.
Overview 2
Usingthe Teaching ResourcesLibrary
Using Planning Express
Using the Local Objectives Editor
Moving Planning Express Class Files Between Computers
Frequently Asked Questions
11 12
Resource Pro contains three tools to help you streamline your lesson planning, materials preparation, and test writing. These tools-the Teaching Resources Library, Planning Express, and the Computer Test Bank-reduce the amount of time you spend preparing for your classes, so you can spend more time with your students.
Resource Pro features the Local Objectives Editor for Planning Express, a tool that allows you to include state and local objectives in your lesson plans.
Guided Tour
The Resource Pro Guided Tour introduces the Planning Express, Local Objectives Editor for Planning Express, Teaching Resources Library, and Computer Test Bank. To start the demon- stration, start Resource Pro and select the Guided Tour button.
Teaching Resources Library
Prentice Hall has developed a set of teaching materials for you to use in teaching your classes
These materials include Chapter Support Files, transparencies, a variety of assessments, and other resources. All of these materials are available in electronic format and are linked
together in the Teaching Resources Library. You can browse, open, read, print, and search for
information in the online Teaching Resources Library more easily and quickly than you can
with printed materials.
Planning Express
PlanningExpressprovidesthe tools you need to plan and schedule your lessonsfor one day
or for several days, weeks, or months in advance. You can use the lesson plans that Prentice Hall provides, customize these plans to suit your individual teaching strategies, or incorporate lessonsthat you have developed. Using the Make LessonPlansfeature, you can assign a lesson to a single day or spread it out for up to five days. After setting up your lessonsand choosing the resourcesand activities you plan to cover each day, you can print daily or monthly summaries of your lessons.You can also print the daily resourcesyou plan to use. Planning Expressalso contains Online
Local Objectives Editor
The Local Objectives Editor allows you to customize your lessonplans easily by adding state and local objectives. By importing an objectives file for an entire course, you can obtain an instant correlation of each Prentice Hall lesson to your local or state objectives. When you
lesson plans, the appropriate state and local objectiveswill appear with each lesson.
Computer Test Bank (CTB)
CTBallowsyou to create, edit, and printtests, worksheets, or other forms of assessment.
Prentice Hall Master your own
Supported question types include:
Testquestions are included. Youcan use them, modify them, or create
.free response
.multiple choice
+ 11 hidden pages