DRAG RACE Program Manual – Firm Ver 2.14
The Portatree Professional “Ultimate” Drag Racing Timer (gold box) can be used with
an IBM Compatible Personal Computer connected through a Com Port (using a null modem
cable provided by Portatree) to the Portatree Professional. You can use a “USB” port with a
USB to RS-232 converter and a null modem cable (provided by Portatree) to attach to your
P.C. The best setup would be to get a P.C. with a Com Port so that you do not require a USB
to com port adapter. We always recommend our Professional track system software if you
intend to have over 100 entries. See the Specifications that we recommend for your computer
before your buy one and make sure that you run the viewing screen in 1024 x 768 resolution.
We also recommend a minimum of 2 P.C.’s on a LAN for maximum per form ance.
NOTE: You should make sure that your track is fully operational with the Eliminator
2000 backup computer before attempting to make runs with the P.C. interface!
Make sure that you have loaded the software on to your P.C. using the Professional
Software Manual. The Drag Race Program must be run from the Main Screen. Make sure
that you are using the NULL Modem cable provided and connect to a Com Port
(Recommended) or connect through a “USB” port with the other end connected to your Pro
Box. Power up your Track Interface Box with 12 volts D.C.and make sure the Toggle Switch
located on the interface box is “ON” to power up your Portatree Professional Computer. The
L.E.D.’s on the face of the Pro Box should illuminate in a sequence shortly after the box is
powered up that indicates that the box is powered. Now click on the Drag Race Program
button on the Main Screen and you will see the Main Portatree Professional Drag Race
System screen open up. If you are connected to the Portatree Professional Computer, you
will see under the “Portatree Pro Status” the Serial, Version, Config, and Mfg Date appear. If
you see a Red Panel stating that the box is not connected, the P.C. was unable to open the
Com Port. If you see a green panel then the P.C. indicates the com port is good, but it can not
communicate with the Gold Box. You may have to go to the “Computer Setup” button on the
Main Screen and check the Port setting, or go to the “Device Manager” and check the
condition of the port. You must be connected to the Gold Box before you proceed !!!
Com Port Problem or PtsPro.ini setting Com Port indicates good, but Not connected
Setup Screen Showing it is connected ! Pro Box Setup Screen Set for Full 1/4 Mile
At the Main Menu click on “Setup” and then “ProBox” and you will see the screen above
on the right (this is the Switch Setting Screen) with 5 tabs labeled Switches, Race Setup, Test
Lights, Track Sensors, and Busy. The Switch settings shown are for a ¼ mile Asphalt track.
Note that all down track locations (Guard, 60 Ft, 330 ft, 594 ft, 660 ft, 990 ft, 1254 ft, 1320 ft )
the polarity is set to HIGH. This is true on a track only using Banner SBL1 (Yellow) Infrared
Sensors. The Pre-Stage and Stage Polarity is always set "Low". On the side marked
“Present” you should have check marks next to the sensors that are on your race track.
The 1320 is always the FINISH LINE even if your track is only 60 feet long !!
The 1254 is the MPH trap for the 1320 and the 594 is the MPH trap for the 660 foot. If you
were running an 1/8 mile track the finish would be the “1320” sensor and the MPH trap would
be the “1254”. A 330 foot on an 1/8 mile trap would be the “660”. On a 300 foot Dirt Track the
“1320” would be the FINISH and the “1254” would be the MPH trap even if the trap was only
10 feet long !! These numbers are only labels as to which sensor that we are referring. The
Trap Distance can be changed to the distance used on your track from 10 to 132 feet. If you
are using Kilometers, it can go from 3 to 40 meters (Kilometers Per Hour can be set on the
“Race” Tab).
The screen below is used to setup the stop lights and also to activate win lights on the
tree or to shut them off, and to enable Package Racing and enable starting from the P.C. High
resolution ( accuracy to .00001 seconds ) is always on.
The Test light screen is for testing your christmas tree and your stop, win, and tower
ready lights. You can turn them on and then check voltages to see if they are working. The
Eliminator based system uses a sinking signal (signal is ground - common is + voltage) where
the Silver Box Professional based systems use a sourcing signal (signal is + voltage -common is ground).
The sensor test is a very useful tool in checking sensor problems. You can click on
"Sensor Test" to watch sensors change state ( dots go from white to black ), the "Glitch Test"
where if a glitch is detected the dot turns Red, or tie them to the tree so that you can watch
them change by watching the tree lights go off and on.
When you tie the track to the tree, the Prestage are the 60 foot sensors, Stage a re the
330 foot sensors, Top ambers are the Mid MPH's, 660 foot are the 2nd Ambers, the 1000 foots
are the 3rd Ambers, the 1/4 mile MPH's are the Green lights, and the 1320 foots are the Red
There is a busy page where you can check the connection between the gold box and
the P.C. by clicking on the various buttons that make the tree cycle in different ways. This
requires quick communication between the Gold box and P.C. and is a great test.
Click on “Race” and then click on “Race Screen” to start into the Race Program. The
race setup screen will appear. If you have network issues between the Administrator