Chapter 1 introduces the MCPS4080 Series of Multi Carrier Power Amplifier
(MCPA) Systems. It describes structure of this manual and introduces the different
MCPS4080 Series amplifiers.
1.1 About this Manual
The following manual describes how to install, operate, and maintain the
MCPS4080 series of amplifiers. It is arranged into the following sections.
Section 1,
main features and describes how the system documentation is organized.
Section 2,
the installation and assuring proper preparation for the installation.
Section 3,
MCPS4080 amplifier system.
Section 4,
the MCPS4080 amplifier system.
Section 5,
of MCPS4080 system monitoring.
Section 6,
using the indicator LED’s and status/alarm messages. Section 6 also has
instructions for routine maintenance and for installation of new field-replaceable
modules in the MCPS4080 amplifier
Appendix A1,
other contact information.
Appendix A2,
the MCPS4080 amplifier systems, including the Connector Pin-outs and Interface
Protocols used in the front panel diagnostic port and the optional base station
alarm and control interfaces.
Appendix A3,
specifications met by the MCPS4080 amplifier systems.
Preparation and Planning
Installation Instructions
System Start-up,
System Monitoring
Troubleshooting and Maintenance
Spectrian, Inc. Company Offices
Electrical Specifications
Mechanical Specifications
, introduces the systems in the MCPS4080 family and their
, contains information helpful for planning
, describes how to properly install the
has procedures for power-up and initial check out of
presents information on basic and optional methods
, describes how to diagnose faults
, contains company locations and
, details the electrical specifications met by
, includes mechanical and environmental
Appendix A4,
operational check of the MCPS4080 amplifier system.
System Check Out
, has the procedure for a quick
MCPS4080 Operations Manual1
2001 Spectrian Corporation. All rights reserved.
Throughout this manual, notes, cautions and warnings are used with this
Note: Sub-optimal or out-of-specification performance will result from not
following the instructions presented in ‘notes’.
Caution: Follow ‘caution’ notes to avoid possible damage to equipment.
Warning: Injury to personnel, equipment fire, or other hazardous situations
will result from not properly following ‘warning’ instructions.
1.1.1 Equipment Changes
Spectrian Corporation reserves the right to make minor changes to the equipment,
including but not necessarily limited to component substitution and circuitry
changes. Modifications that impact this manual may subsequently be incorporated
in a later revision of this manual.
1.2 Safety Information
The MCPS4080 has been designed for maximum safety and reliability when it is
installed, used, and maintained in accordance with the procedures and instructions
in this manual by trained and qualified technicians. To ensure the safe and
compliant operation of the system, always follow the safety and operational
recommendations in this manual.
WARNING: The MCPS4080 produces high levels of RF radiation. Severe
radiation burns can occur if recommended safety precautions are not strictly
-- Do not operate exposed circuitry or radiating elements with personnel in close
proximity to the radiating source. Always replace covers and shields during
-- Persons with cardiac pacemakers should avoid exposure to RF radiating
-- Exposing the human eye to high levels of radio-frequency radiation may
result in the formation of cataracts.
WARNING: Do not install or operate theMCPS4080 amplifier in the presence
of flammable gases or fumes.
Each RF Module and the shelf subassembly weigh 22.7 kgs (50 lbs); when
crated for shipping an MCPS4080 system can weigh in excess of 131.5 kgs (290
lbs) and be unbalanced. To avoid injuries or damage, use care and obtain
assistance when lifting MCPS4080 components.
Always use the recommended safety equipment.
Please read and understand all instructions and warnings before handling an
MCPS4080 amplifiers may only be installed in restricted access areas (dedicated
equipment rooms, equipment closets, or the like) in accordance with Article 110-
16. 110-17, and 110-18 of the National Electrical Code, ANSI/NFPA No. 70.
2MCPS4080 Operations Manual
2001 Spectrian Corporation. All rights reserved.
1.3 Introduction to the MCPS4080 Famil y
The MCPS4080 is a modular, ultra-linear PCS-frequency amplifier system
providing up to 290 Watts (total) of output power. Designed for maximum
flexibility and reliability, the MCPS4080 can increase the range and capacity of
new or existing base stations.
Modulat i on For m a t s
The MCPS4080 can amplify any number of signal carriers using IS-136 TDMA,
IS-136HS GSM, IS-136HS EDGE, or IS-95 CDMA modulation up to the
maximum rated system output power.
The MCPS4080 family is designed for operation with 1 to 4 amplifier modules,
each providing up to 100 Watts of RF output power (exclusive of combining
Mounting Configurations
The MCPS4080 amplifier systems are available in a variety of configurations.
Mounting kits are available for installation in 23-inch, 600mm, 24-inch, or 25-inch
equipment racks. Multi-module shelves are 12 RU (21 in.) high. Single module
shelves are 3 RU (5.25 in.) high.
Peripheral Products
Spectrian offers optional products to assist in base station configuration and setup. Among these products are multi-port RF combiners, bandpass filters,
preamplifiers, and AC/DC power rectifiers. Please consult with the factory or
sales for more information on these peripheral products.
RF I nterfaces
The Spectrian MCPS4080 has a single RF input for combined input signals, and a
single RF output to the transmit filter. There is also a single module configuration
with three input connectors combined within the amplifier and a single output
Alarms and Control
The MCPS4080 system provides visual status information through front-panel
LED indicators. Status information is also transmitted via a front-panel RS-232
port using Spectrian’s optional Graphical User Interface program.
The MCPS4080 can also be optionally equipped with additional alarm and control
interfaces, including dry-contact or TTL alarm connections RS-232 or RS-422
interfaces to network operations and administration systems.
The MCPS4080 is designed to enable system maintenance without removing the
amplifier from service. In multi-module (high power) systems, the RF modules
can be hot-swapped during operation without affecting calls in process. The
Amplifier Management Module (AMM) can be easily replaced in the field. The
amplifier modules are designed so the cooling fans can be replaced in the field by
MCPS4080 System Operation3
2001 Spectrian Corporation. All rights reserved.
qualified service technicians, greatly reducing service shipping costs and turnaround time.
1.3 .1 MCPA Module Functional Description
To achieve the high level of linearity required to support multiple PCS carriers at
the minimum cost, the RF modules in the MCPS4080 use a single loop feedforward correction architecture with two amplification paths – the
containing the main amplifier, and the
error path
The combination of these two paths in a feed forward loop configuration results in
a signal in which the distortion products have been cancelled, enabling highly
linear operation of the amplifier.
, containing the error amplifier.
main path
RF Input
Line Main Loop
Main Amp
Outpu t Mo d ul e
Delay Filter
Generator /
Figure 1: RF Module Functional Block Diagram
The output of the main amplifier contains both the desired signal and Intermodulation Distortion (IMD) products. This signal is coupled off and combined
with the undistorted input signal coupled off the preamplifier. The relative delay
and phases of these signals are adjusted so they combine to cancel out the desired
signal, creating an error signal composed of only the main amplifier IMD
products. The cancellation process is controlled by a Digital Signal Processor,
which insures optimum carrier cancellation over all environmental conditions.
Error Path
Error Amp
RF Output Error Loop
The error signal is amplified in the error loop. The amplified error signal is then
combined with the output of the main amplifier containing both the desired signal
4MCPS4080 Operations Manual
2001 Spectrian Corporation. All rights reserved.
and distortion products such that the distortion products cancel. The error loop
provides the adjustments and controls necessary to assure that the amplitude,
phase and delay of both signals result in the desired cancellation. Amplifier Management
The Amplifier Management Unit (AMU) monitors and controls performance of
the various subassemblies within the RF module. The AMU provides operating
status information via front panel LEDs. Within a multi-module system, the AMU
provides status to the MCPS4080 AMM.
1.3.2 MCPS4080 Amplifier System
A fully-equipped MCPS4080 consists of a rack-mounted shelf containing up to
four RF modules. Multi-module systems contain an Alarm Management Module,
and an internal divider/ combiner. A block diagram of the system is shown in
Figure 2.
100 W MCPA
Status Port
Figure 2 System Block Diagram
Alarm Management
Basestation Interface
RS-422 or RS-485
MCPS4080 System Operation5
2001 Spectrian Corporation. All rights reserved.
The standard MCPS4080 configurations are summarized in Table 1. Please
consult the factory or Spectrian sales for configurations not listed here.
(W x D x H)
80-100W23” x 20” x 3 RUSingle module co nfiguration in 23 in. housi ng
145W to 290 W21” x 20” x 8 RU2 to 4 modules combined in 21 in. rack
Table 1: MCPS4080 System Configurations
MCPA modules
The RF modules are ultra-linear amplifiers optimized for high power amplification
of PCS signals. Each RF module provides up to 100 Watts of RF output power.
Multi-module systems have combiner losses, which reduce the output power of
each module by approximately 10%. The RF module has been discussed in
section 1.2.1 The end user is responsible for creating a frequency plan and power
allocation, which ensures that in no case the peak output power of a base station
transmitter exceeds 100 watts.
Amplifier Management M odule
The Amplifier Management Module (AMM) contains the system control and
alarm management logic and the interface to external operation and control
The divider/combiner used in multi-module systems allows the RF modules to
function as a single system. The combiner has an active architecture, which
automatically reconfigures to minimize combining losses if an RF module should
6MCPS4080 Operations Manual
2001 Spectrian Corporation. All rights reserved.
Planning and Preparation
2 Planning and Preparation
2.1 Installation Planning
It is important to ensure proper planning and site preparation is complete prior to
beginning the installation of the MCPS4080. The following sections describe
installation considerations and the information required before beginning the
installation procedure. Spectrian Applications Engineering is always available to
assist with planning for the installation of the MCPS4080.
2.2 Site Pla nni ng Guide
For each MCPS4080 cell site installation, there must be a Site Planning or Site
Engineering guide giving the detailed information on the site considerations, rack
installation, cable connections, and Radio Parameters.
Note: Local building and fire codes govern the manner in which some site
preparation and installation tasks are performed. Spectrian recommends that
you consult your local building inspector or a licensed engineer to ensure that
the site installation conforms to local building codes.
2.2.1 Site Considerations
Intended Installat ions
The MCPS4080 system is intended for installation only in restricted access areas
(dedicated equipment rooms, equipment closets, environmental shelters, or the
like) in accordance with Articles 110-16, -17, and -18 of the National Electrical
Code, ANSI/NFPA No. 70.
The MCPS4080 shelf and each RF module weigh approximately 50 pounds (22.7
kg); the fully equipped system weighs 250 pounds (113.3 kg). The system must
be installed, using the appropriate mounting kit, into a rack capable of supporting
the unit, and located on a floor or surface capable of supporting the combined
weight of the rack, the MCPS4080, and the installer or technician.
Floor Covering
If you intend to use a floor covering under the MCPS4080, avoid combustible
materials, industrial carpeting, and materials that will permit generation of
electrostatic charges.
The MCPS4080 is designed to be installed and serviced under normal workroom
lighting. During installation, room lighting must be bright enough to allow
reading instructions and inspection of modules, but not so bright as to interfere
MCPS4080 System Operation7
2001 Spectrian Corporation. All rights reserved.
Planning and Preparation
with viewing the status LED indicators on the front panel. The MCPS4080 should
be oriented or shielded so that direct sunlight does not fall upon the front panel.
Fire Pr ot ection
Spectrian recommends that the MCPS4080 installation site be equipped with
smoke detectors and an automatic fire-extinguishing system. In addition, for
personnel safety, the site should be equipped with a portable halon or CO2 fire
When installing the MCPS4080 above 5000 ft (1542 m), derate the maximum
operating temperature by 2° C per 1000 ft (304 m) above 5000 ft.
The MCPS4080 requires unrestricted airflow around the MCPS4080. The site
must be ventilated or air-conditioned so that ambient air does not exceed 50°
Celsius (122° F).
Ambient air qualit y
The MCPS4080 should be installed in a location that is free of airborne dust and
toxic or corrosive fumes.
Vi br ation and Noi se
The MCPS4080 tolerates moderate levels of vibration and ambient noise. The
MCPS4080 should not be installed in a location subject to mechanical shocks or
vibrations conducted from nearby mechanical equipment. The MCPS4080
generates fan noise below 65 dBa during operation and no additional acoustic
treatment of the site is needed.
Lightning Protection
Spectrian recommends that all power, RF, and signal lines that connect to the
MCPS4080 be protected by approved lightning arrestors. Your local fire or safety
codes will determine the type of lightning protection required.
Spectrian recommends that the MCPS4080 and entire equipment rack be grounded
with an engi neered grounding system, including ground halo and ground rods.
2.2.2 Rack Installation Considerations
Rack Space
Multi-module MCPS4080 systems require 12U of rack space in a 21” rack.
Optional mounting hardware for other rack sizes is also available. When used, the
optional preamplifier requires an additional 2U above the shelf. Single module
shelves require 3U of rack space.
During operation, the MCPS4080 requires front cabinet clearance for unrestricted
cooling air input, plus a minimum of 4 inches (102mm) behind the MCPS4080 to
exhaust hot air. Some additional rear clearance is desirable to accommodate routing
the RF input and output cables and the DC power cables to their connections on the
rear of the unit.
8MCPS4080 Operations Manual
2001 Spectrian Corporation. All rights reserved.
2.2 .3 Cabl e Connections
DC Power Suppl y
The MCPS4080 requires customer-supplied connections to the site +27 VDC
power supply. The MCPS4080 is normally connected to the power supply with a
separate connection for each RF module; a single connection to each shelf is also
possible using the optional shelf power bus. Table 2 shows the required current
and recommended power service for MCPS4080 systems with the indicated
number of active amplifier modules installed in a system shelf.
Table 3: I ndiv idua l Powe r Conne c tions to e a c h RF Module
Single Bussed Conn ection
When using the bussed connection option, the service should be sized for a fully
equipped shelf. This will provide adequate service with capacity for future
The MCPS4080 shelf requires a customer-supplied chassis ground connection using
#8AWG with a ¼” ring lug.
RF Input and O ut put Cabl es
The MCPS4080 requires a single customer-supplied SMA male RF input cable
and a single customer-supplied male type-N RF output cable. The RF output cable
must be rated to properly handle the MCPS4080 output power. The female
connectors are on the rear of the MCPS4080 shelf. Spectrian offers optional RF
cables for use in connecting the MCPS4080 amplifier.
Alar m Int erface Cable s
The MCPS4080 requires customer-supplied interface cables to the system alarm
interfaces. The standard system has screw terminal connections to form C-relay
alarm contacts; optional RS 422 serial connections are also available. The alarm
connection options for the MCPS4080 are listed in Appendix A3.
MCPS4080 System Operation9
2001 Spectrian Corporation. All rights reserved.
Planning and Preparation
Radio Parameters
To set up the MCPS4080, the installer must know the following radio parameters
for the MCPS4080 installation.
• Total Planned Output Power
• Number of CDMA Frequency Assignments and power of each FA
• Number of /TDMA/GSM/EDGE Channels and power of each channel
• Planned System Gain
Install at ion Equipment
Refer to the Tools and Materials listing in the following sections for the required
MCPS4080 installation and test supplies.
2.3 Determ ine the required RF input power
Before applying RF input power to the MCPS4080, determine the input drive level
and output power needed for each channel being amplified by using the RF Drive
Power Worksheet, shown below.
Once the required RF input power for each channel is determined, continue to the
next step, setting the RF input drive power.
10MCPS4080 Operations Manual
2001 Spectrian Corporation. All rights reserved.
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