TEL# 508-278-2199 FAX# 508-278-5887
1. Make sure that the D.C. power supply is plugged into the “GRAY” setup box that has the Abort
Finish buttons on it. The black power lead coming out of that box should also be plugged into the
ELIMINATOR. The power supply is 12 volts D.C. center pin positive.
OR: If you only have a setup cable, make sure that the power supply is plugged into the setup
cable and the cable marked "to eliminator" is plugged into the Eliminator 2000.
2. The “LEFT” and “RIGHT” plugs should NOT be plugged into the ELIMINATOR.
3. Turn on the ELIMINATOR – Left Side TOP Rocker Switch.
4. The Lights will count down and the MAIN MENU will appear. You should use the Arrow Down or
Up Key to highlight the TRACK listing and then depress the STAGE / ENTER Key.
5. You will see “Stage Up” appear on both sides of the Graphics Display. The system is ready to
use unless you want to change settings:
Depress the Pref Key (Preferences) to: NOTE: Depress the STAGE/ENTER Key to
advance and save -- Depress the STAGE/ESCAPE Key to exit without saving. Use
the UP / DOWN Key to change setting
1. Change the Test Track Mode to [1], [2], or [3]
2. Change from Dual to Single User
3. From AUTO Start to MANUAL Start
4. DUAL RED On or Off
5. Betabright Display On or Off
6. LED’s On or Off
7. Defaults NO or YES
Depress the Tree Key to:
1. Change from Full to Pro Tree.
2. Tree Speed from .400 to .500 seconds
3. Fixed Delay .100 (For Auto Start Only)
6. Now Plug in the “LEFT” and “RIGHT” Plugs into the sides of the ELIMINATOR.
NOTE: (If used for START & FINISH) Both Prestage L.E.D.’s should be “ON” the ELIMINATOR if the
Finish Line Photo Cells are plugged in and Aligned to the Reflectors. These are used as indicators.
If you have a Start Beam only (usually Snowmobile or Mud Racing -- we tie both signals together),
then the left & right stage lights will be “ON” and you will see “Staged Staged “ on the screen.
Left Stage L.E.D. = Start Line Infrared Signal
Right Stage L.E.D. = 60 foot Infrared Signal
Left Pre-Stage L.E.D. = Mid Track / MPH Signal
Right Pre-Stage L.E.D. = Finish Signal
7. When a vehicle stages in both lanes (NOTE: Only Stage lamps need be “ON”), then you can
Press the “START” switch to cycle the Tree. If you are using a test track, you must have the 60
foot infrareds aligned and working or BYPASSED. The vehicle(s) will make a run. When the finish
line is crossed, the information about the race will be displayed. First the Reaction Time is
displayed with the stage lights flashing for the lane that won, and 2 seconds later, the Finish
Elapsed Times ( E.T.’s ) are displayed and will be held on the screen. If using test 3, the
Reaction Time and 60 foot are displayed first and then the Mid ET (or MPH ET) and final ET.
8. To bring back the Reaction Time & Win Light, press the “DELAY BOX / 7 “ button. This redisplays the run information.
9. To display MPH, make sure that the MPH trap is 66 feet (Exactly -- not 66 feet 1 inch). Depress
the DELAY BOX / 0 key and the MPH will be displayed.
9. To run the next race press “RESET”. NOTE: THIS WILL LOSE ALL PREVIOUS RUN DATA.
10. To run another race press “START”.
11. If you have a printer plugged in, the printer will automatically print when the finish line is crossed.
The printer will also print a second copy when the DELAY BOX / 7 key is depressed.