Modbus gateway
Installation and
connection guide
No. 4801V100 - UK
PR electronics A/S tilbyder et bredt program af analoge og digitale
signalbehandlingsmoduler til industriel automation. Programmet
består af Isolatorer, Displays, Ex-barrierer, Temperaturtransmittere,
Universaltransmittere mfl. Vi har modulerne, du kan stole på i selv
barske miljøer med elektrisk støj, vibrationer og temperaturudsving,
og alle produkter opfylder de strengeste internationale standarder.
Vores motto »Signals the Best« er indbegrebet af denne filosofi – og
din garanti for kvalitet.
PR electronics A/S oers a wide range of analogue and digital
signal conditioning devices for industrial automation. The product
range includes Isolators, Displays, I.S. Interfaces, Temperature
Transmitters, and Universal Devices. You can trust our products in
the most extreme environments with electrical noise, vibrations and
temperature fluctuations, and all products comply with the most
exacting international standards. »Signals the Best« is the epitome
of our philosophy – and your guarantee for quality.
PR electronics A/S ore une large gamme de produits pour le
traite ment des signaux analogiques et numériques dans tous
les domaines industriels. La gamme de produits s’étend des
transmetteurs de température aux acheurs, des isolateurs aux
interfaces SI, jusqu’aux modules universels. Vous pouvez compter
sur nos produits même dans les conditions d’utilisation sévères,
p.ex. bruit électrique, vibrations et fluctuations de température.
Tous nos produits sont conformes aux normes internationales les
plus strictes. Notre devise »SIGNALS the BEST« c’est notre ligne
de conduite - et pour vous l’assurance de la meilleure qualité.
PR electronics A/S verfügt über ein breites Produktprogramm an
analogen und digitalen Signalverarbeitungsmodule für die industrielle Automatisierung. Dieses Programm umfasst Displays,
Temperaturtransmitter, Ex- und galvanische Signaltrenner, und
Universalgeräte. Sie können unsere Geräte auch unter extremen
Einsatzbedingungen wie elektrisches Rauschen, Erschütterungen
und Temperaturschwingungen vertrauen, und alle Produkte von
PR electronics werden in Überein stimmung mit den strengsten
internationalen Normen produziert. »Signals the Best« ist Ihre
Garantie für Qualität!
4801V100-UK 1
Setting up the 4801 gateway ......................................................................... 2
Change from point to point communication
to LAN communication ................................................................................... 8
Change LAN communication setup
back to point to point communication ..................................................... 12
4801 gateway specifications ........................................................................... 17
Modbus basics ......................................................................................................... 19
4801V100-UK 3
Setting up the 4801 gateway
A PC or MAC Computer must be used to setup the 4801 gateway.
If you are not able to maintain an internet connection -
while connected to the 4801 gateway - then you have to download a
certificate for your user ID.
A user ID can easily be created by entering www.pps.prelectronics.com
- the only requirement for doing this is to be on the internet.
Web browser requirements for your PC or MAC:
Internet Explore 9 or newer version
Firefox 22 or newer version.
Please note: Firefox must be used as web browser if you are using a PC running Windows XP.
Typical PPS setup:
4 4801 V100-UK
Setting up the 4801 gateway
Enter - www.pps.prelectronics.com
Download and install the plugin -
this by selecting: ”Download Plugin for this Browser”
When you have - downloaded the certificate to your Com-
puter, you will be directed to the ”Discovery” view page.
Press this link - to download a plugin certificate for
o-line use, which means setting up the 4801 gateway
without any internet connection.
4801V100-UK 5
24 VDC supply
Setting up the 4801 gateway
Save pre://self/discover - on your favorite list for easy future access.
Please make sure - that your Computer IP settings are set to dynamic.
Connect the 4801 gateway LAN2 (general configuration port)
- directly to your Computer by using a standard Ethernet cable.
It may take some minutes - before the connection is established.
6 4801 V100-UK
Setting up the 4801 gateway
Select the 4801 gateway - from the local device list.
The 4801 gateway seriel number is a part of the device name.
Log in with your user ID - if you do not yet have a user ID, you
have to create one by going to www.pps.prelectronics.com.
Press “Refresh” - to update the list with local found devices.