©2017 Powerley, LLC. or it s affi liates. All ri ghts reser ved. Powerley and
the Powerle y logo are trad emarks of Pow erley, LLC. and its af fi liates.
Powerley Thermostat
Installation & Operation Guide
After a quick installation, your new Powerley Thermostat will allow you
to monitor and control your HVAC system from any where in the world.
The average homeowner spends up to 50% of their energy costs on
HVAC use. With the Powerley Thermostat , you'll have a great opportunit y
to reduce those costs by intelligently managing temperature setpoints .
To take full advantage of features such as setpoint scheduling, use the
companion app on your iOS or Android device to connect your Powerley
Thermostat to your Energy Bridge.
It is recommended to hire a profes sional HVAC installer. However, if you
do opt to install on your own, we'll guide you along the entire process.
Let's get started!
Powerley Thermostat Installation & Operation Guide 20
Quick Start
Getting to Know your Thermostat 2
Installation 4
Thermostat Setup 10
Setup Troubleshooting 11
Compatibility 12
Step 4
Set up your therm ostat
schedule in th e app
Step 3
Use app to includ e the
Powerley Thermostat
Step 1
Take photo of existing
thermostat wiring
Step 2
Install Powerley Thermostat
Powerley Thermostat Installation & Operation Guide 2
Setpoint Down
Setpoint Up
Eco Mode Indic ator
Peak Demand Indicator
Temperature Display
Low Batter y Indicator
Mode Indicator:
1. Heat 2. Coo l 3. Fan
Getting to know your thermostat
Limitation of Damages
In addition to the ab ove warranty disclaime rs, in no event w ill Powerley be lia ble for any
conseque ntial, incidental , exe mplary, or special damag es, including any damage s for lost
data or lost p rofi ts, arisin g from or relating to this limited w arranty or the produc t, and
Powerley tot al cumulative liabilit y arising from or related to thi s limited warrant y or the
product w ill not exceed the am ount actually paid for the p roduct by the original pur chaser.
Disclaimer of Warranties
Except as state d above in this limited warrant y, and to the maximum extent perm itted
by applicable la w, Powerley discla ims all express , implied, and statutor y warranties and
conditions wit h respect to th e product, including the imp lied warranties of mercha ntability,
fi tness for a particula r purpose. To the max imum extent perm itted by applica ble law,
Powerley al so limits the dur ation of any implied w arranties or conditions to th e duration
of this limited war ranty.