Poulan EL-16, EL-14, 1625 TYPE 2, 1425 TYPE 2 Owner’s Manual

Do Not Throw Away,
Always Wear Bye Pro_tlon
Shreveport, Louisiana ';1129
MaZLUaland follow all Wavn_l ud BafetyIutruetle=l. Faflu."eto |
do_, ea remit iamrlo_ t,tkry. |
_ thl Ova'ate,'*[
]_4OW YOUR UNIT ......................... 6
ASS/_MBLY ................................. 7
(MING YOUR SAW .......... ,............... I0
O_ l_d
Indicator AirVents Trigger
5PR_K]_I'/DRIVE: " OII,P._
1420-14 _" 1426-14"/BL- 14 PATRIOT
lo.s Amp. 12.o
_.0Hon_.[,_.,.. ,,, _,.5_,_"
_" _ LowPz_le W" Pit_ LowPml_ Non¢]xz_=eC_ztt_8 _z_m
Front Handle
TYPF._ OF CUTI']K_(] ....................... 11
GBNEEAL _CB ............... 15
ACC]_SORI_B ............................ 18
PARTS & SERVICE ............... BackCowr
l_-16"_J..- L6PATRIOT
G_z Ddw
GUIDEBAR 14"_ _ iS"_ ]_
P_ N_ 0_2-044368 L%u_N_ N8-044_70
WAIL_G_ When uaJnEan _]e_ ehsin saw, bMic metetyp_sutl_ 8h0_d-alw_ be f_owed to reduce the risk of fire, ele_ria eh0_, and injury to penou.
Read all inJt_c_onz See_di_Jon_l _'e_ hut_uc- tlo_ throughout tl_ Manual
KIokbw.kIsa daugerout nu_m that e_mlead te wrl- oUSII_,_j: Do zo_ rely only on the mfety devices pr_ videdvdth your aa_. As aehain s_wuse_ yottmust _ske
spedsl nfetyprecmztlons to holpkeep your _U_h_gJob8 free from sccfdent or J_.
Kickback ean oeeur when the moving chain vontoott mz object at the _upperportion of tile
tip of the guide bar or when ths wood elou_
Jn stud pJz_he_ the saw chain in the _uL Con-
tau_me_heuppe_ polrflonof the *,ipofthe Lq_hie bmre_ ea_ t_ ol_dn to _11_in,toOzeobJect_
_hloh 8tope the _In for an inStmlt, There-
mlt_ a Ugh.._ fast_eevez_eruaeflonwhloh
ricks the guide bar up and back toward the
_peratoz_ If €he saw ehein J_ pinched olon_ _he top of the a_lde bar, tho 8_ddo bJwean be
_4ven r_pld].vba_k towm-d the ol_mtto_ Ef-
flz_r of theme reaottol_ earn _ule 1_ of espy :ontrol which can result in m_ous
Kle_ can occur when (be moving chain vontNt_ an ol_ect at the .upperportion of the
tip of the _qlJde bar or when the _ eloses in and plmehem the 88w ch_dn lit the cmt.
The Computed Klekbaek Au_te (CKA) lts_e_d on _eou_ mw snd liated in _e following CKA
7_ble reprwen_ the smf_e of Jdokbaek _om_ bar and chnin eombim_iom, will have when
tested in a_€ordan_e with _ and ANSI
_aud_d_ CompS. _n_e_ re_prmmt_d
the _ €olm_n mmeate total energy _ud m_jl_ mmoeLated without a chatu brnke. When pm_hulng rephteemen(_b oou_lerattona
_hould be glve_ to tim lower CKA v_lues. In all _, lower _KA valmmTepruen¢ safer
oporatlnK envlroume_t for the use_
TIp eontaet tn some eaHS ma_,_nmm a Hght-
Pinching the mw chatn slonll the tip e/the
Either of theee re_ttoD may esueeyou
Do uot rely ezeluslvely upon the safety de-
vlees built into Fou_ saw.
The fogowin_ Lmldeber end chain oombimstion_meet
Idckba_ requlrement_ of CSA Z62.1, Z62.3, & ANSI B17_.1 whe_ u_d on _wa UatedInthls msnus!, U_eof
bin'aud chs_ combin_lons other than thooe listed k not recommended and m_ not meet the CKArequfr_
men_ per standard.
fast revmm ILF,ACTIO_ ktcktn_ the
tulde bswup and bulk toward the operator.
bar may_pueh the guide bar mpidl7
bm_ktownrds the opm'atov. to Ioaeeontrol M the saw which eould re-
suit bs serious
ClearThe Worki_
_. Never let the movinf vhain eontaet au,y obJeat
st the ttp of tl_ guide bnr. k_qlre 1.
8. Keep the WOl-k4_gare a _.e fkom obs_rdo4dm_ such as other tre_, brsnches, l_s, _ncee, i_n_,
et_. F_pu'e_. E]indnateormi_m_obm'u_m_ thet yore-Jaw chsin eould hit while _ are €_tth_
t_ a par_d_r logor_mmd_
4. Keep Four nw elutf_ mhLurp_d properl_ te_ sionecL A Iooee or dull chain _en i_e the
never with the motor framing. Maimsure the btr
8. Begin and continue malting only with the
_ moving at fulhq_eed. _the ehalniamov-
/n_ at a slower speed, there is f_tter ehanee for kickbsek to 0e_t_,
6. Cut one log at time, 7, Uso extremO caution when re_ a pro-
vlous cut.
6. Do not attempt plunge eu(o or boro
close e cut _ud ph_h or fldlinto d_tt_
I0. UJe the Redueeci-Klolkbsok Guide Bm_ msd
Low-Ktokbu_k Chain specified f'_ your
1. Keep a good, finn iWlp on the mw with both
2. Position your idt hand on the front handle.
$. Brand with your weight evenly balanced on
4. 8tsnd idtight_y to the left Idde of the maw to
6. Doaot _aeh. Youeouldbedrawnor thrown
6. Donor rut 8bovsahouldewheiflht. [tisdi_cu/t
1. _ad your oip4_ato_m malamal earef_lJy until
w_en the motor iJ sqmnluli aud don't
letg_ Flgue 8. A arm lrlp csu neutrtltze kick-
back tad help youmat-tsJn control efthe saw. Keep the finpr8 of your left ]umdendre]ing and your lez_ thumb undez the front bandleba_ Keeo your right hand €_pl_eteb" smund the rear handle whether
your m ?_ghtlumdedo_left handed. Keepyour lef_ arm straight with the elbow ]0eked.
bar mlt llln a otrai_t l_o wlth your right l_d _ the rear handle wlwn making bucking euta. 1_. um 8- Never reverse right and left hand pmi_one
fe_ stayt_pe of cutttng. beth feet.
_y0u_ body _ being in a dlreet line
the cutting chain. Figure 8.
offbalsnm and Iota e_tzol of the caw.
tommntsia amtrol ofthe saw above8houklar height _laeelthe chain dm_ dose to your upper
you vDmpletel7 undersbmd and esa follow all8afe_ rule, precautions, and operating i_ttrueUons be-
fore attempting to operat_ the unit. Reatrlet the mm ef yotw Baw to adulta who un- dmt_ui end um follow _ ru/e*, preea.tiehs,
and operaUngtn_ruetions found tn th_ manual
5, _ your sawing ope_tJon Jn ad.
vmtee, uo not start,cuttlng tmti[you have a eJear work at_ee, _eure footing, and, if you are felling
t,_t a planned retreat Imt_ Cluttered tz_asinvite
6. Inepeetmdtmuieordbeforeasehu_. Donor
use a unit w_th a damaged eold. Takeunit to ytmr
Authorized Service Dealer for repairs.
AVOID REACTIVE FORCES Pinch-K/ekbNk and Pull-ln oeeur when tho
ehain l_ msd_ atepped by _ l_d,
elm__ t_ e_ by m_taetlng a foreign ot_eet in the
This a_ldmt m_ of the chain remdt8in a
revered of the chedaf_m mindto mt wood and cause_ the mw to move in the opposite dlrectton ofthe chaln
rotati_. Plneh-_ drtvm the mw straight
backtoward the oper_to_ Pu_ -In lndl_ the sawaw_y i_omthe operator. Either l_tctio_t eal_feint iu1o_ of
To avoid Pineh- Ktokbstelc
L Re _e]y awswe e_ _tuatiosm or obt4_m¢.
tim_ that can cause material to pinch the top ofor otherwise atop the chain.
Do not eut more thsn one log at a ttme_
3. Do not twi_ the saw _ thebar is _wn _m an uz_le_-eut when bueking,
To svoid Pull-Ira
1. AIwaym bel_tU eutt_ with the unit at full
w,_u pl
_rma_n on _ldl_ 1_-_k and I_- L_.
1. Wmurproteotlve S_u_. PS_p_re4. Alwa_ u_este_-
e_ _J]ar eye protectfon such as non-fogglng. vented gog_e* or f_ _creeu; an approved sife_y
hsrd hat; and aound barriers--ear plz_s or mufflers to protect your hearb_. Do not wear ]oeee
dothtng er jewel, th_ can get _auaht in moving
par_ Wur preteetive h_dreovering to contain long
h_ Regular use_ _ have hearing _ecked
2. Keep children, b:y_amdm._, mad u/mab, , minhmnn og30 fi (10 m) away _om work area.
Donot allow oth_ t_de or snim_ tobe near the chainMw m-ezte_on eerd when _:t.ing _ oper-
_ non-efip ziove*; eatet_ shine*
attngthe chaineaw.
8. Do not handle or opente ehafa _aw wheayou
m fatigued, Wi,or utumt, er ff you have taken aleol_., _ o_ medieetton. Youmu_t be in
gee_ ph3_cal condition and mentally alert. Chain saw work k atmnuous. If you have any eondition
regul_l_ as chain saw nvise can dsmag_ hearing,(lOre) s I
that might be aggravated by _zenumm work, cheek with _ur doeter before operating achain _aw. Stay sle_ Watch what youare doing, use mmmon seine.
4, Do not 8ttempt to mm your ehaln Nw dtwing
bad weather _ndffl_ muchas strong wind. elee- , ,, trtcali_rm_, rain, suow, ice, etc., or at night.
OPERATE YOUR SAW S_,FELY 1, Connevt chain saw to _t voltage mxpply
asst,_ilede_then_. eplateoftheunit.
2. DO aot operate a enmu mw that is damaged: tmpro_dy adjusted,or not eomplete_ ana
.seemly asNmble_L
3. Do not use the saw ff the trigger switch does not tram the unit on stud ofYl_Olpe_rl_ Repairs
r_e_v_D_fle_ mint he maa° °y y°ur Auth_
4. Do not opiate sawt_m aladder or in tree.
6. Pagltion nil parts of your body to the left of cut
and awsb"from saw chain when motor is running.
6. Cut wo0d onl_ Do not u_ the saw f_purpom for which it fs not intended. Do aot cut mebd, plastl_
muol_-_ non - wood buJ]d_g materla]_ err. Inspect material to be cut; remove any fo_lgn nmteiials
suchu halle, wlre_etc. Do not tt_ the eawto pry or
chovo away limbs, rcu_, c_ other ol_ecte.
7. Make sure chain will not make eontaet with
to_,vot_eet before ollrtiug the motor. Nevertry
start Mw when the guidel_r Is Ina mr.
DZlmHI 8_(I 8Utp_nngg, _fODO_F mar_/'iB1 _t_g €8_€.n
you off balance.
9. Be sdert for sprlngbaek when _tt.inR alimbtbet
is under tens/on soyou will uot be otruc_by the ]in_
ca.saw when tensdoni_ wood fibers k released.
10. Do nO€for_e tire nwthrous_ a_ut. It will dothe jch better and Rfev 8t the rato fl)rwhich it was in-
tend_l. Uu light preasure on_. Applying _pee_rp
cancause you to |oae control when cut b, completed.
IL Avoid bodily eontn_t with ehein _ saw is
pluggedintos power source;the eha_n_ continue to move for a ehort time after tr_ t_relearnS.
12. AvoJcl _ s/tuat/ons. Do not exp_e the
unit to miu or mmin damp, wet, gaseous, or mcplo- dye locattous.
18. Unplu| powe_ oord wheD Jaw is not In ut_ _.
14. AHowIJhemotor togtop and the chaln tostop [ A WA]_G
turnlngberorextting theuw down, IThe following features are inoluded on
15, Guard Jtgsd_t eleetdo 8hock, Av0td body c0_- rmtw to help reduee the hazard of _
tact with any grotmded CO_ktCtor, euch U metal Ihowev_, suoh fe_hu_ wm not _ eif_t. plpe_ andwi_ fences. Ismt_ this dmu_ reaoflou. As ehaln sew
16. Avoidentang]em4mt. l_ep_ord_elearofopem. ]mmr, do not rely o3alyon Nd_ety dovl_ee. You ¢or,_awchaln.andbr_meJu_atallthnee. 5must toilow all safety Dreeautl_ [ns_
17. Donor abm,e eords, Never carrysawbythepow- Jttons, emd maham _n this msnual to holp er curd o_ _ak it to dieeonneet. Keep tcul cord and Iavoid kt_eJk m_d o_tm" lol_e_ whlvh eau re-
extondma _ord avmy I_om heat, oil, and ebarp edgee. ]mslt in _v/otm lnJur_ ....
18. Uso only eztmuion aord8 m_ked u 8itlts_le fO_ outdoor use. •Redueed- Klek]mck _e/de Bar, de__ _ wlth a
MAINTAIN YOUR SAW IN GOOD back danger zone on b_r tip. Fiem_ 5. A_-
WORKING ORDER _e_ek guide bsr b one wbl& hes beee dmn0n-
I. Un1_u_saw be_e _/y_clng _ dm_gi_ acceu_i_.
2. Your dudn saw b dcuble imu_ted to_h_ pmte_ ageinst electrical 8hodL Have nil se_lee (ot_r with safety requiremmd_ for eleetrk chatn _ws es tlian the aerviee deacn'bedhi the nmintenmsce eee- set by C_A Z6_.l &Z62.8.
Uonoftldsmmlud) performedbyyot_Autho- Low-Klckbnck Chain, d_i_gl with •eon. rind _n'vtoo Deal_-, Use only identical rephtce- toured depth gau_e and guerd_bxk whi_ deflect
3. m_t___r un_____..ment wh_ ymr tm/t. the cu_.k/ckbae.kforce bndallow _,od togrsdually r/_ Into lubricating parts and changing accemmrlee, of CSAZ82.1 &7,62.8,& ANSI B175.1,
4. Keep the oil _p, screws, and faste_tem_t.
thst mlgh_ affect tlie operation of theunit. _uasds _u_lall other pm_. to s_e if_h will oFm_
propor]y and pedorm its _ fire.on. Any pm_ t_t is dsmaged Sh0uklbe properly repetmd
_ _ _e/_your AuthorizedServtm V_e_, v. ne certain the chain stops mo_b_gwhen the tdne_
switch/_ released.
8. Make certain all hand took are removed f_n the saw bet'oreconnectins the mw to the poy_r eource.
9. Never medll'yyourRwia anywa_ Umonb'at- tachmenta supplied m"spe_ recommended by
the manufacturcu Use o_'any other_tov,hm_ta o_ accessories m_ cause severe injur_
1O. Always replsce the leit motor homdng
if the _ or haudle becumesdsn_tSed, kee. or_ other wise removed.
,. the ue.p wrp . .the eo t
n.n_e_. away n'om me u-q_er sw_w.n,ana wgn t_e suide b_ _hd chain to the _tr, _ prderubly
with a scebbard/idutk mv_ _
2. Before tnmspo_Jn_ tn rosy vehJole o_ __ in an,y euehisure, auow7our Mw to coel e0mp]eto_
]y,e_ver the bet and chaln, m_ properlyMcure to avoid_ _r dama_
8- Drain the oil tank before _orlug your mw for
80 or more &q_.
4. Store saw unphlggedln adrya_a outofthe rudlof chfldrcu. Use the scabbard[plMt_ocoverprovided.
mnall redhm tip which reduces the idze b_ the kick-
strnted to tdgnlflcas_ reduce the nttmber stud eerl- cumeu of kfckback_ when teetM in accmdance
whkh lus met hidc_t_ pef:_,mee requbement_
i i
Juma€ou_r_u_mlime _am _ your uim4 .upJ o_me. . -. - JDo not one_ute tb8 ebala ettw mfleN the e___de-
_on_lmncl/elmr. . vte_ or iheil speoifled Teplneemen_; In or_f
mr.p.apta_e ueme_ n..S_lU .wm_...proy_u rotter itJom in this me_zuL Do w_t use snyother Ipddo b_
eobtrel, i_tguce, aua retummce n_cJv0 se.z o_. |wsd ohadu eomblna4Jon thor faoo_eez,_loa_utvalent to the
['_ jf m_ |OIgA_.I,Z4D._mtdANSIHIq&I. ]bllurmtofollow
\_ _ ]w,,,p_ |tlume laat_ctleu u: xe_lt la sldo_ JaJ:_
'<-'ii Oval I.bk ..,.
[uN o_1_ *ool_m enee joriou_JnJu_ improp
_ lfsftuatlons o_ur which are not vov_x,d in _hi_
i lllli
€.nJsbBm.e, _nlm_ yom"Au_h_ Scr_ibe DeeJer
or the _g"O_4_R A_I_I_ANGg _ a#
I i
i l_ to vi*m_ttoM tlffir_k L_'o]o_godum d _u_l toola eo_Jd eammblood vou_L or u,r_o _ _ t_ i i eo_ w_dh_ hN beea _k_ _d vend d_m_ge _ other_be be_y_ple. _p_oo_w_ _ i
i numbnew, pain, Ion _ o_mnl_ ebanp in skin _lor or t_tu_o, or !o_ o( tee_ _ _ _m h_ _ e i Jo(md*,dim_e_daue the m o€ this tool m_d m,ek me Wed attutlea. An mfl-vibrsGon _tem dora no_ 8wn_ m
ill I I " I$
Your uw hubeeu de4dsned with _*tyin mind anal L Scabbard 1 IndudH the fe]/owtng _d'ety _aterm _ standard 3. Bar I
equlpm_t: 4. Chain 1 * Ikdu_d-Kkkba_k Guide Bar - Olmr_to_.Mamud(nota_mw) 1
I,_w-]Qd_k Ganin
1. After rsmovtn_ the €_ntents fiem th_ caftan,
cheek perta agai_t the Carton Cont*nts liar.
_. lgmmdaethepa._ferdamag_ Donotwe
h_ unit fs Dm_ble Immlated to help pmtaet
a_r_lastelee_o _hocl_ Double_ eomt_-
tl0_ mml_ of two mpa_. te "layers of ele_t=ka_i=.
411e_ee4_i_ud_ _-e to _ u_ik b_o_ hou_
Saw 1
878ku_ am not h_tended to he grounde_L Nol_tmdin_ mmm is provided on this unit, nor should ameans ol
ivn_mdl_ be added to this unit. A_ a reeu_ the exten- don _ord u_d wg_ your unit can be l_Ul_ Into any
Bat_ ps'e_Utio=w rout be obeerved wbea op m'aflfii'sny eleetrioal tooL The double inmdation
120volt _ o_Uet.
mdatod a_ul_m_ _ _ t_e wm_
ma_ also bo _ on ihe eppUaneL _Uu_e t_
f_mo lne_5_ot lye amd remit In zerlou_ laJut_
J ii , I I ii
C_lin Tetaion hJvery hnportsnt- -
- Aloom chain will wur the bar m_l itee_.
- A loom eb_n etn jump off the her whlls you it_ro_
- Aright_t_ san break or damsge the mtwand/
The ehain etretoheJ dm4ui use, em_ecislly when new. Cheek tem_on ,_-i0dical!y as Totlows:
-eaeh time the taw Is udKI;
- more frequently when the chain is new;
- e8 the chain warm8 up to normal operating tmaperature.
4. Cheek th• tenmon by ti_kiag the chain from the
6. Continue turning the a_juating _rew until the
6. Tighten her mountlng nuts with a wench.
7. Recheck _ain tension.
To tighten the chain, turn the _Uueting
scTewdockwiu; to laosen the ehein. _m the ad_
Justin8 eerewcounterdockw_. Figure 1t
guide bar. Rolaove some ofths stiff_eim in the
ehein by pulling down and letting go of the thsin severs] times. Fisure 12.
t_sJon Jscol't_t. _/8t1_912(tn_e_),
Avoid Imeldental ot_lng. Alw_pnplug the[ uw from tho power muroo beforo o'hafal
ten_oninl_ m"bdore tn_tsnJz_ 8 bar or ehain. J
J A w_'t_qG [
Always wear dlovm when hanming the e,ba_[ qNm e_sdn J881_trp sad esm eut you even when it [
Jt not movin_J
_hmJa teaaldon Js eorteet where the ehah_
-- san be ll/tml about 1/8" from the guide l_r at a point near the middle oft_e b_r.
With your unit unplugged, check your chain to
make Jure it is properly tensioned.
When lmwr ehnin nee_ tensinoing, use the- foUowtng prom,din'e:
It is remmmended that the ssw be turned
ul_ide down for chain teasioning.
1. Unplug the unit fi_omthe power source.
2. Lessen her nut8 until th_ sre only fml_" tight.
8. Tufa thetdUuath_Jcrew eloekw_e uatll the dri_o
Ikdte e*_the ehain e_ter the g_de bet groove_l_- ure 11 (inset).
Figure 11
D.EXTENSION CORD ATTACIIM_NT way. Ifth, pl_ does not f'_ fully into the extension
I. Use only cm A._ voltage supply idemtim] in cerd, revarse th_mrd. Ifit _/ll doesnot fl_,mahe sure
that shown m the nameplate of .q_ unit. corddoe, not fit into the outlet, rever0e the _rd. Ifit
2. ThemL_emdon eerd _ to reach the power _ don not fit into the outlet, centa_ a qualified aouree must bet electrlciantoimtall thepro_er outlet. Donet change
a. Poim'/=eda_dmpeclflcsllymarked tomtit- thepinsor meks4oftheumtorextensinueo_dinsny
abIe for outdo_ use. The cerd nuat be w_
yOUhave a pohu_ed exteg_m mrd. If the egtenston
the powe_ Jouree the hall teugth of the e_. tensiou cord to the unit. Oth_wise, loss e_ power 8nd ove_hes_b_g san 0c_Lr _ing dam.
a_eto the trait. Refer to Fijure 14 for minimum wire gm_s r_ommencktiens. The cord must b_
marked with theprOper wirelau_z. U_pproprl-
ate extemdon _r_s are available.) In _ eondltinn. Cord insulation must be
_,tact with no cracks _ deted0reUon. Plugeon. l P,,.'_msion Cm-d
aeetom mu0t he undamaged. If €ordorplugs m-e damaged, replace before tn_ng the unit. F/gum 18
8. 8e6_are mtt4ms/on eerd te the powe_ cord as a_ovm in Figure 13 to prevent diseonueeflon.
4. Insert the ertm_don cord socket into the ping on the unit. l_re 18
To redum the Hsk ef eleetric 8hock, this unit hu apo. |artzed plug (one hhuta is wider than the other}. This
plug wfl] fit in a pohu_ed extension card on]y one
_m_,,*w_o._, Figure 14
I_,_OM_F_DA'I_ONS (120V)
2_;A(V,Sm) [ 601tll6m) [ IGOit(_Om)
16A.W,O," ] le&W.O." J . I4A.V_G.*
i i .,
Each time betoro operating yom_ saw, _]tways:
1. _ Cheek over the satety rulea and preeau- timts in thlo mmmal. Make certain you eomplete-
ly u_ler6tand mt_ can apply e4tch one.
2, _ Cheekprot_tiw gut, AIw_euseqye, Sear-
the control devfcea on
Figure 16
_. _ r_d_ _e_; _7 _twear_
pl_0teettve gloves; and snug fitting €lothing.
3. t,,"Cheek the wer,k are_, Kvep €ldldron, I?y- _ and animals a safe dist4mm awlWfrom tae
work area whe_ etarting or operating the eaw- -s minimum orS0 feet (10 meterl),
4, v" CheekweathereoadltleaL Donotumyo_
law at _i_Jat or dul_d_bsd eo_tdiUons _tch as et_ong
wind. ele_rieal _m_ re_. inow, et_
L C_mect tho Jmwto a _rop_ electric _er sours.
2. Start the mw by _ the lockout btttton with
right thumb-mul _l_eezln_ the trigger switch
with your right ind_ finger.
I_hg thPuh in the Ioek_t hutten BEFOI_ _lu_
s tria_r. An]vpreeaure on th_ tr_ser he.re
the loekouibutton Is premmd will nutke the Ioeknut
button hardto mov_ It is not neau_ry to amtimm
1. The Trillller Sw4tch startl ar etol_ the motor and is loatted in the retr handle, The _-tgger swtteh lJ
dedsned to be used with the lockout button.
2. The Loekmlt Butt_m is a €ontrol feature designe_ to prevent the rooter from be_ao_de_tly otarted.
Wheu the rest handle Ii gripped in a normal cutting positron, the lockout butten can be pushedln by the
thtlmb, _'mittt_ the fndez flnge_ to squeeze the trlgg_. It is not nece_Lry to maintain preston1 on
the lockout button once the trigger has been ew
8. The Front and Rear Handles are the Jupports
which atlow you to grip the _w tn t_ normal t_tt- tlng positlo:_ Your grip 0_ the hand]ea k mort ln_ portant because proper Zrip gives you mDimum
ability to control the Rw for u_e operstlon. 8_ Fi_m_ $ for tho proper grip,
6. t.* Cheek saw for loose bolts, nut*, or flttlnp.
Tighten, repair, or replace _ as neee_ary.
6. _ Check tool cord aad ext4maiou eord. ln.
spect a_lwlre istau_tton with care. Do no_ operate with crar.kod _ deterk_at ed lnsulatton_ Take the
_.t_dtOrep_AUthor]zed Service Ceater for a_ e_ec"
7. _ _heek the _awchaLn. The chain ehould be
eharp and at the correct temdon.
8. _" Cheek the etl tauli. The tank ehould be fllkd
each time the Mw ts used.
9. t" Cheek the handlm, Hand]ea eho_Idbe dry and f_ee of off.
8. Stop the saw by mleulng the trigger ewiteh,
4. Unldug the €_me_ion to the pew_" sours.
oeeur ft the switeh _ turned on msd o_whlle tke otwht _. Ol_rat_ th_ trfgger with firm aud
dee_dve aetlo_ q[_hemtw mu_t be ru_ st fun
_q_eed before start_ the eut mul _rned off only a/7_r leaving the material to avoid damqe.
Damage to the trlgll_r swlteh ean
- 10-
1. _II_ORTANT IPO]_rS s. Cutwoodonly. Donetc_t met_plagd_s;me_
m_; nen-mied bufl_ mterlsle; et_
b. Sb_p the anw If the •hale strtlum a foreign
object, lmpect the saw and reps_ or repkce
emsfl _ount o_ dirt will quickly dull a chain end thus incruue the po_bfll_7 of kickb_
Klokbuk elm ooeur when the moving _ eoa- taetl an obJeet at the upper portion of the tip of
the guldv bar or when tbe wood dos_ in amd pluahe8 tbB caw ohain in the euL Contm_f at the
_p_'_ por_on of tl_ t_ oft T_(_. 6at can eatt,e the ehain to dlginto the ob_eet stud _stopthe ehain
for an instmlt. The rmmlt _ a iflhtmnl fast, re_
rw_on whfeh Mvhs the _ b_r up and
ba_ tou_u'd the o_raton If the Raw el_fn b,
pfn_hed_ tT_ fopn_ the _ 6_mthe guide bar ana 6e driven rap_v_ bae_ to_ard the oper_
to_ gtther of thean _K_ons _m uvme lo_ ot n w
ut_ol which mmreJulf L5_5,,'1on f_w_.
2. UNDERffI,ANDING BF.,ACTIVE FORCE 8 Pim_/a-ld_ w_d Pull-In oon_ when the
oh•tel, .uddanly_bybelnZp'_ehed, caught. or by o0n_ a fo_ ol_eet hi the wobd. Th!m 8toppl_frof the _ re_d_ in a reversal of the
chitin three usM to e_t woodandcmweathe saw to
move in the opposite directbm of•hale rotat_ Ei-
ther react/on •an remdt/n lee• of matrd mulpeMi- ble sertous iajtw3_, Pineh-_k 1) o_cttrswhence chain on top
of the be_is suddenly _o_; 2) r_eid/y drive# t/_
,_ _m_ b_k toke_ihe _
Pull-in I) occurs wh_ the chris on ths bottom of
the bsr Is suddan_ stopped; _)pu/ls the_a_ rupidly
3. P_BDY_J_ P_ euttinE s few 8me_)lless ush_ the foUo_
tothnique to ge_ the _'feel ofush_ffyour mwbef0r_ you b_n _uwi_ opem_or_ L AssUme the proper cutt_ st•nee de-
dles, welght evenly b_ on both fur, and body slJlghtl_rin the Idt of the anw;
b. Make sure the ••tension _ord is eomidete-
iy ew_, from the anw m|d your bod_ so the eord emmet be _ut or become wrapped
_mmd your feet or leg•.
€. Allow the ohai_ to re•oh/_all speed before
entering the eut.
d. BeLdn eut ring with the uw frmme against
the log, Figure 17.
e. &llewtheehatntoeut foryou_ •zest 0ely
llsht downwat_l_Jsure. Ifyou fo_ t_e rut,
_mnqe to the unR or kes of eont_ol mn oem_.
f. Relemm the tldltger m_ltoh sm some u the
eut ts €omple_d_
g. To avokl lo_mg c_utro_ whea the eut is
eomptotet do not put prwanre ou the _w at tl_e earl _f the eut.
h, Allow the oh•in to stop turning _fore
ring the mw down after curing.
L Unpluff saw after anch eutt_Lug op_atlon.
_le_tehalnDO not _ nil the chain in the eut. 8ta]]_
end esuan dsmage.
in the eut will overheat the motor
8. (_l_Umworkmt Youneeda_mr_eenU
_ f=ee where you _ have ee_ue foo_n_.
b. Htudy the natun_d conditions that can canto
_e tree to fa)l in pmfl_Llsr dire,_tton.
l.) The WIND direction and _e_d.
2.) The L]gAN of the tree. The lean _/" tree _tSin not be appmel_t due to uaewn or dop-
ing h_*afn. U_e plumb or level to deter- mb_e the direetJ0n o_"tree lem_
&) W/U[GH'FBDand _¢HE8 on eue
4.) Surrotm_ _ sad OBSTACLEK Lo_ for dee_.wmd rot Ifthemm_k _ed. it can snap and fall toward the operator.
d. Cheek fer broken or dead br_mehee which
can _all on you wldl e cutting.
e. Make sure there is enough room fe_ the
tzee to foil Ma_teln e dishmee of 2 1/2 tree kn_gt_ from the nesreet person or othe_ objects. Meter nets• •an drown out a warning •all
Figure 17
r. _ d_-__o_, I_ l_t_ _. el_
plm, m_dwirefrom _hetr_e where eutssre
to he m_de.
f, Pl•n to stsnd on the up-ldD 81de when out-
ring on a,dope. _17& 18.
h, Plmte •lear i_trea| path to the mew and di-
agonal to the line of fall Fl_m 19.
18 _Sgm'e1_
- |!-
e. If yotl t_ow thin direction of fall:
1.) Make a single felliag cut on the _dde Rwe7 from the direction of falL
_) Cutanthew_ throu_
8.) 8top the eaw put ltdow_ and get away quick- ly o_ your phnmod retre_ path.
b. If you are not marewhich wa_ the tree will fan,
use the notch method desn-_ed for fe)iing Insge trees.
--near eleetrtoal _ or buildin_
- --it 3_u do not Imow the direction of l_ee fall
---at night _ yma will not be able to ue well.
--durLug bad weather -- rain, _ow, strong wlnd_ et_
$. F]_I_LING LAROR _tIK_S --
The notoh methodlsused to fdl la_e trees. Anotch Is cut on the aMe ot the t_e in tim deelr_l dJrectlon of fell After a [ening cut is merle on the oppeelte
ido of tho tree, the treo w]fl tend to fall lnio the notch.
them before maldng the notch. Cut.into the but-.
/fthe tree hu 1_g8 buttr_l roots, remove
8. Makethe notehcut. RofertoFJguregO. 6ql'F 1: Cut the topotth* notchfirst, through
l/3 of the diametero( the tre_
CUT2: Completethe notchby m_ng the sp-
cond cut. Removethonotch _woo_
CUT8: Make the felling cut on the eppo*ite
ride oftho notch about 2_ higher thin the bottom of the notch.
b. Leave enough tmcut wood _tweeu the fellln S
cut mad the imtch to form a hinge. Fl_,uro21.
Mo1_ ThehL_f_he_ tokeepthe_-eeeromtwkt-
I_g and fal)b_ in tim w_mg diretCbm.
Ux a wedge thare ia aw7 chance that the tree will not foil in the deaire_ Kire_on,
i ooT
Ope_gOf FellingCut
Hln_ Holda Tree On 8rump And Controb Fa)l
l%We _t
8_ on fl_e uphflhdd_ ogthe terrain to tumid bs-
|ur_ from t_ tr_ vol/lng or slidl_ _ st. t_r it l_lled. Ffgur_ 18.
neutr stmd or Lron, to avoid kkkback and chain
Be_ the felling cut Is complete, use
open the c_t wh_m mmm7 to €ontrol
on offall. Use wood o_plasfio_vedg_ but
d. Be a_ert to elgna that the tree taready to f-n.
1.) Cracking eounds.
2.) Widening of tim Felllag Cut.
8.) Movedmm_tInthe upper b_anehu.
e. Aa tree _rt_ to faU, _p ma_ pul il dow_. wtd
get au_ _;_iddy on your #Mn_ r_t _h. that m be po_.ly su a tree
down the tree w_th a cable winch, Idock knd tac]de, or tz_ctor. To avoid i_jury, do not cut
down partially fallen tree with your Jaw.
- 12 -
Check the wind- - De_'t _lt down wind
Cheek the lean with
a plumborlevel- -
Don'tcut onlean etde
+ 26 hidden pages