Premier GIF00-16348 User Manual

Wireless Add-A-Dog
GIF00-16348 | Produc t Manual
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Important Safety Information
Explanation of Attention Words and Symbols used in this guide
This is th e safety aler t symbol . It is used to aler t you to potenti al personal i njury haz ards. Obey a ll safety me ssages tha t follow this sy mbol to avoid po ssible injur y or death.
WARNING indicates a h azardous s ituation whi ch, if not avoid ed, could res ult in death or ser ious injur y.
CAUTION, used with t he safety ale rt symbo l, indicates a ha zardous si tuation whic h, if not avoide d, could resu lt in minor or
moderate injury.
CAUTION, used with out the safe ty alert sy mbol, indi cates a hazar dous situat ion which, i f not avoided, c ould result in harm to yo ur pet.
• D o not use this p roduct if yo ur dog is prone t o aggress ive behavio r. Aggressi ve dogs can cau se severe inj ury or death to t heir owner s and others. I f you are not sure t hat this produ ct is right fo r your dog, ple ase talk to you r veterinari an or a certifie d trainer.
• R isk of explos ion if batter y is replaced b y an incorrec t type. Do no t short circ uit, mix old an d new batteri es, dispos e of in fire, or exp ose to water. When batter ies are store d or dispose d, they must b e protected f rom short ing. Dispo se of used batt eries prop erly.
• T his Premier Pet™ Wireles s Fence is NOT a so lid barrier. Th e system is de signed to act a s a deterren t to remind pet s by static corr ection to rem ain in the bound ary establ ished. It is im portant t hat you reinfor ce training wi th your pet on a r egular basi s. Since the tole rance level to s tatic correc tion varie s from pet to pet , Radio Systems C orporatio n CANNOT guaran tee that the sy stem will, in all c ases, kee p a pet within th e establish ed boundar y. Not all pets ca n be train ed to avoid cros sing the bou ndary! The refore, if you h ave reason to b elieve that you r pet may pose a d anger to other s or harm hims elf if he is not kept fro m crossing th e boundari es, you shou ld NOT rely solely up on the Premie r Pet NOT be liab le for any prope rty dama ge, economi c loss or any cons equential d amages, su stained as a r esult of any anim al crossin g the boundar y.
• This pro duct is not a to y. Keep it away from th e reach of child ren.
• P roper fit of the c ollar is impo rtant. A colla r worn for too lo ng or made too tig ht on the pet’s ne ck may cause ski n damage ran ging from red ness to press ure ulcers. T his conditio n is commonly k nown as bed s ores.
• Av oid leaving th e collar on a pet fo r more than 12 hou rs per day.
• W hen possib le, repositi on the collar on t he pet’s neck ev ery 1 to 2 hour s.
• R egularly re check the fit to pr event exces sive press ure; follow the i nstructi ons in this gui de.
• You m ay need to trim th e hair in the are a of the contact p oints. Howe ver, never shave t he dog’s neck; t his may lead to a ra sh or infecti on.
• N ever connec t a leash to a coll ar with contac t points. It w ill cause exce ssive pres sure on the cont act points .
• W hen connec ting a leash to a s eparate collar, do n ot allow it to put p ressure on th e receiver co llar.
• Wa sh the dog’s ne ck area and the co ntact point s of the collar we ekly with a dam p cloth.
• E xamine the co ntact area da ily for signs of a r ash or a sore.
• I f a rash or sor e is found, dis continue usi ng this produ ct until the sk in has healed .
• I f the conditi on persist s beyond 48 h ours, see yo ur veterinar ian.
• F or addition al informati on on bed sore s and press ure necrosi s, please v isit our webs ite.
• P roper train ing of your pet i s essential to s uccessfu lly using the s ystem. Dur ing the first 2 we eks of train ing, do not use t he system wi thout dire ct supervision of your pet.
• A lways remove y our pet’s recei ver collar bef ore perfo rming any tra nsmitter te sting or adju stments. T his will prev ent unintend ed correct ions.
• T he boundar y zone must b e tested whe never an adjus tment is made t o the fence tran smitter se tting to prev ent unintende d correcti ons to your pet . Do not use an o utlet protec ted with a res idual curre nt device (RCD) or gro und fault circu it interrup ter (GFCI). The fence sy stem will fun ction prop erly, but in rare ca ses, nearb y lightning s trikes may caus e the RCD or GFCI to t rip. Withou t system pow er, your pet may es cape. You will have to r eset the RCD o r GFCI to restore power to the system.
Wireles s Fence to confin e your pet. Radi o Systems Corp oration sha ll
+1 (866) 381-27852
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