PQI USB Flash Drive Specifications

Flash Memory Card / USB Fla sh Drive / Intellige nt Stick / MultiMedi a / DRAM Module / DOM
Flash Memory Card USB Fl ash Drive Intell igent Stick / MultiM edia / DR AM Module / DOM
Built in ret racta ble connector
PC/ MAC compatible
Sup eri or pa te nte d interface
USB Flash
ReadǺ Up to 13MB/sec
85 x 54 x 3 mm
22.8±2 g
USB Notebook Professional
Transfer Rat e
Dimensio ns
Card Drive U510
Card Drive U510
PQI Card Drive U510 offers never seen before capaciti es in USB Flash Drives (32GB max.) and its se curity f unctions offer o n-the-go users a peace of mi nd. Uti lizing P QI's own patente d Inte lligent Sti ck te chnolog y (c ompatib le w ith U SB 2 .0 / 1.1), U51 0 is 3mm thin thro ughout. Weighi ng in at 2 0~25 gr ams on ly, i t cons umes mi nimum p ower, is shock and vibration proof. Protec ted by secu rity softwa re, it ensu res your dat a is safe a t all times .
1GB~16 GB
Read : Up to 25MB/ sec
Write : Up to 17MB /sec
85 x 5 4 x 3 mm
22.8±2 g
USB No tebook Profe ssional
Transfer Rate
Card Drive U510 Pro
Card Drive Series
Flash Memory Card / USB Fla sh Drive / Intellige nt Stick / MultiMedi a / DRAM Module / DOM
Flash Memory Card USB Fl ash Drive Intell igent Stick / MultiM edia / DR AM Module / DOM
Flash Memory Card / USB Fla sh Drive / Intellige nt Stick / MultiMedi a / DRAM Module / DOM
ReadΚUp to 13MB/sec
85 x 54 x 3.4 mm
10.5±1 g
My Drive (Download from Website)
Transfer Rat e
Dimensio ns
Card Drive U505 Series
ReadǺ Up to 13MB/sec
85 x 54 x 3 mm
22.8±2 g
USB Notebook Professional
Transfer Rat e
Dimensio ns
Card Drive U510 (Soccer Ball)
ReadǺ Up to 13MB/sec
85 x 54 x 3 mm
22.8±2 g
USB Notebook Professional
Transfer Rat e
Dimensio ns
Card Drive U510 (New Year)
ReadǺ Up to 13MB/Sec
85 x 54 x 3 mm
22.8±2 g
USB Notebook Professional
Transfer Rat e
Dimensio ns
Card Drive U510 (Chu Teh-Chun)
Card Drive U505
Card Dri ve U 505, a ne w ad dition to the highl y su ccessfu l Ca rd D rive series con tinues the awar d win ning ways with credit card dim ensions , sim ple a nd e legant desig n wit h a flexi ble connec tor head . Thanks to i ts inte rnal des ign, its thinne st porti on is at 3mm and 3.4mm i s its thicke st. It is shoc k proof and th e connec tor head utilizes PQI’s own pate nted Int elligent Stick Interf ace that i s compatibl e with USB 2.0 speci fications. Its credit card dimen sions makes it the ideal storage sol ution offeri ng capacity and conven ient storag e.
Car d D rive U505 Eff ectiv e b ut s imple ap plica tion soft ware are in clude d wi th every U50 5 purcha sed, it inc ludes passw ord protect ion, PC Lock functions and My Favo rites.
Fl i p ( p o p - o u t ) connector design
USB 2.0 Compatible
3.4mm thin
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