time-delayed by a small and gradually changing amount, usually smaller than 20 ms (milliseconds).
* PAN BUTTON – This buttons is used to activate and deactivate the PAN ef fect. This effect produces the signal’s continuous fading of
the signal from the left to the right channel and back again. Pans stereo signal by alternating attenuating signals in the left and right
10. REVERSE BUTTON – This buttons is activates reverse play mode. This function will play your track or loop in reverse.
11. PITCH RANGE SELECT BUTTON – Press the button in order to change pitch percentage of 6%, 12%, 25%.
12. PITCH BEND BUTTONS – The speed rises while the “+ button” is pressed and returns to the original pitch when the button is
released. The speed drops when the “- button” is pressed and returns to the original pitch when the button is released. These buttons can
be used to synchronize the beats of 2 tracks.
13. JOG WHEEL – This wheel has 3 functions:
In the PITCH mode
* The wheel works as a pitch bend during playback. Turning the wheel clockwise can increase the pitch percentage up to 100%, and
turning the wheel in the counterclockwise direction can decrease the pitch percentage down to -100%. the pitch bend will be
determined on how long you turn the jog wheel continuously.
* The jog wheel acts as a low frame search (1/75 sec) control when the music is not playing but either paused or set to a cue point. To
set a new cue point, spin the wheel then press PLAY or IN when you have determined the proper position. Press CUE to return to
the “CUE POINT”.
In the SEARCH mode
* When the SEARCH function is activated you can use the jog Wheel to search fast backward or forward through the current track
whether in play mode or not..
* Press this knob to toggle the search function of the jog wheel and LED is lit. The search function has 4 forward and 4 reverse speed
allowing you to quickly scan through tracks. The more you trun the wheel in either direction the faster you search.
In the SCRATCH mode
Press the button to activate the scratch function. You can scratch the track while in Play mode with the Jog Wheel like a vinyl record,
by moving it forward and backward and holding it. Press the Scratch button a second time to deactivate the Scratch effect. This
effect emulates real time turntable scratching on a vinyl record player.
14. TAP BPM BUTTON – This button is used to override and manually set a track BPM. Occasionally the built-in BPM meter may not
function as desired. This button allows you to override the internal beat clock and manually set a track BPMs. To manually set the
BPMS; tap this button a few times to a tracks heavy down beat, the unit will automatically calculate your tapping and translate it into a
tracks BPMs. The BPM readout is then displayed in the LCD. To return to the automatic BPM counter, press and hold down the TAP
BUTTON for at least 2 seconds and then release.
15. PLAY/PAUSE BUTTON – Each press of the PLAY/PAUSE BUTTON causes the operation to change from play to pause or from
pause to play. While in play mode the PLAY/PAUSE LED will glow, And while in pause mode the PLAY/PAUSE LED will flash.
16. CUE BUTTON – Pressing the CUE button during playback immediately pauses play back a nd returns the track to the la st set cue poi nt.
The CUE indicator in the LCD will glow when the unit is in cue mode and the indicator will also flash every time a new CUE POINT
is set. The CUE button can be held down to momentarily play the music. When you release the CUE button it instantly returns to the
– Pressing the button will activate the CUE PLAY function and the music will play instantly from the last cue
point. You can also repeat to tap the CUE / button to create a STUTTER EFFECT.
18. TRACK KNOB – Use this knob to select track or folder, depending on these two different modes as below.
* In TRACK mode, use to select a track. Turning track knob will navigate between tracks. Holding down and turning track knob will
rapidly forward / back skip through the tracks by 10 tracks per click.
* In FOLDER mode, turning track knob will forward / back skip between folders.
- You can also switch between displaying Folder Name/FILE NAME/TITLE/ ARTIST/GENRE/BITRATE for easy searching by each
pressing the TRACK button. Release the TRACK button when you see the information you want to keep on the display. You can find
more information in basic operation paragraph.
19. FOLDER BUTTON – This button has two functions:
* Use to switch between FOLDER and TRACK search modes:
When the LED of FOLDER button is lit, the player is in the FOLER search mode, otherwise it is in TRACK search mode.
- File name is the first display when select a track and folder name is the first display when select a folder.
* Use to switch between REPEAT function on/off:
Push the FOLDER button for more than 2 second to switch between REPEAT function on/off.
- REPEAT function ON: All the tracks in the current folder will play track by track until the repeat function is deactivated.
20. POWER SWITCH butto n – It is used to switch the power on/off. To power off the unit, press and hold the button for more than 3
21. PITCH SLIDER – This slider is used to adjust the playback pitch percentage. The slider is a set adjustment and will remain set until
the pitch slider is move or the pitch function has been turned off. This adjustment can be made with or without a music source device
(USB 1 or USB 2) in the player. The pitch adjustment will remain even if a music source device (USB 1 or USB 2) has been removed
and will reflect on any other music source device inserted into the player. That is to say, if you set a +6% pitch on one music-source
device, remove that device and insert another, that music source device too will have a +6% pitch. The amount of pitch being applied
will be displayed in the LCD.
* IN BUTTON-This function allows you to set a CUE POINT without music interruption. This button also sets the starting point of a
seamless loop.
* OUT BUTTON-This button is used to set the ending point of a loop. A loop starting point is set by pressing the IN BUTTON.
Pressing the OUT BUTTON set the loop ending point. The loop will continue to play until the OUT BUTTON is pressed once again.
* RELOOP BUTTON – If a SEAMLESS LOOP has been made, but the Player is not actively in SEAMLESS LOOP mode (a loop is
not playing), LOOP and RELOOP will appear in the LCD DISPLAY when the RELOOP function is available. Pressing the RELOOP
BUTTON will instantly reactivate the SEAMLESS LOOP mode. To exit loop, press the OUT BUTTON,
- The display is showing like that: When in reloop, “LOOP” is blinking and “RELOOP” is on. When not in reloop, but reloop is available,