Dr.UFD 只支援修復假性故障,我們不保證能夠修復所有的旅行碟問題,如
果您的旅行碟無法透過 Dr.UFD修復,請聯絡PQI的客服中心。
Dr.UFD only can fix spurious bad block error; we do not promise Dr.UFD
can fix all UFD issues. If you want to use this software to repair UFD
device, please make sure you have rights. (Only for Administrator mode.)
If you can not fix your USB device through Dr.UFD, please contact PQI
Support Center. Thanks.
The formatting speed depends on your system environment and device
Dr.UFD Quick Start Guide
(There are different pages for different Models.)
Start up animation
1. 請確認磁碟中檔案已經備份.
2. Dr.UFD執行復原後內建軟體將無法
面,請按下 OK 鍵繼續。
1. Please backup your USB device
data first.
2. After executed Dr.UFD you will
lose your all data and some
specific software can’t use any
After start up animation, you will see
the user authorize agreement page,
please press OK then continue.