PowerSkin AP1201PSS User Manual

How to Use
Battery Check
How to Recharge Charge & Sync
©2012 XPAL Power Corporation. All rights r eserved. The Xpal Power logo, charge on! logo, octopu s graphic, tentacle graphic, XPAL Power, and Pow erSkin are trademarks and/or service marks of XPAL Po wer and TennRich International Corporation. All other trademar ks., brand names or product names are the proper ty of their respective owners and ar e not affiliated with XPAL Power and or TennRich International Corporation.
“Made for iPhone means that an electronic accessory has been designed to connect specifically to iPhone and has been certified by the developer ot meet Apple performance standards . Apple is not responsible for the operation fo this device or its compliance with safet y and regulatory standards. Pleas e not that th euse of this accessory with iPhone may affect wireless per formance.
iPhone is a trademark fo Apple Inc., regist ered in the U.S. and other countries.
Handset sold separately. C ompyright ©2012 Apple. All rights reserved. T he Apple logo, Apple iPhone are trademarks and/or service marks of A pple.