Approval Sheet
Product : U265
Part Number: 6265-XXXXRXXXX
Description : U265
Release Date : 2010.06.14
Customer :
Customer approve:
Prepared by
LEVEL Person
DSP10003 Rev. A.0
June 2010
Approval Sheet
1、 此交貨規格書,請簽名或蓋章承認後,將正本寄回本公司。
2、 此交貨規格書若需變更內容,請與本公司協議後標示變更處後送回,本公司將發行更正版供簽署
3、 若待承認產品使用於非本公司先前同意之用途及條件時,請先通知我方對應窗口。
4、 本公司努力提升產品品質及可靠度,惟半導體產品有其故障發生之或然率,因此本公司半導體產
5、 此產品為一般半導體應用製品、電化產品(個人電腦、一般事務性機器、測量機器、一般家電等)
6、 此交貨規格書說明承認產品之規格、使用、內容等各項資訊,惟對於任何第三人之智慧財產權,
7、 本產品不得使用在與國內外法令、規則及命令禁止使用及販賣的產品上。
8、 對於因購買、使用或無法操作本產品所造成之損害、費用或財產、利潤喪失及其他不論偶發的、
1、 Please sign-off or stamp with company-seal on the Delivery Specification and return the original copy back to PQI.
2、 To change Delivery Specification contents or descriptions must be negotiated with PQI in advance. Any changes
made will be result in the issuing of a revised version to be signed-off or stamp with company-seal.
3、 Products that are not in agreement of prior conditions or purposes, please notify your PQI contact window in
4、 PQI strives to provide quality products and excellent reliability but nevertheless, malfunction is a nature of
semi-conductor. Therefore, in addition to product quality, all designs are aimed to provide protection from causing
personal harm, fire, endangering the public, etc.
5、 This is a general semi-conductor / electronic product (personal computer, general purpose stationary goods,
quantitative machine, general household electronics, etc.). Therefore, its intended purposes is not for use when it
is damaged or incorrectly operated (human error) which may result in bodily harm (eg. intended use not for medical
equipments, nuclear, aviation and transportation controllers). PQI shall not be held liable if the product is used
coincide with machineries described not for intended use.
6、 The “Delivery Notice” states product specifications, instruction manual, etc. PQI does not guarantee the violation of
third party intellectual property rights.
7、 This product is not to be use or sold in overseas countries where legislations states such products may be banned
or restricted.
8、 PQI shall not be held liable for any damages, expenses, loss of profit as a result from the purchase, use or
incorrect operation, whether it may be accidental or consequential. PQI’s guarantee only extends to the repair,
exchange or refund of the purchased product.
DSP10003 Rev. A.0 June 2010
DSP10003 Rev. A.0 June 2010