User Registration .......................................................................................................................................... 6
Service & Warranty ....................................................................................................................................... 7
Contact Information ....................................................................................................................................... 7
Unpacking and Storage of Your Equipment.................................................................................................. 7
System Power ............................................................................................................................................. 11
Getting Familiar with the WMA-5 ................................................................................................................ 12
Status Box ............................................................................................................................................ 12
Gas Ports ................................................................................................................................................. 13
Water Trap ............................................................................................................................................... 13
Absorber Column and CO2 Scrubber ...................................................................................................... 15
Data Port.................................................................................................................................................. 15
Routine System Checks .............................................................................................................................. 16
General Screen Info .................................................................................................................................... 18
Data Entry Screen ................................................................................................................................... 18
Main Menu................................................................................................................................................... 23
Settings 1 Menu ....................................................................................................................................... 24
Zero Settings ........................................................................................................................................ 24
CO2 Units Settings ............................................................................................................................... 28
Settings 2 Menu ....................................................................................................................................... 29
Analog Settings .................................................................................................................................... 29
Settings 3 Menu ....................................................................................................................................... 31
Settings 4 Menu ....................................................................................................................................... 35
Set Clock Settings ................................................................................................................................ 35
CO2 Calibration ........................................................................................................................................ 37
Voltage Diagnostics ................................................................................................................................. 44
WMA-5 Operation Manual V. 1.01 3
Information Menu ........................................................................................................................................ 45
About ....................................................................................................................................................... 45
USB Memory Stick .................................................................................................................................. 47
Digital Connection Methods..................................................................................................................... 48
USB ...................................................................................................................................................... 48
Absorber Column and CO2 Scrubber ...................................................................................................... 68
Soda Lime ............................................................................................................................................ 68
End Cap “O” Rings ............................................................................................................................... 69
Water Trap ............................................................................................................................................... 70
WMA-5 Operation Manual V. 1.01 5
Thank you very much for purchasing our WMA-5 CO2 Gas Analyzer. We greatly appreciate your
business and we look forward to working with you and your team for many years to come.
This manual and the information contained within are copyrighted to PP Systems. No part of the
manual may be copied, stored, transmitted or reproduced in any way or by any means including,
but not limited to, photocopying, photography, magnetic or other mechanical or electronic means,
without the prior written consent of PP Systems, Inc.
For applications where failure of this equipment to function correctly would lead to consequenti al damage,
the equipment must be checked for correct operation and calibration at intervals appropriate to the
circumstances. The PP Systems' equipment warranty is limited to replacement of defective components,
and does not cover injury to persons or property or other consequential damage.
This manual is provided to help you install and operate the equipment. Every effort has been made to
ensure that the information it contains is accurate and complete. PP Systems does not accept any
liability for losses or damages resulting from the use of this information.
It is the operator’s responsibility to review this information prior to installation and operation of the
equipment. Otherwise, damage may be caused which is not covered under our normal warranty policy.
User Registration
It is very important that ALL new customers register themselves with us to ensure that our user’s list is
kept up-to-date. If you are a PP Systems’ user, please go to
Registration in the upper left hand corner.
Only REGISTERED users will be allowed access to the protected “Users” section of our web site. This
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Thank you in advance for your cooperation.
and click on Customer
WMA-5 Operation Manual V. 1.01 6
Service & Warranty
PP Systems' equipment warranty is limited to replacement of defective components, and does not cover
injury to persons or property or other consequential damage.
The equipment is covered under warranty for one complete year, parts and labor included. This, of
course, is provided that the equipment is properly installed, operated and maintained in accordance with
written instructions (i.e. Operator's Guide).
The warranty excludes all defects in equipment caused by incorrect installa tion, o p eration or
maintenance, misuse, alteration, and/or accident.
If for some reason, a fault is covered under warranty, it is the responsibility of the customer to return the
goods to PP Systems or an authorized agent for repair or replacement of the defective part(s).
Prior to returning equipment to PP Systems for service, you must first get in contact with our Service
Manager (
) to request a case number for reference and tracking purposes.
Contact Information
PP Systems, Inc.
110 Haverhill Rd, Suite 301
Amesbury, MA 01913 USA
Tel: 978-834-0505 Fax: 978-834-0545
Unpacking and Storage of Your Equipment
It is extremely important that you check the contents of your equipment immediately upon receipt to
ensure that your order is complete and that it has arrived safely. Please refer to packing list to show all
items that are included with your order. DO NOT DISCARD ANY OF THE PACKAGING MATERIAL
THE ORIGINAL PACKING FOR FUTURE USE. If you suspect that any of the items listed on the packing
list are not included or damaged, you must contact PP Systems or your authorized distributor
WMA-5 Operation Manual V. 1.01 7
Technical Specifica tion
Analysis Method
Non-dispersive infrared, configured as an absolute absorptiometer with
microprocessor control of linearization
CO2 Measurement
0-1000 ppm (µmol mol-1)
Readings are automatically corrected for temperature and pressure.
< 1% of span concentration over the calibrated range but limited by the
accuracy of the calibration mixture.
< 1% throughout the range
Auto-zero at regular intervals corrects for sample cell contamination,
source and detector ageing and changes in electronics.
Warm-up Time
Approximately 15 minutes
Sampling Rate
10 Hz. Sample data is averaged and output ever y 1.0 seconds.
Sampling Pump
Integral, long life 12V air sampling pump
Gas Flow Rate
200-500 cc/min (280-340 cc/min is optimal). An internal, electronic flow
sensor monitors flow rate.
Terminal Block
System power, analog, digital and current (4-20mA) outputs and sensor
inputs are available from the 22 pin terminal block
Analog Output
0-2.5V (CO2 range selectable) and 4-20mA
Digital Output
RS232 and USB
Air Filter & Water Trap
An external water trap and internal hydrophobic filter are used to protect
analyzer from water.
Visual and audible alarm/war nings. 2 relay contacts (Alarm1 and Alarm2)
CO2 Control
High and low user set points
Data Storage (USB)
USB Flash Drive for data storage in multiple formats.
2.7” electronic paper touch display with 264 x 176 pixel resolution
PP Systems is continuously updating its products and reserves the right to amend product
specifications without notice. All brand names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their
WMA-5 Operation Manual V. 1.01 8
Summary of System Design
Overview and Theory
The WMA-5 is designed to function as a self-contained instrument for continuous measurement of CO2 in
air. Its open-path design allows for continuous, unattended air sampling, as the pump introduces fresh
sample gas to the essential component, the IRGA (infrared gas analyzer).
The IRGA forms the core of gas analysis systems that measure CO
refers to the transmission of a broad-band inf ra-red wavelength from the IRGA source lamps. A single
IRGA consists of four basic components:
. Non-dispersive infra-red (NDIR)
• Infra-red source
• Sample cell of known path length and volume
• Optical interference filter
• Infra-red detector
The theory itself is quite simple – light from mid-infra-red wavelengths is produced by the source and
pulsed through a gold plated cell. The interference filter narrows the bandwidth of the IR source received
by the detector to the signature wavelength absorbed by the target gas molecule, e.g. CO
employs a unique optical filter. As the sample gas fills the cell, the target gas molecule absorbs IR
energy at the particular wavelength, and the reduction in IR energy reaching the detector is measured.
The higher the target gas concentration, the lower the infra-red signal received at the detector, as defined
by the Lambert-Beer Law of Attenuation.
. The CO2 cell
molecules have a discrete absorption band at 4.26 µm that has very little overlap with any other
molecule’s absorption band, so that wavelength provides good sensitivity and selectivity. The WMA-5
electronics could be considered another major component, which processes raw analog-to-digital (A/D)
information from the IRGA detector, accurately translating this information into gas concentrations.
WMA-5 Operation Manual V. 1.01 9
The WMA-5 detector is optimized
for this CO2 waveband (4.26 µm)
The gas sample is of course a mixture of gas molecules, and this can present problems in terms of
accurate detection of concentrations of a specific gas, such carbon dioxide. This effect, foreign gas broadening (FGB), must be corrected to ensure accurate measurement of gas concentrations. With FGB,
the CO
This effect is about 0.1 µmol mol
in infra-red absorption, which is detected as an apparent increase in [CO
gas in the IRGA cell is somewhat diluted by the increased air volume induced by water vapor.
CO2 mb-1 H2O. The presence of water vapor also causes an increase
]. This is of a similar magnitude,
but opposite to the dilution effect, and the WMA-5 automatically corrects these FGB effects.
The WMA-5 IRGAs are quite stable owing to their construction, calibration and thermal environment, but
various circumstances can cause apparent changes over time. Some changes may require recalibration,
although one of the strengths of the WMA-5 is that recalibration is not a routine (annual) maintenance
task as a result of our innovative “Auto-Zero” function. Our Auto-Zero function corrects for nearly all
changes that result in calibration drifts. It minimizes effects on span (gas sensitivity), of sample cell
contamination, lamp ageing, changes in detector sensitivity, amplifier gains and reference voltages.
Measurements are ratioed to the Zero reading before IR absorbance is determined. From the
relationship between absorbance and concentration determined in the factory for each instrument, and
the current calibration factor, the sample concentration is determined.
WMA-5 Operation Manual V. 1.01 10
Optional Sensors for use with WMA-5
O2 Sensor
An optional electrochemical O2 sensor can be used with the WMA-5 for measurement of oxygen in
addition to CO
• Range: 0-100%
• Response Time: ≤ 15 seconds at 23 ± 2
• Linearity: ± 1.0% of full scale
The O
to sample the incoming gas stream. Recalibration should not be necessary and based on our experience
with this sensor it should have a working life of approximately 4-5 years.
sensor is mounted into a manifold located inside the terminal block enclosure and is fitted in-line
H2O Sensor
An optional solid state H2O sensor can be used with the WMA-5 for measurement of H2O in addition to
• Range: 0-Dewpoint (mb)
• Accuracy: < 2% RH
The humidity sensor is mounted into a manifold located inside the terminal block enclosure and is fitted
in-line to sample the incoming gas stream. Readings are displayed and recorded in absolute vapor
pressure (mb). Recalibration of this sensor is not necessary.
Mechanical Specifications & Mounting
The WMA-5 is very easy to mount. The rear of the enclosure has convenient markings showing where to
place mounting screws. All dimensions are in centimeters (cm).
System Power
The WMA-5 is supplied with its own power supply to allow operation from local mains power. The
specification of the power supply is as follows:
The WMA-5 can be powered by 12V if required via direct connection to the terminal block. It requires a
12V DC input at 1.5A. Connect the positive to +12V and the negative to GND. The terminal block is
clearly marked for ease of connection.
WMA-5 Operation Manual V. 1.01 11
Getting Familiar with the WMA-5
Gas Inlet
Latch to open
Terminal Block Enclosure
Data Port
Gas Outlet
Status Box
Water Trap
Column (CO
Power Status (♥) Touch Display USB Flash Memory Port
clear cover to
access display,
absorber and
USB port.
Touch Display
The WMA-5 features a 2.7” a-Si, active matrix TFT, Electronic Paper Display (EPD) touch panel. The
panel has such high resolution (117 dpi) that it is able to easily display fine patterns. Due to its bi-stable
nature, the EPD panel requires very little po wer to update and nee ds no power to m aintain an im age.
• a-Si TFT active matrix Electronic Paper Display(EPD)
• Resolution: 264 x 176 pixel
• Ultra low power consum ption
• Super Wide Viewing Angle - near 180°
• Extra thin & light
• SPI interfac e
• RoHS compliant
Status Box
All messages and warnings are displayed in the Status Box which is located in the bottom left hand
corner of the display. A flashing ♥ (Heart) symbol in the upper left hand corner of the display indicates that
the system is powered on.
WMA-5 Operation Manual V. 1.01 12
Gas Ports
There are two gas ports (barb fittings) on the WMA-5. The gas inlet is located on the water trap and the
gas outlet is located on the bottom of the WMA-5 enclosure. Each port is designed for use with 1/8”
(.125) ID tubing. The sampling line should be fitted to the gas inlet port using 1/8” tubing. The gas outlet
should be left open to atmosphere to allow the sample air to exhaust without restriction.
Water Trap
The water trap (also referred to as a “Float Valve Housing”) is an essential filtration tool when gas is being
drawn to the CO
How the Water Trap Works
As liquid is collected in the bowl the level starts to rise, gas becomes trapped in the open-end of the float
and it too starts to rise. The entire float assembly then begins to move upwards and eventually closes the
valve and shuts of the flow to the analyzer. This loss of flow is then detected by the WMA-5 mass flow
controller ensuring flow is cut-off to the analyzer. An error message is also displayed in the Status Box.
analyzer preventing the carry-over of water from getting into the system.
Terminal Block
A terminal block is located inside the small rectangular enclosure below the main enclosure for simple
and convenient connection to external devices (i.e. power, RS232, power, microprocessors, etc.). To
access the terminal block, remove the two screws on either side of the enclosure to remove the cover.
We recommend that the terminal block cover is always fitted and secured in place during operation.
WMA-5 Operation Manual V. 1.01 13
Recommended Cable Interface
WMA-5 Terminal Block
Shielded cable to external relays or Programmable Logic Controller
Typical cable Belden 9609 4C 24 Shielded. Length 10 Ft Maximum.
Shielded cable to Data Logger or Programmable Logic Controller
Typical cable Belden 8413 2C 24 Shielded. Length 5 Ft Maximum.
Alarm 1
Alarm 1
Alarm 2
Alarm 2
TX RS232
RX RS232
Supply 4-20
Iout 4-20
5V out
AUX1 in
Shielded cable to PC or Data Logger
Typical cable Belden 9609 4C 24 Shielded. Length 10 Ft Maximum
Shielded cable to Data Logger
Typical cable Belden 8413 2C 24 Shielded. Length 10 Ft Maximum.
Shielded cable to sensor of manual zero switch
Typical cable Belden 9609 4C 24 Shielded. Length 5 Ft Maximum.
When connecting up to external devices via the WMA-5 terminal block we recommend the following cable
type and lengths.
WMA-5 Operation Manual V. 1.01 14
USB Memory Stick Port
A USB Memory Stick Port is available on the front panel to allow users to save data directly to a USB
flash drive (also commonly referred to as a “thumb drive” or “memory stick”). When a USB flash drive is
inserted into the USB Memory Stick port, the LED indicator will first turn red in recognition of the flash
drive and then it will flash green indicating that it is available to save data to it.
Flow Adjustment
The WMA-5 features an internal electronic flow sensor for measuring the flow. It is factory calibrated by
the manufacturer and should remain within the accuracy tolerance for life. Flow rate is adjustable by
changing the Pump Power percent in the Flow settings in the touch display.
Flow Range: 200-500 cc/min
We recommend a flow rate of 280-340 cc/min for optimal performance.
Important Note
If the WMA-5 is reading low CO2, chances are that there is no flow through the analyzer. Check the water
trap to make sure that it is not filled with water.
Absorber Column and CO2 Scrubber
The absorber column contains a CO2 scrubbing desiccant commonly referred to as Soda Lime. When air
passes through this column, it removes all of the CO
into the WMA-5 periodically switches the flow of gas from the analyzer through this column to check the
analyzer zero. This routine ensures long term stability and accuracy of the CO
corrects for such things as sample cell contamination, source aging, detector sensitivity and changes in
from the air stream. The “Auto-Zero” facility built
analyzer. It automatically
Soda Lime (CO
Soda lime (Sodium Hydroxide) is used to remove CO
(white to violet) and non-indic at ing So da Lime can be can be used with the WMA-5. Refer to Soda Lime
on page 68 for maintenance and replacement information.
from air entering the WMA-5. Both self-indicting
Data Port
The Data Port line can be connected to the COM port of a PC that is running a terminal emulation
program (i.e. Hyperterminal). Measure data is continuously sent through this port.
WMA-5 Operation Manual V. 1.01 15
Routine System Checks
The WMA-5 is designed to monitor CO2 24/7 and should require minimal maintenance. The routine
system checks are as follows:
Flashing Heart (♥) – Make sure that the heart symbol is flashing in the upper left hand corner.
Water Trap – Periodically inspect for water build-up and empty as required.
Status Box – Inspect periodically for error messages/warnings.
Absorber Column
• Make sure absorber column is seated properly in its manifold.
• Soda lime is fresh to ensure that the unit receives a good Zero to maintain calibration and
stability. If you have any doubt about the freshness of the soda lime you should replace it.
•All “O” rings are lubricated with silicone grease to ensure good seal and to avoid problems
associated with breaking or cracking.
•Inspect gray foam filters and replace if worn or reduced in size.
Touch Display Overview
The flowchart below describes an overview of the touch display for the WMA-5. When the instrument is
first powered up, there is a brief period where the Splash screen is shown. After this time, the instrument
goes into the warm-up period which is appr oximately 10-15 minutes and the Measure screen is displayed.
During and after the warm-up period, the user has the ability to navigate through the menus as shown in
the flowchart below. The following sections describe each screen and its functionality.
WMA-5 Operation Manual V. 1.01 16
Main Menu
Settings 1
Settings 2
Settings 3
Settings 4
Reset Abs
Alarm Sound
CO2 Unit
Host Port
Reset WiFi
Set Clock
Touch Cal
Splash Screen
Variables 1
Variables 2
Display Screen
WMA-5 Operation Manual V. 1.01 17
Splash Screen
3 4 5
When the instrument is first powered up, the Splash screen is displayed momentarily, and then the
Measure screen is displayed.
General Screen Info
New screens are displayed by the user selecting either the lower left or the lower right buttons. Generally
speaking, the left button brings you back to the previous screen and the right button to the next available
Data Entry Screen
The Data Entry Screen is used to enter new num eric al values. The sc reen is displ a yed whene ver a ne w
value is required.
1. The name of the parameter.
WMA-5 Operation Manual V. 1.01 18
2. The units associated with the parameter.
1 3 4
3. The acceptable range of values.
4. The value being entered.
5. The OK button selects the entered value. If the entered value is out of range, it is set to the
minimum or maximum value. It then returns to the previous screen.
6. The Cancel button returns to previous screen without changing the initial value.
Measurement Mode
The Measurement Mode is comprised of four screens; Measure screen, Variables 1 screen, Variables 2
screen, and the Graphic Display screen. Each screen allows the user to view the WMA-5 data in various
ways. The screens can be rotated through by the user using the left and right arrow buttons. The initial
screen is the Measure screen which displays the value of CO
Second screen is the Variables 1 screen which displays the values of six variables in real time; CO
, Temperature, Flow Rate, and Pressure. The Third screen is the Variables 2 screen which displays
the values of four variables in real time; CO
screen which displays CO
, H2O or O2 concentration graphic all y over tim e.
, H2O, O2, and Aux. The forth screen is the Graphic Display
Measure Screen Info
concentration in a large bold font. The
, H2O,
Each measurement screen contains these common features.
1. There is a pulsing
2. The Record button saves data as a marked record in the USB memory stick, and also sends the
record to the host and WiFi ports.
3. The percentage value in the top right corner is the estimated percentage of Auto-zero abs or ber
column capacity remaining based on the number of zeros performed since the last time the
counter was reset by the user (See Reset Zero Absorber on page xx).
♥ icon to confirm that the WMA-5 display is actively on.
4. The ‘Z’ button is used to initiate a manual zero.
5. A status or error message can be displayed in the Status Area.
WMA-5 Operation Manual V. 1.01 19
Measure Screen
The Measure screen is displayed after the Splash screen and when the WMA-5 is powered up. For the
first 10-15 minutes, the WMA-5 goes into a warm-up period until it achieves its stable temperature of
55°C and an Auto-Zero is performed. During this time, messages are displayed in the Status Box area
that indicates that the instrument is in the warm-up stage. At the completion of the warm-up period, the
proper CO
The Main and right arrow buttons are operational during and after the warm-up period.
Warming Up
value is displayed and the Status Box is blank.
The status of ‘W 54.1’ means the WMA-5 is warming and the CO
warm-up, the CO
value is displayed as 0.
IRGA temperature is 54.1°C. During
Performing a Zero
The status of ‘Z 23’ means the WMA-5 is performing a zero. The number is how many seconds it will take
to complete the sequence. A normal zero starts at 25 seconds. During a Zero, the CO
value is displayed
as 0 as the readings are not valid during the Zero sequence.
At the completion of the warm-up and the first Zero, valid readings are displayed.
WMA-5 Operation Manual V. 1.01 20
Measure Screen
CO2 Concentration (ppm or %). You can display CO2 in ppm or as a
percentage. See CO2 Units Settings on page 28.
Main Button
The Main Menu screen is displayed when this button is selected.
Right Arrow Button
Selects the next measurement screen (Variables 1 Screen).
Variables 1 Screen
CO2 concentration reading (ppm).
H2O reading (mb), only if optional humidity sensor is installed.
O2 reading (%), only if optional O2 sensor is installed.
Inlet air temperature (C), only if optional humidity sensor is installed.
Flow rate reading (cc/min).
Absolute pressure in sample cell (mb).
Left Arrow Button
Displays the previous measurement screen, the Measure Screen.
Right Arrow Button
Displays the next measurement screen, the Variables 2 Screen.
Variables 1 Screen
The Variable 1 screen displays the values of six variables in real time; CO2, H2O, O2, Temperature, Flow
Rate, and Pressure.
WMA-5 Operation Manual V. 1.01 21
Variables 2 Screen
Variables 2 Screen
CO2 concentration reading (ppm).
H2O reading (mb), only if optional humidity sensor is installed.
O2 reading (%), only if optional O2 sensor is installed.
AUX1 input voltage (volts)
Left Arrow Button
Displays the previous measurement screen, the Variables 1 Screen.
Right Arrow Button
Displays the next measurement screen, the Graph Screen.
Graph Screen
CO2 Button
Selectable parameter to graph (0 – 100000 ppm)
H2O Button
Selectable parameter to graph (0 - 30 mb)
O2 Button
Selectable parameter to graph (0 – 100 %)
Range and units are located under the graph on left side
X-axis time; fixed value of 3 minutes.
The Variable 2 screen displays the values of four variables in real time; CO2, H2O, O2, and Aux.
Graph Screen
The Graph screen shows a real-time display of the data.
WMA-5 Operation Manual V. 1.01 22
Left Arrow Button
Goes back the previous screen (Variables 2 Screen).
Right Arrow Button
Selects the next measurement screen (Meas ure Sc r ee n).
Main Menu
Settings Button
Controls major settings of the WMA-5. There are four sub menus under
Diagnostics Button
Performs system diagnostics for troubleshooting purposes.
Calibration Button
Used to calibrate the CO2 gas analyzer, O2 Sensor, and the Touch Screen.
Info Button
To obtain version information and contact info
Back Button
Goes back to Measure screen
Main Menu
The Main Menu screen is displayed when the Main button is selected in the Measure screen. This menu
is the top level menu for all settings and user functionality of the system.
WMA-5 Operation Manual V. 1.01 23
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