Power Dynamics PDV120S, PDV60M Instruction Manual

PDV60M 60W/100V 4 Ch. Mixer Amp.
Ref. nr. 952.050
PDV120M 120W/100V 4 Ch. Mixer Amp.
Ref. nr. 952.053
PDV120S 120W/100V Slave Amplifier
Ref. nr. 952.056
Mode d’ Emploi
Manual de Instrucciones
Output RMS 60W 120W 120W Output 10% THD 70W 160W 160W Output regulation < 2dB, no load to full load < 2dB, no load to full load < 2dB, no load to full load Speaker imp. output 8 Ohm 8 Ohm 8 Ohm Speaker imp. output 100V 166 Ohm 83 Ohm 83 Ohm Line output (stereo) 1V @ 600 Ohm (0dB) 1V @ 600 Ohm (0dB) 1V @ 600 Ohm (0dB) Slave output (mono) 1V @ 600 Ohm (0dB) 1V @ 600 Ohm (0dB) 1V @ 600 Ohm (0dB) Input sensitivity Mic 1+2 1.5mV balanced 1.5mV balanced -­Input sensitivity Mic 3 1.5mV unbalanced 1.5mV unbalanced -­Input sensitivity Aux/Line 300mV unbalanced 300mV unbalanced 300mV unbalanced Input impedance Mic 5 kOhm 5 kOhm -­Input impedance Aux/Line 10 kOhm 10 kOhm 10 kOhm Input Connectors Mic 1+2 XLR XLR -­Input Connectors Mic 3 6.35mm Jack 6.35mm Jack -­Input Connectors Aux/Line RCA socket RCA socket RCA socket Frequency Response 100Hz - 12kHz ±3dB Distortion THD+N < 2% @ 1KHz, on rated power SNR (signal noise ratio) >92dB (Mic >70dB, Line 75dB) Tone control Bass: +0dB, -10dB @ 100Hz Treble: +0dB, -10dB @ 10kHz Protection circuits Muting function Power Voltage 220-240Vac / 50Hz Power Consumption 200W 300W 300W Dimension 19” x 2HE (425 x 88mm) Weight 7.5kg 10kg 10kg Ref. Nr. Tronios 952.050 952.053 952.056
Mixer Amplifier:
Slave Amplifier:
ERIES 900 952.966 952.969 952.972 952.975
The POWER DYNAMICS PDV series of amplifiers are designed for industrial use in factories, offices and public buildings. Three microphone inputs are provided. In addition a LINE input is also available which can be used for music sources and similar higher signal sources. There is also an output suitable for feeding the POWER DYNAMICS slave amplifier in the same series thus making amplifier stacking a possibility. Provision is made for connecting to either 100 volts to line or low impedance loudspeakers. The amplifier can be used from either a 220-volt AC or a DC power source. Within the packaging will be found a 3 core 230V mains lead terminated with a IEC connector at one end.
WARNING: DO NOT CONNECT THE MAINS SUPPLY TO THE AMPLIFIER UNTIL ALL THE NECESSARYINPUT AND OUTPUT CONNECTIONS HAVE BEEN MADE. NOTE: If you are connecting the amplifier to two-wire power source i.e. have no earth pin available then
essential that a suitable wire is run from the chassis binding post adjacent to the mains lead on the rear to a proven earth.
FRONT PANEL viewed from right to left. See the front page for a diagram. Three controlled channels are
provided. MIC 1 and MIC 2 are on the right with the LINE, BASS and TREBLE cut controls towards the left hand side. The MASTER control is next with the signal monitoring and the mains on/off switch at the extreme right.
REAR PANEL viewed from left to right. See the front page for a diagram. On the left is found the IEC input incorporating a mains fuse. Next is the chassis binding post with the DC input terminals adjacent to the loudspeaker termination. Towards the right there is the SLAVE OUT RCA socket which can be used for recording purposes. Next are the LINE OUT and LINE IN sockets followed by the socket for MIC. See the specification panel for full technical details.
The amplifier is automatically protected for short, open circuit and overheating. A short or open circuit on the loudspeaker line is indicated by the POWER indicator pulsing slowly on and off. Overheating in excess of 105°C is protected by a thermal cut out and if this occurs then the amplifier will cut out completely. The cause is usually by the placing of papers on top of the amplifier or by enclosing it in a poorly ventilated place. If this happens remove any restrictions on ventilation and leave the amplifier switched off for five minutes. This will restore the protection circuits to their monitoring mode. If the fault had existed for some time then the fuse located adjacent to the IEC connector on the rear panel may also need replacement. In this case the POWER indication on the front panel will fail to illuminate.
MIC is for a balanced microphone on an XLR3 socket: twin screened wire should be used for connection. Termination follows the convention i.e. pin 1 – Screening; pin 2 - Signal go; pin 3 – Signal return. MIC 1 has the added facility of being able to duck all other inputs on the presence of a signal. No additional wiring is required and the switch to activate this facility (VOX) will be found at the front. Compact disc and tape players will use the LINE IN phono (RCA) socket and need to be terminated with a phono (RCA) plug, the live (inner) wire going to the central pin with the outer screening being soldered to the body. If a recording facility is required then suitable feed can be found by using the SLAVE OUT socket at the rear. Connect as for players (see above) This socket can also be used for distributing a signal to up to ten POWER DYNAMICS slave amplifiers. Caution Care must be taken when fitting any connectors to avoid damaging the cable or the connector through excessive heat from the soldering tool.
All connections to the loudspeaker terminals should be made suing suitable spade lugs crimped or soldered to the loudspeaker cables. Any other method can give rise to short circuit. There is provision for both 100 volts line and low impedance loudspeakers but it is not advisable to use both together. Low Impedance loudspeakers should he connected in a series parallel arrangement such that the total load is never less than 8 ohm. i.e. two 4 ohm loudspeakers could be connected in series and connected between the common and the 8
ohm tap. Care should be taken with this arrangement that the volume level is carefully controlled, as it is possible to damage loudspeakers by using too high a volume setting. The 100 volt line loudspeakers should be connected to the common and the 100 volt line terminals taking care that the sum of the wattage of all the loudspeakers on he line does not exceed the total power available from the amplifier. Please Note that all the loudspeaker terminals are fully floating with respect to chassis. In the event of cross talk to other services or instability then it may be beneficial if the ‘com’ terminal is strapped to the earth binding post. Please remember that a low impedance loudspeaker system requires heavy cable feeding the loudspeakers to minimize losses. For a widespread installation (i.e. a factory system) it is far better and more cost effective to use the 100 volt line system.
These will be found in the packaging with the mains lead. The mounting holes can be used in one of two ways:
1. As ears for use when mounting the amplifier into an equipment rack.
2. To mount the amplifier on top of a shelf.
A battery can be connected using suitable spade lugs crimped and soldered to the battery cables. Care must be taken to ensure that the terminals lie in the spaces provided and do not swing to one side and thus short out on the mounting screws. Polarity should be observed when connecting to the amplifier although there is reverse polarity protection. The power output will be reduced on battery working, the output also depending on the state of the battery. Please note that the power switch does not control the DC supply to the amplifier. If battery On/Off control is required then a separate switch will need to be installed remote to the amplifier.
When all connections have been made, check that all controls are at zero then plug the mains lead provided into the amplifier and the plug top into a suitable 230 volt socket. Depress the double pole power switch on the left-hand side of the front panel. Observe that the POWER LED illuminates. Advance the MASTER control to 6 on its scale then using a local microphone in MIC 1 socket slowly advance its volume control whilst speaking into the microphone. Observe the SIGNAL indicator on the right hand side whilst doing so. As the control is advanced the indicator will start flashing in time with the peaks of speech. This indicates that a signal is being passed to the loudspeakers. The control should be set such that the peaks of sound keep the SIGNAL indicator almost continuously lit but that the PEAK indicator only shows on rare occasions or not at all. Continuous illumination of the PEAK led indicates that the amplifier is being overloaded. If the MIC control is at maximum without achieving the desired output then it will be necessary to increase the MASTER setting a little and recommence the setting up procedure until a satisfactory level of output is achieved. It may be that, before this setting can be achieved, a howl-round point is reached where the system appears to become unstable, if this is so then the nearest loudspeaker and the microphone you are using are in each others’ sound fields and need to be repositioned the one with the other. If the 100 volt line system is being employed you can reset the nearer loudspeaker to a lower wattage tap to minimize the howl-round. The object of this setting-up exercise is to balance the MASTER and MIC 1 controls such that neither is at a very low or a very high setting in relation to each other. When this initial setting-tip procedure has been completed try the other input channels in a similar manner. Make a note of the control settings for future reference. Most tape and CD players have additional level controls of their which can be usefully employed to fine balance their volume levels with the LINE or the AUX control. The bass and treble cut controls should initially be set to their minimum (anticlockwise) positions for setting up. Once this has been carried out then these can be set for personal taste. However when speech is being transmitted into a noisy or reverberant environment then intelligence can he significantly improved by rotating the bass cut control fully clockwise. When horn type loudspeakers are in use then the control must be set fully clockwise to minimize the risk of low frequency damage to the loudspeakers.
Whilst this equipment complies in all respects with EMC legislation its use in an industrial environment where there are many potential sources of interference means that steps may need to be taken to minimize any difficulties. Always check that the amplifier has a good earth. In the event of interference secure the services of a qualified electrician to carry out tests on the socket in use to ensure that a low resistance earth path exists. Do not position the amplifier very close to large transformers. television monitors and computers
De POWER DYNAMICS PDV versterkers zijn ontworpen voor gebruik in fabrieken, kantoren en openbare ruimten. De versterkers zijn voorzien van drie microfoon ingangen, en een lijningang welke gebruikt kan worden voor het weergeven van een audiobron of vergelijkbaar signaal. De versterkers zijn voorzien van een extra uitgang voor het aansluiten van de POWER DYNAMICS SLAVE versterker, hiermee heeft u on­gelimiteerde uitbreidingsmogelijkheden. De versterkers zijn geschikt voor het aansluiten van 100 V of 8 Ohm luidsprekers, tevens kunnen ze aangesloten worden op een 220V AC of DC voedingsspanning.
Opmerking: Het is van groot belang dat, indien de voedingsbron niet voorziet in een aardaansluiting, de versterker met een daarvoor geschikte kabel met aarde wordt verbonden.
Voorzijde: Van links naar rechts, potmeters voor de microfoonkanalen, lijnsignaal, BASS en TREBLE
instellingen, de MASTER volumeregeling met uitlezing van het signaalvolume en de netschakelaar. Achterzijde: Van links naar rechts, de aansluiting voor de 220V AC voedingsspanning, aansluiting voor de DC voedingspanning. Aansluiting voor de luidsprekeruitgangen en de SLAVE OUT voor opname- of koppelfunctie. LINE IN en LINE OUT met daarnaast de ingangen voor de microfoons. Voor specificaties zie het datablad.
Opmerking: De versterkers zijn beveiligd tegen kortsluiting, onderbelasting en oververhitting. Indien de
versterker in de protect-stand staat, gelieve alle aansluitingen te controleren om eventuele storingen te elimineren, na ongeveer 5 minuten herstelt de versterker zich (alle beveiligingscircuits zijn weer beschikbaar). Indien een storing vaker voorkomt kan het noodzakelijk zijn de netzekering te vervangen ( indien deze defect is zal de aan/uit- schakelaar niet oplichten).
MIC: ingang voor het aansluiten van een gebalanceerde microfoon. Aansluitingen: Pen 1 aarde, Pen 2 +, Pen 3 -. MIC 1 is standaard voorzien van een prioriteitsfunctie, waarbij de overige signalen onderdrukt worden. Cd-spelers en cassettedecks kunnen op de RCA-connector van de LINE-IN worden aangesloten, Indien u het uitgangssignaal wilt opnemen of doorkoppelen dient u de LINE-OUT te gebruiken. Opmerking: Om beschadiging van uw versterker te voorkomen dient u die juiste connectoren te gebruiken.
De aansluitingen van de luidsprekers dient te gebeuren met vork- of ringterminals welke aan de draad ge­soldeerd of gekrompen is. Elke andere montagemethode kan kortsluiting of niet functioneren als gevolg hebben. Het is niet toegestaan 100V en laagohmige luidsprekers tegelijk aan te sluiten. Laagohmige luid­sprekers moeten op een dusdanige wijze worden aangesloten dat de belasting nooit hoger wordt dan 8 Ohm. Twee 4 Ohm luidsprekers dienen dus in serie te worden aangesloten op de versterkeruitgang. Het is belangrijk om bij een laagohmige configuratie er op toe te zien dat luidsprekers nooit overbelast worden, dit om onher­stelbare schade aan de installatie te voorkomen. De 100V luidsprekers moeten aangesloten worden op de common en 100V connectoren, het totale vermogen van de luidsprekers mag nooit groter zijn dan het maximale vermogen van de versterker. Alle luidsprekeruitgangen zijn zwevend, het kan raadzaam zijn (bijv. bij instabiliteit) de common uitgang van de luidsprekers te verbinden met de aardaansluiting van de versterker.
Opmerking: De versterkers bij voorkeur gebruiken met 100V luidsprekers.
Een Accu dient aangesloten te worden d.m.v. vork- of ringterminals welke aan de draad gesoldeerd of ge­krompen is. Elke andere montagemethode kan kortsluiting of niet functioneren tot gevolg hebben. U dient er voor zorg te dragen dat de spanning op de juiste wijze wordt aangesloten. Het afgegeven vermogen op de luidsprekeruitgangen is afhankelijk van de capaciteit van de aangesloten voedingsbron. Opmerking: De aan / uit schalekaar is specifiek bedoeld voor de 220 Volt voedingsspanning. Indien u de versterker, welke aan­gesloten is op een accu, wilt schakelen dient u hiervoor een extra schakelaar te monteren.
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