AP-8220 Thermo-Printer
How to use & set up ETHERNET
1. Connection of Ethernet
1) Host <-> Printer
- Lan Cable : Use of cross Cable
- This is a method of communication without Hub and it will make possible
only 1:1 communication with the Host

2) Host <-> Hub <-> Printer
- Lan Cable : Use of direct Cable
- This method is a communication through Hub between Host and Printer and
it will make possible N:1 communication with the Host.
- This also makes possible the connection with outer network by way of using
the Hub.

Connection of Wireless LAN
1) Adhoc Mode
- Ad-hoc is a method of communication without AP(Access Point).
Because the communication is made without AP, it cannot be connected to an
external network or internet. This method is also called ‘peer-to-peer’mode