Premier Floors User Manual

Suggested guidelines for the preparation and installation of Premier Structural Insulated Panels
Stronger. Straighter. greener.
Premier Building System’s SIPs Installation Guide has been divided into convenient sections covering most aspects of PBS SIPs installation. Designed for carpenters, framers, contractors and do-it-yourselfers, the instructions and detailed illustrations will give you the basics of building with PBS SIPs at just a glance.
Premier’s SIPs installation techniques are based on Premier Building Systems’ continuing program of independent, third-party testing and more than 30 years of fabrication, installation, and innovation.
If you have questions about anything covered in this installation guide, please call us and ask to speak with a technical representative. A listing of Premier’s office phone numbers appears in the back of this guide.
Stronger. Straighter. greener.
Table of Contents
PBS SIPs Tips .......................................... 4
Storage & Handling ..................................6
Checklist of Tools ..................................... 7
Spline Connection ....................................8
Lumber Connection ..................................9
I-Joist Connection.... ............................... 10
Panel Basics – Assembly ........................ 11
Fasteners .............................................12
Field Fabrication .................................... 12
Fabrication Rake/Gable Walls .................14
Floors .................................................... 15
Sill Plates .............................................. 18
Walls .....................................................20
Headers ................................................24
Intermediate Floors ................................26
Roofs ....................................................28
Insul-lam ............................................... 32
Electrical ...............................................33
Plumbing ............................................... 35
Shearwalls .............................................36
R-Values ................................................ 37
Load Values ..........................................38
• Project must meet local code.
• Confirm your installation date at least two
weeks prior to requesting on-site assistance.
• Schedule a preconstruction meeting with your installation crew (concrete, plumbing, electrical, siding, roofing, etc.).
• Inventory materials when you receive them.
• Check all SIPs for proper cuts and recesses.
• Double check SIPs sizes and compare to
shop drawings before installation.
• Engineered details take prescedence over PBS details.
• PBS details regarding mastic and SIPs tape need to be followed.
• Any changes required at the job site should be communicated with the technical representative.
• Make sure your foundation or floor is level and square.
• Fabricate and pre-install dimensional or I-joist spline material as specified.
• Review engineering for hold downs if applicable.
• Make sure to drill the top and bottom plates for the vertical electrical chases in the wall panels.
• Do not put plumbing inside SIPs.
• Do not cut the skins (OSB) for extra
electrical chases or plumbing.
• Do not pick up the SIPs by the edge of the top skin.
• Remove debris from sill plate before you place the SIP wall panel on it.
• Use mastic on all connections as shown in the PBS details.
• Make sure that both of the wall SIPs skins are bearing on the floor.
• Follow proper nailing requirements according to details and job specific engineering.
• Plumb each SIP in each direction, then secure with nails.
• Fill all voids with expanding foam.
• Do not apply interior or exterior materials
over wet SIPs.
Storage & Handling
Your panels will usually arrive on a flatbed truck. Depending on the site, panels should be off-loaded to a clean, flat area with sufficient maneuvering room. (A fork-lift will speed the off-load process.)
Panels do not come in any particular order. This allows for minimized shipping costs by taking full advantage of the space available on the truck. It is advisable to sort the panels as you off load them. This process will require room to shift and stack the panels accordingly.
Sort and stack all of the panels by panel ID number and move them as close to their final location as possible. Place at least three stickers a maximum of 4’ on center (o.c.) under the panel stacks to ensure that the panels remain flat. The stickers should be a minimum of 3 ½” wide.
Inventory the panels as you off-load them. If one is missing or damaged call PBS immediately. We will work to correct the problem as soon as possible.
Remember, you are working with a wood product that may swell after prolonged exposure to moisture. Keep all panels and accessories protected from the elements prior to installation. If splines swell, installation may be hampered.
Checklist of Tools
One or two 29 oz. caulking guns
Hand saw
Pry bars
Sledge hammers
Mineral spirits
String line
Lifting eyebolts
Lifting plates
Framers square
Loose 8d and 16d sinker nails
Dunnage for supporting panels
Expanding foam
Fall arrest gear for roofs (if applicable)
Chalk line
Levels (4’ or longer)
Two 5’–6’ 3/4” bar clamps
Paint scrapers
Ladders—step & extension
Come-along with 2” trucking ratchet straps or
A device similar to Jimmy’s Strapjack Panel
Puller for pulling panels together
1/2” drill motor for 1 1/2” diameter
electrical chase holes
1 1/2” x 12” auger bit
1 or 2 3/8” drill motors
Chain saw with 14”–16” bar and chain saw
guide for site fabrication
One or two circular saws
Power planer
Foam Scoop and/or Avalon hot knife
Bits for panel screws
Nail gun or 1/2” crown staple gun
Reciprocating saw
Spline Connection
Depending on the load requirements and application, Premier Panels are joined together in one of three fashions: Premier spline (Type ‘S’ panel), lumber spline (double 2x or 3x, Type ‘L’ panel) or engineered I-joists (Type ‘l’ panel).
Premier splines – This is the most common connection between Premier Panels. Splines should be cut flush or slightly short (about 1/16”) of the foam in the panel ends. Parallel 3/16” beads of Premier Mastic are placed approximately 1/4” from each of the spline edges and along the foam-to-foam edges. Premier Mastic is used on all wood-to-wood, wood-to-foam, and foam-to-foam interfaces. Once panels are in place, the splines are nailed with 8d nails 6” o.c. or according to your shop drawing nail pattern.
Lumber Connection
Lumber spline PBS panels are designed to accept kiln dried lumber set into a standard 1 1/2” recess along the bottom, top, corners and window openings of the panels. Simply cut the plates to length, apply a 3/8” bead of Premier Mastic between plys of the dimensional spline and nail dimensional splines together. Apply a 3/8” bead of Premier Mastic along the sides and center of the recess, set the lumber into the recesses and nail off through the skins with 8d nails 6” o.c. or according to your shop drawings. The lumber should remain flush with the edges of OSB. If your lumber has swelled, it may be necessary to chamfer and trim the piece so it will fit properly. Always dry fit the dimensional lumber before applying Premier Mastic.
I-Joist Connection
I-Joists – These are mainly used in roof and floor connections. Premier Mastic is applied to the outer edges of the flanges prior to placement in the panel recess. Expanding foam is applied on both sides of the web to ensure a proper seal with the panel.
Panel Basics – Assembly
When assembling wall panels, whenever possible, use a scissor-like motion to place the panels. To do this, push the bottom corner so that the skins touch. While holding the top of the panel out about 24” brace your foot on the bottom of the panel, then push the top into place. Be sure to watch your fingers. If you have difficulty getting the panels together, use either trucking straps, bar clamps or dunnage and a sledge hammer with enough force to bring the panels together. Jimmy’s Strapjack Panel Puller can also be used to pull the panels together.
Typically, an 8d nail 6” (o.c.) is used to connect panels to top and bottom plates at spline connections and for dimensional plating. Staples are permitted, provided they meet the following criteria: Minimum length =
1.5” 14 gauge @ 6” o.c., 16 gauge @ 4” o.c.
Field Fabrication
Field fabrication will be necessary on the site if you ordered stock panels. Even on factory fabricated panels, slight field modifications may be necessary to allow for panel growth or variations in the actual field dimensions. Modifications are not difficult. Common construction tools will suffice for most projects with the only additional recommended tool being a foam scoop/hot knife (available for purchase) for quick and easy recessing of the foam core.
When performing field modifications to panels, wait to make measurements and modifications until the previous panel has been placed into its final position. When cutting wall panels, make sure you have the correct panel, and that it is PROPERLY ORIENTED (horizontal electrical chases are at the bottom of the panel). Remember to take an extra 1/8” off the desired dimension. We recommend using a pencil to mark your lines on the panel skin, as chalk lines tend to blow off when the saw blade approaches.
Metal straight edges can be helpful. For fast, accurate cuts that are close to a panel edge, use ripping guides for circular saws.
If you are using a circular saw, lay out one face and then square it across the panel skins to transfer your mark to the opposite skin before making your cut. Use the maximum depth of cut setting on your saw and make a nice straight cut. Flip the panel over to layout that side and make a similar cut.
The remaining foam between the panel skins can be cut using a reciprocating saw, or hand saw. When using a reciprocating saw use a dull blade, it will follow the kerf cut in the panel, cutting the foam without slicing the wood.
Scrape off any excess foam between the skins with a metal straight edge such as a speed square. Adjust your foam cutter to the depth of the installed member. (Foam cutters will melt foam back further than the setting, which is just about the right tolerance to get the framing member into the panel.) After your foam is “scooped” out, clean the leftover foam along the sides by placing the foam cutter parallel with the skin. (The depth gauge can rest on the panel edge.) Use a paint scraper or speed square to take off any excess foam that may inhibit lumber placement. Use Premier Mastic as required and follow the appropriate details outlined in this manual or the PBS detail section of our website at:
Field Fabrication Rake/Gable Walls
Rake/Gable Walls – are easily calculated and
laid out on the panels. First, establish the short side dimension. Next, mark this measurement on both edges. Draw a line horizontally across the panel. The rise across the panel will be determined by your roof pitch. If your panel is 4’ wide, multiply the roof pitch by 4’ to get your rise (in inches) on the other side of the panel.
For example, a 6:12 pitch will gain 24” (4’ x 6” = 24”). An 8:12 pitch has a rise of 32” (4’ x 8” = 32”) and so on. Again, square across the panel skins prior to making your cut. (Flipping the panel is easier if you layout and cut your panels on a sawhorse.) Recess the foam to the appropriate depth.
Use the long point of one panel to establish the short point of the next adjoining panel. Add a small amount to this measurement to allow for the required 1/8” gap as determined by the roof pitch factor. Continue on to the ridge or highest point. After all rake walls are erected, small adjustments can be made to make the plane of the rake flat: either plane off the high spots on the rake panel skins and re-cut the foam, or just raise the plate slightly to get a straight line along the rake/gable.
Recesses can be melted out of the foam when the foam cutter is placed perpendicular to the skin and the depth gauge is set to 1-1/2”. Make sure to blow out the loose foam with an air nozzle or scrape the recess out before installing splines.
Before placing panels, pre-assemble the dimensional lumber, or I-joists, and install them into the edge recesses along the leading edge of the panel. Use 5’ bar clamps (if necessary) to help pull twisted lumber flush to the panel edges. Nail both sides of the panel 6” o.c.
Premier splines can be installed as you set each floor panel. They should be placed on the trailing edge of the installed panel. The Premier splines should be placed into the recesses as the panels are being installed. Apply Premier Mastic as described in the connection section.
Use only one nail into each 4’ spline to hold it in place. Do not nail off the spline until the next panel is in place. Refer back to the connections section for proper mastic placement.
Before placing the panels on the floor support beams, tack a dry-line spaced 1/2”–3/4” out from the entire length of the support beam. Use temporary bracing to help hold these beams in place. When setting the panels, make sure the beam stays straight by checking your string line.
Start by placing your first panel on a corner. Use Premier Panel Screws as shown on the shop drawings or described by the engineer of record, to attach the first panel to the supporting beams. Do not tighten the screws on the edges of the panels until your rim board is in place. Also, leave the last two screws on the leading edge loose until you have set your next panel. Once the next panel is in place, screw the previous one tight and repeat the process. Install blocking for point loads per engineered plans as shown above to the right.
PANEL TIP > Stagger your panel placement with two panels on one side of the beam, four panels on the other side, and four back on the first side of the beam. This will help your beam stay straight.
Assemble floor panels using a scissor action. Use the truck ratchet straps or a device like the Jimmy’s Strapjack Panel Puller to help pull panels together as needed, you can also try using blocks of wood and a sledgehammer.
After all the panels are in place, install the rims using Premier Mastic. Refer to PBS details for the location of the sealant on the rim. Check for proper Panel Screw placement and spacing. Tighten all screws. Make sure to nail off the tops and bottoms of all the floor panel connections as well as the entire perimeter of the floor panels.
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