Q: What type of gasoline is recommended for the tractor?
Ans: It consumes fuel, 2.0 gallons of unleaded regular fuel is required.
Q: What is the oil capacity of the engine?
Ans: The oil capacity stands to 3.5 pints with filter and 3.0 pints without filter
Q: What is the general maintenance of the maintenance of the Battery?
Ans: Ensure the battery and terminals are clean and battery bolts are tight.
Q: What are the steps to engage the engine??
A: Prior to pulling the engine, take your place on the seat, depress the clutch/brake pedal, set the parking brake, neutralise the motion control lever, switch the attachment clutch to „DISENGAGED“ position first and then turn the ignition key to start the device.
Q: I fear the engine fails to start, what do I do??
A: Ensure that the engine has fuel when unsure, the engine has the correct choke, and lastly the spark plug is functional.