PowerDsine PD-6548 User Manual

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4488--PPoorrtt MMooddeell
IIEEEEEE 880022..33aaff--ccoommpplliiaanntt
UUsseerr GGuuiiddee
Power over Ethernet Solutions 2 Cat. No.: 06-6860-056
The information contained herein is believed to be accurate and reliable at the time of printing. However, due to ongoing product improvements and revisions, PowerDsine cannot accept responsibility for inadvertent errors, inaccuracies, subsequent changes or omissions of printed material.
PowerDsine Ltd. reserves the right to make changes to products and to their specifications as described in this document, at any time, without prior notice. This material may not be photocopied or reproduced without permission.
PowerDsine assumes no responsibility or liability arising from the use of Midspans, as described herein, nor does it convey any license under its patent rights or the rights of others. Applications that are described herein for any of theses products are for illustrative purposes only. PowerDsine makes no representation or warranty that such applications will be suitable for the specified use without further testing or modification.
Note that the Midspan is designed for indoor use only!
© 2005 PowerDsine Ltd.
All rights reserved.
This document is subject to change without notice.
All other products or trademarks are property of their respective owners. The product described by this manual is a licensed product of PowerDsine. Covered under U.S patent 6,473,608 and equivalent worldwide Additional patents pending
Power over Ethernet Solutions 3 Cat. No.: 06-6860-056
1 SAFETY INFORMATION ........................................................................8
1.1 General Guidelines...............................................................................8
1.2 Power Cord ..........................................................................................9
2 ABOUT THE POWER OVER ETHERNET MIDSPAN..................................... 10
2.1 Power Management...........................................................................10
2.2 10/100BASE-TX Ports Definition .......................................................11
2.2.1 Data Input Ports ..........................................................................11
2.2.2 Data & Power Output Ports.........................................................11
2.3 Indicators............................................................................................12
2.3.1 Primary Power Indicators............................................................12
2.3.2 Port Indicators.............................................................................12
2.4 Connectors.........................................................................................14
3 INSTALLING THE POWER OVER ETHERNET MIDSPAN...............................17
3.1 Background........................................................................................17
3.2 Rack Mounting Brackets ....................................................................18
3.3 Routing the Input Ports Cables..........................................................19
3.4 Assembling Midspan to Rack.............................................................21
3.5 Connecting Data Cables ....................................................................22
3.6 Connecting Power Cables..................................................................22
3.7 Powering up .......................................................................................22
3.8 Troubleshooting..................................................................................23
3.8.1 Preliminary Steps........................................................................23
3.8.2 Troubleshooting Guide................................................................23
3.9 Technical Specifications.....................................................................25
3.9.1 Physical Specifications................................................................25
4 REMOTE WEB MANAGEMENT.............................................................26
Power over Ethernet Solutions 4 Cat. No.: 06-6860-056
List of Figures
Figure 2-1: Power over Ethernet Midspan, Front View (PD-6548)......... 11
Figure 2-2: Connecting to the Midspan................................................... 16
Figure 3-1: Typical Installation................................................................ 17
Figure 3-2: Cable Connections............................................................... 20
Figure 4-1: Management Deployment.................................................... 26
List of Tables
Table 2-1: Power Status Indications....................................................... 13
Table 2-2: Port Status Indications........................................................... 13
Table 2-3: Console Cable D-type Connector.......................................... 15
Table 2-4: Rear Panel RJ45 Input Plug (Per Channel) .......................... 15
Table 2-5: Front Panel RJ45 Output Plug (per channel)........................ 16
Table 3-1: Troubleshooting Steps........................................................... 23
Power over Ethernet Solutions 5 Cat. No.: 06-6860-056
Model Numbers Definition
Where: M if present, indicates that the Midspan includes the Web
Management (EMS) feature (refer to Section 4).
Verifying Kit Contents
Unpack the kit and verify that the following items are uncluded:
The Power over Ethernet Midspan
Communication cable (for console connection to RS232)
User Guide
Power cord
Brackets & plates installation kit
Before proceeding, record the unit’s serial number below for future reference. The serial number can be found on the label at the rear of the Power over Ethernet Midspan.
Serial Number
Electrical Compatibility Approvals
The PD-6548 complies with the following standards:
FCC Part 15, Class B, with FTP cabling; Class A with UTP cabling
EN 55022 (CISPR 22), Class B with FTP cabling; Class A with UTP cabling
EN 55024 (CISPR 24)
Canadian ICES-003, Class B
Safety Standard Approvals
The PD-6548 meets the following safety standards:
UL/cUL per EN60950
GS mark per EN60950
CE Marking
The CE marking on this product indicates that this product is in compliance with 89/336/EEC (EMC Directive) and 73/23/EEC (Low Voltage Directive).
Power over Ethernet Solutions 6 Cat. No.: 06-6860-056
PD – Powered Device SELV - Safety Extra Low Voltage DTE – Data Terminal Equipment
EMS - Element Management System
UTP – Unshielded Twisted Pair FTP – Foiled Twisted Pair DHCP – Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol SNMP – Simple Network Management Protocol GUI – Graphic User Interface
Power over Ethernet Solutions 7 Cat. No.: 06-6860-056
1 Safety Information
1.1 General Guidelines
Read the following safety information before carrying out any installation, removal or any maintenance procedure on the Power over Ethernet Midspan. Warnings contain instructions that must be followed for personal and product safety. Follow all instructions carefully.
Read the Installation Instructions in Section 3 before connecting
A grounded power cord must be utilized with the Midspan as
This product relies on the building installation for short-circuit
Do not perform any work on the unit or connect/disconnect
A voltage mismatch can damage the equipment and may pose a
For shelf-mounted equipment, be certain that the surface is
Ultimate disposal of this product should be handled according to
The Power over Ethernet Midspan "Data" and "Data + Power"
the Power over Ethernet Midspan to its power source.
defined in paragraph 1.2.
(overcurrent) protection. Ensure that a fuse or circuit breaker no larger than 15 A for 120 VAC, (U.S.) 10 A for 230 VAC (international) is utilized.
cables during periods of lightning activity.
fire hazard. If the voltage indicated on the label is different from the power outlet voltage, do not connect the Power over Ethernet Midspan to this outlet.
stable and strong enough to support the equipment. Do not stack more than two of the Power over Ethernet Midspans on a single shelf.
all local laws and regulations.
ports are shielded RJ-45 data sockets. They cannot be used as Plain Old Telephone Service (POTS) telephone sockets. Only RJ-45 data connectors may be connected to these sockets.
Power over Ethernet Solutions 8 Cat. No.: 06-6860-056
1.2 Power Cord
In the event that the power cord is replaced, the replacement must meet local requirements.
For reliable connection to an AC MAINS SUPPLY, equipment provides an appliance IEC60320 inlet for connection of a detachable power supply cord.
The power socket outlet must be located near the Midspan and be easily accessible. The only way to remove power from the unit is by disconnecting the power cord from the outlet
This unit operates under SELV (Safety Extra Low Voltage) conditions according to EN60950/IEC 950. The conditions are only maintained if the equipment to which it is connected, also operates under SELV conditions.
U.S.A. and Canada
Switzerland France and
The cord must be UL-approved or CSA certified. The minimum specification for the flexible cord is:
No. 18 AWG Type SV or SJ Three-conductor.
The cord set must have a rated current capacity of at least
10 A.
The attachment plug must be an earth-grounding type with a
NEMA 5-15P (15 A, 125 V) or NEMA 6-15P (15 A, 250 V) configuration.
The supply plug must comply with section 107-2-D1,
standard DK2-1a or DK2-5a.
The supply plug must comply with SEV/ASE 1011. This unit cannot be powered from IT supplies. If your
supplies are of the IT type, this unit must be powered by 230 V (2P+T), via an isolation transformer with a 1:1 ratio and with the secondary connection point labeled Neutral, connected directly to ground
The Power over Ethernet Midspan is covered by
General Approval, NS/G/12345/J/100003, for indirect connection to a public telecommunications system
Power over Ethernet Solutions 9 Cat. No.: 06-6860-056
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