Premier GTY00-16415 User Manual

Fox Den Automatic Cat Toy
GT Y00-16415 | Product Manual
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Important Safety Information
Expla nation of Attenti on Words and Symb ols used in this g uide
This is th e safety alert s ymbol. It is use d to alert you to potential pers onal injur y hazards. Ob ey all safet y messages that follow this s ymbol to avoid po ssible injury or death.
CAUTIO N, used wit h the safety ale rt symbol, i ndicates a ha zardous sit uation which, if not avoide d, could result in minor or mod erate injur y.
NOTICE, is us ed to address s afe use practice s not related to personal injur y.
This pro duct is not a child’s toy. This product i s intended for cat s, not for children or dogs.
Do not allow unsuper vised use w hile in the presence of children or dogs.
Do not use this produc t until you have read the entire prod uct manual.
Do not use this product on an elevate d surface such a s a table or counter. Use on the floor only.
This pro duct should on ly be used in accordance with th e instruc tions in the us er guide.
Adult sup ervisio n is required around pets. D o not allow unatte nded Play While You Are Away
Mode until you know your pet uses the toy as intende d.
Inspect this product periodically for dam age and disc ard produc t immediately i f it appears
worn or broken.
Do not mix old and new batteries.
Do not mix standard, alkaline or rec hargeable bat teries.
Do not use rechargeable batteries .
Exhausted batteri es should be removed immediately. Do not dispos e of batteries wi th
household waste.
These instructions must be retained and passed on with o wnership. Ple ase read thi s entire produ ct manual before use.
How it Works
The Fox De n Automatic Cat Toy is an auto mated, motion-a ctivated cat toy that will encou rage your cat to play. Simply insert bat teries, cho ose which mod e to use, and place F ox Den on the floor where the sur face is flat. During One Time Play mode, the toy w ill play for 10 minute s, then turn o. Durin g Play All Day mode, the toy will pl ay every two hours, thr ee times, for 10 minutes each. I n between au tomatic play sessions, w hen the toy is res ting, the mot ion sensor on the front of th e toy will detect nearby motion , within severa l feet, and tur n on automatically. If no motio n is detected, the toy will rest un til the next automatic play s ession or motion is detected again.
Battery Installation
1. Locate bat tery door on bottom of the toy (A).
2. Inser t 3 AA batteries into the b attery compartment (B).
3. Replace the b attery door and ensure it is closed p roperly.
Operating Instructions
One Time Play
Find the p ower button on the side of the toy. Pre ss the button once quickly, then rele ase, to power o n.
The toy will turn on imme diately and play for 10 mi nutes, then power o automatically.
To end the play session before 10 minutes, press the power button qui ckly once and relea se.
Play All Day
Find the p ower button on the side of the toy. Pre ss the button for 2-4 second s, then relea se, to power on.
The toy will beep three times to let you kn ow when Play All Day mode is acti vated.
Play All Day mode lasts for a 6.5 hour time period. Fro m the beginning to the end of this m ode, the toy will:
Play 10 minu tes, rest for 2 hours. During rest tim e, motion sensor is on.
Play 10 minu tes, rest for 2 hours. During rest tim e, motion sensor is on.
Play 10 minu tes, rest for 2 hours, pow er o. During res t time, motion s ensor is on.
Durin g rest time in Pl ay All Day mode, if motion is detecte d within 3-4 feet in f ront of the toy, it will tu rn on
for 2 minu tes. Once the cat wa lks away, the toy will r est again w ithin 2 minute s. Note: motion ha s to be detected in front of the toy, where the tail appears. Be sure to place the toy in a safe play area w here the cat may walk by the front of it. Th ere is a delay of 25 seco nds after the 2 min utes of play before more motion is detected.
To power o while in Play All Day mode, press the power button on the side of the toy quickly once, th en
To Ensure Prop er Function
Do not mix old and new batteries.
Do not mix standard, alkaline or rec hargeable bat teries.
Do not use rechargeable batteries .
Exhausted batteri es should be removed immediately. Do not dispos e of batteries wi th household wa ste.
Advice for Use
Apar t from playin g with this pro duct, it is recommended that you interact w ith your pet an d provide a vari ety of play act ivities. Opportu nities for s timulation o r the approp riate amount of d aily exercise should be determined by a veterinarian.
One Year Non-Transferable Limited Warranty
This Pro duct has th e benefit of a limi ted manufactu rer’s warrant y. Complete d etails of the war ranty applic able to this Produc t and its terms can be found at w ww.premierp
Terms of Use and Limitation of Liability
1. Terms of Use
The use of t his produc t is subject to you r acceptance with out modific ation of the terms, conditi ons and notices contained with this product. Use of this product im plies accepta nce of all such ter ms, conditions and noti ces. If you do not wish to accept the se terms, conditions and notices, plea se return the product, unused, in its original packaging and at your ow n cost and risk to th e relevant Custo mer Care locatio n together with proof of purchase for a full refund .
2. Proper Use
Proper u se includes , without limi tation, reviewing the en tire produc t manual and any sp ecific safet y inform ation statements. The sp ecific temperam ent or size/weight of your pet may not be suitab le for this pro duct. If you are un sure whether th is product is ap propriate for yo ur pet, pleas e consult your veterin arian or cer tified traine r prior to use. For p roducts use d with pets w here training is desired , Radio Systems Corporatio n recommend s that these train ing produc ts are not used if your pet is ag gressive a nd accepts n o liability f or determin ing suitabi lity in indi vidual cases.
3. No Unlawf ul or Prohibite d Use
This pro duct is designed for use wi th pets only. This product is n ot intended to ha rm, injure or provoke. Using thi s product in a way th at is not intende d could result in violation of Fed eral, State or local laws.
4. Limitation of Liability
In no event shall Radio Systems Corporation or any of its a ssociated companies be liable for (i) any direct, indire ct, puniti ve, incident al, special or consequen tial damage and/or (ii) any loss or dam ages whats oever arisin g out of or connec ted with the us e or misuse of th is product . The Purchaser assum es all risks and liabili ty from the use of this product to the fulle st extent permissible by law.
5. Modificati on of Terms an d Conditions
Radio Syste ms Corporat ion reser ves the right to change the terms , conditions an d notices govern ing this product from time to time. If such changes have been n otified to you prio r to your use of this product, the y shall be b inding on you a s if incorporated herein.
Compliance FCC
This device complie s with part 15 of the F CC Rules. Oper ation is subje ct to the followin g two conditions: (1) This device may not caus e harmful interference, a nd (2) this dev ice must accept a ny interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.
NOTE: This equipment has been tes ted and found to com ply with the limits for a Cla ss B digital de vice, pursuan t to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide rea sonable protec tion agains t harmful interf erence in a resi dential installation. This equipment generates, us es, and can radiate radio frequency energ y and, if not installed and used i n accordance wi th the instr uctions, may cause harmful interfe rence to radio com munications . However, there is no guarantee th at interference will not occur in a specific in stallation. If inter ference doe s occur to radio or television re ception, which can be deter mined by turning the equipment o and on, the user is encouraged to tr y to correct th e interference by one or more of the following measure s:
Reorie nt or relocate the receiving a ntenna.
Increa se the separ ation between the equipment and the receiver.
Connect the equipment to an outlet o n a circuit dieren t from that to whi ch the receive r is connecte d.
Consult c ustomer care, the dealer, or an ex perienced radio/TV te chnician for hel p.
CAUTION: M odificatio n or changes to t his equipme nt not expr essly appr oved by Radio Syste ms Corporat ion may void the user’s au thority to o perate the eq uipment.
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