SCALE™-2 1SC0450E2B0
SCALE™-2 1SC0450E2B0
Preliminary Description & Application Manual
Single-Channel Cost-Effective Driver Core for IGBTs up to 4500V and 6500V
The 1SC0450E2B0 single-channel SCALE™-2 driver core combines unrivalled compactness with broad
applicability and cost-effectiveness. It is designed for industrial and traction applications requiring high
reliability. The 1SC0450E2B0 drives all usual high-voltage IGBT modules up to 4500V and 6500V. Up to four
parallel-connected IGBT modules can be driven to cover higher power ratings. Multi-level topologies
involving 3300V or 4500V IGBTs with higher isolation requirements can also be easily supported by the
The 1SC0450E2B0 supports maximal design flexibility as no fiber-optic links are assembled on the driver
board. Gate drive input and output signals are provided over dedicated electrical interface connectors.
The 1SC0450E2B0 is the most compact driver core in its voltage and power range, featuring a footprint of
only 60mm x 90mm and a maximum insertion height of 27.5mm. It allows even the most restricted insertion
spaces to be efficiently used.
Fig. 1 1SC0450E2B0 driver core
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SCALE™-2 1SC0450E2B0
Preliminary Description & Application Manual
Driver Overview ............................................................................................................................. 4
Mechanical Dimensions .................................................................................................................. 5
Pin Designation .............................................................................................................................. 7
Recommended Interface Circuitry for the Primary-Side Connector .............................................. 8
Description of Primary-Side Interface ........................................................................................... 8
General ............................................................................................................................... 8
VCC terminal ....................................................................................................................... 8
VDC terminal ....................................................................................................................... 8
GND ................................................................................................................................... 9
SO (status output) ............................................................................................................... 9
Recommended Interface Circuitry for the Secondary Side Connectors ........................................ 9
Pins 6 to 16 ......................................................................................................................... 9
Pins 17 to 32 ..................................................................................................................... 10
Description of Secondary-Side Interfaces ................................................................................... 10
General ............................................................................................................................. 10
DC/DC output (VISO), emitter (VE) and COM terminals ......................................................... 11
Reference terminal (REF) ................................................................................................... 11
Collector sense (VCE) ......................................................................................................... 11
Input for adjusting the turn-off delay in fault condition (CSHD) ............................................. 14
Active Clamping (ACL) ........................................................................................................ 15
Gate turn-on (GH) and turn-off (GL) terminals ..................................................................... 15
Gate Boosting Power Supply (VGB) ..................................................................................... 16
Gate Boosting Signal (GBS) ................................................................................................ 16
Gate Drive Input (IN) ......................................................................................................... 16
Status Feedback /Fault input (OUT) .................................................................................... 16
How Do 1SC0450E2B0 SCALE-2 Drivers Work in Detail? ............................................................ 19
Power supply and electrical isolation ................................................................................... 19
Power-supply monitoring .................................................................................................... 19
Parallel connection of IGBT modules ................................................................................... 19
3-level or multilevel topologies ............................................................................................ 19
Gate Boosting .................................................................................................................... 20
Bibliography ................................................................................................................................. 22
The Information Source: SCALE-2 Driver Data Sheets ................................................................ 23
Quite Special: Customized SCALE-2 Drivers ................................................................................ 23
Technical Support ........................................................................................................................ 23
Quality .......................................................................................................................................... 23
Legal Disclaimer ........................................................................................................................... 23
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SCALE™-2 1SC0450E2B0
Preliminary Description & Application Manual
Ordering Information ................................................................................................................... 24
Information about Other Products .............................................................................................. 24
Power Integrations Sales Offices ................................................................................................. 25
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SCALE™-2 1SC0450E2B0
Preliminary Description & Application Manual
Driver Overview
The 1SC0450E2B0 is a driver core equipped with the latest SCALE-2 chipset from Power Integrations /1/.
The SCALE-2 chipset comprises a set of application-specific integrated circuits (ASICs) that cover the main
functions needed to design intelligent gate drivers. The SCALE-2 driver chipset is a further development of
the proven SCALE™-1 technology /2/.
The 1SC0450E2B0 targets medium- and high-power IGBT applications up to 6500V. The driver supports
switching frequencies up to 10kHz with best-in-class efficiency. The 1SC0450E2B0 comprises a complete
single-channel IGBT driver core, fully equipped with an isolated DC/DC converter, electrical interface for the
external use of fiber-optic transceivers, short-circuit protection, Advanced Active Clamping and supplyvoltage monitoring. Additional features such as gate boosting are also implemented and provide further
driving benefits.
Fig. 2 Block diagram of the 1SC0450E2B0 driver core
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SCALE™-2 1SC0450E2B0
Preliminary Description & Application Manual
Mechanical Dimensions
Fig. 3 Interactive 3D drawing of the 1SC0450E2B0
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SCALE™-2 1SC0450E2B0
Preliminary Description & Application Manual
Fig. 4 Mechanical drawing of the 1SC0450E2B0
The primary-side and secondary-side pin grid is 2.54mm (100mil) with a pin cross-section of
0.64mm x 0.64mm. Total outline dimensions of the board are 60mm x 90mm. The total height of the driver
is maximum 27.5mm measured from the bottom of the pin bodies to the top of the populated PCB.
Note that the mechanical fixing points are placed in the clearance and creepage paths. Insulated fixation
material (screws, distance bolts) must therefore be used in order not to reduce these. The fixing points
support M3 screw size.
Recommended diameter of solder pads: Ø 2mm (79mil)
Recommended diameter of drill holes: Ø 1mm (39mil)
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SCALE™-2 1SC0450E2B0
Status output primary side; normally pulled up to VCC over a 10kΩ resistor, pulled
down to low in case of a fault
Supply voltage; 15V supply for primary side
Gate-boosting power supply
Set turn-off delay after fault detection; capacitor to COM
Gate high; pulls gate high through turn-on resistor
Gate low; pulls gate low through turn-off resistor
Active clamping feedback; leave open if not used
Set VCE detection threshold through resistor to VE
VCE sense; connect to IGBT collector through impedance network
17 COM
Gate driving input; Inverted non-isolated signal input
Secondary-side ground
25 COM
Status output and external fault input
Status output and external fault input
Status output and external fault input
Preliminary Description & Application Manual
Pin Designation
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SCALE™-2 1SC0450E2B0
Preliminary Description & Application Manual
Recommended Interface Circuitry for the Primary-Side Connector
Fig. 5 Recommended user interface of the 1SC0450E2B0 (primary side)
Description of Primary-Side Interface
The primary-side interface of the 1SC0450E2B0 driver is very simple and easy to use.
The driver primary side is equipped with a 5-pin interface connector with the following terminals:
2x power-supply terminals VCC and VDC
2x ground terminals GND
1x status output SO (indicating a fault during primary-side under-voltage)
All inputs and outputs are ESD-protected.
VCC terminal
The driver has one VCC terminal on the interface connector to supply the primary-side electronics with 15V.
VDC terminal
The driver has one VDC terminal on the interface connector to supply the DC/DC converter for the secondary
VDC should be supplied with 15V. It is recommended to connect the VCC and VDC terminals to a common
15V power supply. In that case, the driver limits the inrush current at startup and no external current
limitation of the voltage source for VDC is needed.
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