SIRIUS is a battery charger equipped with a control form achieved with microprocessor technology and is
constructed with a superficial component assembly SMD (Surface Mount Device).
The controller is an electronic card developed and personalised for the specific control of battery chargers. It
is a flexible and modulated unit able to satisfy all requirements connected to the recharging of batteries in
general and to specifically resolve all that is necessary for the final utilisation.
In particular, the unit is made from a mother card (main board) and of various daughter cards among these,
a CPU card, a display card, a transceiver radio card, and an interface wiring card and a remote Battery
Monitor form.
The controller is completely programmable and easy to use thanks to the userfriendly interface graphic
shown on the display. Organised by menu, the display allows the planning of configuration data and the
parameter visualisation during the charge.
In particular, it allows the configuration of
• Battery parameters:
- nominal tension (24V, 36V, 40V, 48V, 72V, 80V and 96V),minimum and maximum tension
- minimum current and maximum charge
- integration capacity
• Meter:
- duration of temporised cycle
- time-out of the safety cycle
- delayed start timer (automatic, 3h, 6h and 9h)
• Charge cycle:
- charge modality (Wa) or (WoWa), if required
- energy saving (active and inactive)
- equalised charge (manual and automatic)
• General setting:
- operation formality (normal and test)
- presentation language of the display (english and italian).
During the charge cycle it permits visualisation, in real time, of the battery tension measures, of the
current charged, of exiting power of the battery charger, of the duration of the initial charge and
timed charges and of the charge capacity that the charge cycle is integrating.
In parallel to the logic of standard operation of a battery charge process which foresees for the charge a
controlling of the tension followed by a complete check of the charge in automatic mode going on to verify
both the ampere-hour integrated into the battery and the minimum values of current allocated.
Once the controls have been activated, the charge concludes on the satisfaction of the conditions of at least
one of the controls.
In the events that the control unit doesn’t operate in stand-alone configuration, but is provided with
the radio transceiver card and the Battery Monitor remote unit, we achieve instead an efficient charge
system in able to keep account of the actual charge and discharge processes of the battery.