Inverter SW Series
User Manual
This manual contains important safety instructions. Please read and follow all instructions carefully
during ins tallati on an d operati on of th e uni t . Read this m an u al t h oroughly b ef or e att em pting to unp ac k,
install, or operat e th e unit
Insure the wall outlet and inverter are located near the equipment being attached for proper accessibility.
To reduc e risk of dam age and injury, please use batt er i es with good quality.
Provide adequate ventilation for the battery compartment. The battery enclosure should be designed to
prevent accumulation and concentration of hydrogen gas at the top of the compartment.
DO NOT expose the unit to rai n, s n ow or liquids of an y typ e. The unit is designed for indoor use only.
DO NOT obstruct the vent il at i on op enings.
DO NOT connect neutral of the power distribution box on the wall to the output neutral of Inverter.
Otherwise the reversed polarity will damage the Inverter and the connected equipment.
This Inverter ca n be ch ar ge d ev en w hen Inverter is not turn ed o n.
5. Connect the Load
Connect th e eq uipment to the Inverter outlet. Please make s ur e t h at the total loads of you r
equipm ents are less th an th e m axi mu m total power l oad of the Inverter.
1. Power Switch
Press the power switch to turn the Inverter ON or OFF.
2. AC Mode LED
The green LE D w il l light when utilit y p ow er is normal.
3. Battery Mode LED
The yellow LED wi ll li ght wh en pow er mains ar e ab n or m al and the unit will work in battery mode.
4. Fault LED
The red LE D w ill light when fault or over l oad occurs.
5. AC outlet**
The unit provides one outlet for connected equipment to insure temporary uninterrupted operation
during a power failure and against surges and spikes.
CAUTION! Ri sk of elect r ic shock, do not remove cover. No user serviceable parts inside.
The battery can energize hazardous live parts inside even when the AC input power is disconnected.
T o avoid electrical shock, turn off the Inverter and unplug it from the AC power source before servicing
the battery. Servicing th e battery c an onl y b e performed b y tr ai n ed personn el .
Inspect the unit upon receipt. The box should contain the following:
Inverter1; User Manual1; Power cord1
1. Insure that the equipment plugged into the AC outlet does not exceed the Inverter unit’s rated
capacity (refer to TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS ). If rated unit capacities are exc e ed ed, an
overload condition may occur and cause the Inverter unit to shut down or the circuit fuse burn down.
2. If the pow er requirements of you r equip m ent are listed in uni ts ot h er t h an Volt -Amps (VA), convert
Watts (W) or Amps (A) into VA by doing the calculations below. Note: The below equation only
calculates the maximum amount of VA that the equipment can use, not what is typically used by the
equipm en t at any one tim e. Users sh oul d exp ec t usage r equ irements to be appr o xi m at ely 60 % of
below valu e.
Before installation, please read and understand the following instructions:
1. Placement
The Inverter must be ins t all ed in a protect ed en vironment away fr om h eat - emitting appl i ances
such as a radiator or heat register. Do not install th is produc t w h ere excess ive moisture is pres ent.
2. Ventilation
The location should provide adequate air flow around the Inverter with 10 CM minimum clearance
on all sid es f or pr op er ven ti l at i on.
3. Connect the Battery
Connect t h e ext ernal batt ery pack with the DC cables from the back of the Inverter. Follow battery
polarity guide located near battery cables as below.
“+” Red cabl e for batt ery p osi t i ve p ol ar it y;
“-” Black cable for battery negative polarity.
4. Connect to AC and Charge the Battery
Connect the Inverter to a wall outl et. Avoid using ext ensi on c ords and adapter plu gs. Char gin g t h e
battery for at least 8 hours is recommended to insure that the battery is fully charged. To recharge
the battery, simply leave the unit plugged into a wall out l et. To maintain optim al b attery ch ar g e,
leave the Inverter p lugged int o an AC outlet at all times.
**Note: 2 outlet types available, including Schuko and FR, type.
6. AC Inlet
Connect to utility power through the input power cord.
7. Input Voltage Range Selector
Input voltage range is defined in specification section. Output voltage is the same as input voltage
in AC mode.
A. Select “Narrow” setting for general electrical appliance such as TUBE LIGHT, ENERGY
SAVING LAMP, TV, JUICER & MIXER etc. It is not suitable for high-power m otor or induc ti ve
load, such as the fridge of 1KW, the motor of 800W, AIR COOLER(h avi ng ris k of reb ooting)
and s o on. In this m od e, the Inverter op eratin g volt ag e in AC mode i s withi n 190~ 260V ac wit h
the sam e outp ut voltag e. The line sensitivity is higher.
B. Select “Wide” setting t o save energ y. In this mode the oper ating range of voltage for th e
Inverter is 100-290V ac. Ther efore the output volt age will be the sam e as the M AINS inpu t
voltag e. The Inverter unit in this mode has a lower s ensiti vity with a longer tr ansfer ti me for
switching from AC mode to battery mode in the event of power failure. You can safely connect
and use home appliances which are not sensitive to transfer time limitations such as florescent
tubes, bu lbs , T V etc .
8. DC Input Cable (Red)
Connec t to battery positive polarity.
9. DC Input Cable (Black)
Connec t to battery negative polarity.
Functional Test
AC Mode
The Inverter d el i ver s p ow er to t h e load d er i ved fr om th e utility an d m aint ains prop er battery c harge.
On-Battery Mode
The Inverter operat es on b attery when t h e uti lity voltag e h as f allen outs id e the li m its . Loc al users are
alerted t o this m od e of operati on by visual an d audibl e ind icators . The Inverter provi des power to the
load from the battery and the output volt ag e of th e Inverter are regulated within a narrow range
1. Swit ch On
Press the power switch then the status LED will light up.
2. Switch Off
Press again the power switch, the status LED will go off.
3. Cold Start / Start on Battery:
This Inverter can be turned on even wh en AC is not pr es ent .
Press the power switch then the status LED will light up.
1. Use dry soft clothes to clean the panel an d pl astic parts . D o not use an y det ergent that c ontains
alcoholic ingredient.
Remove some non-critical load.
PowerWalker Inverter 650 SW
Narrow mode: 190VAC-260VAC
AC Mode, Power On, Battery mode, Fault
Low Battery, Overload, Fault
2. Unplug the Inverter from power inlet if the Inverter will n ot operate for long period of tim e.
1. First turn off your Inverter and disconnect its power cord from the wall outlet. Disconnect all cables
connected the Inverter t o av oi d battery dr ain.
2. The Inverter should be stored in a cool dry location.
3. Make sure the battery is fully charged before the Inverter is stored.
4. For extended storage in moderate climates, the battery should be charged for 12 hours every 3
months by plugging the power cord into the wall receptacle and turning on the main switch. Repeat
it every 2 mon ths in high tem p erature loc at i ons .
Condition Fault
Normal Mode/ Off
charge mode
(Battery is fully
Off Off On Off
Batter y M od e
AC Mode
Operating Relative
0°C to 40°C
Normal Mode
(Battery is charging)
Batter y M od e
(above l ow b att ery
Batter y M od e
(under low battery
Off charge mode
(Auto bypass)
Fault On Off Off
Overload Normally On but
Off Off Normally On but
blink every 5
Off Normally On but
blink ev er y 30
Off Normally On but
blink ev er y 2
Off Off Normally On but
blink every 5
On Off Off
blink ev er y 2
Off Off
Off Off Beeps ever y 0.5
Off Beeps ever y 30
Off Beeps ever y 2
Problem Possible Causes Remedy
No LED display
Mains n orm al bu t not works in
AC mode
Alarm buzzer beeps
Backup time is shortened
If any abnormal sit u ati ons occ u r th at are n ot list ed ab ov e, please contact service personnel.
3. Power switch is no t
1. AC Input missing 1. Check AC input connection.
2. Input Fuse is blown
Battery voltage is too low. Charge battery for 8 hours or more.
3. Press and hold power switch.
2. Unplug the power cord of the
Inverter then replace the blown
Verify that the load matches the
capability s pecified in the spec s .
Input Voltag e
Wide mod e: 10 0V AC -280VAC
On Battery Output
On Battery Output
Total # of Inverter
Sine Wave at 230 V ac +/ -10%
On Utility: fuse On Battery: Internal Current Limiting
(1) Type E or Type F